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Chapter 178 Is there nothing that a hot pot can't solve?

Chapter 178 Is there anything that a hot pot meal can't solve? (seeking subscription)
Zhang Fan heard Chen Jianghao's words at this time, he laughed and said: "You said this, but I remember it, I am sure to be the witness of your wedding, and I am sure to drink your wedding wine!"

"The next song "Let's Get Married" is for you. I hope you like it. Can you give this couple some applause? I also hope that everyone who comes to the scene today can find someone they like and have a lover. Finally get married!"

ah ah ah ah...

When the audience heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, they couldn't help screaming excitedly, and then clapped their hands excitedly.

The reason why they clapped their hands was not only for the happiness of the newlyweds who broke up but got back together, but also, as Zhang Fan said, to encourage them and hope that one day they can be with their loved ones. people together.

At this time, Zhang Fan told the master of a band next to him, and asked him to go to the back and call Lin Yuqing over, and ask Lin Yuqing to help with the accompaniment.

I don't know why, although this band can also be used for accompaniment, but every time he prefers to find Lin Yuqing for accompaniment.

Every time Lin Yuqing played the piano beside him, every time Lin Yuqing accompanied him, he always felt an unprecedented sense of stability in his heart.

At this time, Lin Yuqing quickly came to the stage from the backstage, came to Zhang Fan's side, and said helplessly: "Mr. Zhang, I found that it was really a big mistake for me to come to your concert this time. I found that you really used me as a coolie, how many times I have been used by you as a coolie today, I am really miserable!"

Zhang Fan thought about it carefully at this time, and felt that what Lin Yuqing said seemed to make sense. Today, he asked her to come and sing with him on the stage, and asked her to help him with the accompaniment. I'm sorry.

Fortunately, Zhang Fan has seen a lot of things, and his face is thick enough. At this time, he said with a smile: "Oh, as the saying goes, it's hard work for the capable. You are so good and a musical genius, especially in these musical instruments. On the one hand, you are a genius among geniuses. I heard that you have researched all kinds of musical instruments and are very proficient. With a genius like you by your side, wouldn’t it be a pity if you don’t use it?!”

"Okay, okay, I know I'm bothering you today, I owe you a big favor, how about I treat you to dinner after the concert is over?"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and snorted coldly: "You sent me away after a mere meal, what do you think of me?"


Zhang Fan was not only very surprised to see Lin Yuqing's expressionless face at this time, but he had to know that when he was with Lin Yuqing before, no matter what kind of help he asked her for, he only needed to treat her to a hot pot meal.

To deal with Lin Yuqing, there is nothing that can't be solved with one hot pot, if there is, then two hot pots.

What he didn't expect was that Lin Yuqing was so difficult to deal with this time.

At this time, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Zhang Fan's mind, and he came up with a very good idea, and said with a smile on his face: "Well, you did me such a big favor today, and I will give it to you." How about writing a song?"

"Really? Really? Teacher Zhang Fan, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

Lin Yuqing was very happy when she heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, but when she thought that she was so excited when the other party said to write a song, she couldn't help but secretly despised herself in her heart, and immediately pretended to be He said with a blank face: "No, no, one song is not enough, and you will buy me for one song. What do you think of me? At least two, no, at least three! By the way, there are still three songs!" If you just said to invite me to dinner, you can’t even invite me to one meal, you must invite me to three meals and drink milk tea!"

Hearing Lin Yuqing's words at this time, Zhang Fan said with a dumbfounded look on his face, "It's okay, I'm really afraid of you. I'll write a song for you, treat you to dinner, and drink milk tea, okay?"

When Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she blushed a little and said, "Bah, who is your name? She is so young, how can she be as old as you say!"

Seeing the two people getting more and more excited talking there, flirting and flirting, the audience in the audience suddenly became unhappy at this moment.

"Hey, hey, what are you two doing? Are you still singing?"

"I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, I really can't take it anymore, I just came here to listen to the music, why am I still being fed to the dog?"

"Even if you two want to flirt, can you pay attention to the occasion, there are so many people watching here!"

"Who knows what that person is talking about? It's really disgusting to say so quietly and not let us hear!"

"Although I don't know what the two of them are talking about, but from the expressions of the two of them, you can guess that the two of them must be talking about something private. You can see that Lin Yuqing's face is red from being teased. She was very happy just now. Laughed, you don't even know, her smile just now really made the world lose its color!"

"It seems as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and the snow flutters like the flowing wind. Looking at it from a distance, it is as bright as the sun rising in the morning glow; when observing it by force, it is burning like a flower coming out of Lubo!"

"Sigh...seeing how close the two of them are, I don't know who to envy for a moment!"



Lin Yuqing heard the audience's discussion at this time, and found that they were still on the stage at this time, she quickly pushed Zhang Fan away, and then sat in front of the piano, but at this time her blushing face showed her innermost feelings. nervous.

Seeing Lin Yuqing's shy look at this time, Zhang Fan couldn't help feeling very proud.

He found that Lin Yuqing was more charming than usual when she was shy.

Lin Yuqing's ten fingers, which were as white as green onions, soon began to dance on the black and white keys, so Lin Yuqing's hands kept beating on the piano, and suddenly a burst of pleasant music came out.

As a burst of music sounded, Zhang Fan sang slowly at this time:

"White wedding dress
holding flowers
beautiful as a fairy tale
remember that early summer
I miss you

be silly together
Cupid flies gently under the moonlight
pandora she heard the answer

The auditorium bell is beating the code of happiness”

Hearing Zhang Fan's very sweet singing, all the audience couldn't help but gasp, especially Chen Jianghao and Xu Manli who were standing on the stage at this moment, they heard Zhang Fan's singing This song, I can't help but feel very excited.

