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Chapter 471 Invitation to the New Year's Eve concert by David TV?

Chapter 471 Invitations to David TV's New Year's Eve Concert? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)
"Fuck! This pig's blood is really good, try it!"

"This mushroom is really delicious when rinsed in a hot pot!"

"This beef is also very good, really chewy!"

I don't know if it's because I wrote a novel for a long time today or because of some other reasons, Zhang Fan felt very hungry at this time, so as soon as he came to the store, he started to eat extravagantly.

He really felt very hungry, and he really wanted to eat.

At this moment, Lin Yuqing saw Zhang Fan gobbling it up, and said with a smile on her face, "Mr. Zhang Fan, I remember that you said you hated hot pot a while ago? How come you eat it so deliciously now. "

Zhang Fan said: "'s not that I hate eating hot pot. The main reason is that whenever I invited you to dinner, you would say that you wanted to eat hot pot. I ate so many hot pot meals in a row. Going to throw up!"

The use of the word "men" is very quintessential, and Lin Yuqing knew without thinking that the other person contained in the word "men" was Chen Mengyao.

Something happened at Chen Mengyao's company today, so she didn't come over to have dinner with Zhang Fan, but for some reason, Lin Yuqing always felt that the relationship between the two of them seemed to be different from before.

In the past, Lin Yuqing always felt that she and Zhang Fan were the closest people, but after this period of time, Lin Yuqing suddenly discovered to her surprise that the relationship between Chen Mengyao and Zhang Fan seemed to be closer, even closer than the relationship between herself and Zhang Fan. To be more intimate.

Could it be that something happened to the two of them during this time that they didn't know about?

"Yuqing, what's wrong with you? Why don't you eat these things? Don't you like hot pot the most?"

At this moment, Lin Yuqing saw Zhang Fan gobbling it up, and said with a smile on her face, "This...I'm not very hungry right now, eat it by yourself."

"By the way, Teacher Zhang Fan, let me ask you something. Why did I suddenly realize that there is something wrong between you and Sister Mengyao? Could it be that you two were fighting?"


Zhang Fan was sweeping all kinds of delicacies on the table at this time, when he heard Lin Yuqing's words, his whole face suddenly looked bewildered!

When did he and Chen Mengyao quarrel?

Why doesn't he know?
From what point did this Lin Yuqing see that the two of them had a quarrel?
But at this time Lin Yuqing asked about him and Chen Mengyao, Zhang Fan was not only a little guilty at this time, it was as if his girlfriend found out that he was having an affair with other women, which made him feel a little guilty Feel.

"Mr. Zhang Fan, what's wrong with you? Why are you blushing? Could it be like what I said, you and Sister Mengyao had a fight, or I will explain it to Sister Mengyao for you. Well, after all, the two of you grew up together."

Hearing Lin Yuqing's words at this time, Zhang Fan slowly came to his senses, waved his hands and said, "No, we didn't quarrel. I just thought of something suddenly, so I was a little distracted."

"You also know that I've always been a good man and don't fight with women. How could I quarrel with a woman?"

Lin Yuqing said: "Mr. Zhang Fan, what do you mean by this sentence? You are saying that it seems that we women are unreasonable."

When Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, he quickly waved his hands and said, "No, I don't mean that. What I mean is that I'm a more tender person, so how could I quarrel with women?"



When Zhang Fan returned after finishing his meal, he suddenly saw news on the Internet.

Zhang Fan did not expect that CCTV News would repost this life book he wrote, and many netizens on his Weibo began to urge him to update it quickly in his comment section.

"Damn it! I saw a wonderful place, but why did it break out of context!"

"Update quickly, update quickly, please update quickly, please?"

"Mr. Zhang Fan, when will you release a physical book of "Life"? It's really uncomfortable to watch it with a mobile phone. I really want to see this "Life" physical book."

"My three-year-old mother thinks this book is very good after seeing this book. I am going to buy this book for my children to read. I believe that after they read this book, this book will be very good. It has some positive impact on their lives, so I hope this book can be released as a physical book soon!"

