Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 411 This Zhang Fan is indeed the viewing password!

Chapter 411 This Zhang Fan really is the viewing password! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

"Sister, can you be more confident, you shouldn't know anything, you must be writing about you, okay?"

When Chen Mengyao heard the assistant's words at this time, although she really wanted it to be like this, she still didn't quite believe it: " it impossible? What basis do you have for saying that?"

Bai Xiaobai heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Sister, I must have a basis for saying that."

"As far as I know, it seems that Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing met this year. Although the two of them have a certain affection for each other, the relationship between the two of them should not have reached this level, and it seems that the two of them If you get along so happily, there must be no sad quarrels, so there is no need to talk about it? This sad love song must be written for you."

"First of all, you two have known each other for a very long time, which shows that your relationship is very deep, and you really broke Teacher Zhang Fan's heart when you left alone, that's why Teacher Zhang Fan wrote such a song .”

"And even if you don't reason about this matter like this, you can use the method of elimination to sort it out. If it wasn't Lin Yuqing, then it must be you. Could it be another woman?"

Chen Mengyao couldn't help but nodded when she heard her assistant's words at this time: "You seem to have a point in saying that, but I still don't think this song was written for me."

"Didn't a netizen on the Internet break out the story of him and his ex-girlfriend before? Since Zhang Fan's song "What Do You Want Me To Do" just now was written for their story, maybe this song "The Last The Long Movie" was written for that story."

"Moreover, some of the corresponding stories in the song written by Zhang Fan are indeed very similar to what the netizen revealed about him and his ex-girlfriend. It can't be said that they are exactly the same. They are exactly the same."

Bai Xiaobai said: "Although Teacher Zhang Fan wrote this song there must be some reasons for this, but I think it's not just that. No matter what, this story is always someone else's story. Certainly not as good as what I experienced myself.”

"Mr. Zhang Fan wrote this song so emotionally, it must not be just to read other people's stories, he must have experienced it himself, otherwise he would never be able to write such a profound song! "



On stage

At this time, the song "The Longest Movie" has come to the end.

At this time, Zhang Fan has completely devoted himself to this song, and he really likes this song very much.

He personally thinks that this song is written really well, it's great, it's very touching!

Jay Chou is worthy of being Jay Chou, he is awesome.

Zhang Fan continued to advocate at this time: "Give me another 2 minutes

Let me freeze my memory
don't melt your tears
You've spent all your makeup

how do i remember
remember you told me to forget
remember you told me to forget
you said you would cry

Not because you care"

song is over

Many people are still deeply immersed in this touching song at this time.

Some people who have had some emotional experience, when they heard this song at this time, they couldn't help but shed their tears.

Because this song is really written in their hearts.



"We all want the love that can be married if we hold hands, but we live in an age when we have sex and there is no result. The most powerless thing for a man is "meeting the most desirable thing at the age with the least material power." The most regrettable thing for a woman to take care of a girl all her life is "meeting someone who can't afford to wait at the best age."

"After listening to this song, I didn't dare to reply easily, I was worried that my vulgar language would tarnish this song. But I still replied, because I feel that if I can't leave myself behind such a wonderful song It will be a regret in my life. Please forgive my selfishness! No matter how gorgeous words are used, it is impossible to describe the beauty of this song!"

"Zhang Fan is really not a musical genius in the entertainment industry. He is really awesome. He said that his admiration for him is like a surging river, and it's like the Yellow River is flooding, and it's out of control!"

"You said you would cry, not because you care... This lyrics is really well written, and I am really touched by this lyrics."

"This brother will tell your story, I am really curious!"



"Good news for the director, good news, super good news, just now the ratings of our show broke through three, and we opened the live broadcast room and the number of online users reached the highest just now, just now Zhang Fan sang the song "The Longest Movie" During the song, the highest number of people online in the live broadcast room reached 2000 million.”

When director Sun Biao heard the good news reported by the staff at this time, he couldn't help but gasped.

