Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 138 Lin Yuqing's "Little Love Song", the champion of the good voice is secure

Chapter 138 Lin Yuqing's "Little Love Song", the winner of The Voice is firmly established! ! ! (seeking subscription)

"Ah ah ah ah..."

Following the host's words, the audience couldn't help screaming excitedly.

" goddess is so beautiful today!"

"Lin Yuqing is finally here, my goddess is finally here!"

"Lin Yuqing will definitely win the game tonight!"

"Come on Yuqing, I love you, you are the best!"

"Goddess, as long as you can win the competition on the Good Voice show tonight, I will marry you!"

"Bah, you stinky shameless person, I've never seen such a shameless person like you!"

"Although it's already night, you can't dream randomly!"

"Everyone give way, let me take a pee to wake this guy up!"

"Diabetics stay aside first, don't let this guy taste a little bit of sweetness!"

"Yellow soup poured into your mouth, this thing wakes up the dog the most. Don't come forward if the sugar is high, and don't give it a little sweet. If you want to, please don't fight for it. I have thin soup Xiang, and now I don't hide it. This thing is hard to find. , I want to make it taste. If you have a phoenix, please don’t hide it anymore, go up with me, and give it to the young man.”

"Hahaha, talented, talented, really talented!"



Lin Yuqing was not only very happy when she heard the audience screaming fiercely at this time

It seems that I am still quite popular.
Lin Yuqing didn't care too much about the enthusiastic audience. At this moment, he glanced at the man next to him, and found that the man also nodded at him with a smile!
I don't know if it's because of this man's smile, or because of some other reason, when Lin Yuqing saw this man's smile, she suddenly felt that her whole mood gradually calmed down!
With this man by his side, he is always so at ease!
With the sound of very pleasant music, Lin Yuqing sang slowly at this time:

"It's a simple little love song

singing the twists and turns of people's hearts

i think i'm happy
when there is your warmth
The air around the feet turns

It's a simple little love song

singing the white dove in our hearts

i think i fit well
be a singer

Youth is blowing in the wind"

When many netizens heard Lin Yuqing's singing at this time, they couldn't help but gasped.

They originally thought that in the finals of The Voice program tonight, Lin Yuqing would show her trump card, her famous song, her most popular song "Bubble" now!
After all, this song "Bubble" is really popular on the Internet. It is no exaggeration to say that this song has become popular all over the country, all over the streets and alleys!

This song "Bubble" made Lin Yuqing go from an unknown newcomer in the entertainment circle to a hot singer right now!

Her song "Bubble" has even triggered imitations by countless Internet celebrities and anchors!

Lin Yuqing also became famous with this song "Bubble"!
Although Li Wei, a student under Liu Ying, played very well just now, many netizens still believe that as long as Lin Yuqing can use her trump card "Bubble", she can definitely kill this guy in seconds!
Because this song is really awesome, Lin Yuqing sang this song really well!

Although after the song "Bubble" became popular, many Internet celebrity anchors and even singers followed suit and sang this song, but none of them can compare with Lin Yuqing!

Many netizens even suspect that even if Zhang Fan, the original author, sang this song himself, it is impossible to sing it better than Lin Yuqing

This song is really suitable for Lin Yuqing, as if it was tailor-made for her!
With her powerful singing skills, Lin Yuqing interpreted the song "Bubble" vividly, making people mesmerized!
Many netizens feel that as long as Lin Yuqing plays his famous song "Bubble" in the show of Good Voice tonight, he will definitely be able to win the overall championship of Good Voice show tonight

As a result, what many netizens didn't expect was that the song Lin Yuqing sang in the final match of the Good Voice program tonight was not "Bubble", but a new song!
But this new song is really good!
"Fuck, it sounds good, it sounds good, it really sounds good!"

"New song, new song, it's actually a new song again, it's really awesome!"

"I thought that Lin Yuqing would sing his famous song "Bubble" in the final final of The Voice tonight, but I didn't expect that she would sing a new song!"

"Although Lin Yuqing only sang a short section of this song, I think this song is really good. I think this song is not even worse than the song "Bubble"!"

