Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 426 Li Zongxian's voice is so high?

Chapter 426 Li Zongxian is so loud? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)
On stage

At this time, Li Zongxian has completely devoted himself to this song.

In order to create such a song, he spent a lot of hard work, time and energy.

Since the last I Am a Singer program ended, he has been revising this song, hoping to make this song more perfect, and then bring it to the I Am a Singer stage, and then have a real show with Zhang Fan showdown.

Li Zongxian is very clear that his singing skills are definitely not the best among these singers, and it is not an exaggeration to say that his singing skills are relatively poor among these singers.

Especially these years of living a relatively comfortable life, plus he prefers to drink milk tea, he is not as self-disciplined as he was when he was young, and his figure and voice are not as good as when he was young.

In fact, since he first debuted in the entertainment industry, he was not known for his singing skills.

From the beginning of his debut in the entertainment industry, what he relied on was his creative ability.

There are a lot of singers in this world, and there are a lot of those who can sing in conservatories, but sometimes you can’t meet a good song, and you may never have the opportunity to stand on the bigger stage. to sing on stage.

Compared with creative singers like them, those pure singers are more dependent on the company. They need to use the company's contacts and resources to find more good songs for them. Otherwise, if you don't have good songs If you don't have enough resources, no matter how good your singing skills are, it's useless.

For creative singers like them, they don't have so many worries, but generally speaking, their singing skills are not as good as those of pure singers.

Many times a person's time and energy are limited, and your heart is scattered in many places and fields. It is impossible for you to make every field and every place perfect, very extreme, very good .

And this usually forms a habit, for example, pure singers will rely too much on their own singing skills and will not learn to create things like that.

And creative singers like them also rely more on their own creative ability, and they don't pay much attention to their own singing skills. They don't practice their singing skills every day like those pure singers, and maintain their voice every day. something like that.

After all, there is inertia in everyone's heart, and everyone wants to stay in their comfort zone.

And some things are not something you can learn if you want to, some things are really born, and some things really depend on talent.

It is impossible for God to give you all the good talents. It is impossible to give you both a good voice and a good talent.Let you have a strong creative ability.

Like Lin Yuqing, although God gave her a good voice, but did not give her any creative ability, her experience in songwriting is basically close to zero.

And it's not that she hasn't tried hard herself. After seeing Zhang Fan's creative ability, she has been asking Zhang Fan for advice and learning, and has been trying to compose songs by herself, but many times it is often unsatisfactory.

Just like when she was learning to sing, she could quickly master all the treble and bass, and when she was learning an instrument, she could quickly learn it by reading it once. But when it comes to songwriting, she sometimes struggles to write songs A full song comes out.

God is fair to everyone. It is impossible to say that you will give all the good things to you. If you do this, you will not let others live.

As far as Zhang Fan was concerned, he was definitely inferior to Lin Yuqing in terms of pure singing skills.

If the full score of singing skills is 100 points, Lin Yuqing basically has 98 points, and he used to be 80 points. Now after his continuous practice for a period of time, coupled with the certain talents of his own body, he should now Able to reach 92 points.

But if you want to go a step further, it is not an ordinary difficulty.

However, Zhang Fan's current singing skills are relatively top among pure singers. Although there is still a certain distance compared to a top existence like Lin Yuqing, there are not many perverted singers like Lin Yuqing in the entire entertainment industry. what.

The most important thing is that most songs have a singing skill of seventy or eighty, which is basically enough, and there are basically very few songs that use singing skills of more than ninety.

So with Zhang Fan's current singing ability, he can basically control most of the songs.


When thinking of this, Li Zongxian couldn't help but sighed deeply at this moment, because this time he encountered a pervert.

That's right, the pervert he was talking about was Zhang Fan.

He had never seen such a perverted person.

You say you are so handsome and you are so tall, you say you are so tall and you are so musically talented, you say you are so musically talented and you are so good at singing, It's fine if you say you're so good at singing, but you still have such a good personality...

