Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 416 I, Chen Shimei, don't want to be Wu Dalang!

Chapter 416 I, Chen Shimei, don't want to be Wu Dalang! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

"Can you shut up? If you keep talking, you won't even think about going to bed tonight!"

After Liu Yanyan finished speaking, she walked out with a large bowl of soup.


When Chen Shimei saw the back of her wife leaving, she couldn't help but sighed deeply!

Zhang Fan patted his stomach at this time, and said with a sigh: "It's so cool, it's so cool, I haven't eaten so much in a long time, I have to say that your taste is really good, This restaurant tastes really good.”

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Chen Mengyao brushed her long hair by her ears, and said with a proud face: "Of course, when has my girl's taste been worse? My girl must be [-]% sure about delicious food." It’s delicious, you forgot that I took you to eat delicious food when you were young!”

"Mr. Chen Mengyao, I'm bringing you soup. The delicious pork rib soup is here."

At this time, Liu Yanyan came over with a big bowl of pork rib soup.

At this time, Chen Mengyao saw Liu Yanyan serving such a big bowl of pork rib soup, and said with a smile on her face: "Why are you here, Mrs. Chen, we are already full, you don't have to cook so much, you see what tonight We all ate our fill."

Liu Yanyan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "Oh, you ate a lot of dry food just now, drink more soup to relieve your greasy, I boiled this pork rib soup for almost an hour, just a little soup That's all, it won't take much of your appetite, so hurry up and drink."

After Liu Yanyan finished speaking, she quickly turned her head, wanting to take a look at the man's face.

She wanted to see what this man looked like?She was able to make her idol, Teacher Chen Mengyao, fall in love with her.


It's just that when she saw Zhang Fan's face, she couldn't help screaming.

At this time, she really couldn't believe what she saw.

This is really incredible.

She really couldn't believe it was true what she saw.

This person turned out to be Zhang Fan? ? ?

Liu Yanyan is really too familiar with this Zhang Fan. Her favorite TV series "Small Smile is Alluring" this year is played by this man.

Although Liu Yanyan is now in her 30s, she still likes watching TV dramas very much, especially some idol dramas.

"A Slight Smile is Alluring" is really her favorite TV series. He has watched this TV series twice now, but when she watched it for the third time, she still watched it with gusto .

She felt that in the TV series "Small Smiles Are Alluring", the Xiao Nai played by Zhang Fan was really perfect.

Any woman who sees such an outstanding man will probably not be able to help but be moved.

What woman wouldn't want to have a perfect boyfriend like Xiao Nai in reality?
Seeing Liu Yanyan like this at this moment, Chen Mengyao was startled, and hurriedly asked concerned: "Sister Chen, are you okay?"

At this moment, Liu Yanyan slowly regained her senses: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm okay, I just didn't expect to see the actor who played Xiao Nai in the TV series "A Slight Smile Is Allure" here? "

"Mr. Zhang Fan, why are you here? I'm your fan. I really like watching your TV shows and variety shows. They're so beautiful!"

Zhang Fan was also taken aback by this woman's sudden behavior at this time, but being recognized as a celebrity is also a normal thing, and Zhang Fan has long been used to this kind of screaming from fans at this time. He said with a smile: "Thank you, thank you, thank you for your liking!"

When Liu Yanyan saw Zhang Fan at this time, Zhang Fan who could speak, was very excited.

At this moment, Liu Yanyan seemed to see the perfect God Xiao Nai standing in front of her.

At this time, Liu Yanyan kept poking her clothes corners with both hands, and said excitedly, "Mr. Zhang Fan, I really didn't know that you came to my store. If you want me to know that you came to my store, I will I came out to see you earlier."

"Mr. Zhang Fan, that...that I am your big fan, can I ask you for an autograph?"

Seeing Liu Yanyan's excited look at this time, Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face: "Of course there is no problem with signing, but there are no pens and papers here, why don't we just take a photo together? "

"Can... is it possible? Is this really possible?"

When Liu Yanyan heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she was so excited that she stuttered.

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "Of course, you have cooked so many delicious food for us tonight, what's the point of taking a photo, do you have a mobile phone?"

"I have, I have, I have..."

