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Chapter 448 Zhang Fan's Best Singer?Internet big V women dance!

Chapter 448 Zhang Fan's Best Singer?Internet big V women dance!

Not only Zhang Fan at this time, many netizens who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help but be overwhelmed by Chen Mengyao's queen-like domineering demeanor at this time.

"Ahhh...Chen Mengyao is really beautiful!"

"Chen Mengyao, I tried to use those beautiful sentences to describe you, but I couldn't. I carefully wrote a long paragraph, and your eyebrows and eyes were shining, which made me think, no, these words can't be written in your eyes. The spring breeze at the corners of your lips cannot be written, no matter what words you say, it can't compare to your amazingness."

"Chen Mengyao, you are so beautiful!! My heart beats faster and my breathing quickens!! My ability to purify smog surpasses that of tropical rainforests!!! I will become the new lungs of the earth!!!! I kneel the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau into a basin with a plop !!!!!! Crying so much that the South-to-North Water Diversion Project is no longer needed!!!!!! Crying so much that the wind power produced is used by people all over the world!!!!!!!"

"It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful that tears flow from the corners of my mouth and flood the Qiantang River. It's so beautiful. You are a god and my rose. You light up my dark life and make my world meaningful. I run and jump. I'm on the 20th floor. I danced a tango on my balcony and you made me realize that God really exists. I was so beautiful that I couldn’t stop crying. From then on, the world will no longer lack water!”

"What kind of peerless beautiful girl is this, a face that you see once in ten thousand years? Today is also a day to appreciate the beauty of my sister's prosperity. My sister's eyes are like the most beautiful amber in a treasure box, the most beautiful one that captured my heart. What kind of fairy face is such a bright face! Is it a real treasure? I think my sister is a peerless aristocrat with a halo who came out of Raphael's painting!"

"My wife started to talk about the characteristics of light in physical optics today. The physics teacher said that light is an electromagnetic wave with a very high frequency; he also said that light is a particle, because it has particle characteristics. What is light? It turns out that you have exhausted all your strength just thinking about it "

"The teacher asked three students, what can you use to fill a whole room? The first student found straw and covered the floor, the teacher shook his head. The second student found a candle and lit it, and the room was filled with light." , the teacher still shook his head, because the shadow of the student was not photographed. At this time, the third student took out the photo of Chen Mengyao, and my saliva filled the whole room!"

"Damn! You all are too talented. Unlike me, I can only say a shit!"



When the camera was aimed at Chen Mengyao, a lot of barrage suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

At this time, a breeze blew, and Chen Mengyao brushed her long hair by her ears, which immediately caused the audience watching the live broadcast to scream.

Zhang Tao is the person in charge of this evening's Oriental Wind and Cloud Music Festival. At this time, he saw that since Chen Mengyao appeared, the barrage in the live broadcast room has continued to increase, and Chen Mengyao nodded in satisfaction.

This Chen Mengyao is really not a simple person. She has been making her debut for so many years, and her popularity has not declined at all. She has always been so popular.

You must know that some other female stars may have very high artistic achievements and may have won some professional awards, but their star power and commercial value are not good enough, and their star power and commercial value are not even comparable to some so-called traffic Little fresh meat.

But this Chen Mengyao has won many awards in TV dramas and movies, and she still has a high popularity and commercial value. Her popularity and commercial value are no worse than those top traffic little fresh meat. The endorsement of several global luxury brands.

Among the domestic female stars, Chen Mengyao may not have the most awards, but his commercial value must be among the best. In terms of commercial value, even those male stars are not comparable to her.

After Chen Mengyao, it was Zhang Fan's turn to play.

Zhang Fan is wearing a black suit today. Since Zhang Fan has been exercising all this time, he has eight-pack abdominal muscles and two chest muscles. In addition to his height of 1.8 meters [-], it is simply legendary. The walking hormones.

When Zhang Fan appeared on the red carpet, the cameras of all the reporters on the scene turned to Zhang Fan!
Zhang Fan usually wears trendy clothes, and he rarely wears formal suits like this, but he is handsome, no matter what he wears, he is very handsome.

Surrounded by so many people and stared at by so many cameras all at once, Zhang Fan did not panic at all. He was very calm and dealt with all this easily. The camera showed his awesome smile.

"Ahhhhh... so handsome, so handsome, Zhang Fan is so handsome, I can't help but want to lick the screen!"

