Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 136 Lin Yuqing Sings "Angel Wings"? ? ?

Chapter 136 Lin Yuqing sings "Angel's Wings"? ? ? (seeking subscription)

Soon, tonight's Good Voice program will begin.

Many netizens are very, very looking forward to this evening's program with a good voice.

After all, tonight is the most exciting part of the competition of The Voice - the final of The Voice.

Many people have been chasing and watching this good-voiced program for more than a month, isn't it just to get a final result?
Therefore, many netizens are very concerned about the results of the Good Voice program tonight.

Although many netizens think that the possibility of Lin Yuqing winning the championship tonight is very, very very high, but this is a program after all, this is a competition after all, even if Lin Yuqing is very likely to win the championship, there are also accidents. It happened.

And for many netizens, what they care about is not only the final result of this competition, but also the wonderful performances of the strongest players in the final finals.

So before the program of the finals of this good voice has not started tonight, many netizens are talking about it!
They were all discussing what kind of songs the contestants would perform tonight.

"Damn it, I didn't expect time to pass so fast, the show The Voice has reached the finals in a blink of an eye!"

"That's right, that's right, I also feel that time flies too fast. It always feels like the show of The Voice has just begun!"

"I think this season of The Voice is really good, it's no worse than the first season of The Voice!"

"Yes, yes, originally I didn't have any expectations for this episode of The Voice, after all, this program has been running for several seasons, but since Zhang Fan appeared, I found this The program of Good Voice is really getting more and more exciting!"

"That's right, that's right. It's because of Zhang Fan that I keep following this show. Zhang Fan is really fun, and he's really talented!"

"Yes, yes, I had already given up on this show, but I remembered that my best friend shared this show with me a while ago. After I saw the song Zhang Fan sang, I immediately returned to this show , have been chasing this show all the time!"

"It's the same, the sisters are really like-minded people, Zhang Fan is the motivation to support me to watch this show!"



"Director, it's a blast, it's a blast, our Good Voice program is a hit again this time, it's just started, and the number of people online in our live broadcast room has already exceeded 1000 million!"

"Netizens are looking forward to the finals of our The Voice program. I believe that as the program progresses to the end, the number of online users of our program may exceed 3000 million!"

"Even when the time comes, the ratings of our program may break second, and it's not impossible to even get higher ratings!"

As the director of The Voice program, Li Tao was not only very happy when he heard the report from his staff at this time, he said with a smile on his face: "Hahaha... We have finished the program of The Voice this season." It’s the fourth season, I didn’t expect to achieve so many results, I didn’t expect so many viewers to look forward to our program.”

"I'm afraid there will never be any talent show on the market that can achieve such a high ratings in the fourth season, can achieve such good results, and can make so many viewers look forward to it!"

"Originally, I didn't have such expectations for the next season of The Voice program, but the result was beyond my expectations. This season's program has achieved such a good result!!!"

"Thanks to Zhang Fan for all of this. If it weren't for him, this episode of The Voice would never have achieved such good results!"

When the staff heard Li Tao's words at this time, they said with a smile on their faces: "The reason why our program of The Voice this season can achieve such good results is also thanks to the hard work of the director!"

"You are the one who directed the show The Voice. Can you guess who will win the championship in the finals of The Voice show tonight?"

Hearing what the staff said at this time, Li Tao stroked a small beard on his chin, and said with a smile on his face: "If the good voice program in previous years is not at the end of the competition, who can win the championship of the good voice program?" It's really not certain!"

"But this year is different. This year, the Voice program is only halfway through and everyone will know who will be the champion of this year's Voice program!"

"After all, this Lin Yuqing is really good. He is not an ordinary player. This Lin Yuqing is really a musical genius. Her strength in music is really terrible. In terms of singing skills alone, even those few None of the mentors are his opponents!"

"Not to mention these players, the gap between these players and her is really too big, it's like a seven or eight-year-old child facing an adult, there is no way to fight back!"

"However, I'm still looking forward to what song Lin Yuqing will perform tonight!"



Soon the program of The Voice officially started.

As a student in Zhang Fan's team, Lin Yuqing was the last one to appear among the four students.

But Lin Yuqing didn't care about these at all, it didn't matter how many times she played.

To put it bluntly, he came here tonight to take the first place.

This is not his arrogance, it is his absolute confidence in his own strength.

Although her mentality of being hit in front of Zhang Fan almost collapsed, it did not mean that her strength was not good enough.

On the contrary, she is very powerful, but Zhang Fan, a musical genius in the entertainment industry, is really too perverted.

He is so talented, any song he writes casually can be popular all over the Internet, and can attract countless people to follow.

This made even a musical genius like her feel very frustrated!

She felt that she was not qualified to be called a musical genius in front of Zhang Fan!
Her musical genius is simply a joke.

But compared to Zhang Fan, Lin Yuqing didn't feel anything in her heart.

After all, if this Zhang Fan was just an ordinary person, it would be impossible for her to like him so much.

Not only did Lin Yuqing feel nothing in her heart, but she was very proud. He was indeed the man I had my eyes on, he was so good, so awesome.

The moment Lin Yuqing came on stage, the live broadcast room was completely ebullient.

"Holy shit, Lin Yuqing is so beautiful today, so beautiful, so beautiful!"

"The white dress that Lin Yuqing is wearing today is really beautiful, like a fairy descended from the sky, it's really beautiful!"

