Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 435 I can't hide the eyes of a person who wants to knife!

Chapter 435 You Can't Hide Your Eyes When You Want to Dao Alone! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

This accident means that some people accidentally achieved a relatively good grade, and some people accidentally obtained a relatively poor grade.

Everyone wants to get a good grade by accident, and doesn't want to get a bad grade by accident.

Wang Teng said with a smile on his face at this time: "Now the result of the voting is in my hands. Do you want me to announce the number of this competition first?"

When several singers heard Wang Teng's words at this time, they couldn't help complaining.

"Director, do you think we will still trust you?"

"You lied to us several times before, do you think we will still trust you?"

"You have played the same routine as the director so many times, don't you get tired of it?"

"Director, I just want to ask you a question, do some of us look like a fool? Why do you use the same routine every time? Do you think some of us will be fooled?"

Zhang Fan had just finished speaking this sentence at this time, and Yu Qianwen immediately said at this time: "Director, I want to know that I am the singer's No.1 this time, so hurry up and announce."

Zhang Fan had just said at this time that no one of them would be fooled, but Yu Qianwen's words made him feel like he was being slapped in the face.

He used to slap other people in the face. Didn't he think that one day he would be slapped in the face?

Only now did he realize the feeling of being slapped in the face, and it was really, really, really uncomfortable.

Seeing Yu Qianwen at this time, Zhang Fan said with a speechless expression: "Sister, why do you still believe him? When did he keep his word? How many times have you been deceived by him? Why can't you have a longer memory? "

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Wang Teng was immediately upset: "Hey, hey, Zhang Fan, what do you mean by saying that? You say that as if my character is so bad. What does it mean that I keep talking wrong?" Come on, didn't I keep my word last time?"

"The last time you asked me to announce that I was the No.1 singer, didn't I just announce that I was the No.1 singer?"

When Yu Qianwen heard Wang Teng's words at this time, she nodded and said, "That's right, Zhang Fan, don't be so impulsive, I think what the director said makes sense, do you think I'm a fool? If he keeps lying to me, how can I trust him? He didn't lie to us last time, and I believe he won't lie to us this time either, right? Director."

At this time, Yu Qianwen moved her wrist while talking.

At this time, there was a crackling sound.

Wang Teng was still some distance away from Yu Qianwen at this time, and he heard it clearly. When he heard the sound, he quickly stepped back a few steps.

Seeing Wang Teng's movement of taking a few steps back, Yu Qianwen suddenly had a very bad feeling in her heart.

Wang Teng put his hands next to his ears at this time, and said with a surprised face: "What? What are you talking about? You want me to announce that I am the singer's No. 2 this time? Alright, since you said so, then I will satisfy you, this time I am a singer and No.2 is... who is it?"

When Yu Qianwen heard Wang Teng say No.2 just now, he knew he was cheated, but even if he couldn't know who No.1 was first?Knowing who No.2 is seems to be a good choice.

Just when Yu Qianwen stretched his neck to hear who I am a singer No. 2 was this time, he suddenly realized that he had been tricked by this director again.

He still underestimated how shameless this director was.

A humble person is invincible. Regardless of whether this sentence is correct, she really can't figure out how a person can be so thick-skinned?How can a person be so shameless?

At this time, Wang Teng saw the bewildered expressions of these singers, and he couldn't help being very happy.

Even these singers have been fooled by me, so the audience in front of the TV at this time will definitely be fooled by me even more.

Many viewers who were watching the live broadcast were also deceived by Wang Teng at this time, and they were all very angry.

"Ahhhh... I'm mad at me, I'm mad at me, I'm really mad at me."

"Just now I thought he was really going to announce the ranking. I didn't even poop. I just listened to him so intently. Let's see who this No.2 is? That's it? After he finished speaking, I couldn't hold back Stay away!"

"When he announced his name just now, I was drinking Coke. In order to hear the No.2 he announced, I didn't even dare to swallow the Coke. I just put it in my mouth and listened to what he announced. This No.2, but he gave me such a trick, I was choked by Coke, and now I have entered the hospital, the WiFi signal in the hospital is really good!"

"Damn it! Wang Teng, did you see that? Some people have been sent to the hospital by you, do you still have a conscience? If you have a conscience, hurry up and announce this No.2."

