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Chapter 453 Best Lyricist Award?Excuse me again?

Chapter 453 Best Lyricist Award?Excuse me again? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

When Zhang Fan stepped onto the stage at this time and received the award from this respected senior, he once again stood in front of the microphone and said with a smile on his face, "I'm really sorry it's me again. I just went down, and my buttocks haven't been warmed up yet, but I came up again."

"I'm standing here today, and I just want to ask if I have any awards in the future. If there are any awards, why don't you give them to me at once, or you will come up later. If it doesn't work, I can always stand On the podium..."

Many viewers who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when they heard Zhang Fan's words.

If they had to describe Zhang Fan in one word, it would be dick!
If Zhang Fan could be described in two words, it would be a dick!

If Zhang Fan were to be described in three words, it would be very dick.

He seemed to have never seen an artist's acceptance speech so crazy.

If ordinary people dared to say that, they would probably have been scolded to death long ago, but Zhang Fan said so, but no one would scold him, after all, Zhang Fan's strength is there!
Although at this time she is indeed quite pretentious, but she has the ability to act pretentious.

"Awesome, awesome, really awesome!"

"Best Lyricist? Best Composer? Zhang Fan is really awesome!"

"What is a musical genius? This is the real musical genius. Zhang Fan is really awesome!"

"As a fan of Zhang Fan for five years, I am so proud. I have seen him grow from a small singer to a musical genius today. You have no one who accompanied him five years ago. I don’t understand this feeling, it’s like seeing my child get admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University all at once!”

"Ahhh... sister, I am just like you. I am also an old fan of Zhang Fan. I have liked him since his first song. At that time, he was also an unknown little star. I put his When I shared the song with my good girlfriends, they dismissed it as a rubbish song that even dogs don’t listen to, but now their circle of friends posts Zhang Fan’s songs every day, and they say that Zhang Fan is the most beautiful song they have ever seen Talented singer!"

"When I saw this man for the first time, I was not attracted by his singing, but by his face. I have never seen such a handsome man before. But at that time, he didn't know whether it was because he was not confident enough, or because of other reasons. Although he was handsome, he didn't have that confident temperament. He seemed unremarkable in the crowd, but now he has a kind of Very confident temperament, even if you are far away, as long as you take a look at him, you will be completely attracted by him!"



After Zhang Fan delivered his award acceptance speech, he did not return to his seat directly, but blinked at Chen Mengyao who was in the audience. At this moment, Chen Mengyao immediately understood what Zhang Fan meant, because the two of them still There is a chorus song.

Sitting under the stage at this time, Chen Mengyao was not only very happy when she saw Zhang Fan smashing her eyes at her.

Because she had been watching Zhang Fan hug Lin Yuqing every time he went up to receive the award just now, it was really uncomfortable for her to watch from the front.

Now it's finally her turn, and I'm so happy.

When Chen Mengyao came backstage, she found that Zhang Fan was still holding a trophy, which was the best lyricist award he had just won.

"Your trophy is really beautiful, can you lend me a look?"

Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "What's so interesting about this. Haven't you won this kind of award countless times? You must be tired of taking it!"

Chen Mengyao shook her head and said: "Although you think highly of me, I feel very happy, but I still want to say that I don't know how to write songs, and I can't win this kind of best lyricist award. So far, I have only won the Best Song Award and Best Singer Award, and I have never won any other composition awards, lyric awards, and arranger awards!"

Hearing what Chen Mengyao said at this time, Zhang Fan couldn't help but smiled awkwardly, and then handed the trophy in his hand to Chen Mengyao.

At this time, Chen Mengyao took the trophy carefully. She looked at the trophy carefully, from the beginning to the end.

For some reason, holding this trophy in her hand, she was very excited, even more excited than when she first got this trophy.

Time is really a great author. I believe that more than ten years ago, she would never have thought that Zhang Fan would become such a musical genius today.

At that time, Zhang Fan basically knew nothing about music, it was just that she could sing a few songs under her influence.

Thinking of all the past, Chen Mengyao couldn't help having a sore nose at this moment, and tears filled her eyes immediately.

