Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 430 The prelude to "Sea of ​​Flowers" is absolutely amazing! ! !

Chapter 430 The prelude to "Sea of ​​Flowers" is absolutely perfect! ! ! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)
The song is over!
Many people are deeply immersed in Lin Yuqing's beautiful singing at this time, and they are all deeply intoxicated by Lin Yuqing's beautiful singing at this time.

clap clap clap!
At this time, someone didn't know who clapped their palms, and the others slowly reacted, and then clapped their own palms one by one, and there was thunderous applause at the scene.

" sounds good, it sounds good, it really sounds good."

"Lin Yuqing's voice is so sweet, this song should only exist in the sky, how many times can I hear it in the world!"

"Ahhhhhh... Today's trip really didn't come in vain. Listening to this song live is completely different from listening to this song on the Internet. Listening to this song live is really shocking."

"Lin Yuqing's unique timbre, coupled with her powerful singing skills, really performed this song to the fullest. I couldn't help but cry when I heard this song!"

"Your heart has built a wall. I have walked many bridges. I will not apologize when I am wrong. Maybe I am really naughty and occasionally considerate. Your heart wall, I am very confident, my heart can Melting, my heart changes every day, your heart wall doesn't exist in my eyes!"

"Your heart has a wall but I found a window, occasionally a warm gleam shines through, even if you have a wall, my love will climb up the window sill and bloom... I'm full of these lyrics now , this song is really brainwashing."



#林雨清《心城》# This topic quickly became the tenth most searched topic on Weibo. In just 10 minutes, the number of views on this topic directly exceeded [-] million, which caused many discussions and comments from netizens. focus on.

"This song is really nice, and Lin Yuqing's voice is really suitable for this song."

"I personally really like this song. When I heard this song, I was really touched. I also met a girl before. There was a deep wall in her heart. I I have worked hard for a long time, but I have not really broken the wall and walked into his heart."

"Your heart has a wall but I found a window, occasionally revealing a warm gleam, even if you have a wall, my love will climb up the window sill and bloom... This lyrics is really beautiful , The lyrics are really wonderful, the lyrics are really amazing."

"Zhang Fan is really not a musical genius, and only he can write such a magical song. I think this "Heart Wall" is not even worse than Li Zongxian's "Love Comes Too Late" just now!"

"You said that the song Zhang Fan wrote for Lin Yuqing is already so awesome, what kind of song will he come up with this time?"

"When you put it that way, I'm really looking forward to Zhang Fan's song. Even the song he wrote for Lin Yuqing is so awesome. What will his carefully prepared love song be like this time?" of a song."

"I guess this song is definitely not easy, I really want to hear this song!"

"Don't worry, wait another hour, and you will be able to hear this song by Zhang Fan!"



After that, several singers will appear on the stage.

Although this is the first time for Chen Mengyao to participate in the I Am a Singer show, when she stood on the stage, she shocked many audiences with her famous song "Spring of Love".

They originally thought that Chen Mengyao's singing skills were not very good, but when they heard this song by Chen Mengyao, they realized that Chen Mengyao's singing skills were so good.

Although Chen Mengyao's singing skills cannot be compared with Lin Yuqing's abnormality, she also has her own very unique timbre. Coupled with her singing skills, Chen Mengyao performed this "Spring of Love" vividly.

Soon the performances of several singers were over, and now Zhang Fan was the only one who hadn't performed on stage.

Before the show started, Zhang Fan had already told the media that he was going to write a new love song.

So although Zhang Fan didn't come on stage at this time, everyone was looking forward to his coming on stage. They all wanted to see what kind of song he would bring to everyone this time.

The host said with a little smile: "Next, let's invite a musical genius, Zhang Fan, the leader of the new generation of singers, to bring us a new song by him. Do you want to know what this new song is? ?”

Hearing the host's words, the audience couldn't help screaming excitedly.

"Ah, ah, ah... looking forward, looking forward, really looking forward to it!"

"It's finally Zhang Fan's turn. I'm really looking forward to his song."

