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Chapter 468 Protect the world's best giegie?

Chapter 468 Guarding the best giegie in the world? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

Liang Xiaoqin heard the discussion of these students at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "Don't get excited, everyone, what I'm going to talk about today is not Zhang Fan's songs, although I also like many of his songs, but this episode What we're going to discuss in class is not his songs, but his latest novel - "Life!"


They thought the teacher was going to talk about Zhang Fan's songs, but they didn't expect that the teacher was talking about Zhang Fan's novels.

Many fans who pay more attention to the news on the Internet, or fans of Zhang Fan know that Zhang Fan has indeed written a novel, but this novel is just an online novel. Although this novel is very popular on the Internet, it has even been filmed. Anime is also very popular.

But this teacher has been talking about some ancient and modern foreign literary classics, when did he talk about these online novels.

And when did Zhang Fan write a novel called "Life"?
Only then did they notice that Zhang Fan posted a lot of pictures in his latest Weibo post, all of which were written in words.

Liang Xiaoqin recommended this novel to her grandfather when these students were reading it.

She believed that her grandfather would be very surprised when he read this novel.

"Grandpa, grandpa, I recently discovered a very, very, very good traditional novel. I believe you will like it after reading it, so I specially recommend this novel to you!"

"Oh, is that right? My granddaughter has always had her eyes high above the ceiling. I never thought that there would be a novel that you admire so much. Then I must read this novel. After all, there are not many novels that my granddaughter can admire so much." ! When are you going to give me this book, and I'll take a look at that time!"

"Ahem... There is no book for this one, you can read this book through your mobile phone."

"Forget it, books are the kind of paper books that are interesting and tasteful to read. You know that I don't like reading on electronic products the most, that is, you young people like this kind of thing!"

"Oh, grandpa, just read it. I guarantee that you will never regret reading such a novel. If you find it inconvenient to read it on your mobile phone, you can read it on the iPad I bought for you."


Although all kinds of technology and networks are very developed now, Liang Weimin still prefers to read books on paper books rather than electronic products. He feels that reading books with electronic products does not have that feeling.

But this time his granddaughter had already said so, facing his granddaughter's stalking, Liang Weimin finally compromised.

He opened the iPad his granddaughter bought, and found out what his granddaughter said was called "Life", and then he was going to read it casually, so that he could deal with her when his granddaughter asked.

At the beginning, Liang Weimin didn't care about this novel, but he was attracted by this novel just by looking at him.

[When Gao Jialin joined the torrent with a basket of steamed buns, he immediately regretted it.He felt himself suddenly becoming a real bumpkin.He felt that people in front of and behind him on the road were looking at him.He, a teacher who used to be unrestrained and unrestrained, is now like an old woman in the countryside. He went to sell steamed buns in the last episode! His heart feels uncomfortable like countless bugs are biting.

But all this is helpless.The harsh life drove him on this dusty road.He had to admit that he could only start a new life like this now.The family has no money to buy oil and salt, and his parents are still struggling all day long at such an age. How can he, a young child, have the nerve to stay and eat idle food? He carries a steamer Mo Lanzi kept his head down as much as possible, not looking at anything but the road under his feet, and hurried towards the county seat.On the way, he remembered his father telling him to yell when he was about to sell buns, and his face immediately felt hot. 】

"Okay, okay, this paragraph is really well written, this style of writing, this skill, I don't know which one of you is the latest work!"

Liang Weimin continued to read

[The memories of the past made him sad.He leaned against the stone railing of the Dama River Bridge, feeling a little dizzy.Crowds going to the market from all directions are passing the bridge and entering the street in an endless stream.

In the sky above the streets in the city center in the distance, a large cloud of dust rose up, and the noisy city sounds sounded like the buzzing of bee swarms.

He suddenly thought of a worse question: What if he ran into his classmates in the county seat? He raised his head subconsciously, and first looked back and forth hastily.Only then did he really regret rushing to this fair.It's nothing to go to the general market, but he's here to sell steamed buns! Why don't you turn back now, but how can this work! He's already reached the county seat.Besides, the family didn't even have any pocket money. Although their parents wouldn't say anything when they went back like this, they would definitely feel uncomfortable. uncomfortable


After reading the latest update, Liang Weimin originally thought that this novel was written by someone, but after his understanding, he was surprised to find that this novel was written by a star in the entertainment industry? ? ?
Incredible, incredible, this is really incredible.

In Liang Weimin's impression, those stars in the entertainment industry have no culture. He really dare not imagine that such a wonderful story was written by a star in the entertainment industry? ? ?
Liang Weimin also has his own Weibo account. At this time, he took out his Weibo account. No matter who wrote this "Life", this book is so well written that it is worth recommending to more people.

Because this novel is really like his name, it can have a great impact on a person's life.



And at this time another major event happened on the Internet. Li Shuwen suddenly posted a Weibo at this time. This Weibo is a picture. There are two animals on the picture, one is a goshawk and the other is an ant. Two words are written on the bodies of the two animals - life.

Although Li Shuwen only posted such a picture and didn't say anything more, everyone could see that Li Shuwen was mocking Zhang Fan.

He felt that the book he wrote was the goshawk, and the book written by Zhang Fan was just an ant. An ant and a goshawk are not worthy of comparison.

"Hahahahaha... Well said, well said, really well said, what is Zhang Fan? Just be your star, and write some novels, it's really too funny? "

"Cats and dogs these days can be compared with our family Li Shutian? Li Shuwen just won the Wang Dun Literature Award yesterday, and he is one of the youngest writers in China to win the Wang Dun Literature Award!"