At this time, Liu Yanyan quickly took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and then quickly stood with Zhang Fan and took a selfie photo.

At this time, Chen Shimei was in the kitchen and saw that her wife was actually next to this man, and they were so close together, and they were talking and laughing, and she couldn't help being envious and jealous.

What is this woman up to?
Is this little boy really so attractive?

Not only could an excellent woman like Teacher Chen Mengyao not be able to resist his temptation, but now even his own wife fell for him after taking a look at him.

ah ah ah ah...

Chen Shimei feels like she is going crazy at this moment
Why is this happening?

Why is this happening?

Why is this so?

How could such a thing happen to me?
Oh, my god!

I, Chen Shimei, don't want to be Wu Dalang!

As a man, he really couldn't stand such a thing, he turned his head to look at the kitchen, and then saw the knife on the kitchen chopping board.

At this moment, Chen Shimei only felt that the blood was rushing to her head. At this moment, he couldn't care less, and rushed out with the knife on the chopping board.

At this time, after Liu Yanyan took a few photos with Zhang Fan, she took her mobile phone and flipped through the photos on her mobile phone, and went back to the kitchen happily.

Just when Liu Yanyan turned around and wanted to go back to the kitchen, she saw her husband and rushed over with a knife.

Seeing her husband like this, Liu Yanyan's face turned dark: "What are you doing? What are you doing with a knife?"

Chen Shimei originally wanted to get angry at this time, but seeing that his wife's whole face was a little strange, he didn't dare to get angry at this time, and said with a face of fear: "It's nothing, I just came out to take a look..."

At this time, Liu Yanyan saw that her husband was still holding a knife in his hand, so she took a step forward and pulled the husbands back to the kitchen: "What are you looking at? What's so interesting? What do you do if you scare our guests with a knife?" ? Can you grow your brains?"

Thinking of seeing her wife chatting and laughing with that little boy just now, Chen Shimei was so angry that she slammed the knife on the table and said angrily, "Hmph! Don't think I don't know You were talking and laughing with this little boy just now, and you are still so close, what do you want to do?"

"I'm a bit confused. Apart from being handsome, what charm does this little boy have that can make you women unable to walk after just one glance, and you are completely attracted by him, and you fall into the trap one by one. .”

When Liu Yanyan heard this husband's words at this time, she was very angry: "Chen Shimei, what are you talking about? Do you know what's going on? I think you're just looking for trouble when you're idle, don't you? Kneeling on the washboard, you don't know who you are?"

If it was before, when Chen Shimei saw her wife being so angry, she would have knelt down in fright, but thinking that she was talking and laughing with this little boy when she saw her just now, she said angrily, "What's wrong with me? Liu Yanyan, don't go too far Well, this time it's obviously your fault, you just met this little boy, you talked and laughed with him, and the two of you were so close just now, why do you have the nerve to talk about me?"

"How do I treat you normally? I give you my best, but when you see a little boy, you talk and laugh with him. What do you think of me?"

"Let me tell you Liu Yanyan, I was afraid of you before, but I was not afraid of you, but I loved you, but this time you betrayed me first, so don't blame me for not being sympathetic."


At this moment, Liu Yan couldn't help laughing angrily when she saw such a cute look of this husband.

Chen Shimei was even more confused when she heard the wife's laughter at this time.

"Why are you laughing? What's so funny about you? You have the nerve to laugh when you did something wrong yourself?"

Liu Yanyan said: "Of course I'm going to laugh, because there's a really stupid and cute person here. Do you know who that little boy you're talking about is? He's Zhang Fan, a musical genius in the entertainment industry!"

"Do you know who acted in the TV series that our store's TV was broadcasting repeatedly some time ago? It was played by Zhang Fan. This TV series is very popular. Basically, our customers like to watch this TV series very much. "

"I just saw the stars I usually see on TV. I just wanted to ask him what's wrong with taking a group photo? Chen Shimei, do you think you are still a man? I have set up a stall with you to sell things all these years. I eat After suffering so much and suffering so much, have I ever complained?"

"As a result, you are here today because I said a few more words to the star I like, and you are here to be weird??? Are you still a man?"

(End of this chapter)

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