Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 197 Zhang Fanlin Yuqing's costume yyds! ! !

Chapter 197 Zhang Fan Lin Yuqing Ancient Costume yyds! ! ! (seeking subscription)
Just as Lin Yuqing was falling into a beautiful imagination at this moment, a voice suddenly rang in her ears: "Hey, hey... I said, can you stop showing affection in public? ? I really can't stand you guys, have you guys considered how I feel as a single dog when you show your affection so much?!"

When Lin Yuqing heard Cao Zhengchun's words at this time, her face turned red all of a sudden, and she argued softly, "Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Zhang Fan and I... we have nothing to do!"

Cao Zhengchun curled his lips when he saw Lin Yuqing like this at this time, you are already so shy, and you still said that you have nothing, do you believe it yourself?

But it was rare to see Lin Yuqing look so shy, Cao Zhengchun continued to say at this moment: "I didn't say what you have, why are you so anxious to explain? Don't you have 300 taels of silver here?"

Lin Yuqing couldn't compare to Cao Zhengchun in bickering, and soon her face was flushed by Lin Yuqing's few words.

Zhang Fan couldn't stand it now, this Cao Zhengchun was really too much, how could he bully a girl?
Zhang Fan hurriedly stood up at this time and said, "Okay, okay, look at how old you are, and bully a girl, do you have the nerve? Why don't you come after me!"

At this time, Lin Yuqing saw Zhang Fan standing in front of her with such a domineering face, and heard Zhang Fan's domineering words, she felt a warm feeling in her heart.

This feeling of being protected is really good, very good.

Tut tut...

Cao Zhengchun jokingly said at this time: "Just now, didn't Lin Yuqing say that you two have nothing to do? You protect her like this, and you still say that you two have nothing to do? I don't believe that you two are really good if you beat me to death." there is nothing!"

Zhang Fan broke his wrist at this time, and suddenly there was a crackling sound, which shocked Cao Zhengchun!
At this time, Zhang Fan saw Cao Zhengchun with a smile on his face and said: "Oh, I haven't exercised for a long time, and I feel that my bones are a little loose. Would you like to exercise with me?"

When Cao Zhengchun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he quickly waved his hands: "No, no, just exercise slowly by yourself, I don't need it!"

Are you kidding me?
When Zhang Fan was changing his clothes just now, he saw the muscles all over Zhang Fan's body, two chest muscles, eight-pack abdominal muscles, even the arms were as thick as his thighs, and all of them were muscles.

If he really played sports with this guy, his life would probably be lost by half.



The next day

The promotional video made by Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing was released.

When the promotional video was released, Zhang Fan reposted the video on Weibo with the text: Red Crispy Hands, Yellow Pine Wine, The City is full of Spring Palace Walls and Willows.The east wind is evil, and the love is weak.Many years separated, my mind full of sorrow. "

"Wrong, wrong, wrong. The spring is as old as before, the people are empty and thin, and the tears are red and silky. The peach blossoms fall, and the leisure pond pavilion. Although the mountain alliance is here, the brocade book is hard to entrust. Mo, Mo, Mo!"

"This time I am Liu Danzhou, please give me your advice!"

After Zhang Fan reposted this promotional video, Lin Yuqing quickly reposted this promotional video with the caption: "The situation in the world is thin, and the human relationship is evil. When the rain sends the evening, the flowers are easy to fall. The morning wind is dry, and the tears are incomplete. If you want to express your thoughts, you can speak alone." Xilan. Difficult, difficult, difficult!"

"Everyone is different, today is not yesterday, and sick souls are often like swings. The sound of horns is cold, and the night is fading. Afraid of people asking questions, swallowing tears and pretending to be happy. Conceal, conceal, conceal!"

"This time I am Du Shiniang, please give me your advice!"

Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing are now very popular in the entertainment circle, so they were seen by many netizens as soon as they posted on Weibo, and this promotional video was also popular because of their Weibo.

"Fuck, shit, shit, no, no, I read it right, right? The new drama of the two of them is coming again?"

"I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm really happy. I just finished watching "Small Smile is Alluring" performed by the two of them. I really like the two of them so much. I didn't expect the two of them to reunite so quickly. I’m so happy that a drama is coming!”

"No, no, this shouldn't be true. I'm a fan of Zhang Fan. I've always been familiar with Zhang Fan's itinerary. Since Zhang Fan filmed the TV series "Small Smile Is Allure", it seems that he hasn't What TV series has he filmed, he has been filming a movie all this time, how could there be any TV series coming out?"