"If I'm not mistaken, the new song Lin Yuqing sang must have been written by Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan is too kind to Lin Yuqing!"

"That's right, that's right, this Zhang Fan is known as a musical genius in the entertainment industry. Many singers wanted to ask him for songs, but he rejected them all. I didn't expect him to write a letter to this Lin Yuqing. There are several songs!"

"No, no, is the CP I engraved real?"

"The two of them are really a good match. One of them is handsome and the other is beautiful. Moreover, both of them are so talented in music, and they have a common topic. The two of them are really great together. Good match!"

"No, I don't agree, Lin Yuqing is my goddess, and I will absolutely not allow my goddess to fall in love with other men!"

"Woooooooooo... Yuqing, Yuqing, my Yuqing!!!"



an office

At this time, Wang Xue was eating fried chicken, drinking beer, and watching her best friend's game. At this time, she didn't know whether she ate too much or drank too much, and she kept hiccupping!
At this time, Wang Xue heard the singing of her best friend, she slammed the table, and said excitedly: "It sounds good, it's really good, it's worthy of being my best friend, and worthy of being a musical genius. It's really nice to hear!"

"If Yuqing said that your throat was kissed by an angel, then mine was chewed by a dog. You and I are both women. Why do you have such a nice voice when you sing, but it's so ugly when I sing? !"

"It is said that those who are close to the vermilion are red, and those who are close to the ink are black. We have been good girlfriends for more than ten years. You are also a musical genius. I have been with you for such a long time. How come I have not been infected by you? ? Why is my singing still as bad as ever?"

"Just tell me that you are better-looking than me since you were a child, you have a better personality than me, and your brain is smarter than me. You don't know that every time my dad lectures me, he will compare you with you, saying that you are a girl. Why can't the child learn from Yuqing, a lady?"

"But there is one thing you can't compare to me, and that is my business acumen. Alas, God is always fair. When he gives you something, he will always make a proper cut in another place."

"It is precisely because I have a smart business mind that God made a little cut in my appearance and figure..."


Xiao Ma is sitting next to Wang Xue at this time to process some documents for today. Hearing Wang Xue talking to himself at this time, he almost couldn't help laughing

But when he thought of the terrible consequences of his laughter, Xiao Ma immediately held back at this moment!
Fortunately, he has received professional training, no matter how funny he hears, he will not laugh!


Originally, he had already held back, but for some reason he just held back, and suddenly couldn't help but burst out laughing!
Xiao Ma found himself laughing out loud at this time, the man was startled, quickly covered his mouth and looked over to Wang Xue, and found that Wang Xue was staring at him fiercely at this time!
At this time, Xiao Ma felt as if he was suddenly stared at by a tiger, and it was a tigress, his little heart was beating wildly!

"why are you laughing?"

Xiao Ma heard Wang Xue's words at this time, and seeing Wang Xue's eyes looking at him, he was startled, and quickly found an excuse and said: "It's nothing, it's nothing, I just suddenly thought of a funny thing! "

Wang Xue always felt that something was wrong at this time. She always felt that the assistant was laughing at him. At this time, she continued to persevere and asked: "What's so funny? You have to tell me clearly today. If you make it clear, then it's fine." If you say something unclear, then don't blame me for being rude to you!"

At this time, Wang Xue moved her wrist while talking, and the room was filled with crackling sounds.

Seeing Wang Xue like this, and hearing Wang Xue's words, Xiao Ma immediately shuddered at this moment, and made an excuse and said casually: "I suddenly thought that my mother is going to have a baby!"

When Wang Xue heard Xiao Ma's words at this time, she was taken aback immediately, and said with a surprised face: "Your mother gave birth to a child? Is it true or not? I don't study much, so don't lie to me!"

"Although the country has now opened up the two-child policy, your mother is at least 50 years old now. Can you still have children at this age? Are you sure???"

When Xiao Ma heard Wang Xue's words at this time, he quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, my mother is only in her 40s today. My mother was relatively seldom married back then, and she gave birth to me when she was only 19 years old!"

