Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 188 Call Dad! ! !

Chapter 188 Calling Dad! ! ! (seeking subscription)

Zhang Fan: "???"

When Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's shocking remarks at this time, he wanted to say something to refute, but he opened his mouth and thought for a long time, but finally said nothing.

Although these words of Lin Yuqing sound reasonable on the surface, but he always feels that something is wrong.

But Zhang Fan is not the kind of person who likes to be entangled very much. Since he doesn't think about this matter clearly, he won't think too much about it.

Zhang Fan suddenly said at this time: "You said just now that you can't swim. If you want to swim, I can teach you. I can swim very well!"

At this time, Zhang Fan subconsciously looked at Lin Yuqing's long legs while he was talking. It would definitely look good in a swimsuit, especially when swimming underwater. It will definitely make people have the urge to nosebleed.

Zhang Fan looked at Lin Yuqing's long legs at this time, and suddenly a lot of white and tender long legs appeared in his mind, and his nose couldn't help but almost bleed from the heat.

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said excitedly: "Mr. Zhang Fan, are you telling the truth? Can you really teach me to swim? But I have grown up so much, if I go swimming again Is it a bit late?"

"Actually, I still prefer swimming, but I was always busy with music-related things before, and I never went swimming. Later, I grew up and felt that my body was not as soft as when I was a child, so I went to learn swimming again. It might be too late!"

Zhang Fan was so excited when he heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time!
The reason why he taught Lin Yuqing to learn swimming just now was just for fun. He thought that Lin Yuqing would never agree, but he didn't expect Lin Yuqing to agree so easily.

Are you kidding me?
Such a good opportunity was in front of him, if he couldn't seize it well, he might as well just buy a piece of tofu and just hit him to death.

Zhang Fan said excitedly at this time: "Why? You really think too much, it's not too late, and who said that your body flexibility is not good, I remember the last time we danced together, you Isn't the split straight?"

"Besides, haven't you heard an old saying in China, live to learn? As long as you want to learn, it's never too late. Don't worry, as long as you want to learn, I will teach you. When the time comes, you will learn." Buy your swimsuits, and after our movie is over, I'll teach you how to swim!"

Lin Yuqing was not only very happy when she heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she felt that Zhang Fan was really kind.

Zhang Fan not only encouraged him in this way, but also wrote songs for him, and also taught her to swim. Zhang Fan was really the best man she met in the world besides her father.

But what makes Lin Yuqing strange is why Zhang Fan has been staring at her legs. Is there something on her legs?

At this time, Zhang Fan suddenly saw a person throwing a stone into the West Sea on the land next to him, but at this time the stone did not sink directly into the water, but kept turning over in the water for more than a dozen times. , before completely sinking into the water.

For nothing! ! !
Zhang Fan saw this game played by this person at this time, and felt it was very familiar. These three words popped into his mind, because this was the game he often played when he was a child - playing for nothing.

At this time, Zhang Fan suddenly recalled that when he was a child in elementary school in the countryside, he would often play this water float with his friends. At that time, he was always the best one. A stone could float in the water. Drift dozens of times.

Oops, it's been a long time since I played this game.

Lin Yuqing also noticed this thing at this time, and she screamed excitedly, "Wow, wow, Mr. Zhang Fan, look at this guy, he's really good. He can throw a stone into the water and it's even in the water." Floating for such a long time is really amazing!"


Zhang Fan shook his head when he heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, it was nothing to him.

Zhang Wenfan said with a domineering face at this time: "This guy's throw is not bad at all, but it's really far behind me. I think I threw it better than him when I was in the second grade of elementary school." much better!"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with disbelief: "Mr. Zhang Fan, although you are a musical genius in music, it does not prove that you are very good at everything, very good. This guy is very good at playing water floats, is he very powerful? I have never seen such a good player in water floating games!"

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said in surprise, "You don't believe me?"

Lin Yuqing didn't speak at this time, Wang Teng said with a smile on his face at this time: "Don't say that Yuqing doesn't believe you, even I don't believe it, you are too bragging, I know you I want to pretend, but what I want to tell you is that not everything can be pretended, and some things are not something you can pretend to be!"

"If you are really like what you said, you are better at swimming than this person, then you can prove it to us. If you are really better at swimming than this person, I will call you Dad! "

"Hey, my son's name is really sweet, and my father really likes it!"

When Zhang Fan heard someone calling him father at this time, he immediately agreed without hesitation.


