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Chapter 475 Is "Breaking the Sky" over?

Chapter 475 "Fights Break Sphere" is over? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

"Ah ah ah ah..."

"I'm pissed off, I'm pissed off, I'm really pissed off!"

"Why? Why? Why is this? Why can Zhang Fan's "Life" be listed as a must-read book for elementary and middle school students, but mine cannot be listed as a must-read book for elementary and middle school students. How is this "Life" different from Zhang Fan's "Life"?"

At this time, Li Shuwen saw this Weibo posted by CCTV News on the Internet, and he was very angry.

He felt that his "Life" was no worse than Zhang Fan's "Life", and his "Life" was written first. Why was his "Life" not listed as a must-read book for elementary and middle school students, but instead Zhang Fan's "Life" was listed as a must-read extracurricular book for elementary and middle school students!
He really couldn't figure out how he was worse than Zhang Fan. He was a professional writer, but Zhang Fan was just a part-time writer. As a part-time writer, Zhang Fan had no qualifications to compete with a professional writer like him. on a par?

Li Shuwen was very angry at this time, and was about to take out his Weibo, and when he vented on the Internet, he was immediately stopped by his secretary: "What are you doing? Are you crazy? Now even the official You came out to speak, what else do you want to do? Can you be more sober, can you be more normal, if you hadn't insisted on fanning the flames and provoking Zhang Fan when you had nothing to do, things would never have turned into what they are now."

"As a result, things have become like this now, and you still want to provoke Zhang Fan, don't you want to? Give me your Weibo account, and let me manage your Weibo account from now on. Now don't make any more noise on the Internet."

Hearing what his secretary said at this time, Li Shuwen still couldn't swallow his breath, and said hesitantly, "But..."

Secretary Li Shuwen said without hesitation at this time: "This is the end of this matter, you don't want to provoke Zhang Fan anymore, this matter is not only my idea, but also President Wang's idea, if you continue to provoke Zhang Fan like this Well, the company may change to someone else next time, after all, there are too many people staring at the position of the company's first brother."

"Although your writing is good, you have to understand that there is never a shortage of talented people in this world, but a shortage of people with opportunities. Do you know how many people think you can't get this opportunity? Do you think you Does today's success depend on your own ability? Without the company's packaging, can you get to where you are today?"

Li Shuwen was shocked when he heard what his secretary said at this time.

Li Shuwen is very clear that without the company's packaging, it would be difficult for him to reach his current status.

No matter how talented a person is, he still needs opportunities. For example, if he writes a book, without the help of a company to promote and market his book, it is impossible for his book to be known by so many people, and it is impossible for his book to sell so high.

Even the Wang Dun Literary Award he won before was also helped by the company behind the scenes.

If you don't have any popularity and accumulation, and you don't have any big companies behind you, even if your works are well written, it will be difficult for you to win that award.

But some authors are so powerful that they don't need to rely on the company's publicity and promotion, but Li Shuwen is very clear that he has not reached that level yet.

Without the publicity and promotion of the company, the sales of his next book may have dropped ten times or more.



noon on the 31st

An authoritative magazine list once again released a set of data

The sales volume of Zhang Fan's "Life" has reached 300 million, ranking No.1 in the sales list of traditional novels.

The sales volume of Li Shuwen's "Life" was really surpassed by Zhang Fan.

Now the No. 1 sales volume of traditional novels has become Zhang Fan.

Moreover, the sales statistics will be completely closed at [-]:[-] noon, which means that the current ranking is the final ranking, and there will be no further changes.

Even if you sell more books in the next few hours, it doesn't count as the sales volume of the year.

As soon as the news came out, it was immediately on the hot search. When many netizens saw the news, they ran to the Weibo that Li Shuwen had posted to laugh at him.

"Hahaha... your No.1 is gone, I remember you were showing off at that time?"

"Your chrysanthemum has been exploded by Zhang Fan!"

"At that time, I told you not to be too happy. After all, the deadline has not yet arrived. How is it now? You got slapped in the face!"

"Hey, if you said that you had to be honest and not put on a show, you might still be No.1 now!"