Wang Xue heard Xiao Ma's words at this time, and suddenly realized: "So that's the case, I said, why do you smile so happily? Is it because you have an extra brother and sister that you smile so happily?"

Xiao Ma hurriedly said at this time: "That's right, that's right, that's it!"

At this time, Xiao Ma saw that he had finally fooled this woman, and couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat!
Although Wang Xue, the general manager's assistant, has a relatively high salary, it is really life-threatening. Maybe one day he will not see the sun tomorrow if he is not careful, or he will have to lie down in the hospital!


At this time, the program of good voice is continuing

Lin Yuqing has completely devoted herself to this song at this time
To be honest, she really likes this song too much

Zhang Fan said that he wanted to make up for her, that he agreed to her request last time and wrote a song for her!

When Zhang Fan gave her this song, she was overjoyed!

When she got this song, she was very happy. She has always loved this song and sang it constantly!
Although this song is the first time she has sung it in front of so many people and on this stage, she has sung this song many, many times in private!

Because she really likes this song so much
This song has reached its climax, Lin Yuqing continued to sing at this time: "You know
Even if the heavy rain turns the city upside down

i will give you hugs

I can't bear to see your back coming
Write down my divorce that lasts like a year
Even if the whole world is kidnapped by loneliness

i won't run either
Can't escape, everyone will be old in the end

Write down my castle where time and music are intertwined"



Many netizens who heard Lin Yuqing's singing at this time couldn't help but gasped several times.
If the beginning of the song just now made them feel very amazing, then when the climax of the song came, when Lin Yuqing sang this climax, each of them couldn't help but feel a feeling of scalp numbness .

This feeling really cannot be described in words, as if suddenly being shocked by electricity.

Lin Yuqing's voice was like a butterfly spreading its wings, fluttering its agile wings, flowing clear and bright, and like the distant sky outside the Great Wall, with clear and clear light...

Lin Yuqing's singing sounds indescribably wonderful: inside the internal organs, it's like ironing, and there's no place that doesn't fit; there are [-] pores, like eating ginseng fruit, and there's not a single pore that isn't smooth.

"Fuck, it sounds good, it sounds good, it's really good!"

"When I heard the climax of this song, I couldn't help but climax!"

"Is the orgasm you're talking about serious?"

"This is not the way to kindergarten put me down!"

"You know that even if the heavy rain turns the whole city upside down, I will give you my arms. The lyrics are so well written. Who knows what the lyrics mean?"

"Isn't this problem simple? As long as you have observed cities that have experienced heavy rain, you will know that after the heavy rain, there will be water everywhere on the road, and you can see the reflection of the entire city from the water. This is called you Know that even if the heavy rain turns the whole city upside down!"

"Fuck, awesome, awesome, it's really awesome, so it can be explained like this when we are together!"

"Hey hey... I was about to confess my love to a girl I like. I don't know what words to say. I suddenly felt that this sentence was very good. I was going to use it in my confession. When the time came, I would just say , you know that even if the heavy rain turns the whole city upside down, I will hug you, what do you think will happen to her?"

"Fuck, brother upstairs, you are really a little clever ghost, such a useful idea, why didn't I think of it?!"

"I dare say, this girl will definitely be very, very moved after hearing your confession, because I am a girl, and I understand girls' psychology very well!"

"Zhang Fan is really YYDS, the lyrics he wrote are really good!"

"Guys, there are certain words that should not be said indiscriminately. The Internet is all virtual, and there are taboos in it. You are still young and don't understand the routines in it. If you say some words, your life will change in the dark. See A seemingly simple sentence will affect your whole life. You don’t have the ability to grasp it. So listen to Uncle’s persuasion, delete this sentence and let me comment on it!”



Zhang Fan was sitting in his seat at this time, looking at Lin Yuqing who was singing on the stage, he not only bought it, but also nodded.

I have to say that this song is really suitable for Lin Yuqing, and Lin Yuqing also played this song very well!
It seems that after tonight, Lin Yuqing's popularity can rise to a great level, and she can gain a lot of fans
In this way, I can get more Bole jobs, and I can live longer

After this period of development, Zhang Fan has gained a lot of bole values, and his life span is now more than five years!
According to the current trend of continuous accumulation, it won't take long for his lifespan to reach the level of ordinary people!

