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Chapter 145 The first cup of milk tea in autumn!

Chapter 145 The first cup of milk tea in autumn! (seeking subscription)

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Zhang, I am a little unhappy about what you said. What do you mean I am so beautiful today? Could it be that I was not beautiful yesterday? Bah, I When are you not pretty?"

"Mr. Zhang, haven't you heard a saying that the world is not short of beauty, but a pair of eyes to discover beauty. I am such a beautiful woman who dangles in front of you every day. Didn't you just find out that I am beautiful today?" ?"


Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "You are not humble at all, I thought you would be humble with me, but I didn't expect you to be so confident!"

Lin Yuqing heard what the man in front of her said at this time, brushed her long hair on her forehead, and said with a smile on her face: "It's not a question of modesty or not, the main thing is that what you said is a fact, and I never talk about facts." It is not denied!"

"But Mr. Zhang, you are actually quite handsome today. You are really the most handsome and attractive man I have ever seen!"

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, touched the back of his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "Really? Really? Is what you said true? Although I know I'm handsome, I don't Are you exaggerating?"

"But I'm glad you can say that. In fact, you are also a very beautiful and attractive woman in my heart!"

Lin Yuqing blushed a little when she heard the man in front of her at this time, and said, "Mr. Zhang, let's stop flattering each other here. Don't we want to shoot later? Let's contact the photographer for the next shoot!" "



The content of the next shooting is very simple. The theme of this content is the first cup of milk tea in autumn.

At this time, the time has entered autumn, and Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing are a very loving couple in this video performance.

The next scene to be filmed is Zhang Fan sitting there playing games, and Lin Yuqing just quietly standing behind him, watching him play games.

At this time, Zhang Fan was using a more traditional game console. At this time, the game he was playing was a game similar to Super Mario, but at this time he had just played it and died not long after.

Standing behind Zhang Fan, Lin Yuqing saw that Zhang Fan died after playing for a short while, and said helplessly, "Why are you so stupid, you died after playing for a short while, take it here and let me try it out?"

At this time, Zhang Fan looked at Lin Yuqing who had turned to him from behind, and said with a look of surprise: "Are you sure you can play this game?"

Lin Yuqing didn't speak at this time, but directly proved herself with actions, snatched the game console from Zhang Fan's hand, and passed the test very quickly.

At this time, Zhang Fan saw Lin Yuqing playing this game so well, gave her a thumbs up, and said dotingly: "You are really amazing, in order to thank you for helping me pass this game, I I decided to treat you to a cup of milk tea, this is the first cup of milk tea in autumn!"

"Yeah! Great, great, really great, I want to drink milk tea, okay, let's stop moaning, let's go to drink milk tea, I want to drink strawberry-flavored milk tea!"

Lin Yuqing was overjoyed when she heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she hugged Zhang Fan and hung on Zhang Fan's body like a kangaroo.

The expression on Zhang Fan's face at this time was very calm, without any surprise!

Because he had hugged Lin Yuqing many times when he was filming the TV series "A Slight Smile is Alluring", so he knew Lin Yuqing's weight very well.

He is now a tall man of about 1.8 meters. He is usually very edible, and he exercises regularly. His physical fitness can be said to be very good!

Coupled with Lin Yuqing being so light, Zhang Fan felt that even if he held Lin Yuqing in his arms, it would not be too much pressure for him.



When some of the surrounding filming staff looked at this side, they couldn't help covering their mouths in shock.

"Fuck, I can't take it, I can't take it, I really can't take it, the two of you really have a sense of CP!"

"That's right, that's right, these two people really seem like a real couple, they don't look like they came from a show at all!"

"The two of them have both talents and looks, elegant and elegant, gentle and elegant, fresh and handsome, extraordinary in appearance, amazing in talent and elegance, elegant and profound, in high spirits, handsome and sunny, heroic, hard-working, and promising. Unlimited, beautiful appearance... A person who looks like a celestial being, a fairy descending to earth, beautiful and moony, like a flower like jade, beautiful and moony, jade clean and ice clear, ice and snow smart, bright and moving, Shen Yuluoyan, closed moon shy flowers, stunner in the world, flawless, glamorous , cute, charming, charming, beautiful and charming, beautiful and beautiful... I have to say that they are really a good match!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... and the CP of the two of them is so good. Now I am really looking forward to the TV series "Small Smile is Alluring". I believe that when this TV series is broadcast, it will be liked by many people." Yes, it will be very popular, and more people will like their CP!"

"I have a hunch, I have a very, very strong hunch, the combined magazine we shot with Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing will be very popular, and it will definitely sell a lot!"

"Isn't what you're talking about nonsense? Even if you're not a fan of that person, just looking at the looks of the two of them is worth buying a magazine!"

"Think about the so-called couple stars we photographed before, and look at the couple stars we are photographing now. This is really a heaven and an earth. There is no way to compare it!"

"That's right, other star CPs don't talk about these audiences, even I can see that they are really fake and can't be fake anymore, they are just a kind of CP deliberately created for business, but Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing and the others The two of them are so real that I almost believe that they are real!"

"Together, together, hurry up and get together, if it's not convenient for you to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage certificate, I can go and move the Civil Affairs Bureau to you!"

"Seeing their CP feeling so satisfying, and seeing the sweetness of the two of them, I think of the time when I fell in love when I was in college!"



