Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 160 Why has your weight in my heart become heavier?

Chapter 160 Why has your weight in my heart increased? (seeking subscription)

Soon many netizens on the Internet started a dispute over whether Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing could hold a concert with 8 people in the Bird's Nest.

Some netizens thought that with Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing's popularity, they would definitely be able to hold a concert with 8 people in the Bird's Nest.

There are also some netizens who believe that although Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing are very popular now, it is simply impossible for them to hold a concert with 8 people in the Bird's Nest.

Up to now, there are not many Uranus superstars who can open a concert with 8 people in the Bird's Nest in China.

Although Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing are very popular, although they have many fans who like them, it is simply impossible for them, a group of rising stars, to hold a concert with 8 people in the Bird's Nest.

At this time, even some well-known music critics also tweeted to express their views on this matter.

Famous entertainment big V Zhang Yida: "Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha ... I laughed at me, laughed at me, really laughed at me!"

"I believe that many netizens will be very curious about why I laugh so happily, because I just heard a very funny joke, which can even be said to be the funniest joke I have heard this year. I can laugh at a joke for a year!"

"I just heard that many netizens said that Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing could hold a concert with 8 people in the Bird's Nest. When I heard the news, I couldn't help laughing. That's the biggest joke I've heard this year!"

"I don't know who said such big words, whether it was Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing's fans, or the marketing company behind Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing's hype. What I want to say is that these two entertainment circles It is simply impossible for the little fresh meat and the little fairy to hold a concert with 8 people!"

"There are not many people who can hold a concert of 8 people in the whole country, let alone these two people. I will put the words here today. Let's live broadcast and eat Xiangxiang!"

A well-known music critic: "Tsk tsk tsk... the current entertainment industry is really true. Once a person has a little fame, he wants to hold a concert with 8 people in the Bird's Nest. I have never seen a braggart. I've seen such a braggart, isn't this person afraid of blowing up his bragging these days?"

A famous music critic: "To be honest, Zhang Fan's creative ability is really average. His creative ability is so average. He dares to call himself a musical genius. It's really shameless!"

"Zhang Fan, a musical genius, is probably created by the hype and marketing of the company behind him. What kind of musical genius can he be called with his ghostly creativity???"

"If such a person can be called a music ghost, then at least 80.00% of the people in the music world can be called a music ghost. These days, the four words of a music ghost are so worthless. You can call yourself a music ghost if you write two songs casually." Ghost genius???"



Zhang Fan didn't know that he was on the trending search at this time, and he didn't know that he was ridiculed by so many entertainment big Vs because of an unwarranted concert with 8 people.

At this time, he was standing in the gymnasium singing, and the whole singing was high.

At this time, it can be said that he has completely devoted himself to this song.

Zhang Fan continued to sing at this time: "You are the song that I overheard and deeply felt in my heart."

It is also the fragrance that I catch a glimpse of and then embrace

This world is in its prime, don't let the good times live up to you
The June wind walks through the streets and alleys, and the June flowers bloom on the moor”

After Zhang Fan sang his own lyrics at this time, he looked at Lin Yuqing again, and Lin Yuqing immediately continued to sing:

"People on the long bridge in the ancient city line up like a sea of ​​cars.

You smile like a light that suddenly illuminates me
You smile like a light that suddenly illuminates me
The wind blows gently, Xia Weiyang's bicycles on the tree-lined road sound
So that’s what love is like.”

When many audience members heard this, they couldn't help but gasped.

They really didn't expect that the theme song "A Smile Allure" of "A Little Smile Is Alluring" would be so beautiful, and the two of them could sing so sweetly.

At this time, when they heard this song in the audience, they all felt as if they were in love.

"Fuck, it sounds good, it sounds good, it sounds so good, I feel like my ears are about to get pregnant!"

"Woooooooo... I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, the two of them are really too sweet, I really love them two to death!"

"Zhang Fan is really amazing. He is worthy of being a musical genius among the workers in the entertainment industry. Every song of his is so beautiful. After listening to this song, I know that there is another song in my playlist that can be played at night. The song is on loop!"