I just don't know if his lifespan can continue to grow after it reaches the normal level?
But even if he can't continue to grow, he has nothing to regret

He has never been a greedy person. In his previous life, he was already dead. In this life, he finally had a chance to do it all over again!

He now earns every day he lives, not to mention that he has been able to live for so many years now!
And most importantly, not only did he have a chance to do it all over again, he could also experience a different life!

In the future, as long as his life span can be restored to the level of ordinary people, he will be thankful, and he will no longer have any extravagant hopes!

Seeing Lin Yuqing standing on the stage at this time, Liu Ying couldn't help but sigh helplessly.
If it is said that Li Wei's extraordinary performance on the stage just now gave her a little bit of delusions about being the champion of the Good Voice show, then when Lin Yuqing stood on the stage again and sang the song again, her fantasy was completely gone. shattered

This Lin Yuqing's singing skills are already very strong, even if she came on stage in person, she might not be the opponent of this Lin Yuqing, not to mention that Zhang Fan, who is known as the music genius in the entertainment industry, has written such a good song for her

This is not giving his subordinate Li Wei a chance to win at all!
Listening to the song sung by Lin Yuqing on the stage at this time, Liu Ying not only wondered helplessly in her heart, are these two people so ruthless?

This Lin Yuqing is already so strong, relying on her strength alone, he is already able to hang and beat this Li Wei
In the end, this Zhang Fan actually wrote her a song that suits her so well?

This is simply not giving Li Wei a chance.
Not to mention Li Weiwei, even if the four mentors sing their own famous song and this song of Lin Yuqing competes against each other, apart from Zhang Fan who may win, the others may not be able to win. !
Of course, even Zhang Fan, if he wants to win, he must come up with a song that is better than this song, otherwise he may not be Lin Yuqing's opponent!



a room

"It seems that there is no suspense for Yuqing to be the overall champion of the Good Voice program tonight. Director Lin really congratulates you for giving birth to such an excellent daughter!"

At this time, Li Shengnan and Lin Wenqiang were watching the TV show The Voice, and when she heard Lin Yuqing sing the climax, she knew that Lin Yuqing had stabilized! ! !
Lin Yuqing has already sung so well, if she doesn't win, it can only show that there is something shady about this show

As a gold medal agent in the entertainment industry, Li Shengnan's sense of smell is still very sensitive!

This song is really very good, very excellent. In addition, this song matches Lin Yuqing's voice very well. Lin Yuqing interprets this song so perfectly.

Li Shengnan knew that this song was another excellent song written by Zhang Fan for Lin Yuqing

At this time, Li Shengnan once again saw the strength of this musical genius
Zhang Fan, the musical genius in the entertainment circle, really deserves his reputation
Yuqing being able to get along well with him will be of great, great, great benefit to her future development!

Lin Wenqiang is almost 46 and seven years old this year. If someone else praised him for his ability to work, or something like that, he might not express anything, but if someone praised him If it's a daughter, then it's a different matter!
Lin Wenqiang said with a smile on his face at this time: "For all this, I have to thank you, the gold medal agent, if you hadn't taken care of Yuqing so well and taught him so well, Yuqing would not have been able to achieve such a good result tonight. !"

"As expected of my daughter, Lin Wenqiang, she is really outstanding. It is the first time she participated in this kind of program and won the championship directly. It is really amazing!"

"This girl is really better than blue. She is better than his mother. I really don't know who wrote this song for her. This song is really good!"

"Shengnan, is this the song you asked the gold medal music producer in the entertainment industry to make for Yuqing? I must thank him well, I must thank him for writing such a good song for Yuqing! "

"Gluck cluck cluck cluck..."

When Li Shengnan heard Lin Wenqiang's words at this time, he suddenly couldn't help giggling

Lin Wenqiang just finished saying this at the side at this time, when he saw Li Shengnan sitting in front of him, he laughed directly, and the smile was so happy, he not only said with a puzzled face: "I said it wrong What's up? What are you laughing at? What's so funny about that?"