"When my grandfather with a heart attack watched this show, he was so angry by Wang Teng that he had a heart attack. If I hadn't discovered it in time and given him medicine, my grandfather might have been pissed off by Wang Teng."

"'re killing me!"


As the so-called false and true, real and false, soldiers are deceitful.

When they thought they would tell the truth, they told a lie. When they thought they would tell a lie, they told the truth. Now when they are speaking, they can no longer tell whether they are telling the truth or lying. up.

Wang Teng was very happy at this time, when he suddenly felt a biting chill coming from his back.

At this time, he felt the eyes of several singers looking at him. He knew that if eyes could kill, he would have been cut to pieces by the eyes of these singers.

After all, you can't hide the eyes of a person who wants to kill himself!

He knew that he was trying to die now, but he knew that if he did this, he would attract more viewers and the ratings would be higher, so let's die for the sake of ratings.

Wang Teng continued at this time: "Do you want everyone to guess who this No.2 is? I can give you a hint!"

Yu Qianwen heard Wang Teng's words at this time, and couldn't help complaining: "Director, can you stop moaning? Why are you such a big man, you are even more moaning than women, you Has it been announced yet? It’s already so late, hurry up and finish the announcement, we are still waiting to go home.”

When the other singers heard Yu Qianwen's words at this time, they all echoed.

After all, they were also very unhappy by this director just now.

This director is like this every time, trying his best to whet people's appetite, and when he whets your appetite, he won't say anything.

This feeling is really too uncomfortable.


At this time, Wang Teng saw these singers saying you and me, which almost overturned the stage, and hurriedly said: "Everyone, don't be so excited. I just think that everyone has just gone through a tense competition. Isn't it nice to play a little game and relax?"

"Now let's continue, where did I just say, I just said our No.2 this time, I will give you a reminder, this time No.2 is a girl!"

Alas, when the other singers heard what Wang Teng said, they couldn't help but gasp!Especially when Wang Teng said that No.2 was a girl, everyone fell silent.


No.2 turned out to be a girl?
Oh my god!

It seems that this time I am a singer competition, there really were some accidents.

From their point of view, the top two I am a singer this time will definitely be taken by Zhang Fan and Li Zongxian, but what they never expected is that this time I am a singer No.2 is actually a girl?
That is to say, this time I am a singer's No.2 was not taken over by Zhang Fan and Li Zongxian.

This is really a bit too unbelievable.

Li Zongxian was a musical genius more than ten years ago. Zhang Fan is now recognized as a musical genius in the entertainment industry. Their creative ability is beyond doubt. The songs they created just now are all very awesome. In their opinion, this time There is no suspense in the game, the two of them will definitely win the top two.

The only question may be who is No.1 and who is No.2?
As a result, No.2 was snatched away by others this time.

This also means that this time the battle between the two of them has lost one of them.

At this time, the camera also showed several singers, and many netizens who were watching the live broadcast also saw the shocked expressions of several singers at this time.

"Fuck! The No.2 this time is really unexpected, I thought the No.2 this time is either Zhang Fan or Li Zongxian?"

"It seems that one of the two of them was really defeated this time, and they were not only defeated by each other, but also defeated by another person!"

"Who do you think is the loser of the two of them this time?"

"Does it need to be said? Li Zongxian must have won. Li Zongxian is a musical genius. He was able to achieve such good results in an era when the music world was full of demons more than ten years ago. Although Zhang Fan is a bit talented, he How could it be Li Zongxian's opponent?"

"I hate you ancient bragging the most. I think Zhang Fan must have won this time. I don't deny that Li Zongxian has the strength, but this time he wrote "Love Comes Too Late" than Zhang Fan wrote this time." Well, if I were there, I would definitely vote for Zhang Fan's "Flower Sea"!"

"Bah! All of you fans of Zhang Fan are too stinky and shameless. You must think that the songs written by your idols are the best, but in my opinion, the nonsense "Flower Sea" is not written by Li Zongxian at all. Is this song good?"

"Okay, you guys don't fight any more... stop cursing, maybe this time the two of them will be tied for No.1 like last time?"

"How is this possible? The probability of this kind of thing happening is even smaller than the probability of me going to the store to buy a lottery ticket and winning 500 million. The last time it happened once was already incredible. How could it happen this time?" What about the matter?"

"Yes, yes, I don't think it's possible either!"



(End of this chapter)

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