"This is called a classic, unlike today's, we learn to meow together, meow meow meow together, Beibei who draws pictures, Beibei who draws pictures, you say mouth beep, beep beep, I will give a hammer beep beep..."

"Those who wrote songs used their brains, those who sang used their hearts, those who listened to them used their emotions, and those who told stories shed tears. They are not afraid that the music is not good, but the lyrics are in their hearts. I hope everyone only listens to the music to their heart's content. Don't be a part of the song!"

"All of you are really good at talking, unlike me who can only say one thing!"

"Fuck! (Although this comment is only two words. But the grammar is rigorous and the words are neat. The structure is ingenious, catchy, lifelike, flamboyant and succinct. The writing skills and ingenious and uncanny creative ability are admirable, and the ending with an exclamation point is really the finishing touch.) Brother, you are really talented!"

"Fuck, it's okay, I'm really fucked!"



At this time, the song came to the end, the two people came together at this time, Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing showed a big love at this time, and the two sang together:

"Just admit that a smile makes the city unforgettable
I don't dare to say what love is as deep as the sea
The most romantic thing is watching the sunset with you

The direction of my heart is to watch the sunset side by side, the direction of my heart

I want to travel around with you to enjoy the scenery of sunshine and rain
I want to lay paper and pen with you to write the chapter of the rest of my life
Laughter and tears are shared, no matter how ups and downs the plot is, we will not leave”

The song is over!
Many people at the scene were still deeply immersed in the beautiful singing of the two, and none of them had reacted yet.

At this time, I don't know who slapped my palm first, and only a lot of people slowly realized that this song is over!

Then they all clapped their palms together, as if at this moment only this way could express the excitement in their hearts at this moment.

"Ah, ah, sounds good, it sounds good, it really sounds good!"

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo , oh, it's really sweet!"

"It's too sweet, it's too sweet, it's really too sweet, I really can't stand it!"

"If the two of you are not together, there is really no way to end it!"

"The song sung by the two of them is really sweet. Now that I hear this song, I am really looking forward to this "Small Smile is Alluring" performed by the two of them. I believe this song The TV series must be very good too!"

"Of course, the two of them were already so sweet when they sang, and the two of them must be even sweeter in the TV series, woo woo woo... When I think of this kind of picture, my whole body is very excited. I really can’t wait to watch this drama now!”

"Have you guys watched the veil kiss that was released before this TV series? It's really cute and sweet. I wonder if you can see this clip when this TV series is broadcast tonight! "

"Do you still need to think about it? You must not be able to see it. There will only be a few episodes at most tonight. The scene of their marriage must be in the last few episodes. You still want to see it on the first day. Are you thinking?" fart?"

"Together, together, together, together, together..."



After Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing finished singing, there was an endless stream of screams at the scene.

The screaming lasted for several minutes before it slowly stopped.

Lin Yuqing's face turned red when she heard the screams of the audience.

However, Zhang Fan couldn't help laughing when he heard the screams of the audience.

As for blushing, it simply didn't exist for Zhang Fan.

How could he blush with such a thick skin?

Not only did Zhang Fan not blush at this time, but he looked at Lin Yuqing with a smile on his face and said, "Mr. Yuqing, so many audiences at the scene let us be together. I didn't expect the two of us to be such a match in the eyes of these audiences. You What is your opinion on this matter?"

Although Lin Yuqing was a little shy at this time, her mind was still very smart. At this time, she said with a smile on her face: "Since everyone wants us to be together, then let's be together. Let me ask you a question. , do you want to see the two of us together?"

"Think about it!!!!"

"I don't want to! I don't want to! I don't want to! My goddess, you must not fall in love with this man!"

"Woooooooo... Yuqing, my Yuqing, don't, don't, don't leave me!"

"No, no? Did I hear correctly? Could it be that these two people are really going to be together?"

"If these two people really announce that they are together, the Weibo server will explode!"

"Damn it, I thought Lin Yuqing was joking just now, but I didn't expect them to come for real, isn't it, isn't it, isn't it true?"