At this time, Chen Yiting saw the two people interacting so sweetly, lovingly, and tacitly, she couldn't help but secretly nodded.

Hearing the discussions of the surrounding staff at this time, Chen Yiting was not only very proud, it seemed that the plot she had designed was indeed very good.

Of course, these are not the most important, the most important thing is that these two people really have a sense of CP.

As long as these two people sit there and look at each other, without even talking, you can feel that the two of them are really full of CP, really like a couple.

Thinking of the so-called celebrity CPs in the entertainment industry that I photographed before, even if they hug each other, you can still feel that the two of them are like two strangers, you can’t feel any CP feeling at all, you can’t feel it at all any love.

But these two people are different, not to mention the surrounding staff, even a picky photographer like her can't help but feel a sweet feeling in her heart when she sees the two people interacting so closely up.



Soon the two of them took a cup of milk tea, but there were two straws on this cup of milk tea!
"Mr. Zhang, is this the legendary first cup of milk tea in autumn? It looks very good!"

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Hehehe...Of course, you don't want to see who bought this cup of milk tea, let me tell you that this cup of milk tea not only looks good, It tastes even better, why don't you try it?"

At this time, Lin Yuqing picked up the cup of milk tea in front of her, put the straw into her mouth, took a sip, and then closed her eyes, showing a very enjoying expression: "Wow, good Drink, it's delicious, it's really delicious, this cup of milk tea is really delicious, Mr. Zhang, come and taste it!"

Lin Yuqing took the initiative to hand over the straw on the cup to Zhang Fan at this time, and Zhang Fan was not polite at this time, after all, the two of them had kissed before, so drinking a cup of milk tea is nothing.

Then Zhang Fan squeezed the straw with his mouth, and began to drink the cup of milk tea.

The two of them were so close at this moment, only a cup of milk tea apart.

At this time, Lin Yuqing looked at the man who was close at hand, and the man's small face couldn't help but slowly turn a little red.

But at this moment Lin Yuqing was not only a little shy, but also happy.

Because he could clearly feel that the man in front of him felt differently from before.

It seems that my beauty trick is still useful!
It is said that women chase men's interlayer gauze, this sentence really makes sense!

With such a beautiful woman like myself dangling in front of him every day, and taking the initiative every day, I don't believe that he is not tempted.

Even Tang Seng, who is so determined in Journey to the West, couldn't help but feel a little tempted when he met the king of the Daughter Kingdom. He couldn't believe that the man in front of him was even more determined than Tang Seng in Journey to the West!

The surrounding filming staff saw the two drinking a cup of milk tea in such a tacit understanding, and the two watching each other silently, they couldn't help but gasped!
"Fuck, I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, the old man's little heart really can't take it anymore!"

"Heaven, earth, what did I do wrong? Why did I come out to shoot a magazine and still be fed a wave of dog food?"

"Hehehe...Although I was fed dog food, I really like to eat this wave of dog food. The two of them are really a good match. I really like to knock their CP!"

"Hey hey... And you may not believe that as a single dog, I can't help laughing silly when I see the two of them so sweet, I'm drooling!"

"To be honest, I don't know who to envy for a while!"

"If only I could exchange with Lin Yuqing, it would be really worth it to be able to drink such a cup of milk tea with Zhang Fan face to face at such a close distance!"

"Tch, what's so good about a man, although this Zhang Fan is a bit handsome, but if I can change with Zhang Fan, if I can drink a cup of milk tea with Lin Yuqing, a peerless beauty, that would be great!"

"Damn it, I didn't realize that you're still alone!"

"What? Haven't you heard of it?"

"Young man, some things should not be said indiscriminately. There are taboos in them. You are still young and don't understand the routines. If you say something, your life will change in the dark. A seemingly simple sentence, It's going to affect your whole life. You don't have the power to handle it."



Soon a cup of milk tea was finished by two people.

At this time, both of them still have a feeling that they are still unsatisfied, but the staff around them or the people who came to watch have been fed a wave of dog food by the two of them.

Chen Yiting walked in front of the two of them at this time, and said with a smile on her face, "Mr. Zhang Fan, Mr. Lin Yuqing, you two performed really well. I thought we would have to shoot this part all morning. I didn't expect that you all shot so well the first time, so naturally, with such a tacit understanding, I don't even need to take the second time!"

Zhang Fan heard what Chen Yiting said at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "No way, the two of us have been filming together for a while, and we are really familiar with each other. To be honest, I still have a little I haven’t played a show yet, I have always regarded Yuqing as my girlfriend!”

Chen Yiting: "..."

When Chen Yiting heard the words of the man in front of her at this time, she was not only a little shocked!
Brother, is it really okay for you to be so direct? ? ?

But at this time, when she saw Lin Yuqing standing next to Zhang Fan, she didn't object, but looked at him with a smile on her face, and she suddenly seemed to understand something.

Could it be that the couple CP she filmed this time is really going to come true?
If this is the case, then she is very lucky!
She can be a matchmaker for others.

At this time, Chen Yiting said with a smile on her face: "Since the two teachers have already filmed the part we are going to shoot this morning, so next we have to set off to another place, another snow-covered and snow-covered place. !"

"Of course, the videos and photos in the snow are the main purpose of our shooting this time. I believe that your combined magazine this time will be different and will surprise many people!"

(End of this chapter)

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