"That's right, that's right, I wasn't going to buy Zhang Fan's book at first, after all, I've read it on the Internet, but the other day I saw him posting Weibo to mock Zhang Fan, so I thought I couldn't stand it, so I went offline and bought a few copies of "Life"!"

"Me too. As a college student, I especially like Zhang Fan's "Life". As a young man, I like reading books on the Internet. But when I saw Li Shuwen laughing at Zhang Fan like this, I felt very sad. I was angry, so I went to the site and bought several copies of Life, and planned to send them to my cousins ​​during the Chinese New Year, so that they could read more!"



a room

"Mr. Zhang Fan, good news, good news, your life is now the No. 1 sales volume of traditional novels!"

"Okay, I get it now!"

After Zhang Fan heard the news from his assistant, he didn't react at all, and kept typing on the keyboard with his hands, because today is the finale of "Fights Break Sphere", and he is going to make "Fights Break Sphere" big. The ending is uploaded.

Duan Jiabao originally thought that Zhang Fan would be very happy when he heard such good news. After all, his novel has achieved such a good result.

But what she never expected was that he only said "Oh. I see", and then there was nothing else.

no?no?Brother, this novel of yours has achieved such a good result, you should at least give some feedback, why are you so calm?

[The end of the first thousand and 620 chapters is also the beginning. (season finale)
An epic battle ended, but it left behind a devastated Zhongzhou. The original prosperity was gone, and even the entire Zhongzhou was divided into two at this moment. A huge abyss tens of thousands of feet separated the two places. Open, and this abyss, in the future, will also be called the Double Emperor Abyss. No one can forget the shocking battle that day.
As a result, Zhongzhou lost its prosperity, but fortunately, the catastrophe ended here. With the influx of people from other places, in the near future, this Zhongzhou will still become the center of the Dou Qi Continent, because, here, the outbreak of the Dou Qi Continent broke out. fatalistic
And with the seal of Emperor Huntian, the decisive battle will naturally end with the victory of the coalition forces. As for the Soul Clan, although many people's strength has greatly increased because Emperor Huntian has been promoted to Emperor Dou, but they have not yet shown their power. Seven or eight out of ten of them were sacrificed to the blood blade by Emperor Huntian, and the rest of them were also devastated. Facing the pursuit of the coalition forces, they did not have much resistance and were captured without a fight.



The origin qi that has long since disappeared on the Dou Qi Continent is also the key to becoming a Dou Di powerhouse.The whole world became quiet at this moment. Zhu Kun and Gu Yuan opened their mouths, their hearts seemed to be filled with turbulent waves. When the channel appeared, they clearly felt that the strength that had been standing for thousands of years was There is an upward trend!

The gazes of the two people looked at the channel of light with incomparable enthusiasm, and an extremely strong throbbing came from the depths of their souls. That throbbing told them that if they entered it, their strength would definitely be able to break through!

Xiao Yan let out a deep breath, and the pitch-black eyes that had been calm for many years also became hot at this moment, and the blood that was originally cold seemed to be boiling now.

"The end is indeed a beginning."

There was a smile on the corner of Xiao Yan's mouth, perhaps, this would be another kind of beginning.

end of book]


When Zhang Fan typed out the three words "complete book" on the keyboard with both hands, he couldn't help but sighed deeply.

He wrote this book... He was really tired of carrying it.

However, the results of this "Fights Break Sphere" are also very beyond his expectations. The results of this "Fights Break Sphere" are much better than the results of the "Fights Break Sphere" on earth. .

This is so for several reasons.

The first is because the current Internet is relatively developed. After all, when the book "Fights Break Sphere" first came out on Earth, not many people read novels on the Internet, but under such circumstances, "Fights Break Sphere" "Broken Sphere" still achieved very good results, not to mention when the Internet is more developed.

The second reason is that his updates are very fast. He basically updates 20 words every day, and sometimes [-] words on Saturdays. It wasn't for his hand speed of being single for [-] years, he really couldn't update so many words in one day.

The third reason is that the animation of the novel "Fights Break Sphere" has been very successful, and the copyright of this novel is in the hands of Zhang Fan, and Zhang Fan also put his mind to it and invested a lot of money to do it. "Fights Break Sphere" anime.

