Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 401 "Love Emergency", popular all over the Internet

Chapter 401 "Love is Urgent", which is popular all over the Internet (please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket)
Many viewers who were watching the show couldn't help but gasp when they watched Chen Mengyao's dance and listened to Chen Mengyao's sweet singing.

"Fuck! It sounds good, it sounds good, it sounds really good."

"Ahhh... is this the stage that Chen Meiyao promised to our fans? It's really beautiful. As Chen Mengyao's fans, we are really happy."

"Yes, yes, Chen Mengyao has not been an idol idol for a long time, but she still prepares a stage for fans every year. She is really kind."

"I started to be a fan of Chen Mengyao when she was a trainee. I witnessed her from a little girl, from an ordinary trainee, from an [-]th-tier star to a first-tier star in the entertainment industry today. , Her life is really inspiring."

"Yes, yes, whether it is acting or music, she is very good. This Chen Mengyao is really the most ambitious woman I have ever seen. For so many years, she has basically never had a break. Every year There are all kinds of TV series and movies, as well as all kinds of music, and she basically didn't have a day off in the busiest years."

"As a star, it is really important to be ambitious. I remember that my fan was a little flower who appeared at the same time as Chen Mengyao. At that time, she was more popular than Chen Mengyao, with a better company and better resources, but she is really a person. Too in love, I gave up my career for a man, and now I have become an [-]th-line starlet, I am completely out of breath."

"Oh, that's how it is in the entertainment industry. Some people play bad cards with good cards, and some people play bad cards with bad cards. It may be too easy for those people to get things, and they won't cherish them. Everything Chen Mengyao has now is She got it by her own efforts, so she dare not relax in the slightest."

"It is really not an ordinary difficulty to gain a foothold in such a fiercely competitive entertainment industry, but it is not an ordinary difficulty to achieve Chen Mengyao's current status and become a first-line star. Entrepreneurship, but also a certain amount of luck.”



"What's going on? What's going on, who can tell me what's going on? Didn't I already snatch her song? Where did her song come from?"

Lin Jing looked at this Chen Mengyao singing and dancing on the stage at this time, she was like a shining fairy, she was very angry.

"This... I don't know too much about this. Maybe this is a song she prepared before?"

Lin Jing heard her assistant's words at this time, and said with disbelief: "How is this possible? This Chen Mengyao is no longer a professional idol like before. She is now an actress and a singer. She I basically don’t dance much anymore.”

"This is a benefit she gives to her fans. Every year, she will make a singing and dancing stage for her fans. The song is written by some music producers in the company temporarily. How can she have new songs? If she has new songs Why does she ask the company's music producers to help her write songs?"

Seeing Lin Jing's angry look at this time, the assistant was taken aback, and said with a look of bewilderment, "Sister Lin Jing... I don't know what's going on here either?"

The assistant had just finished saying this when he was slapped on the face.

"I don't know what's going on? I don't know what's going on? Do you only know this sentence, and you don't know anything? What do I want you to do?"

"I'll give you 10 minutes, now hurry up and find out where did Chen Mengyao get this song from? You'd better find out for me, if you can't figure it out, get out of here, really Waste one!"

When the assistant heard Lin Jing's words at this time, she was extremely angry. She felt that her personality had been insulted, her dignity had been trampled on, and her innocence had been tarnished.

"You are a waste, your whole family is a waste, you are a piece of mud that can't support the wall, a waste company like you has poured so many resources on you, there is no splash, I really don't know what a waste like you is. Where did you get the courage to compare yourself to Chen Mengyao???"

"If you hadn't hooked up with the company's high-level executives, if a company's high-level executives hadn't supported you behind your back, what do you think you are? You only use such shady methods to target Chen Mengyao all day long. Who is it? You are just a clown."

At this time, the assistant scolded Lin Jing severely, and immediately felt much better in his heart.

When Lin Jing heard what her assistant said at this time, she was about to go crazy.

These words of her assistant pierced her heart like a sharp knife, piercing her lungs.