At this time, Lin Yuqing saw the excited look of the audience, and said with a smile on her face: "I have heard what everyone said, since everyone wants to see the two of us together so much, then everyone must Go and pay attention to the TV series "Small Smile is Alluring", because in this TV series, the two of us are together in the end, and we are even married!"


The audience in the audience heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time and realized what Lin Yuqing meant when she said that the two of them were together!
Many people couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard Lin Yuqing's words.

Many boys at the scene liked Lin Yuqing very much, not only for Lin Yuqing's voice, but also for Lin Yuxin's appearance.

Although this Zhang Fan is also very good, they don't want their goddess to be with this man just like that.

If this is the case, they feel that their lives, their lives, have lost their meaning.



The next step is to interact with the audience.

Zhang Fan acted as the host at this time, constantly randomly selecting viewers from the audience to interact with the actors in the TV series "Small Smiles Are Allure".

At this time, a boy was picked. The boy stood up, looked at Lin Yuqing and said excitedly: "Mr. Yuqing, I, I, I... really like you so much, I am your idol..."


At this time, the audience at the scene couldn't help laughing when they heard the boy's words.

"Hahahahaha... I can't take it, I can't take it, I really can't take it!"

"I laughed to death, I laughed to death, I really laughed to death!"

"I'm your idol, pfft, he must have said the opposite!"

"I can understand this boy's mood. If I was selected, I might be very excited, and I might say the wrong thing for a while!"



At this time, the boy heard the laughter of these people around him, and only then did he realize that he had said something wrong just now, and he was extremely embarrassed.

After all, saying the wrong thing in front of so many people, especially in front of his favorite girl, made him really embarrassed, and made him really blush.

Lin Yuqing said with a smile on her face at this time: "Handsome guy, you are right, you are my idol, and I am your fan!"

The audience at the scene couldn't help laughing when they heard Lin Yuqing's words.

At this time, Lin Yuqing helped this boy relieve his embarrassment with one word.

This also made many people at the scene like Lin Yuqing even more.

It was only later that they realized that this Lin Yuqing was not only so beautiful, but also so kind-hearted. She was really very understanding.

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "This handsome guy, why did you ask our big beauty Teacher Lin Yuqing?"

The boy said excitedly: "Mr. Yuqing, do you feel that you have gained weight recently?"

Many people at the scene couldn't help but gasped when they heard what this boy said.

They really did not expect that this boy would be so bold as to ask such a question.

You must know that age and weight are always the two most taboo things for women, but this man actually asked Lin Yuqing's weight directly, and directly said that Lin Yuqing had gained weight.

Tut tut...

At this moment, they didn't know what to say.

Could this be the legendary straight man?

This is too straight.

Meilin Yuqing heard this boy's words at this time, sniffed her head, and said with a cute face: "This illusion, illusion, this must be your illusion, I definitely did not gain weight, I just weighed it yesterday At this weight, I really didn't gain weight at all, and I lost a few pounds!"

Listening to Lin Yuqing's words, the audience at the scene couldn't help screaming excitedly.

"Fuck, shit, shit, my goddess has such a good personality, she was not angry at all when asked such an exaggerated question, and she answered it so cutely, I really Love him so much!"

"The way Lin Yuqing pouted just now is really cute. I was not conquered by Lin Yuqing's appearance before, but now I am really conquered by her cuteness and cuteness!"

"Lin Yuqing is cute, cute, beautiful and has a good figure, who can stand it, anyway, I can't stand it!"

"I'm a girl. I've always liked Zhang Fan, but today I've become a fan of Lin Yuqing. She's so cute, even I, a girl, can't help falling in love with her!"

"Hey... this boy is really too much, try to be careful when he goes out today, otherwise I'm really afraid that he won't be able to see the sun tomorrow!"

"You didn't see that the boys behind this boy looked at him with very fierce eyes. I suspect that this boy has already felt a very fierce murderous aura!"



Who knew that the boy suddenly said excitedly at this time: "Mr. Yuqing, since you haven't gained weight, why have you gained weight in my heart?"

When the boy finished saying this, he was very proud of himself.

