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Chapter 444 The movie "The Mermaid" will be released in the spring chapter?

Chapter 444 The movie "Mermaid" will be released during the Spring Festival?
Zhang Fan had just come out of the toilet at this time, and when he returned to the room again, he found that Chen Mengyao was answering the phone at this time. Zhang Fan thought that Chen Mengyao was on the phone with her assistant at this time.

Chen Mengyao heard the movement at this time, looked up, and found Zhang Fan and quickly waved to Zhang Fan.

When Zhang Fan saw Chen Mengyao's action at this time, not only was he very puzzled, he pointed at himself.

Chen Mengyao nodded at this time, and then waved to him, telling him to come over quickly.

Although Zhang Fan was very curious at this time, he came over quickly.

He also wanted to know why Chen Mengyao called him?
Who knew that he had just come to Chen Mengyao's side at this time, and Chen Mengyao handed him the mobile phone at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Someone is calling you, so I won't bother you, you can talk slowly !"

When Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, he immediately looked confused. Then he looked at the phone and found that it was his own. Only then did he understand what Chen Mengyao said.

Zhang Fan looked at the caller ID at this time, and found that it was Lin Yuxin who called you. Thinking of Chen Mengyao answering Lin Yuqing's call just now, he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Oh my god!

I was really too careless just now, how could I forget my phone here, and it was seen by Chen Mengyao, and it also made Chen Mengyao receive a call from Lin Yuqing.

At this moment, Zhang Fan couldn't help but secretly scolded himself for being stupid in his heart.

He really shouldn't have left his phone here so carelessly.

At this moment, Zhang Fan wanted to ask Chen Mengyao why she answered the call, but found that Chen Mengyao had already jumped out of bed and left.

Seeing the back of the woman leaving with a guilty face, Zhang Fan suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. When the woman answered the phone just now, did she say something she should not have said?
But at this time, Zhang Fan couldn't care about these things anymore, he quickly answered Lin Yuqing's call, but according to the chat between Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing, he found that there should be no conflict between Lin Yuqing and Chen Mengyao just now, which made him He was relieved a lot.

The filming of "The Mermaid" has almost been finished, and now the post-editing work has begun.

He has now confirmed that the movie will be released in this year's Spring Festival.

Many people were not optimistic about his decision, especially his agent Liu Awei followed up to persuade him not to release the film during the Spring Festival.

After all, the competition for the Spring Festival is not as fierce as usual. Several blockbuster movies will be released in the Spring Festival this year, all of which are directed by very famous directors. If one fails, his "Mermaid" may become a cannon fodder. .

After all, the Spring Festival stalls are different from other schedules. The competition for the Spring Festival stalls can be said to be very fierce. If the box office in the first two days is not good, it will basically be reduced to cannon fodder in the future, and there is basically no chance of turning over.

After all, the movies that can be released during the Spring Festival are all movies with relatively large investment scale, movies with sufficient competitiveness, and movies that are very confident in themselves. Otherwise, ordinary movies would definitely not dare to be released during the Spring Festival. released.

Of course, the most important thing is the issue of film scheduling. Those big directors have worked in this circle for so many years, and they have accumulated deep contacts and relationships behind them. They may be able to get more film scheduling in theaters.

Although Zhang Fan is very popular in the entertainment industry this year, he can be said to be the hottest star in the entertainment industry this year, but his foundation is still very shallow, and there is still no way to compare with these big names in the entertainment industry.

After all, Zhang Fan was just a singer before. Although he is now a part-time actor, and he has also made a TV series with very good ratings and a movie with a very good box office, but compared with those legendary big directors and movie kings , this thing is not enough to see.

Compared with Zhang Fan, who has no accumulation and no foundation in the film industry, those theater investors still trust those big directors and movie kings more.

Although his previous movie made several billion box office results, many people think it is more of a kind of luck. They feel that Zhang Fan's luck cannot be so good every time.


Although many people were not optimistic about it, Zhang Fan still decided to release his movie during the Spring Festival.

The more intense the competition, the more he likes it.