These things her assistant said are all facts, but these are facts that she dare not face.

Now being told in front of her, it's like taking off her clothes and throwing her in the crowd, don't mention how embarrassing she is for me.

"You dare to scold me, you dare to scold me, you little bitch..."

Lin Jing was very angry at this time, and she stretched out her hand to slap her assistant, but her hand was held by the assistant: "What's wrong with scolding you? Besides, am I scolding you? I You just said what you did to me, and you said that I scolded you, it seems that in your own heart, you also think that these things you did are disgusting, dirty, and dirty?"

"You think about comparing yourself with Chen Mengyao all day long. You want to compare yourself with others no matter what, but don't you think that you are worthy of being compared with others? From appearance to figure to ability, does he not beat you at all?? ? You really don't have any self-knowledge?"

"Ah ah ah ah..."

When Lin Jing heard her assistant's words at this time, she felt like she was going crazy: "Stop it, stop it, I told you to stop it, don't you want to do it?"

Lin Jing knew that her assistant had hatred for her in her heart. After all, she beat and scolded her assistant every day. It was impossible for this assistant not to hate her.

But so what if she hates herself, she is just a small assistant, so what can she do?

If she opposes herself, she will never be able to hang out in the company.

So Lin Jing took out this trump card, she thought that as soon as she used this trick, her assistant would obediently surrender.


"Don't want to do it anymore? You're right, I just don't want to do it anymore? I am a person, I am an independent person, I am a person with human dignity, not a dog you raised."

"You beat and scold me every day. Do you know how many times I have been slapped by you when I was your assistant? Do you know how much I have been scolded? Who do you think you are? How dare you scold me like that? How dare you Hit me like that? I'm a treasure at home, my parents never beat me like that? Scolded me like that?"

"I know there are people behind you, so I will bear with you again and again, but I really can't bear people."

"I'm not going to do it today. You are really the hardest celebrity I've ever met. You're just a little showman. You really treat yourself like a princess. Bah..."

"Your whole body is fake, even your proud face has undergone plastic surgery. If you don't sell your body and soul, you're not a fart..."

The assistant's words were like a sharp knife, piercing Lin Jing's heart fiercely. Lin Jing was going crazy at this moment, and she rushed forward desperately: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I will fight with you!"

At this time, the assistant looked at Lin Jing who was rushing towards him like a madman, and she dodged to the side, and Lin Jing fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"I'm not your assistant anymore, so don't order me like you used to. You are nothing in my eyes. If you dare to treat me like before, don't blame me for being rude to you..."

Lin Jing heard what her assistant said at this time, and said angrily: "Okay, okay, do you think you can stop being my assistant if you don't want to? Even if you don't want to be my assistant, Don't even think about being an assistant to someone else in the company, a star in another company, do you think anyone dares to ask you?"

"As long as I'm here, you don't have to think about it in Tianmei Entertainment. In the future, I will make your life worse than a dog in Tianmei Entertainment. This is the price you pay for offending me."

Lin Jing said such words on purpose at this time. She originally wanted to scare the assistant with these words. She wanted to see the expression of fear on the assistant's face, but she didn't see it for a long time. What expression of fear can be seen on the face of his assistant.

"Are not you afraid?"

Lin Jing asked with some doubts at this time, she did not believe that her assistant was not afraid at all.


"Do you really want to see the expression of fear on my face? Do you really want to see me begging you for mercy because of fear? I tell you, it's impossible!!!"

"I know there are big bosses behind you, and I can't afford to offend you, so when I scolded you just now, I thought about it! I will hand over my resignation letter to the company tomorrow. There are so many brokerage companies in the whole country, I don't believe it. I can't find an agency that suits me."

"And you can take care of yourself. I hope that one day when you are abandoned by the boss behind you, you can still be as arrogant and domineering as you are today."

After the assistant finished speaking, he left directly.

She's had enough, she's had enough of this life, she's had enough of this life.




(End of this chapter)

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