Many people only realized it at this time, and it turned out that what this boy had been talking about for a long time was an earthy love story.

It was only at this time that Lin Yuqing realized that what the boy said was a rustic love story!
Only then did he realize that he was actually teased by this boy's earthy love talk.

Lin Yuqing heard the boy's words at this time, pouted with the microphone, and said with a smile: "Thank you, thank you, thank you for your liking, in fact, I lied to you just now, I weighed myself last night Weight, I found that I really gained weight!"

ah ah ah ah...

Lin Yuqing's words heard by the audience in the audience.Everyone couldn't help screaming excitedly.

"Ah ah ah... As expected of my goddess, this is really too smart, this is obviously a tactful rejection of this boy's confession!"

"This boy just said that Lin Yuqing's weight in his heart has become heavier. At this moment, Lin Yuqing joked that she weighed herself yesterday and she really gained weight. This is a disguised and tactful rejection of this boy. I'm so happy!"

"Why are you so happy? Lin Yuqing rejected this boy but didn't accept you. Why are you so happy?"

"Tch, what do you know, as long as my goddess Lin Yuqing doesn't accept anyone, it means I have a chance. I hope my goddess doesn't accept me, but don't accept anyone, otherwise I will really be sore Yes, I really know lemons!"

"I have a suspicion that Lin Yuqing rejected this boy so straightforwardly, is it because Zhang Fan is by his side, and he doesn't want Zhang Fan to be misunderstood!"

"No, no, it's not true. If it's true, I'd rather Lin Yuqing accept this boy's confession! Although I don't have any advantages compared to Zhang Fan, compared with this boy, I think I still have a great advantage!"

"Whoever can become Lin Yuqing's boyfriend will definitely be Gao Xiang who has been burned for eight lifetimes, and the ancestral grave will definitely be smoked!"

"If I could be Lin Yuqing's boyfriend, I would be willing to lose ten years of my life. To have such a beautiful girl with such a good figure and such a good personality, tsk tsk tsk..."

"Brother, don't just drink, eat some food!"

"Come on, brother, you are so unconscious, do you need me to wake you up with a pee!"



Next, Zhang Fan picked another girl, and this girl stood up very excitedly: "Mr. Love your songs!"

"Mr. Zhang Fan, I want to ask you a question, can you catch dolls?"

Hearing this question at this time, Zhang Fan was immediately puzzled, but with the experience just now, he knew that this was probably some kind of earthy love story, so he said very cooperatively: "I'm not very familiar with this yet, But if I have the opportunity, I can practice and practice, I believe that a smart person like me will be able to learn it very quickly!"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words, the girl said excitedly, "Mr. Zhang Fan, you are really too modest. If you don't know how to catch dolls, how can you catch all our hearts? Everyone said yes no?!"

"Ah ah ah ah..."

What this girl said immediately made all the girls around him and even the whole scene scream excitedly.

Zhang Fan was also taken aback by this scene at this time, and his whole body was blushed by the girl's earthy love words.

"Ahhh... I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, I really can't take it anymore, Zhang Fan blushed, he looks so handsome when he blush!"

"Zhang Fan is really handsome, and I can vaguely see from his clothes, the muscles wrapped in his clothes, what are the pectoral and abdominal muscles, not only does he have such a good appearance, but his body is also so fit. I really want to touch it!"

"If Zhang Fan can be my boyfriend, I can wake up laughing from my dreams!"

"Sister, it's broad daylight, you can't dream!"

"The key is that it doesn't matter if this man is so handsome, so talented, so masculine, and so considerate and gentle. I really like him so much. If I can have such a boyfriend, I will live less Ten years is also willing!"

"Don't talk, don't talk, if I have such a boyfriend, I will do all the housework, washing dishes and so on!"

"What are you, if I have such a boyfriend, if I quarrel with him, I will slap myself in the face first, and I will kneel down on the keyboard to admit my mistake!"

"You are really too much. With such a good boyfriend, you are willing to quarrel. Are you still human?"

"Okay, okay, don't you have any boyfriends? Why are you trying to rape my boyfriend!"



(End of this chapter)

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