It feels as if all the good things in this world have been taken by him.

To be honest, when he was young, people like Zhang Fan were the kind of influential figures in his mind, but at that time he was just a very inconspicuous ordinary person, just an ordinary person.

To be honest, at that time, he never thought that he would become a singer who sang in front of hundreds or thousands of 10,000+ people. At that time, he wanted to be a music producer who wrote songs behind the scenes.

But at that time, he wrote a lot of songs and gave them to many singers, but they were all returned by those singers. They also said that the songs he wrote were rubbish, and it was impossible for anyone to understand his songs. It's not suitable for eating music, so it's better to go to the construction site to move bricks.

At that time, he was really very sad and very uncomfortable.

Later, by chance, he sang a song he wrote, and then he walked step by step to where he is today.

At the beginning, he walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage. He was really not used to this state.

Every time he sang in front of others, he lowered his head in fear, and didn't dare to interact with the audience at all. He sang his own song there alone, and every time he finished singing, he would Hope there will be no next time.

Because for him at that time, there was nothing more terrifying than singing in front of so many people.

Later, he also experienced a lot of things, and his personality gradually became cheerful. However, he is still a rather dull person in private. He only shows his cheerful side on the show or in his work.

He did this because he didn't want the atmosphere between everyone to be too awkward.

But this Zhang Fan is different, this Zhang Fan seems to be born to like dealing with others, likes to make jokes, no matter how big the scene is, he will not be afraid.

To be honest, he really envied such a person.

He can admit that he is not as handsome as Zhang Fan, and he can also admit that he is not as eloquent and likable as Zhang Fan, but it is absolutely impossible for him to admit defeat in music.

Music is the most important thing for him, he has absolute confidence in his music, he can have everything today, all because of his music, so he can admit defeat in any other picture, but he absolutely does not Will throw in the towel on his own music.

Li Zongxian continued to sing at this time: "The flowers bloom and the leaves fall at the moment of withering.

my heart is bleeding
I saw the happy past

as simple as that

Even though I love you madly
and you came too late


Many netizens who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation when they heard Li Zongxian's high-pitched voice.

None of them knew how long it had been since they had seen Li Zongxian soaring.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Li Zongxian's voice is so high."

"Oh, my god! I thought Li Zongxian wouldn't be able to soar after drinking milk tea. I didn't expect that I could still hear his soaring in my lifetime. I'm so excited."

"Yes, yes, it's really Ye Qinghui. When Li Zongxian was young, this high-pitched voice was really casual. Now it sounds really difficult!"

"In fact, Li Zongxian's singing talent is quite good, but when he was young, he always relied on his own talent to sing, and never relied on scientific singing methods to practice his singing skills, and he didn't pay attention to maintaining his singing skills in the later stage. Throat, what kind of hot pot, what kind of foreign wine, what kind of milk tea, I often drink it, so his throat has become what it is today."

"If you want to say that singing skills are more scientific, then I only admire Liu Junjie. His singing skills are really too scientific. With the increase of age, not only has his singing skills not regressed in the slightest, but it is constantly improving."

"Lin Yuqing's singing skills are also very scientific, very powerful, and very worth learning. Every time I listen to her singing, I really have a very wonderful enjoyment."

"Don't talk about it, Lin Yuqing is not an ordinary person. She is a rare musical genius at the Beijing Conservatory of Music, and God gave him a good voice. In addition, he has been exposed to scientific training from famous teachers since he was a child. She is already so talented, and she has worked so hard to train her singing skills scientifically, her singing skills are really the top in the country now."

"All right, all right, Li Zongxian wasn't good at singing in the first place, and his singing skills were not as good as those of professional singers when he was young. The reason why we like him so much is because of his creative ability. There are many singers who can sing in the entertainment circle. Yes, but how many singers like Li Zongxian have such awesome creative ability?"



(End of this chapter)

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