"I'm really not a pervert. I have one thing to say. It's really good-looking. I really don't like this kind of thing, but this one is really handsome. I'm not a pervert, but how can I say that when I see a handsome guy, I feel itchy in my heart. If I can It would be better to hold hands with me, kiss on the mouth and sleep, after all, I'm not a pervert!"

"Zhang Fan is really handsome, my god, my God, I'm going to faint, I heard that Zhang Fan likes this style! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The No. [-] lonely master invulnerable to swords and guns, but I am the only one who respects the jade face, the gentleman, the benevolent, the invincible, the brave, the fearless King Kong, the invincible, the wise, the martial arts, the chivalrous, the extraordinary righteousness, the Bo Yuntian, incomparable throughout the ages, humble, studious, shameless, smart, lively, cute, and warm to friends!"

"Today I ordered kfc. After a while, I heard a knock on the door, and I went to open the door. The man was not delivering food. He said I was arrested. I thought I was arrested for nothing. Then I suddenly realized that I had been arrested long ago. Enter Zhang Fan's love network!"

"I fell, and my ass hurt very much, but I didn't say it, because I was strong enough, I was thinking about a question, why my ass has two halves, but Zhang Fan is not my other half Woolen cloth!"

"After so many years of surfing, this is the first time I have taken it so seriously. I stared at the screen with my mobile phone in a nervous mood, and I dare not do it. I am afraid that once I say it, you will think I am flattering, I was also afraid that my comment would mislead the later netizens. In order to write this review, I mustered up the courage to drink 6 bottles of fake milk to gain confidence. I am objective, fair, and truthful to write my review: Zhang Fan, you are the one I see The most handsome man ever!"

" husband, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Damn! This is too crazy for all of you? If you want to have a monkey, can't you just find a man to have a monkey with you? Why do you want to rob my boyfriend?"



When Zhang Fan appeared, the bullet screen in the entire live broadcast room was swiped in an instant.

As Zhang Tao, the person in charge of this music festival, watching the number of people online in the live broadcast room continue to rise at this time, watching the barrage in the live broadcast room basically fill the entire screen, the whole person couldn't help taking a breath .

He knew that Zhang Fan was very popular, this Zhang Fan could be said to be the hottest star this year, but he really didn't expect that Zhang Fan's popularity was so high?
Originally, he was a little hesitant. Tonight, he knew whether the most important award of the music festival should be given to Zhang Fan. Although Zhang Fan is considered to be the hottest singer this year, he is not one of them, but Zhang Fan's qualifications are still a bit too shallow. This award is average. They are all for those singers with relatively high qualifications and strength.

Especially when he saw how popular Zhang Fan was, he hesitated even more.

Although Zhang Fan's qualifications in the entertainment industry are not so high, he has also debuted in the entertainment industry for many years, but this year he just became popular this year, so he has some qualifications.

And tonight's music festival, everyone's focus will undoubtedly be on Zhang Fan, Lin Yuqing, Chen Mengyao and other popular stars.

To be honest, their ratings for this music festival are basically supported by the popularity of these stars.


There is also a lot of attention on the Internet to this evening's Oriental Music Festival. Although this Oriental Music Festival may not be as professional as the most prestigious Golden Melody Awards, considering its popularity and professionalism, it can It is said to be the best music festival in China.

Although the professionalism and artistry of this Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival is not as good as the Golden Melody Awards, this award is also very authoritative, and its attention can be said to be the highest among all music ceremonies. Every year, the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival will have More than 500 million viewers watched the live broadcast online.

The very famous Internet celebrity V in the entertainment industry has a vicious tongue at this time. At this time, he spent a Weibo post-["The Oriental Wind and Cloud Music Festival is a relatively good music festival with a combination of domestic attention and authority. Basically, some in the industry First-line singers and even singers at the level of kings and queens will participate, and their status in the music circle is second only to the Golden Melody Awards."

"The awards with the highest gold content in the Dongfanghong Music Festival are nothing more than the Best Lyricist Award, Best Composer Award, Best Arranger Award, Best Song of the Year, Best Singer of the Year, Best Album of the Year, and today's It can be said that Zhang Fan's performance is very eye-catching. He has released dozens of songs, and each song has achieved very good results. Every song has brought a refreshing feeling to everyone. I think he Except for the best album award, you can compete for other awards! Because he didn't post an album!"