Li Shengnan suppressed his smile at this time and said: "What I want to say is that the so-called gold medal music producer you want to thank is far away in the sky and close in front of you. The man your daughter filmed the kissing scene with your daughter in that TV series?"

"What? What did you say? It turned out to be him?"

Lin Wenqiang was shocked when he heard Li Shengnan's words at this time, and saw the young man on TV looking at his daughter with a smile on his face.

He really didn't expect such a beautiful song to be written by the little boy in front of him. too incredible
He remembered that such a handsome little boy was usually some kind of sissy fresh meat in the entertainment industry?
They want acting skills but not acting skills, singing skills but not singing skills, talent but not talent, they just rely on showing off their characters to attract the attention of those little girls...

In the end, what he never expected was that such a beautiful song sung by his daughter was actually written by this little boy? ? ?

At this time, Li Shengnan saw Lin Wenqiang's surprised expression, and said with a smile: "How is it? Do you feel unbelievable?"

Lin Wenqiang heard Li Sheng's call at this time, nodded, and said with disbelief: "I really can't believe it, he is still so young, how could he write such a good song?"

Li Shengnan heard what Lin Wenqiang said at this time, and retorted: "What's wrong with being young? Just because he's young doesn't mean he's incompetent. Besides, an old man can't write such a small and refreshing song. Only young people can write it." Come out!"

"Besides, your daughter is so young and outstanding, why don't you tell me? You can't just allow your daughter to be so young and outstanding, and not allow other young people to be outstanding!"

"Actually, this Zhang Fan is so handsome and talented, it's not too bad for Yuqing to film her first kiss scene with him!"

Lin Wenqiang heard Li Shengnan's words at this time, slammed the table and said angrily: "What do you mean it's not too bad? My daughter's first kiss was taken away by this stinky man. You still say that my daughter is not bad, I The daughter is not at a loss, could it be that this little boy is at a loss?"

"Who said this little boy is handsome? He's not half as handsome as when I was young? When I was young, I was the school girl in our school. When I was in school, there were girls who wanted to chase me in school. how much?"

"If I was born a few decades later, in this era, with my schoolgirl-like looks, I might be able to become a hot little fresh meat in the entertainment circle!"

Hearing Lin Wenqiang's words at this time, Li Shengnan not only blushed a little

What Lin Wenqiang said is indeed correct. Back then, Lin Wenqiang was indeed a man of influence in the school, and he was indeed a handsome guy in the school. There were indeed many, many girls chasing him in the school back then!

She was one of them back then, but at that time her best friend fell in love with this man, so she didn't show it!

At this time, Li Shengnan carefully looked at Lin Wenqiang who was sitting next to him. Now Lin Wenqiang is no longer as handsome as when he was young!

There are even some wrinkles on his face, and there are a few tiny white flowers on his head!

Perhaps it was because he had been in a high position for many years, which gave him an aura of power without anger!
Although the current Lin Wenqiang does not have the bright sunshine of his youth, he has the charm of a mature man in his whole body. This charm makes people feel at ease and heart-beating, just like poison, which makes people irresistible!

Maybe it's because Lin Wenqiang usually lives and works very regularly. Although he is 46 and [-] years old this year, he has not become the usual greasy middle-aged man with a beer belly and a pile of fat on his face!
Although Lin Wenqiang is much older than when he was young, but I have to admit that Lin Wenqiang is still a handsome guy now, no, it should be said that he is a handsome uncle
Li Shengnan has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, he has never seen any kind of man, like that kind of little fresh meat little star, although he is quite handsome, but he is not interested in these little men at all

He just likes a handsome uncle like Lin Wenqiang. He has an indescribable temperament and an indescribable charm!



At this time, the show of good voice is still going on
The song "Little Love Song" has also come to an end!
At this moment, Lin Yuqing has completely devoted herself to this song. At this moment, she continued to sing:
"you know
Even if the heavy rain turns the city upside down

i will give you hugs

I can't bear to see your back coming
Write down my divorce that lasts like a year
Even if the whole world is kidnapped by loneliness

i won't run either
In the end, everyone is old

Write down my castle where time and music are intertwined"

song is over

At this time, many audience members have not recovered from their senses, and they are still deeply immersed in Lin Yuqing's wonderful singing!
At this time, I don't know who patted their palms first. Many people slowly reacted at this time, and they couldn't help clapping their palms excitedly!

