Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 479 Zhang Fanlin Yuqing sings a new song together again?

Chapter 479 Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing Sing a New Song Together Again? (additional update)
After Zhang Fan sang the song and returned to the backstage.

At this time, Lin Yuqing rushed over with red eyes, and said sadly: "Mr. Zhang Fan, your performance on stage just now was really good. I really can't help but be attracted by your song." I was moved and cried."

"Mr. Zhang Fan, this love song of yours is so realistic. I'm really curious. If you haven't experienced such a thing, how could you write such a love song?"

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and couldn't help but said in his heart: "I have experienced such things, but I really can't write such a love song, because this love song was not written by me, but by Joker Xue !"

But there is no Xue Zhiqian in this world, even if she said it, she might not know it.

When he was on Earth, Xue Zhiqian was a singer Zhang Fan liked very much, and he especially liked Xue Zhiqian's love songs.And he also likes to imitate Xue Zhiqian's movements, gestures, demeanor, and expressions when he sings...

Every time he goes to sing in KTV, his friends will kindly call him Xiao Xue Zhiqian.

At this time, Zhang Fan said with a confused face: "This... I don't know what happened to this, I wrote it all of a sudden, maybe because I am too genius!"

Lin Yuqing: "..."

Teacher Zhang Fan, do you know that your words are really special, and after listening to them, there is really an urge to beat you up.

This is too Versailles.

After Zhang Fan finished, it was Lin Yuqing's turn this time.

The song Lin Yuqing sang this time is her very classic masterpiece "Bubble".

Many netizens couldn't help being very emotional when they saw Lin Yuqing coming on stage to sing "Bubble".

"Just now Zhang Fan just sang "Like the Wind", but at this time Lin Yuqing sang another song "Bubble". The two of them discussed it."

"I just finished crying, you won't let me cry again?"

"The song "Like the Wind" is a song written from a man's perspective, and the song "Bubble" is a song written from a woman's perspective."

"This is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that these two songs were written by the same person. Zhang Fan can write a love song from the perspective of a man and a song from the perspective of a woman." Love song, what else can I say? I can only say that Zhang Fan is awesome!"

"Of course, who is Zhang Fan? Zhang Fan is a musical genius in the entertainment industry. Ever since I fell in love with Zhang Fan, I feel that being a fan of Zhang Fan is really very happy. Every few days, there will be a new song to listen to. And this new song is not that kind of rubbish song, but a very classic song. After falling in love with such a musical genius, he will bring you different surprises every moment. This feeling is really great. "

"Yes, yes, I used to like other stars, so I could only desperately buy his endorsements and make data for him. I feel exhausted from chasing stars, but now I like Zhang Fan, and I can often hear him on the show. I really feel like I'm going to die of happiness!"

"After watching Zhang Fan's show, I wanted to leave. After all, Beijing Satellite TV will start playing Zhang Fan's "Youth", but now that Lin Yuqing is on stage, I'll wait to hear Lin Yuqing's song. This song, I will leave again!"



With a burst of music, Lin Yuxin slowly stood on the stage at this time. At this time, she was very calm and confident, because she did not know how many times she had sung this song. Said to be very sure.

But Lin Yuqing is not an ordinary singer, she is a very pursuing singer, so every time she sings the same song live, she always wants to express something different.

Otherwise, it would be pointless to sing the same thing every time.

Lin Yuqing would not do such a thing that repeats herself.

"The foam in the sun is colored

like being cheated i am happy
Find out what's right or wrong about your lies
because you still love me
Although the beautiful foam explodes in an instant

All your promises are too fragile though

But love is like a bubble if you can see through it

what's wrong"

When Lin Yuqing opened her mouth, it was still the familiar formula and the familiar taste.

This is the charm of a classic song that has been broadcast all over the country. When his prelude sounds, you can't help but sing along.

"Fuck! It sounds so good, it sounds so good, I can't help but get goosebumps."

"Although I have listened to this song many times, I still have a new feeling every time I listen to it."

"I really like the song "Bubble". Now every time I go to KTV, I must order this song, because this song is the only one I can sing well!"

"Sing this song well? Are you sure? This song is not a simple song, especially in the high-pitched part. Are you sure you won't break your voice?"

"Can you stop being so rigid? What I value in singing is emotion rather than technique."

"Although emotions are important in singing, skills are also important. Isn't your singing all about emotions without any skills?"

"Did you install a camera in my house? How do you know?"

"Because I'm just like you. I was born with tone deafness. Singing is all about emotion and I don't have any skills, but I still like to sing. Is this the legendary food addiction?"

"No, no, although we are born with tone deafness, we people just like music!"



At this time, the climax of the song came soon. Lin Yuqing's singing at this time was not like before, it was full of skills and no emotion. Her current songs were also full of emotion.

In the past, although she sang a song very well, it gave people the feeling that she was showing off her skills.

After all, she is born with a good voice, plus she has received systematic and scientific training since she was a child, so she can easily control all kinds of high notes, so she will deliberately show off her singing skills every time she sings.

But ever since Zhang Fan told her once before, Lin Yuqing has fully realized her problem, and has been constantly correcting it.

Now when Lin Yuqing sings a song, she has both skill and emotion.