"When Zhang Fan first started writing songs, he was famous for writing love songs. At that time, he was also given the title of prince of love songs, so I am really curious about his love song today!"

"After listening to Lin Yuqing's "Heart Wall", I was completely shocked by this song. This song is really good. Even Zhang Fan wrote this song for Lin Yuqing. It’s already so good, I’m really curious what kind of song his song is?”

"A product produced by Zhang Fan must be a high-quality product!"

"Ahhhh... Zhang Fan is the most handsome!!!"



At this time, the host saw the intense reaction of the audience, and said with a smile on his face: "I can hear it from everyone's screams, everyone really wants to know the end of Zhang Fan's song. What kind of song is it? Actually, I don’t know, I am also very curious about what kind of song Zhang Fan’s song is like everyone else, so let’s invite Zhang Fan to come on stage!”

When the host finished speaking, he was immediately booed by the audience.

"Bah! After a long time, you don't even know!"

"I thought you knew, I was so excited for a long time!"

"Heitui! You really wasted my feelings!"

"Forget it, for the sake of hearing Zhang Fan's song in a while, I won't be as knowledgeable as you. If it was normal, I would definitely break your dog legs!"



When the whole stage was lit up, everyone saw Zhang Fan sitting in front of a piano at this moment.

Many netizens couldn't help being shocked when they saw Zhang Fan's posture.

Could it be that Zhang Fan is planning to play and sing by himself this time?
If he sits there, it will really affect his performance a lot.

Then he has to play the piano and sing at the same time, which is just too distracting.

You must know that this is at the scene of I am a singer. Many professional singers are very nervous on the stage of I am a singer. They all want to maximize their strength and hope that they can be on the Stay on this show for a few more rounds.

In the end, Zhang Fan was fine.He actually sat in front of this piano so directly?
Is he trying to pretend or is he really confident?
"Damn! Zhang Fan sitting here like this, he is too pretentious!"

"Yes, yes, you must know that the competition on the stage of I am a singer is very fierce. Every singer tries his best to adjust his state and try his best to maximize his strength. This... ...This Zhang Fan actually sits and plays the piano like this, doesn't he want to continue to participate in this program?"

"Did you forget that Zhang Fan is not only a musical genius, but also a piano master? At the Shanghai International Piano Festival, even some famous foreign piano masters were not his opponents."

"Fuck! When you said that, I suddenly remembered that Zhang Fan is not only a musical genius, but also a piano master. The few pure music he wrote before are also very awesome. It's very popular, especially the song "To Alice", but it made Zhang Fan's ins gain millions of fans!"

"I am very looking forward to Zhang Fan's next song. The songwriting level of a musical genius, coupled with the level of Zhang Fan's piano master, tsk tsk tsk... I am really looking forward to Zhang Fan's song. What kind of song is it?"



Zhang Fan didn't know what these netizens were thinking at this time. The reason why he chose to play the piano this time was not to pretend to be aggressive, but because the song he sang next had a very special melody.

So he wants to personally perform the prelude of this song, because the prelude of this song is the most exciting part of this song.

That's right, the song he's going to sing next is "Huahai". The most classic of Huahai is the prelude to this song.

Since this Li Zongxian wants to challenge his love song, then this time he is going to come up with a song by Wang Zha.

This Jay Chou's "Flower Sea" is undoubtedly a song of the king's bombing level, especially the prelude of this song, it is really good to hear the explosion.

This song is also one of his favorite songs, every time he went to KTV in his previous life, he would order this song.

But in his previous life, he didn't know how to play the piano, so he really envied those who could play the prelude of this song on the piano. In this life, he finally learned how to play the piano, so he must play this song himself Prelude.

When Zhang Fan's ten fingers started to dance on the black and white keys, a burst of very nice music came out soon.

This prelude is very long, nearly half a minute long.

Many netizens who were watching the show couldn't help but gasp when they heard the prelude to this song.

When they listened to the prelude to this song, they felt a tingling feeling in their scalps.

(End of this chapter)

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