Because only this kind of action can express the excitement in their hearts at this moment!

"Ah, ah, sounds good, it sounds good, it really sounds good!"

"This song should only exist in the sky, how many times can we hear it in the world!"

"Yuqing, I love you, you are so beautiful today, you look like a fairy descending from the sky!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... In the few minutes just now, I enjoyed an unparalleled audio-visual feast. This feeling is really wonderful!"

"Lin Yuqing's live singing skills are really too stable, it's like a walking CD, when she can hold a concert, I will definitely buy tickets!"

"That's right, that's right. I also hope that she can give a concert. I really want to hear her sing. These two songs are simply not enough to listen to tonight!"

"As soon as this song comes out, no matter who will compete, Lin Yuqing will be the overall champion of the Good Voice program tonight!"

"It must be stable. If it is not stable, it can only show that there is something shady about this Good Voice program!"

"I don't know who said it just now, but Li Wei performed supernormally just now, this time Lin Yuqing is in danger, so I asked him whether he will slap his face or not!"

"Li Wei has performed supernormally compared to himself, but his supernormal performance is not worth mentioning in front of Lin Yuqing's strength!"

"Lin Yuqing's strength is really too strong, just like a child of a few years old. Although he can beat two children with extraordinary performance, he will definitely not be able to beat an adult!"

"Let's not talk about these students, even if a few mentors come to the stage to compete with this Lin Yuqing, they may not be able to win!"



After Lin Yuqing sang this song, she bowed to all the audience and mentors below the stage: "Thank you everyone, this "Little Love Song" is for everyone!"

"Here I would like to thank one person in particular. This person is my mentor Zhang Fan. Since I became a student in Teacher Zhang Fan's team, Teacher Zhang Fan has taught me a lot of things, and even wrote me For such a good song, I am really very special to thank him!"

"For me, participating in The Voice is really a different life journey, and in this different life journey, the most beautiful thing is to meet Mr. Zhang Fan, thank you Mr. Zhang Fan!"

When Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, he stood up from his seat, took his microphone and said with a smile on his face: "You don't have any sincerity in thanking you, just thank you with your mouth. If you want to thank you, you can give me something real, such as giving me some money, a house, a car, etc..."


Many netizens who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help laughing when they heard Zhang Fan's words.

"Hahaha... Zhang Fan is too funny!"

"I was so moved by Lin Yuqing's words just now that I almost couldn't help crying, but when I heard what they said, I couldn't help but laugh again!"

"I'm dying of laughter, I'm laughing to death, I'm really laughing to death, is this Zhang Fan sent by a monkey to tease him?"

"Zhang Fan is so funny, it's a pity not to talk about cross talk, why come to sing?"

"Lin Yuqing: I don't have a house or a car, but I'm giving it to a girlfriend, do you want it?"

"Hahaha... Brother upstairs, you are really a talent!"

"Ruyou, don't talk nonsense yet. It's taboo. If you don't understand, talk nonsense, and fate will change in the dark. It seems simple, but it may change your life. The depth of the water may be difficult to grasp. It is said to listen to uncle's advice. Delete the words and let uncle comment."

"Give you five cents, delete it, and let me send it!"

"Who can tell me what this means? I just graduated from elementary school and I can't understand it at all!"

"It's so simple, I don't understand, I just give you fifty cents to delete your comment, and let me comment, understand?"



Lin Yuqing heard what the man in front of her said at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "I don't have a house and a car, so I can't give you a house and a car, but I think you're still single, or I'll give you a girlfriend How about it???"

"Ah ah ah ah..."

Hearing Lin Yuqing's words, the audience couldn't help screaming excitedly at this moment.

No, no, why are these two people so wrong?
Why do they suddenly feel that they have been fed a wave of dog food?

Could it be that something is going to happen between these two people? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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