"Mr. Zhang Fan, how about you send your book to your novel account? I really feel ashamed to prostitute your book like this! What's more, this book is so well written. If you want to prostitute for nothing, I really feel uneasy, if you send it to your novel account, I will reward you with a leader or something like that!"

"Exciting and enjoyable, it's really enjoyable, this book is really enjoyable to read, Zhang Fan hurry up and update it!"



At this time, Liu Awei sighed and said: "To be honest, I really don't understand you more and more now. I'm already surprised that you can write online novels. I didn't expect you to write such traditional novels." Fiction, what other skills do you have that I don't know about? How many things are you hiding from me?"

Hearing what Liu Awei said at this time, Zhang Fan spread his hands and said with an innocent face: "I didn't expect my book to be so popular. I was just writing casually. It's so popular, I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength really doesn't allow it!"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Liu Awei said helplessly: "Stop, stop, you can just pretend to be tough in front of others, don't pretend to be tough in front of me. I have something you want to tell you. How many companies are there to compare? Big publishing houses have contacted me to publish your "Life", so I came here to ask your opinion, who do you want to give the publishing rights of your novel to?"

Zhang Fan said: "What is pretense? I'm just telling what I did. Can this be called pretense? This is called fact."

"I don't know much about the publishing of novels you mentioned. What good advice do you have?"

Liu Awei said: "I checked it out just now, and among them, the Renren Education Publishing House belongs to the relatively official publishing house with relatively extensive relationships and contacts. Your book is very meaningful, and it is recommended by CCTV News. Yes. Their publishing house said that as long as you hand over this novel to them for publication, they will be able to find a way to make this book a must-read extracurricular book for elementary and middle school students!"

"There is another publishing house called Tiandao Publishing House. Although Tiandao Publishing House does not have such a background as Renren Publishing House, they have a lot of offline resources and have a very good relationship with many offline bookstores. They can Use the shortest time to spread your book to all major offline bookstores across the country!"

"So I suggest that you cooperate with these two bookstores to strive to make your book a must-read book for primary and middle school students, and at the same time make your book spread across all major offline stores across the country in the shortest possible time. Bookstore, let your book get more dissemination and promotion in a short period of time!"

After Zhang Fan heard Liu Awei's idea, he had to say that Liu Awei considered it carefully, so Zhang Fan agreed to Liu Awei's approach.

In the next two days, Zhang Fan stopped updating the novel "Fights Break Sphere", and planned to finish updating the novel "Life" first.

After all, his book will be published soon, and the book of life does not have many words, only about 14 words, so it took Zhang Fan two days to quickly write the complete content of the book. I'm done.

The next thing needs to be given to these two publishers.

During this period of time, Zhang Fan received invitations from several satellite TV's New Year's Eve concerts.

After all, Zhang Fan's popularity is very high now, and any satellite TV wants to invite Zhang Fan, because they know that as long as Zhang Fan is invited, their ratings will be guaranteed, and maybe their ratings can still be higher than that of others. It ranks first in the ratings of David TV's New Year's Eve party.

Legend has it that Mango TV paid a high price of 1000 million to get Zhang Fan to participate in their exclusive Mango New Year's Eve concert.

It's just that this was rejected by Zhang Fan, and Zhang Fan didn't plan to only attend the New Year's Eve party of one satellite TV.

It's just that another big event happened on the Internet at this time.

An authoritative magazine announced this year's sales list of traditional novels.

With a sales volume of 250 million copies, Li Shuwen's "Life" has undoubtedly won No.1 in this year's traditional novel sales list.

This is not the most shocking thing for everyone. What shocked everyone the most is that there are two books named "Life" on this list, one is "Life" by Li Shuwen, and the other is "Life" by Zhang Fan , but Zhang Fan's "Life" is only No. 20 at this time, and the sales volume is only 60 copies.