The climax of this song came soon, and Lin Yuqing also let herself completely devote herself to this song at this time, and continued to sing:
"No matter how beautiful a flower blooms, it withers
No matter how bright the star flashes, it will fall

Love is a bubble if you can see through it

what's sad

why sad what sad

Why are you sad"

This climax is really a test of a singer's singing skills. If your singing skills are not strong enough or solid enough, it will be difficult for you to sing this climax perfectly.

But this difficulty is for others. For Lin Yuqing, the climax of this song does not have any difficulty.

Standing in the background at this time, Zhang Fan could hear Lin Yuqing's singing constantly coming from the front desk.

I have to say that this woman's voice is really too strong, and there is huge energy in her small body.

If it is compared to writing, Zhang Fan can hang Lin Yuqing up and beat him, but if it compares to singing, although Lin Yuqing can't hang Zhang Fan up and beat him, he is still a lot higher than Zhang Fan.

Although Zhang Fan has been working hard to improve her singing skills during this time, she also feels that her singing skills have improved a lot during this time, but compared with Lin Yuqing, she is still a little behind.

If you want to go further, it is more difficult than ascending to the sky.

And if a singer fights to the end, it's basically a fight for talent.

Although his body is also very talented in music, but compared with ordinary people, his musical talent is nothing compared to Lin Yuqing's abnormal meaning.

Lin Yuqing is a genius with the ultimate musical talent.

Soon the song came to the end, and Lin Yuqing devoted herself to this song. This is a song she has practiced countless times, and she wants to make it more perfect on this stage.

She wants to bring you a perfect audio-visual feast!

Lin Yuqing took a deep breath at this time, and continued to sing:

"How do I search for the assurance of falling in love again?"
Embracing loneliness, isn't it lonely
Love is a bubble, it's because I didn't see it through
so sad

Bubbles burst under the rain

The fiery heart has long since sunk
say what do you love me if you lie to me
I would rather you be silent"

The song is over!
Many audiences at the scene were still deeply immersed in Lin Yuqing's beautiful singing, and none of them had recovered.

" sounds so good!"

At this time, whoever screamed made the audience come back to their senses, and they all couldn't help but screamed excitedly.


"Honey, do you know how beautiful your voice is? Every night when I can't sleep, I fall asleep to your singing!"

"I never dared to imagine that a person's voice can be so beautiful, even when they sing, if they want to do other things, I really can't imagine..."

"Hiss! What are you talking about? I suspect you're driving, but I have no proof!"

"All of you are really dirty, how can you do this?"

"It's fine that Lin Yuqing is so pretty, and her voice is so nice. She may have saved the Milky Way in her previous life, so God treats her so well and gives her all the good things."

"Oh, such a perfect woman, I don't know which man will be cheaper in the future."

"Zhang Fan: I suspect that you are implicating me, but I have no proof!"



"How's the ratings of our show now?"

"Although the ratings have dropped a bit after Mr. Zhang Fan left, after Lin Yuqing sang the song "Bubble", the ratings have picked up again, and now the ratings have remained at around four, but I guess I will wait for Lin Yuqing By the time this song is over, our ratings will definitely drop."

"By the way, wait a minute, do the two of them still have a duet song?"

"Director, I heard that this chorus song is a song specially written by Zhang Fan to announce the release of his "Mermaid" movie, and I heard that this song is different from the previous song "Hello in the world" Same, it’s a Cantonese song.”

"Interesting, interesting, really interesting, I'm really looking forward to this song. Go to Weibo to contact them and ask them to post more trending searches. After all, Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing are well-recognized The national best couple CP, they want to get together and sing a new song later, the ratings will no longer increase by 0.5, I am really sorry for my hard work to get the two of them together."

The staff heard the director's words at this time, and said excitedly: "Don't worry, director, I will do it right away. I believe that as long as this trending topic spreads, there will definitely be a lot of CPs from the two of them. Our ratings are sure." It can also rise a bit!"



After Lin Yuqing sang this song, she did not leave the stage. She stood on the stage and said with a smile on her face, "Do you like the song I sang just now?"

"Ahhhhh... I like it!"

The audience in the audience shouted in unison at this time.

At this time, Lin Yuqing put one hand on her ear, and listening to the loud shouts of the audience, she said with a smile on her face: "Thank you, thank you, thank you very much for liking the song I sang just now. Since everyone If you like it so much, can I sing another song for you? And I will also invite a special guest to sing this song with me, okay?"

special guest?
Who is the special guest?

"Ahhhhhh... No, no, absolutely not, you absolutely cannot sing with other men, have you forgotten that you only belong to Zhang Fan?"

"If it's a woman, ignore it. If it's a man, the man must be Zhang Fan. If it's not Zhang Fan, I'm afraid my heart will be broken!"

"Ahhhhhh...I'm a CP fan of the two of you, and I really hope that this special guest is Zhang Fan!"

"This special guest is definitely not Zhang Fan's. If this special guest is Zhang Fan, I will directly broadcast Chi Xiang!"

"Damn it, someone came here to cheat for food and drink at night!"

"Hahaha... Cheating to eat and drink? You died from laughing!"



At this moment, there was a burst of accompaniment on the stage. At this moment, as the camera zoomed in, everyone found that Zhang Fan, who was wearing a white and black suit, was sitting in front of a piano at this moment, his hands were beating non-stop on the black and white keys. .

(End of this chapter)

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