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't guess, isn't there a movie? Hurry up and click in to see what's going on here?"

"Yes, yes, I'm also very curious about all this. Could it be that the movie made by the two of them has already been filmed?"



Many netizens couldn't wait to click into this promotional video at this time.

Because they really wanted to know what kind of surprise Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing brought them this time!
They just clicked into this promotional video, and they were immediately amazed by Lin Yuqing's ancient costume.

They just clicked into this promotional video, and saw Lin Yuqing wearing a red ancient costume, standing on a stage, dancing a very beautiful dance there.

Many netizens immediately noticed that the dance Lin Yuqing was dancing at this time was exactly the dance in the video posted on Lin Yuqing's Kaidou a few days ago.

Lin Yuqing posted this dancing video on Kuaidou a few days ago. It can be said to be very popular. Within 24 hours, the number of likes of this video exceeded [-] million.

And it is precisely because of Lin Yuqing's video that many Internet celebrity anchors on Kuaidou followed suit to imitate the neon clothes and feather dance that Lin Yuqing picked.

These Internet celebrity anchors all changed into some ancient clothes, and then danced the so-called neon clothes and feather clothes.

After all, this time Lin Yuqing's neon clothes and feather dance is so popular, they will definitely not let go of such a good opportunity to catch the heat.

But this time the facts told them that they thought too much.

Not only are they much different from Lin Yuqing in appearance and figure, but they are even worse in this dance.

Lin Yuqing's neon clothes and feather dance made people feel as if they were watching fairies dancing in the sky.

These Internet celebrity anchors felt that Lin Yuqing's dance looked so simple, and it must be easy to do, so they quickly imitated it.

But soon the reality told them that things were not that simple.

Many Internet celebrity anchors followed suit and imitated Lin Yuqing's dance. Most of them just twisted their bodies, twisted their waists, and twisted their buttocks. No one could really dance the essence of the neon clothes and feather dance.

Many netizens said that the neon clothes and feather dance dance performed by these Internet celebrity anchors is really eye-catching, and it is really far worse than Lin Yuqing's neon clothes and feather dance.

However, Kuaidou Bibi is currently the social software with the most users in China, although there are many Internet celebrity anchors dancing this neon clothes and feather dance with very hot eyes.

But there are some professional dancers who dance the neon clothes and raincoat dance very beautifully, and some even dance better than Lin Yuqing, such as Liu Jingrong, the successor of the neon clothes and feather dance!

It is said that this time Lin Yuqing chose the neon dress and feather dance, which was taught by Liu Jingrong.

Lin Yuqing's Kuaidou account specifically liked Liu Jingrong's neon clothes and feather dance, and commented under the video of Liu Jingrong's neon clothes and feather dance: "The neon clothes and feather dance performed by the teacher is really beautiful. The next time I have the opportunity, I can learn dance from Teacher Liu!"

At that time, the interaction between Lin Yuqing and Liu Jingrong, the successor of the Nishang Yuyi Dance, caused a great sensation on the Internet.

Many netizens are even discussing whether Lin Yuqing, the apprentice, is the better choice, or Liu Jingrong, the teacher, is the better dancer.

"I think Liu Jingrong's is better. After all, she is the authentic descendant of the neon dress and feather dance, and she has been practicing this neon dress and feather dance since she was a child!"

"Although this Liu Jingrong has been practicing this neon dress dance since she was a child, Lin Yuqing is also very good at dancing! After all, Lin Yuqing's own conditions are really excellent, her appearance, her figure, and the flexibility of her body Sex... I don't think she dances this neon clothes and feather dance any worse than anyone else!"

"Although this dance by Teacher Liu Jingrong is very beautiful, I'm sorry that I really admire Lin Yuqing's appearance too much. Lin Yuqing is really beautiful, especially when she dances this dance, she feels like a fairy in the sky. It's like fluttering and dancing!"

"Maybe Lin Yuqing's neon dress and feather dress dance is really not as good as this teacher Liu Jingrong, but Lin Yuqing is really beautiful, especially when she wears such an ancient costume, I finally understand that the ancient emperor faced the country and the world. Why are you so confused when choosing a beauty!"

"Yes, especially when you see her dancing this dance, you really can't help being deeply immersed in it. Lin Yuqing is really beautiful!"

"After seeing Lin Yuqing, I didn't know what the words "beautiful beauty and troublesome water" really mean?"

"I really don't know who Lin Yuqing is such a beautiful woman, which stinky man will be cheaper in the future!"

"With a girlfriend like Lin Yuqing, you are equivalent to countless beauties. You can let her cosplay all kinds of ancient costumes, because her ancient costumes are so beautiful!"