"However, I think the award of Best Singer is the most difficult for Zhang Fan. After all, this award must not only have very good results, but also have certain qualifications. Generally speaking, this award will be awarded to singers with relatively old qualifications. Yes, Zhang Fan is at a disadvantage in this aspect, but I have a strong hunch that Zhang Fan should win the Best Singer Award.

I set a flag here, if Zhang Fan can win this best singer award, I will dance for everyone in women's clothing! 】

As soon as this Weibo post by the entertainment circle was posted, it immediately caused a great shock on the Internet, mainly because the flag he set up at the end was really amazing.

Although this entertainment circle has a great reputation on the Internet for its poisonous tongue, no matter whether it is a superstar or a small star in the 800th line, he has been sprayed by him. Now he has [-] million fans on Weibo, and even heard that some entertainment circles In order to increase his popularity, the little star wants to spend money to make this entertainment industry's poisonous tongue write a Weibo to criticize them.

After all, there is a saying in the entertainment industry that black and red are also red.

In the entertainment circle, I am not afraid of being scolded by others, but I am afraid that no one will pay attention.

But no one has ever seen the true face of this vicious Lushan in the entertainment industry, and many people don't even know whether he is a man or a woman.

Many people guessed that the reason why the entertainment industry's vicious tongue dared not show up was because he had offended too many people with his mouth before. Once he showed up, what danger would there be if someone found out about him?

And this time, the poisonous tongue in the entertainment circle dared to be so bold?

He even said that if Zhang Fan couldn't get the best singer of the year, he would just dress up as a woman and dance for everyone.

I have to say that his courage is really too great, but from this sentence, many netizens also speculated that this poisonous tongue in the entertainment circle turned out to be a man, otherwise he would not need to wear women's clothes.

"Damn it! I just realized now that the showbiz venomous tongue is actually a man? I always thought the showbiz venomous tongue was a young lady?"

"Sigh... I always thought that the poisonous tongue in the entertainment industry was a young lady, and I had some fantasies about him, but I didn't expect him to be a man. My fantasies were completely shattered!"

"Fuck! What I care most about now is not whether Zhang Fan can get the best singer, but when I can quickly see the vicious women in the entertainment industry dancing!"

"You say that this vicious tongue in the entertainment industry is a young man in his 20s? Or a middle-aged man in his 30s? Or an old man in his 60s or [-]s?"

"I think it should be young people? It is impossible for old people to have so much energy to go online and scold this celebrity and that celebrity every day. Only young people can be so idle!"

"Yes, yes, I can feel a feeling of angry youth from the poisonous words in the entertainment circle, so he should be a young man!"

"Zhang Fan, I'm sorry, this time, you must live up to your expectations. You must win this year's Best Singer, so that I can see the video of the showbiz dancing with a poisonous tongue!"



After Zhang Fan entered the venue, he quickly found his seat, and his seat was arranged in the middle of the second row.

Generally speaking, the seats for such events and ceremonies are arranged in advance. Basically, the more famous the star, the closer the seat will be to the front.

Although Zhang Fan's popularity is particularly hot this year, it is reasonable to say that sitting in the first row with his popularity is nothing, but Zhang Fan's qualifications are already too strong, and the first row is basically the kind that is popular in the entertainment industry. A top singer for more than ten years or a singer at the level of a queen or a queen.

However, Zhang Fan was still assigned to the middlemost position in the second row. This position can be said to be very, very good. If Zhang Fan hadn't been relatively junior, he might have been assigned to the first row.

And I don't know if it was a coincidence or other reasons, but Chen Mengyao was sitting in front of him at this time?
Although Chen Mengyao's popularity is very high, the first row is occupied by some of the top singers in the entertainment industry.

Although Chen Mengyao is also a singer, she still appears more as an actor. How could she be placed in the middle of the first row?
This position is only eligible for singers who have been popular for many years at the level of kings and queens?
He did not deny that Chen Mengyao's achievements in TV and movies were indeed very high, but her achievements in music should not have reached the level of a queen.

At this time, Chen Mengyao seemed to see the doubts in Zhang Fan's heart, and explained with a smile on her face: "You don't have to look at me with such a look, right? I am a person who has sold a few diamond records. Mom, I’m a person who has held concert tours across the country, isn’t it normal for me to sit in the first row?”

(End of this chapter)

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