And now the animation of "Fights Break Sphere" can be said to be very good, whether it is the model of the characters or the martial arts action in it, as well as some special effects and other things, it is very good, every Saturday and Sunday There will be updates.

On the earth, the animation of the novel "Fights Break Sphere" can be said to be very rubbish, especially the previous few seasons can be said to have completely lowered the classic novel "Fights Break Sphere", making "Fights Break Sphere" The word-of-mouth of the novel and anime of Cang Qiong has been completely ruined.

So this is why the score of the novel "Fights Break Sphere" is much better than that of the novel "Douluo Dalu", but the score of the animation of "Fights Break Sphere" is far lower than that of "Douluo Dalu".

Although "Fights Break Sphere" came out with a three-year agreement later, which restored the reputation of "Fights Break Sphere" to a certain extent, but "Fights Break Sphere" was updated too slowly, so this also led to "Fights Break Sphere" It is difficult for Cang Qiong to reach the level of "Douluo Dalu" in animation.

Now under Zhang Fan's leadership, all this has completely changed!
Whether it's anime character models or martial arts special effects, "Fights Break Sphere" is doing very well, and it will be updated steadily every week. Every month and every year, there will be some special monthly and annual episodes, and there will be some extra episodes stuff or something.

This also caused the animation of the novel "Fights Break Sphere" to be the best in the domestic animation market. There is no way to compare the performance of other animations with the animation of "Fights Break Sphere".

In the end, the real exposure of the identity of Li Xiaoyao, the author of the novel "Fights Break Sphere", also fueled the success of this novel once again.

After all, no one would have thought that the author of the most popular "Fights Break Sphere" of the year would be a star.

The average subscription of the novel "Fights Break Sphere" in the whole network has reached 300 million, and the high subscription has reached 200 million.

The novel "Fights Break Sphere" ranked No.1 in the Baidu search list during the update period, with a search index of tens of millions.

Now this "Fights Break Sphere" novel has [-] million alliances, [-] golden alliances, [-] silver alliances, and [-] alliance leaders.

The achievements of this novel can be said to be unprecedented, and it is estimated that there will be very few comers in the future.

When the last chapter of Zhang Fan's "Fights Break Sphere" was uploaded, many netizens couldn't help feeling very emotional after seeing this last chapter.

"Fuck! This is too soon, the novel "Fights Break Sphere" is over, I feel like I haven't read enough yet."

"Yes, yes, this novel is really good. 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor, these words make my blood boil!"

"Zhang Fan's updates are really too fast. He is the first author on the whole network whose speed of reading novels can't keep up with his update speed. I have only seen 300 million words now, and he has already updated the entire novel. It's over, it's really awesome!"

"I have to say that this hand speed is really amazing. No one who has been single for 20 years will never be able to practice such hand speed!"



There are also some readers who think this novel is particularly enjoyable to read, so when the book is finished, they decide to give it a reward.

"It's been a long time since I've read such a cool novel. I'm a student, and I don't have much money, so just reward a leader!"

"I'm a programmer. My favorite thing to do is to read novels. However, I feel that I have read all the novels on the Internet over the years. I can't find a few novels that I like. I accidentally saw this This book "Fights Break Sphere", and then I completely invested in it, this novel is really good, this month's salary is not much, first reward a Silver League, and I will reward a Golden League when the bonus is paid at the end of the year!"

"I've written more than 500 million words in just a few months, and even a productivity donkey dare not use it like that! It's written so hard and so well, I'm ashamed to read it without a reward!"

"This year, when I was most confused about the failure of my business, I accidentally saw this book "Fights Break the Sphere". In this book, the sentence 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and the poor, gave me a lot of encouragement , The business has been doing well recently, and if you make a small fortune, let’s reward a Yimeng first!”

"I'm a girl, and I don't know the novel "Fights Break Sphere", but I really like watching Dou Break Sphere anime. I heard that the novel "Fights Break Sphere" is over. As a fan of "Fights Break Sphere", I I came here specially to reward a golden alliance! It would be great if Xiao Yan and Yun Yun were together in the end of this "Fights Break Sphere"!"

"The rich woman begs to be taken care of!!!"



(End of this chapter)

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