"Tch, what you're talking about is all nonsense. With Lin Yuqing's appearance, even if she wears a piece of sackcloth, she will definitely be beautiful!"



Netizens were quickly attracted by the promotional video shot by Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing.

Although the filming of this promotional film is not long, only six or seven minutes long, but this promotional film can be said to be absolutely perfect, whether it is the picture, the plot of the story, the image of the characters, or....

At this time, many netizens saw that after Liu Danzhou won the first prize, they were very happy to come back and propose to Du Shiniang. When he was about to marry Du Shiniang, Du Shiniang turned him down just like that, and asked Liu Danzhou not to marry him in the future. Come to her, she doesn't like Liu Danzhou anymore!
This made many netizens feel very puzzled. At this time, a burst of nice background music suddenly sounded:

"If love is a predestined meeting
why is there still so much pain
what is covering your eyes
no longer cherish my sacrifice
If love is the guardian of two hearts

Why is there still so much bitterness
what's holding me back
You are helpless no longer distressed"

Many of my friends couldn't help being shocked when they watched the promotional video and heard this song.

Because they suddenly discovered that this song is really good.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is that they discovered that they had never heard this song before, and the voice of this song was so familiar, it was Zhang Fan who sang it.

Sure enough, smart netizens quickly found out that this song was a new song written by Zhang Fan, and it was a theme song written by Zhang Fan for this promotional film.

When many netizens heard this song, they couldn't help being very shocked!

Zhang Fan is indeed worthy of being a musical genius in the entertainment circle, his strength is really unfathomable, his talent is really unfathomable.

"Holy shit, it's good, it's good, it's really good, every song by Zhang Fan can bring me great surprises!"

"Awesome, awesome, really awesome! Zhang Fan is indeed worthy of being a musical genius in the entertainment industry. His musical talent is really amazing. Every song he sings is so beautiful. Every song is such a classic, I really like him so much!"

"I have to say that the song written by Zhang Fan really matches this story. Although the promotional video is only a few minutes long, I have to say that the filming of this promotional video is really good!"

"Yes, yes, the picture of this promotional video is really beautiful, and Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing's ancient costumes are really yyds, one is a handsome young man from Moshang, and the other is from the nine heavens. Fairy!"

"That's right, that's right, when I watched the TV series "Small Smiles Are Allure" some time ago, I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the two of them. I didn't expect that they not only look so good in modern clothes, but also in ancient clothes. The value is so high!"

"The main reason is that the theme song "Jin Yu Liang Yuan" is really well written, I really like listening to this song!"



With the passage of time, this promotional film soon came to the end. When many netizens saw the end, they expressed that they were a little afraid to watch the end of this story.

Because many people have known the poignant love story between Liu Danzhou and Du Shiniang, and they know that the ending of the two of them is not good.

Although the filming of the promotional video this time is really beautiful, Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing's ancient costumes can be said to be yyds, but the ending of this story is really unfriendly, some people with weaker mental capacity They decided not to watch the ending of this story.

"Oh... I've heard about the love story between Liu Danzhou and Du Shiniang before. The love story between the two of them is really tragic!"

"That's right, that's right, this promotional video is almost over, and the next thing is the scene of the two of them jumping into the river to die!"

"What is love in the world? It's just a promise between life and death! The two of them clearly love each other so much, why can't they be together?"

"Sigh...the love story between Liu Danzhou and Du Shiniang is really abusive, even more abusive than the endings of many novels I have read. abuse, but they are at least together in the end, unlike these two people who jumped into the river and died in the end, it is really a pity!"



Many netizens said that they couldn't accept the ending of this story. They couldn't accept that Liu Danzhou and Du Shiniang were so in love, but they didn't end up together in the end. They all expressed that they should stop watching the ending of this promotional film.

But the filming of this promotional video is really good, the pictures of this promotional film are really beautiful, the ancient costumes of Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing are really beautiful, plus the theme song written by Zhang Fan "Golden Jade Love", everything is so beautiful...

Soon the promotional film really came to the end. Liu Danzhou, played by Zhang Fan, jumped into the river after writing a poem on the stone tablet!

After Du Shiniang heard the news that Liu Danzhou jumped into the river and died, she was devastated, and soon came to the stele, saw the poem written by Liu Danzhou on the stele, and saw Liu Danzhou's love for her in this poem. The complaints and resentments made Du Shiniang even more painful.

So Du Shiniang also jumped into the river after writing the song "Phoenix Hairpin. The Love in the World" on the stone tablet.