Zhang Fan went back to prepare for the final editing of the movie "Mermaid", and then began to contact major theaters to announce the release of the movie.


a room

"Network Canon? What is this thing?"

When Zhang Fan was there, he saw the invitation letter in their hands, and said with a dazed expression.

Liu Awei heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and explained with a smile on his face: "This thing is not a thing, this thing is an online activity, have you forgotten the novel "Fights Break the Sphere" you wrote? ? Your novel is very popular on the Internet, and even your novel can be said to be the hottest novel this year, so you have also been invited by this most grand Internet ceremony of Internet literature!"

Zhang Fan heard Liu Awei's explanation at this time, and only then did he know what this web essay ceremony was all about.

Zhang Fan took a deep breath at this time, and said helplessly, "This...can I not go to this? I was just writing casually at the beginning, but I didn't expect it to become so popular all of a sudden."

Liu Awei shook his head at this time and said: "Of course it won't work, you are no longer an ordinary web writer, you are now the most popular web author on the whole network, your "Fights Break Sphere" has just been updated for two days. In a few months, you will directly become a great author."

"Actually, your current grades for this book are extremely good. It can be said that you have fully achieved, no, you have completely surpassed the platinum author. If your current qualifications are not enough, your current grades for this novel It can make you a platinum author directly."

"This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the Dou Break Sphere anime adapted from your novel is now the hottest anime on the Internet. It is very popular on Tencent Video, so you must Participate in this online essay ceremony!"

"To be honest, you are a fucking talent. I didn't expect you to be so good at writing songs. You are so good at writing novels. This is really a genius. I really want to know those netizens Seeing that the novel "Fights Break Sphere" they have always liked is actually written by the big star Zhang Fan, what kind of expression will they have?"

When Liu Awei thought of that scene at this time, he couldn't help laughing happily.

Zhang Fan heard Liu Awei's laughter at this time, and said with a face full of complaints: "Can you stop laughing, your laugh is too obscene, besides, can you have a little conscience, this novel I wrote and The animation made from this novel has brought great benefits to our company!"

Liu Awei said: "I know, I know, of course I know that you are the biggest contributor to our company now, without you, there would be no need for our company to exist!"

"So this time you have a chance to pretend to be aggressive, and let everyone know that the author of the most popular novel "Fights Break Sphere" on the Internet is Zhang Fan, a big star in the entertainment industry. I dare say that this news will definitely be published in due time." The number one on the hot search!"

"By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you. You have to go to this very grand music festival recently, the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival. Of course, you are also going to receive the award this time. There are too many songs, and each song is too popular, I believe you will definitely win the prize and be soft on that night!"


Hearing what Liu Awei said at this time, Zhang Fan sighed deeply, and said helplessly, "Fuck! Why are there so many activities? Are you trying to exhaust me to death?"

Liu Awei heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Isn't it just two activities? Can this be called a lot? This is just the beginning. You have achieved too much in the second half of this year. , Movies, TV dramas, variety shows, music animations, online novels, etc..."

"I have worked hard for a year, and the end of the year is the harvest season, so in the last month of this year, you don't have to do anything, just go to various activities and receive awards honestly!"


Zhang Fan listened to Liu Awei's words at this time, sighed deeply again, and said helplessly: "If I had known that I was going to participate in so many award ceremonies, I would not have performed so well. If I had known If that's the case, I'll keep a low profile and keep a low profile!"

Hearing Zhang Fan's pretentious words at this time, Liu Awei couldn't help but said, "Okay, okay, you don't want to get cheap and buy good ones, do you know how many people want to attend so many award ceremonies? Chance?"

"As a star, you can't be idle. If you are idle for a day, it means that you are slowly passing away."

"By the way, let me ask you a question. Are you really sure you want to release the movie "Mermaid" in the Spring Festival? Otherwise, you should think about it again. Your movie is really good, but The competition for the Spring Festival stalls is really fierce, if you make a mistake, you will directly end up as cannon fodder!"



(End of this chapter)

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