Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 440 Lafite in 82, what Kande in 90

Chapter 440 Lafite in 1990, what Kanti in [-] (seeking subscription please monthly ticket)

Hearing Lin Yuqing's questioning, Zhang Fan was really unhappy right now.

He can accept others questioning his appearance, his figure, his height, and his muscles... But he absolutely does not accept others questioning whether he is a man.

"Of course I'm a man, why don't I take off my pants now to prove it to you!"

When Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she couldn't help but blushed, and spat: "Bah, shameless, stinky rascal!"

Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, and said helplessly, "Sister, can you be reasonable, why did I become a stinking hooligan? It is obvious that you suspected that I am not a man just now, so I want to ask you now." Prove that I am a man, how can I become a rogue?"

Chen Mengyao: "???"

When Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she was a little speechless.

She didn't expect that the boy who used to blush when he said a few words to a girl would turn into such a glib man now?
This change is too big.

Chen Mengyao knew that if she continued arguing, she would not be this man's opponent, so she changed the subject and said, "Okay, okay, let's stop arguing about this issue, I didn't come here to quarrel with you."

"Let's go, go to my house, and I'll treat you to a drink and a hot pot. Let me tell you that I have a lot of precious red wine in my collection, such as Lafite from 1990, Conti from [-], etc... this kind of red wine Ordinary people can’t drink it if they want to?”

When Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, he said in surprise, "Isn't it? Isn't it? I heard it right? It's so late, are you sure you can still eat? Are you sure you can still drink?" Is it? Otherwise, you'd better go back early, wash up and sleep."

When Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she said in shock, "Is it late? Isn't it just twelve o'clock in the morning? Can this time be called late?"

Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, and said in surprise: "Isn't twelve o'clock in the morning late? If twelve o'clock in the morning is not late, then I really don't know what it is late."

Chen Mengyao said: "If you are a 60-year-old man, it is indeed late at twelve o'clock in the morning, and you should really wash up and go to bed. But you are a young man in his 20s. As a young man, it is twelve o'clock in the morning. Isn't the nightlife just beginning? As a young man, you go to bed so early, are you worthy of your status as a young man? Aren't you embarrassing us young people?"

"Let's go, let's go, I invite you to my house for dinner, you are still not happy, do you know how many people want me to invite him to dinner, I still don't want to invite you, it is your honor for this girl to invite you to dinner, you Why are you pushing three and four?"

Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, but still shook his head and refused: "Sister, don't you have a job tomorrow? Go to bed early, staying up late is not good for a woman's skin, I'll go first!"

Zhang Fan was just about to leave at this moment, but Chen Mengyao yelled immediately: "Stop, you're right, I really don't have a job tomorrow, after all tomorrow is Saturday, my work has come to an end, so I can sleep tomorrow Sleep until ten o'clock at noon!"

"You probably don't have any important jobs, right? Isn't your movie finished? You can push off the rest of the small jobs. You said that you only know how to earn money, and you don't know how to enjoy life at all. , After working so hard for so long, can't you just enjoy yourself?"

Hearing Chen Mengyao's words at this time, Zhang Fan suddenly had a classic quote from Uncle Liu Huang in his mind - after fighting for so long, can't you enjoy it?
That's right, since I came to this world and adapted to my status as a star, I have been working and working all day. Work is also very tiring.

After all, I am also a time traveler. After traveling back to work every day, wouldn't that be a disgrace to the time traveler.

To be honest, in this life, I didn’t enjoy it in my previous life. Although I was very busy with work in my previous life, at least I enjoyed life after work. In this life, I seem to work every day, and I don’t enjoy life much.

In the end, Zhang Fan still couldn't resist Chen Mengyao's coercion and temptation, and was driven back to her home by Chen Mengyao.


10 minutes later
Chen Mengyao drove the car into a community, and then stopped in front of a villa.

Looking at such a big three-story villa at this time, Zhang Fan sighed: "You are really a rich woman, you have a house here? You are not as hard-working as me. Every time I come here to record a program I can only stay in a hotel, although every time I stay in a five-star hotel, compared with your big villa, it is still a bit miserable!"

Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "Then when you come to Changsha to record programs, you can come and live with me, I have so many rooms, I can't live alone. "

Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, rubbed his hands together, and said embarrassedly, "This is so embarrassing, this is a bit too disturbing, and it's not convenient for single men and widows."

When Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she didn't smile and said, "What? You are such a big man, are you still afraid of me, a weak woman? I haven't lived in this house for a long time. I just made a temporary rest stop!"

"Every time I come to Mango Channel to record a program, I will live here, but I can't live in this house for a few days a year. I can give you the key to my house. If you come here If you record the show, you can come in and live directly!"

At this time, Zhang Fan heard that Chen Mengyao actually wanted to give him the key to her house, and said in surprise, "You actually want to give me the key to your house, aren't you afraid of any accidents?"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Chen Mengyao deliberately moved closer to Zhang Fan, then slightly straightened the pair of sharp weapons on her chest, and said with a smile on her face, "What accident do you want to happen? She's just a weak woman, if you really want to do something, she won't be able to resist!"

Zhang Fan couldn't help but get goosebumps when he heard Chen Mengyao's voice.

Chen Mengyao has always given him the impression of a very decisive and capable strong woman, who belongs to the royal sister type, the queen type, and she suddenly becomes this loli type, which makes Zhang Fan really unbearable up.

Zhang Fan soon followed Chen Meiyao to her house.

I have to say that although this house has not been lived in for a long time, it is very clean and tidy inside.

"There are no new slippers here. I have worn these pairs of slippers before. If you don't mind, just pick a pair and wear them!"

Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it, how dare I dislike it? After all, these are not ordinary slippers, but a pair of slippers once worn by the famous entertainment star Chen Meiyao." , I don’t know how many people want to wear it but can’t.”

Zhang Fan spent a long time picking at this time, and finally picked out a pair of pink slippers.

At this time, Chen Mengyao took a pot from the kitchen and put it in the induction cooker to start cooking. They just bought some ingredients in a nearby supermarket, and they can eat whatever they want later.

"Now it takes a while for the food to be cooked, why don't we drink some red wine first, do you want to drink Lafite from 1990 or Conti from [-]!"

Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, and said: "This is the Lafite from [-]. I drank some before. This wine is quite good, but I couldn't afford it before!"

When Zhang Fan started his business in his previous life, in order to deal with those rich people, he also studied red wine specifically, so he still has some understanding of red wine.

I have to say that the woman in front of her is really a rich woman. When this person went to get the wine just now, she found that the woman's wine cabinet was full of very famous and very old red wine.

A random bottle of wine here might cost hundreds of thousands!

Is this the world of the rich?

Horror, horror, really terrible.

"To celebrate your successful defeat of No. 1 Li Zongxian in the music scene this time, and won the No. 1 I am a singer, cheers!"

Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "I don't dare to be defeated. Teacher Li Zongxian is still very good. I just got lucky this time!"

Chen Mengyao listened to Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with admiration: "Not bad, not bad, I thought you beat Li Zongxian this time and won the No. Still so neither arrogant nor impetuous, a talent like you can go further in the entertainment circle!"

"I used to worry that it would be difficult for you to continue in the entertainment circle with your personality, but now it seems that my worry is really unnecessary!"

At this moment, Chen Mengyao looked at the man in front of her, feeling very dazed.

After breaking up with Zhang Fan, Chen Mengyao never expected that one day the two of them would sit quietly at the same table, drinking wine and eating hot pot so quietly.

To be honest, this scene was in Chen Mengyao's dream, she never thought that what she dreamed could become reality one day.

Since the things in my dreams can become reality, then I not only dreamed of eating hot pot with Zhang Fan in my dreams, but also dreamed of some other things. Doesn’t that mean that other things in my dreams can also be became a reality.

It would be great if some of the other things in her dreams could come true.

(End of this chapter)

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