The people she loves and cares about the most in this world are gone, so what's the point of him staying in this world!

When many netizens saw this, they couldn't help but sighed deeply.

Seeing that Liu Danzhou and Du Shiniang were so in love with each other, but in the end they misunderstood each other and ended in such a tragic ending, each of them felt very uncomfortable.

But what they never expected was that at this moment, things seemed to change suddenly.

Du Shiniang just jumped into the river for a while, and soon a figure appeared in the river, and this figure soon appeared beside Du Shiniang, and then carried Du Shiniang ashore!

When many netizens saw this, they couldn't help being shocked with their mouths wide open.

Isn't this Liu Danzhou dead?

Why did he suddenly come back to life?

Isn't the ending of this story that Liu Danzhou and Du Shiniang both committed suicide by jumping into the river in the West Sea, leaving behind this beautiful love story that has been passed down through the ages?

Why is the ending of this story different from the story of Liu Danzhou and Du Shiniang they heard before? ? ?

But Liu Dandan, who died and came back to life soon, gave the answer!
As Liu Danzhou fell into memories, many netizens realized at this time that Liu Danzhou had doubts about Du Shiniang when he saw that Du Shiniang's attitude towards him had changed a lot from before. If I don't love him anymore, there must be some unavoidable reason.

So he came up with such a deliberate plan to jump into the river and die! ! !
He deliberately released the news that he was dead, just to test whether Du Shiniang really didn't like him anymore, or if he really had some last resort.

It was only after Liu Danzhou faked his death that he realized that Du Shiniang did this only because he was threatened by the prime minister's daughter and just to protect himself, so he pretended not to like him.

When he heard the news, Liu Dan was very happy!

But the prime minister's influence is too great after all, if he offends the prime minister just like this, even if he is the number one scholar, it is estimated that the road ahead will not be easy.

So he used his tricks, deliberately pretending that he was dead, and then tricked Du Shiniang over, and rescued Du Shiniang when she jumped into the river.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two of them died for each other,
But the two of them didn't die, the two of them just hid secretly and lived a shameless... bah, lived a happy life.

When the netizens saw this, they all couldn't help being overwhelmed.

"Awesome, awesome, really awesome, this brain hole is really too big, the ending of this story is really good!"

"Uh, I have to say that the ending of this story is really beyond my expectation. I thought the ending of this story was the same as the original ending!"

"Liu Danzhou and Du Shiniang fell in love so much, but ended up with such a sad ending. When I saw this story before, I was very sad, very sad. Now the two of them finally have a happy ending. , I am so happy!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... "

"I have to say that the director's brain is really too big, and the ending of this story is really unexpected!"

"Hey, haven't you guys watched the end of this promotional video? The subtitles at the end of this promotional video say that the ending of this story was changed by Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan is really awesome. I didn't expect that he is not only talented in music, He is also so talented in screenwriting, it’s really amazing!”

Although some netizens felt that the ending of Zhang Fan's story was changed very well, Zhang Fan's changes to this story gave this story a better ending!

But some netizens feel that Zhang Fan changed the ending of this story casually, changing a beautiful love story that has been passed down through the ages beyond recognition.

"I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, I really can't take it anymore, the beautiful love story between Liu Danzhou and Du Shiniang has been passed down for thousands of years, but this Zhang Fan just changed it!"

"That's right, that's right, this Zhang Fan is too self-aware. Although he has a little talent in music, it doesn't mean that he can do anything. This change is all about something!"

"The love story between Liu Danzhou and Du Shiniang has been passed down for thousands of years. Although the ending of the story of the two of them is not very good, they will always live in people's hearts. But Zhang Fan changed everything so badly. !"

"Do they know what it means to make a promotional film? The stories of Liu Danzhou and Du Shiniang happened in real life, and their endings are also like this. Why change the ending of this story? "

"That's right, everyone is an adult and not a child anymore, do you just like watching the happy ending so much?"

"My family lives near Xihai. The love story between Liu Danzhou and Du Shiniang has been passed down for so many years. Zhang Fan suddenly changed it! He must give us an explanation. Why did he change it like this? Who The rights given to him made him change like this?"

"Yes, that's right. This Zhang Fan must give an explanation. Why did he change the story like this? Has he respected Liu Danzhou and Du Shiniang? Has he respected history?"

"Zhang Fan is just a clown. Relying on his little talent in music, he thinks of sensationalizing all day long. He is really ridiculous!"

"This Zhang Fan likes to act aggressive all day long, I've been annoyed by him for a long time!"




(End of this chapter)

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