But this is already a very remarkable achievement, after all, Zhang Fan's "Life" has only been on the market for three days.

But at this time, Li Shuwen's Weibo suddenly posted a picture of the list, and accompanied it with a text - the real "Life" and the fake "Life".

Anyone who is not a fool can see who Li Shuwen's Weibo is targeting, and he is obviously targeting Zhang Fan.

When many netizens saw Li Shuwen's Weibo post, they were all very surprised. They thought that Li Shuwen had softened after the last apology, but they didn't expect that this time he would come out with eccentricities again.

"Fuck! This is too shameless. Zhang Fan's book has only been released for a few days, and your book has been released for a year. How dare you compare it to this?"

"Yes, yes, I have never seen such a brazen person. It is shameless to compare my one-year sales with other people's three-day sales!"

"You can't say that about Li Shuwen. In fact, Li Shuwen is self-aware. He knows that his "Life" is a false life, and he admits it in public. This is really courageous! After reading Li Shuwen's "Life", I think his "Life" is pretty good, but after reading Zhang Fan's "Life", I think Li Shuwen's "Life" is shit!"

"Fuck, brother upstairs, how can you do this? How can you insult shit?"

"The content of this book by Zhang Fan has been updated on the Internet, and I have already read this book online, and I am not going to buy a physical book, but since you say so, then I will go to the market Buy a physical book, after all, reading such a good book once is definitely not enough!"

"I am the same, and I am the same. After reading this book on the Internet, I have no intention of buying a physical book. But I really didn't expect someone to be so shameless, so I decided to buy a physical book The book "Life", such a good book is definitely not enough to read once, I plan to read it several times!"



Li Shuwen originally wanted to post a Weibo post to mock Zhang Fan, but he didn't expect that not only did he not laugh at Zhang Fan, but also made many people laugh at him in his comment section.

At this time, Li Shuwen saw many people laughing at him in his comment area, and he was very angry.

Why?Why?Why do these people scold him?Obviously his book sales are number one.

As for Zhang Fan's "Life", which has only been published in the past few days, what does it matter to him?

Who told him not to publish this book sooner?
Besides, even if he released the book earlier, the sales volume of his book may not be as good as his own. After all, the sales volume of a book increases rapidly when it is published a few days before its release.

Once the high-speed growth period in the past few days has passed, sales will enter a weak stage and even decline to a certain extent.

Zhang Fan's "Life" is so awesome, but he only bought 60 yuan in three days, what's so great about it.

When Li Shuwen was about to scold these netizens at this time, he suddenly found that his Weibo card was blocked.

"Fuck! What kind of shit? What about your mother?"

At this time, Li Shuwen wiped his mobile phone on the table angrily.

When he turned the phone over, he found that there was a foreign nail in the place he just took the picture, and the foreign nail was not completely inserted, so the screen of his mobile phone was smashed.

"Damn it! What the hell is wrong with me!"

After Li Shuwen looked at his mobile phone at this time, he felt like crying without tears.

Fortunately, the quality of his mobile phone is relatively good. Although the screen is cracked at this time, it can still be turned on.

It's all the fault of these damn friends. Li Shuwen is going to open Weibo at this time to take a good look at his netizens. If it weren't for them, his mobile phone, which he bought just a few years ago, would definitely not be like this.

He just opened his Weibo and found that his private messages reached 999 in an instant, and basically all of these private messages were greetings to him.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

"I'm pissed off, I'm pissed off, I'm really pissed off!"

"This group of netizens is really unqualified!"

At this time, Li Shuwen opened the Weibo that he just posted, and found that the comments on the Weibo that he just posted had reached [-].

This statistic made Li Shuwen feel rather shocked. After all, when he posted on Weibo before, he only had a few thousand comments. Could it be that his fans came over to comfort him?

Thinking of this, Li Shuwen couldn't help feeling very moved.

He opened the comment section of his weibo without hesitation. He needed the comfort of these fans, because he was really closed to himself by those private messages.

(End of this chapter)

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