"This Zhang Fan is really ignorant of the heights of the heavens and the earth. He thought that he could write a so-called very popular online novel "Fights Break Sphere", so that he could really write traditional novels and literary classics well. , is really too funny!"

"Don't be angry, Shushu, don't compare yourself to this kind of garbage, it's an insult to you!"

"Li Shuwen is flattering Zhang Fan by comparing Zhang Fan's "Life" to an ant. In my opinion, Zhang Fan's "Life" is a piece of shit, no, not even shit!"

"You people are a bit too much, I think this book written by Zhang Fan is quite good."

"Okay, okay, don't come here again for Zhang Fan's idiot fans, even if your brother poops, you will say it smells good, it smells so good! You idiots chasing stars are really stupid, you guys Do you know what a literary work is? Do you know what a literary masterpiece is? It’s really funny.”



This Weibo post by Li Shuwen caused an uproar on the Internet, and after that, many authors of traditional novels made similar remarks.

Hu Guoqiang, author of a traditional novel: "Since the emergence of online novels, many people have always compared online novels with traditional novels. They have never found out how ridiculous this comparison is. Online novels and traditional novels Comparing it, it is an insult to traditional novels. Traditional novels are a very sacred thing, and not all cats and dogs can touch porcelain!"

Yao Changming, author of a traditional novel: "Can some stars in the entertainment industry be their own stars well? Don't break into other industries just because you have some traffic and popularity, thinking that you are very smart and that you can do anything. Doing well, but not knowing how ridiculous you really are.”

"It is only in today's era that your stars in the entertainment industry are highly praised. In ancient times, your stars in the entertainment industry were nothing more than actors. In the eyes of us literati, you actors are just the lowest. It’s just super stuff, but in today’s era, maybe it’s because people now think so highly of you that you’ve forgotten who you are!”

Yao Changming's weibo post offended Zhang Fan not alone, but directly offended a star in the entertainment circle, but he didn't care at all, he has always been a person who dared to speak.

He thinks that as a writer, he should dare to love and hate, and say what is in his heart, instead of being so hypocritical like those so-called social people.

Many authors of traditional novels and some so-called university professors started posting on Weibo to ridicule Zhang Fan for being yin and yang. This made Zhang Fan completely pushed to the forefront.

At this time, a guy named Liang Weimin suddenly posted a Weibo - [Today I want to recommend a novel to everyone, this novel is called "Life"!Everyone says that my "Dumb" is the best novel in the past 20 years, and I am very confident in my "Dumb", but after I read Zhang Fan's "Life", I feel that Only Zhang Fan's "Life" can be regarded as the best novel in the past 20 years, and this "Life" may even become a literary masterpiece in the future! 】

However, Liang Weimin's Weibo fans are not as many as entertainment stars. His Weibo fans only have tens of thousands of fans. After posting this Weibo, there are only a few comments on his Weibo.

"Teacher, have you finally posted on Weibo?"

"I didn't expect you to be so strict, teacher, and one day I could see you admiring a novel like this. A novel that can make the teacher so admirable is definitely not bad. I'll go and have a look!"

"Teacher, you are so humble. I think your book "Mute ≥" is really the best novel in China in the past 20 years, and it is an undoubted literary masterpiece. This novel can be circulated in the future. Go on, in my mind for nearly 20 years, no novel can compare with this one of yours!"

"Old Liang, your account will not be stolen. I really can't believe that such words came from your mouth. Haven't you always disobeyed everyone?"

"Old Liang, are you getting too old? Where did your arrogance go when you were young?"



But at this time, Li Shuwen's fans couldn't sit still.

When Zhang Fan posted on Weibo just now, they had been discussing how to deal with Zhang Fan.

They originally wanted to check Zhang Fan's Weibo, but they were soon taught to be human by Zhang Fan's fans.

Fans with top traffic in the entertainment industry can't beat Zhang Fan, let alone Li Shuwen's fans.

If Zhang Fan's fans didn't want to cause trouble, they would probably be able to completely blow up Li Shuwen's Weibo.

But can't afford to provoke Zhang Fan, and can't afford to provoke such an old thing with only tens of thousands of followers on Weibo?

"This old thing is really too much. I don't know how much money Zhang Fan can charge. How can he speak for Zhang Fan like this? He even bragged about Zhang Fan's "Life" so well, brothers, let's rush with us This old guy's Weibo, he frantically called brother Li Shuwen, our family Shuwen is the best, guarding the best giegie in the world!"

Soon after, Li Shuwen's fans rushed to Liang Weimin's Weibo.

"Bah! How much money did you charge Zhang Fan? How dare you say such things out of conscience?"

"Old man, I didn't expect you to open your eyes and talk nonsense at such an old age? "Life" written by Zhang Fan is a piece of rubbish. It is not qualified to be compared with Li Shuwen. Li Shuwen's life is the real classic. !"

"Old man, you haven't read any good books, have you? You dare to recommend any rubbish. I recommend you to read "Life" written by Li Shuwen. Then you will know what the real "Life" is! "

"I didn't expect that you are also a writer, and you have written "Dumb". Why don't you write "Fool", and you brag that "Dumb" is the best literary work in China in the past 20 years? It is obviously us "Life" written by my brother is the best literary work in China in the past 20 years, okay?"

"I don't want to call the novel "Zhang Fan" life, let's call it "Fool". You are a dumb and a fool. You just make a couple. Let me die!"



(End of this chapter)

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