With so many people watching in the webcast room, it is really unbelievable that the ratings of the show can break through three.

Zhang Fan is really too awesome, this is simply awesome to open the door for awesome - so awesome.

I did not make a wrong decision to let Zhang Fan play the finale this time.

This Zhang Fan is really not an ordinary person. He really deserves to be a musical genius in the entertainment circle. Tonight he played these two songs. One song is more exciting than the other.

"Hahahahaha... This Zhang Fan is really not simple. This time, inviting this Zhang Fan to our [-] party, and putting him in the finale, it really is not a wrong decision!"

At this time, the staff heard the director's words and continued: "Actually, it's more than that, Zhang Fan's two songs "What Do You Want from Me" and this song "The Longest Movie" are completely popular on the short video, The clip of the climax of the song "What Do You Want From Me" uploaded by's official Weibo, the number of likes of the video has exceeded 1000 million so far."

Director Sun Biao heard the good news reported by the staff at this time, and he couldn't help but gasp again: "It's only been a few hours since Zhang Fan's song "What Do You Want Me To Like?" The volume has already exceeded 1000 million, which is incredible. Generally speaking, the number of likes and the number of plays are ten to one. If the number of likes is 1000 million, the number of plays must exceed [-] million."

"The number of views of a single singing video has directly exceeded [-] million, which is enough to show that Zhang Fan's "What Do You Want Me To Do" is really popular, and it is estimated that tomorrow this song will enter the major music ranking Top of the list."

"This Zhang Fan is really terrifying. I really don't know how he has so many ideas at such a young age? How can he have so many talents? How can he write so many good songs? This is really incredible. "

When the staff heard the director's exclamation at this time, they also sighed and said: "This Zhang Fan is really amazing. He really deserves to be my favorite idol. He is really amazing."

"And it's not just the song "What Do You Want From Me?" that became popular, even the climax of the song "The Longest Movie" that was released just now has more than 20 likes."

"Even the song "Love is Urgent" written by Zhang Fan casually for Chen Mengyao has become a complete hit on the Internet. The video of Chen Mengyao dancing "Love is Urgent" previously posted on's official Weibo has now exceeded the number of hits. 5000 million."

When Sun Biao heard the staff member's words at this time, he couldn't help but gasped again.

There are too many things that shocked Zhang Fan today.

Although he didn't want to keep sucking in cold air like this, it would cause a greenhouse effect, but who made this Zhang Fan really too perverted.

It's incredible that a song he just wrote for someone else can reach such a level of popularity.

Anyway, no matter what, tonight's Double Twelve Party will rely on these two songs by Zhang Fan, as well as the song "Love in Urgent" that Zhang Fan wrote for Chen Mengyao, to control the topic and popularity to death.

At least tonight's Double Twelve Party is no worse than the previous Double Eleven Party.

This Zhang Fan is indeed the viewing password!



When Zhang Fan returned to the lounge, he found that Chen Mengyao's eyes were red, as if she had just cried, and asked curiously, "What's wrong with you? Why are your eyes so red? Did you cry just now? Who Bullied you?"

Seeing Sun Biao like this, Zhang Fan subconsciously thought that someone had bullied her just now.

But if you think about it, it's kind of impossible.

This Chen Mengyao was a one-to-five existence in the orphanage back then, and she was the only one who bullied others. When will it be others' turn to bully her.

"Who did you say bullied me? Of course it was you, the villain, who bullied me!"

Zhang Fan was taken aback when he heard Chen Mengyao's complaint at this time, and hurriedly said, "Hey, hey, you can eat food but not talk nonsense. When did I bully you? Don't slander me." Your innocence, be careful I will sue you for defamation!"

Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and punched Zhang Fan's chest again: "Why did I slander you? I was indeed made to cry by you. The song you wrote just now is really too It was touching, and the singing was really touching.”

"When I heard the song you sang just now, I was really moved to cry by the song you sang. Do you think it was because of you that I cried? Did you say that I wronged you? Did you say I slandered you?"

Zhang Fan: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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