At this time, Wang Teng knew that he was being taken advantage of, he took a sip, and said angrily: "You stinky and shameless guy, you dare to take advantage of me, you are really too much, you have the ability Just really prove your strength, don't talk about it here!"

"What you talk about here can only prove that you have a guilty conscience. Today I must expose your true face and let everyone see what is hidden behind your mask?"

"I want others to know that you are a very hypocritical person. You have to say you can do it when you are not good at it, and you have to pretend to be forceful when you are not good at it!"

"Let me tell you a truth today - don't pretend to be a man, and you will be struck by lightning!"

A few people quickly landed on the shore.

Wang Teng was very angry today, he insisted on letting this Zhang Fan prove that he was really good at shaming, otherwise it would mean that he was pretending.

Zhang Fan picked up a small stone from the ground at this time, looked at Wang Teng next to him, and said with a smile on his face: "I think it's better to forget it, after all, I've already taken advantage of you just now, I really don't think so." I don't want to take advantage of you anymore!"

"Besides, I'm not yet 30 years old. I have a son as old as you for no reason. I feel a little baffled!"


Hearing this man's words at this time, Wang Teng suddenly couldn't help laughing: "I think you are afraid, if you are afraid, you can just tell everyone that you were lying just now , just admit to everyone that you were pretending just now, so I might be able to let you go, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

If Wang Teng was a little scared just now when he saw Zhang Fan taking out a stone from the ground so skillfully, then seeing Zhang Fan pushing back and forth, he knew that Zhang Fan must be dead.

If this Zhang Fan is really so awesome, he will definitely be a fool when he comes up, and he will definitely not push back here.

Hmph, this time let's see how I can unmask your pretense.

Lin Yuqing was also looking at Zhang Fan at the side at this time, she was also very curious about whether Zhang Fan could beat the water so well.

However, she did not question Zhang Fan like Wang Teng did. On the contrary, she had an inexplicable confidence in Zhang Fan in her heart. Although she had never seen Zhang Fan go for nothing, she just believed in this man.

Although this man always looks so lazy sometimes, but this man always seems to be so calm and unhurried, no matter what kind of things he faces, he can lift the weight as lightly as possible.

Lin Yuqing believed that Zhang Fan could still create a miracle this time.


When Zhang Fan heard Wang Teng's words at this time, he couldn't help but sighed deeply.

These days, no one believed the truth, but everyone believed the lie. He didn't know what to say.

Although he doesn't particularly want to be someone's father, but if someone insists on calling him father, he can't help it.

Zhang Fan took a deep breath at this time, came to the river, held the stone in his hand with his right hand, and threw it viciously towards the water.

However, the stone thrown into the water did not sink directly into the water like ordinary stones, but kept jumping and jumping in the water...

Many people couldn't help but stare blankly at this boulder bouncing continuously in the water.

The stone jumped more than 40 times before slowly stopping.

When many people saw this, they couldn't help but gasped. They really didn't expect the young man in front of them to be so terrifying.

"Fuck, awesome, awesome, really awesome!"

"I originally thought that I was good enough in the water, but I didn't expect this guy to be better than me in the water. I am really convinced!"

"I've been playing water float for more than ten years to be able to throw more than [-] times. It's already considered awesome. I didn't expect this guy to be able to throw more than [-] times. It's really awesome!"

"It's so terrifying, it's so terrifying, this kid is so terrifying!"

"As expected, he is my favorite singer. He is really awesome. Not only can he sing so well, but he can also play so well. I can't help but want to marry him and give birth to monkeys for him. Already!"

"Monkey, are you a monkey?"

"It's not night yet, why are you dreaming?"

"As long as you eat a few more peanuts when drinking, you won't get drunk like this!"

"I have yellow urine, I'll come first!"

"Come on, sister, your yellow urine is obviously diabetes, why don't you hurry up and treat your own disease!"



To say that the most shocked person at the scene was Wang Teng. At this time, Wang Teng's mouth was wide open, and it had already opened into an O shape.

He really didn't expect Zhang Fan to be so handsome, to be so good at singing, to be so good at writing songs, and to be so good at playing...

He really couldn't figure out why there was such a big gap between people who were both men and men.

Heaven, earth, you are too unfair, right?
Why are you so nice to this man? Is this man your son?
Is this man the so-called Chosen One?