"Why are you crying? I didn't cry when I won this award? Are you crying enviously? If you cry enviously, just tell me, I can lend you this award for a few days, so that you can touch it! "

Chen Mengyao was still a little sad and sad in her heart, but when she heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she couldn't help but burst out laughing: "You are too stingy, you are just such a trophy. If you lend me a few days, won't you just give me this prize?"

"Anyway, you've already got the honor. This trophy is just a symbol, and it's not worth a lot of money. At worst, I'll exchange the Best Song Award or Best Singer Award I won with you!"

Zhang Fan said: "Next time, I only have one award for myself. When I get this award next time, I will give you that trophy directly."

"next time?"

Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "It's hard to get this once, do you want to get it twice??? But if someone else said this, I would treat him as a braggart. But you say this and I believe you!"

"Two teachers, the director asked me to inform you that it's time for the two teachers to sing on stage!"

At this time, a staff member with a work badge on his body suddenly came to inform him.

At this time, Chen Mengyao said with a smile on her face: "This handsome guy, thank you for your notice, we already know about it."

When the staff member saw Chen Mengyao's smile, his face turned red all of a sudden, especially when he heard Chen Mengyao call him a handsome guy, his whole body was shaking with excitement, and when he left tripped over himself.

But at this moment, he didn't care about this at all. He wanted to run directly in front of his colleagues and show off to them. Chen Mengyao just smiled at him and called him a handsome guy.

At this time, Zhang Fan looked at the back of the staff member leaving in a panic, and gave Chen Mengyao a thumbs up: "As expected of the entertainment industry, she is called a beauty once in 5000 years. A smile can make people feel at a loss, even walking is difficult." I can't go anymore!"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Chen Mengyao suddenly approached Zhang Fan, and said with a smile, "What? Are you jealous? If you don't like it, how about I just smile at you, a man?"

Cough cough cough...

Hearing what Chen Mengyao said at this time, Zhang Fan couldn't help coughing a few times: "Okay, stop making trouble, let's hurry up and get ready to go on stage!"

"Gluck cluck cluck cluck..."

Seeing Zhang Fan's embarrassment and embarrassment at this time, Chen Mengyao couldn't help but smile smugly.

On stage

The host said loudly at this time: "Next, let's invite the queen Chen Mengyao and the popular young student Zhang Fan to bring us their new song "Hello Always in the World"!"

Many viewers who were watching the live broadcast could not help but gasp when they heard the host's words.

They were not shocked when Zhang Fan sang, nor were they shocked when Chen Mengyao sang, but Zhang Fan and Chen Mengyao sang together, which shocked them.

Of course, the fact that Zhang Fan and Chen Mengyao sang together did not shock them that much. After all, the two of them had some contact with each other, and the two of them seemed to come from the same orphanage. No big deal.

But they seem to have heard the host say that Chen Mengyao and Zhang Fan are going to sing a new song.

no?no?Did they hear correctly?
This is just an awards ceremony, not a singing stage, how could they sing any new songs at this awards ceremony?

You must know that no singer will sing a new song on an awards stage.

They just sing some songs that they have become famous for, to have a little meaning, and to liven up the atmosphere.

"Damn it! I just heard the host say that Chen Mengyao and Zhang Fan will sing a new song, am I right?"

"I think you must have heard it wrong. This is just an award ceremony. Which singer will sing a new song at the award ceremony?"

"Yes, yes, what do you think the new song is? Do you think the new song is Chinese cabbage? Most singers release new songs as singles and albums. The new songs sung at the award ceremony are really too wasteful."

"Brother upstairs, I can testify that you haven't heard of it. I just heard the host say that Chen Mengyao and Zhang Fan have sung a new song together. It seems that the name of this new song is "Hello forever in the world"!"

"Damn it! Brother upstairs, you heard it too. I thought I was the only one who heard it? I thought I was hallucinating. I almost wanted to call the hospital just now to ask about it. Do you want to see a psychiatrist?"

"If it was someone else, I wouldn't believe it even if I killed him, but if this person is Zhang Fan, I still believe it. After all, the new song is no different from Chinese cabbage to him!"

"Even if Zhang Fan is really very talented and a musical genius, there is no need for him to come up with a new song at this awards ceremony. I believe that the reason why he did this must be for some other purpose. , let us wait and see!"



(End of this chapter)

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