At this time, they held each other's hands tightly, as if they were afraid of losing each other again.

At this time, the audience at the scene saw the two of them holding each other tightly, and when they heard Zhang Fan's song, they couldn't help feeling very emotional for a while.

"Hey... I don't know why, when I, a single dog of more than 20 years, heard this song, I couldn't help being very moved!"

"Hey... what are you, I was a virgin 20 years ago, and now I'm an old virgin!"

"Brother, you have always maintained this virgin body, do you want to practice the legendary boy's skill?"

"When I heard this song as a single dog, I couldn't help but want to have a sweet love!"

"I'm about the same age as Zhang Fan. He's a single dog now, and I'm also a single dog. He's not in a hurry, and I'm not in a hurry either!"

"Hahahahaha... I'm dying of laughter, I'm laughing to death, I'm really laughing to death, people are not in a hurry because they don't need to worry at all, and it's useless for you to be anxious!"

"Zhang Fan is so handsome, so talented, and so rich, do you think he will lack a girlfriend?"

"You just saw that when Lin Yuqing was playing the piano, she kept looking at Zhang Fan. She looked down at Zhang Fan with tenderness and shyness. That kind of look was something she had never seen with other people. As someone who has experienced it, I can tell you very clearly that this Lin Yuqing absolutely likes Zhang Fan!"

"I don't believe it. I don't believe it. It is absolutely impossible for my goddess to like this smelly man!"

"Woooooooooo... Yuqing, my Yuqing, my Yuqing!"



At this time, the song "Let's Get Married" reached its climax, and Zhang Fan was completely devoted to the song at this time, continuing to sing:

"Oh My Love let's get married

I really want to have a home with you
The most beautiful dream of my life
With you to accompany me to travel the world together

Oh My Love let's get married

I will love you all my life

i want to let go of everything
Give you a happy home"



Zhang Fan's bird's nest concert tonight can be said to be very successful.

Zhang Fan's Bird's Nest concert tonight was very successful offline. The entire Bird's Nest concert can accommodate 8 people. The attendance rate of Zhang Fan's concert basically reached [-]%. can do it.

And this time Zhang Fan's concert was not only very successful offline, Zhang Fan's online live broadcast of this concert was also very successful.

This time, Zhang Fan’s online live broadcast of the live concert has a maximum number of online viewers of more than 2000 million, and the total number of viewers of the live broadcast has reached more than 2 million.

Moreover, the new songs "Encounter", "Silence is Golden", and "Later" that Zhang Fan sang at the concert today became popular on the Internet platform as soon as they came out.

Especially the song "Later", because of the love story of a man and a woman at the concert, it was loved by the majority of netizens!

This song was launched on the Penguin music platform, and the number of collections directly exceeded one million square meters in less than an hour, and the number of comments directly exceeded 20 in less than an hour.

Zhang Fan's singing at the Bird's Nest concert this time allowed people in the industry to fully appreciate Zhang Fan's super popularity and his strong appeal.

Those who had laughed at Zhang Fan before the Bird's Nest concert, now all of them are silent and silent.

Zhang Fan's concert this time can be said to be very successful, and because Duan Jiabao's online live broadcast is very successful, Zhang Fan's concert this time is not only about being able to prove to the world that he can attract 8 people. This kind of large-scale concert also spread the influence of this concert very widely.

Zhang Fan's Weibo Kuaidou account directly gained millions of fans overnight, but that's another story.

a room

"Zhang Fan, congratulations on the success of your concert!"

"Boss, congratulations on your successful concert!"

"Mr. Zhang Fan, congratulations on the success of your concert!"



After Zhang Fan's concert tonight, Liu Awei went directly to a restaurant, booked a private room, and held a celebration banquet for Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan's Bird's Nest concert tonight was a great success both online and offline. It would be a pity if we didn't celebrate it.

At this time, Zhang Fan looked at Liu Awei, Duan Jiabao, Lin Yuqing, Wang Teng and the others, and said with a smile on his face: "Thank you, thank you, thank you very much, the reason why my Bird's Nest concert can be held this time It has been so successful, and I would like to thank you all for your help, without your help, it would not be possible for one person to make this concert such a success!"

"Come, come, I'll toast you, I'll do whatever you want!"

Zhang Fan directly opened a bottle of beer with his hand at this time, then poured it directly at himself, and finished the bottle of beer in a short while.

At this time, Wang Teng saw that Zhang Fan finished a bottle of beer in a short while, gave Zhang Fan a thumbs up, and said with admiration: "Zhang Fan is a man, he is so proud, a bottle of beer is so popular. After you're done, we can't lag behind, isn't it just drinking? Who's afraid of anyone!"

After Wang Teng finished speaking, he quickly opened a bottle of beer, and then drank directly to his mouth.

Lin Yuqing doesn't like drinking very much. Seeing that they hadn't started eating, she started drinking directly, took Duan Jiabao's hand and said with a smile on her face, "Xiao Duan, we don't need to talk to them, we Come and eat, let them drink, there are so many good things not to eat, why go to drink, don't you know what's so good about wine?"

Hearing Lin Yuqing's words at this time, Duan Jiabao couldn't help but smiled and said: "Sister Yuqing, we really want to get together, I don't like drinking too much, I just like eating, there are so many delicious things today , it’s really too friendly for a foodie like me, let them drink, their men like to drink, let’s eat quickly!”

Wang Teng was eating at this time, and thought about the variety show again. This episode of the variety show was over, and the two of them were very busy again. I don't know when the next episode of the variety show can be filmed?
Wang Teng looked at Zhang Fan at this time, and asked expectantly: "Zhang Fan, when do you have time? Can the next episode of "Longing for Life" start filming?"

(End of this chapter)

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