At this moment, Lin Yuqing was shocked to see Zhang Fan's beating so hard, she covered her mouth with one hand, and looked at Zhang Fan in surprise.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

"Mr. Zhang Fan, you are too powerful, you are really too powerful!"

"I really admire you so much. I didn't expect that you are so good at writing songs, but you are so good at playing nonsense? I wonder if there is anything in this world that you don't know?"

At this time, Lin Yuqing came to Zhang Fan's side with an excited face, hugged Zhang Fan's arm, and said excitedly.

Being looked at by such a beautiful woman like Lin Yuqing with such adoring eyes, and what Lin Yuqing said just now hit his itchy spot, making him feel as if he had eaten ginseng fruit. If you are not comfortable, everything will be smooth!

This feeling is really cool, it's so refreshing!
Although Zhang Fan was very happy in his heart at this time, he said with a very humble face on the surface: "Average, the third in the world! I don't like other things, but I like these little things more." , Let me tell you, when I was young, I was very good at playing this thing, and no one in ten miles and eight villages can beat me!"

After Zhang Fan finished speaking, he came to Wang Teng's side, and just looked at Wang Teng quietly!

At this time, Wang Teng was looked at by Zhang Fan with such eyes, and he remembered the bet he made with Zhang Fan just now!
If he loses, he will call Zhang Fan's father.

Thinking of what he said just now, Wang Teng wanted to give himself a few big mouths, his mouth was really too cheap just now.

If I didn't speak just now, wouldn't there be nothing?
As a result, what I just said not only did not harm Zhang Fan, but made Zhang Fan pretend to be a big tease in front of so many people, and he was like a bereaved dog, setting off Zhang Fan severely. The wise and powerful.

Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that he lost now!
He wants to call Zhang Fan's father in front of so many people! ! !
At this time, Wang Teng thought silently in his heart, if his father knew that he called someone else's father, would he be very angry, would he beat himself to death?

But he, Wang Teng, has never been a cheater. Since he lost, he is willing to bet and admit defeat.

He, Wang Teng, has never been a person who cannot afford to lose!


At this time, Zhang Fan was shocked when he heard the sudden address of the man in front of him.

The reason why he did this just now was to tease this Wang Teng, and he didn't want this Wang Teng to really call him father.

As a result, he never expected that this Wang Teng would be so sincere, and even call him father in front of so many people.

He came here just now because he wanted to let it go and let Wang Teng treat him to dinner at night, but he didn't expect that Wang Teng called him dad before he could say anything.



Suddenly, he had a son inexplicably, and he didn't even know what to say.


Lin Yuqing heard Wang Teng's father at the side at this time, and she was able to hold back her smile at first, but she couldn't help but burst out laughing suddenly.

At this time, not only Lin Yuqing, but with Lin Yuqing's smile, all the other staff around couldn't help laughing.

After all, Wang Teng is the director. Although they really wanted to laugh when Wang Teng called out dad just now, they knew that if they laughed, they would be finished.

They endured, endured, they endured really hard!

Some of them even bit their lips to keep from laughing.

Hearing Lin Yuqing's smile at this time, they couldn't control their expressions anymore, and they all couldn't help laughing.

They laughed one by one, and couldn't help talking beside them.

"Hahaha... I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, I really can't take it anymore, I'm about to die laughing!"

"Hiss! Could it be that the two of them are really father and son who have been separated for many years?"

"Hey, after hearing what you said, I suddenly realized that the two of them look alike!"

"Shit, Zhang Fan is so handsome, how can our director look like him? If our director really looked like Zhang Fan, he would have become a star long ago. What kind of director would he be?"

"Hahaha... What you said seems to make sense. Our director is not as handsome as I am. How could he be Zhang Fan's long-lost son?"

At this time, Wang Teng heard the discussions of these staff members under him, and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Just now someone questioned that he was Zhang Fan's son, but this person proved to himself that he was not Zhang Fan's son. Why was he so angry?

This idea just appeared in Wang Teng's mind, and he was instantly rejected by him.

"Wang Teng, Wang Teng, what are you thinking? Although this guy proved to you that you are not Zhang Fan's son, he is saying that you are ugly."

Wang Teng is usually more concerned about his appearance. Others can insult his IQ, but he must not insult his appearance.

In the end, this guy dared to insult his appearance? ? ?
He has already made up his mind in his heart that he must torture this guy more in the future, and let him know the dangers of society.

(End of this chapter)

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