"Could this be the legendary beauty and disaster of beauty that overwhelms the country and the city? It's really beautiful. Now I finally know why those emperors in ancient times were willing to give up their country for the sake of beauty!"

"This is simply as graceful as a frightening bird, as graceful as a swimming dragon. The chrysanthemums are flourishing and the chrysanthemums are flourishing, and the pine trees are flourishing. It seems as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and the snow flutters like the flowing wind. Looking at it from a distance, it is as bright as the rising sun. Morning glow; if you observe it by force, it will be as bright as a flower coming out of Lubo!"

"All of you are really talented, unlike me who can only say shit!"

"Fuck! (Although this comment is only two words. But the grammar is rigorous and the words are neat. The structure is ingenious, catchy, lifelike, flamboyant and succinct. His excellent writing skills and ingenious and uncanny creative ability are admirable, and the ending with an exclamation point is really the finishing touch.)”

"It's awesome, it's awesome, it's really awesome, it's okay!"

"Brother upstairs, your reading comprehension is really amazing. You must have been good at Chinese when you were in school, right?!"

"The guy upstairs was definitely the representative of the Chinese class when he was in school!"



Lin Yuqing walked onto the stage at this time, and everyone's eyes were immediately attracted to her.

Because at this time she is really too dazzling.

At this time, she was like a fairy who came down from the sky.

As a burst of familiar music sounded, Lin Yuqing sang slowly at this time: "Where will the fallen leaves go with the wind?"
Just leave the sky beautiful

flying figure
like angel wings
across my happy past
where love has been

Still retaining the fragrance of yesterday

that familiar warmth
like angel wings
across my boundless heartache"

Many netizens who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help but gasped when they heard Lin Yuqing's singing.

They really didn't expect that the song Lin Yuqing sang in the finals of the Good Voice program tonight turned out to be the song "Angel's Wings" that Zhang Fan sang a few days ago.

No wonder they felt that the prelude of this music was so familiar when they heard the prelude of this music just now.

It turns out that the song sung by Lin Yuqing is "Angel's Wings", which has been very popular on the Internet these days!
Many netizens have to sigh with emotion at this time, this Lin Yuqing is really too bold.

Lin Yuqing dared to sing such a song that just came out, she is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

You must know that ordinary students are afraid to sing this new song.

In addition, the song "Angel's Wings" that Zhang Fan sang to the most beautiful girl in a previous live broadcast can be said to have been sung very well.

With Zhang Fan in front of him, many people are even more afraid to try.

After all, Zhang Fan was the original author of this song, and Zhang Fan sang this song so well, no matter how good they sang, it was impossible to compare with Zhang Fan.

But this Lin Yuqing was so bold, she just sang Zhang Fan's new song which had just come out a few days ago.

"Fuck, awesome, awesome, really awesome, I really didn't expect Lin Yuqing to sing this song!"

"This song "Angel's Wings" is really nice, I really like this song so much!"

"By the way, this song is really my favorite song, bar none!"

"When I heard this song, I thought of the most beautiful girl. Now that she has left this world, I don't know if she has gone to heaven? Become a real angel!"

"Woooooooooooo... I don't know why, but when I hear this song, I want to cry!"

"Lin Yuqing is really too sweet, and she sang this song "Angel's Wings" with a different flavor!"

"In the past few days, I've listened to the cover of "Angel's Wings" by many Internet celebrity anchors on the Internet. To hear the actual female vocal version of this song is really nice!"



Not only many netizens were shocked by the song sung by Lin Yuqing, but several other tutors were also very shocked by Lin Yuqing's singing of this song.

Apart from Zhang Fan, none of their mentors thought that Lin Yuqing would be so bold that she would choose to sing such a new song by Zhang Fan.

But when you think about it, it seems natural.

After all, isn't Lin Yuqing an ordinary singer?
Lin Yuqing is a musical genius, and her singing ability is not inferior to those of their mentors. These mentors dare not say that they will definitely be able to compare with this Lin Yuqing.

It can be said that there is basically no suspense for the final champion of this evening's The Voice program.

So this Lin Yuqing seems to have the right to be arrogant.

No, this is not called arrogance, it should be called having absolute confidence in one's own strength.

Seeing Zhang Fan at this time, Liu Ying said with a look of envy: "Zhang Fan is really envious of you, you can receive such a good student, this Lin Yuqing is really outstanding, with her here, tonight's The champion of this good voice program must be hers!"

"I have brought out the Good Voice champion for two consecutive times before. I wanted to continue to win the third consecutive year, but I didn't expect that you would have such an excellent student as Lin Yuqing. It seems that this is the third time. The champion of Good Voice I have no hope!"

Hearing Liu Ying's words at this time, Zhang Fan was not only very proud.

It seems that I am really awesome!
This is the first time I have been on this good voice program, and the first time I have been a mentor on this good voice program, and I have brought out a champion.

However, although Zhang Fan was already determined to win this champion with a good voice, he still said modestly: "No, no, this competition is not over yet, and the final champion may be who it is!"

"Besides, the arena is like a battlefield, changing rapidly, anything can happen!"

Liu Ying listened to Zhang Fan's words at this time, and shook her head: "You should stop being humble. In the face of absolute strength, everything else is a chicken and a dog, and it is vulnerable!"

"Although this Lin Yuqing is a student, he is really a musical genius. Let alone these students, her singing ability is not necessarily her opponent!"

"Her strength surpasses those students too much, and these students can't be her opponents at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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