Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 486 Arrive at the magic capital, Chen Mengyao's telegram?

Chapter 486 Arriving at the Magic City, Chen Mengyao's Call?
When the staff heard the director's laughter at this time, they couldn't help being startled and took a few steps back.

Although he knew that the director was very happy at this time, he wouldn't be so obscene as he said, right?
"By the way, you go to Weibo to arrange a trending search. Our Beijing Satellite TV ratings finally won the first place. If we don't promote it and let more people know, it's really a pity."

It was not easy for Beijing Satellite TV to achieve the No. [-] rating in the same time period. Although it was only for a while, it was still a very remarkable achievement.

It was so hard to achieve such a good result, if he didn't promote it well, it would really be a waste.

#京城卫TV ratings number one? #This topic quickly rushed to Weibo hot searches, attracting many netizens to watch.

"The ratings of Beijing Satellite TV are number one? Is it true? I can't believe it."

"That's right, that's right. Beijing Satellite TV's programs are all recorded and broadcast. How can they have the highest ratings? Generally, the first ratings of the New Year's Eve party are basically Mango or Tomato."

"Although I don't quite believe it, but the data are all here, so we can't help but not believe it."

"It's all thanks to Zhang Fan. I've been paying attention to this matter just now. Since Zhang Fan took the stage, the ratings of Jingcheng Gongshi have been rising. Just now Zhang Fan was singing the song "The Wind Rises". During the song, the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV soared to 3.5, accounting for 40% of the market share, ranking first in the ratings at the same time!"

"Zhang Fan is really a lucky star in the ratings. When he was on Mango TV, Mango TV had the highest ratings. Now he has come to Beijing Satellite TV, and the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV are also number one!"

"Zhang Fan is really awesome, I really admire him!"

"As a native of Beijing, I really never imagined that our Beijing Satellite TV would one day be able to rank first in the ratings at the New Year's Eve party. Although it may only be for a while, I am already very proud. Thank you Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan just now What a great performance on stage!"



a room

"Hey, hey, hey... Are you still eating? Is this kid so good-looking? Haven't you watched enough every day? You still go home and lie down on the TV to watch."

At this time, Lin Wenqiang saw his daughter turn on the TV, and then began to watch Zhang Fan's singing program. For some reason, he suddenly felt a little unhappy again.

I really don't know what's so good about this smelly man?
Why does my daughter like this smelly man so much?
At this time, Lin Yuqing saw her father looking angry, ran over and hugged Lin Wenqiang's arm, and said coquettishly: "Eat, eat, of course, Dad, you made such a big table delicious How could I not eat it."

"But it's a bit too monotonous for the three of us to just eat, so it's better to turn on the TV and let's eat while watching the show?"

Lin Wenqiang was a little angry at first, but at this moment, when his daughter hugged her arms and acted like a spoiled child, the anger in his heart was thrown out of the sky, and he said with a smile: "Okay, okay, delicious you Just eat a little more. I’m busy at work now, and sometimes I can’t go home for a meal for a week. Now that I’m home, don’t think about losing weight. Eat deliciously. Give me as much as you can eat. How much, it is best to eat all the dishes on this big table!"

"After all, in order to make these things, I went to buy vegetables very early, and then cooked for a few hours to make these things. These meals are not just simple meals."

Lin Yuqing heard Lin Wenqiang's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "Oh, of course I know this. These meals are not only meals, but also your love for me, Dad. Thank you, Dad, thank you for helping me. I made such a big table full of goodies."

"Let's eat quickly, or the food will be cold after a while."


"The evening wind blows your white hair from the temples

Heal the scars left by memories
Your eyes are bright and dark, and a smile blossoms

Twilight covers your faltering steps
A painting hidden by the bedside
You in the painting lower your head and talk"

At this moment, a very pleasant singing sound suddenly came from the TV.

Although Lin Wenqiang disliked Zhang Fan very much, he had to admit that this kid's singing was indeed very nice.

Although Lin Wenqiang felt that the song was very good at this time, he still said with a stubborn face: "If you really thank me, why don't you watch another show? Why do you have to watch this man's show? What catches your eyes?"

Lin Yuqing heard her father's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "Of course it looks good. Didn't you hear Mr. Zhang Fan sing just now? His singing is really good, especially the climax just now." Part, the singing is really good."

"Dad, I know you have some prejudice against Mr. Zhang Fan, but you can't completely deny him. Do you dare to say that the song he sang just now is not good?"


Lin Wenqiang wanted to say it was bad at this time, but he did hear Zhang Fan singing the climax part just now, and Zhang Fan's singing was indeed very good, so he couldn't directly say bad things in his conscience.

Isn't this talking nonsense with your eyes open?

Lin Yuqing saw her father like this at this time, and said proudly: "Dad, you see, you don't like Zhang Fan so much, but even you are embarrassed to say that Teacher Zhang Fan's singing is not good, What does this mean? It means that Teacher Zhang Fan's singing is indeed very nice, even if you don't like him, you can't deny this."

"In fact, Mr. Zhang Fan not only sings very well, but also has many other advantages. If you want to hear it, I can introduce it to you slowly..."

When Lin Yuqing said this, she gave Li Shengnan a wink.

Lin Yuqing really couldn't understand why her father disliked Zhang Fan so much.

Teacher Zhang Fan is obviously a very good person. Not only does he sing very well, he is also very talented in music, and has written so many classic songs.

Moreover, he has such a good personality, humorous and optimistic, often jokes with himself, and makes himself happy. There are really fewer and fewer good men like Mr. Zhang Fan these days. Why does Dad always look down upon him?

No matter the reason, Lin Yuqing had to change her father's view of Zhang Fan.

After all, Lin Yuqing likes Zhang Fan in her heart, and hopes to be with Zhang Fan in the future.

So of course she also hoped that her father would recognize Zhang Fan.

Li Shengnan also felt Lin Yuqing winking at him at this time, and said with a smile: "You, you are too demanding, Xiao Zhang is so tall, so handsome, and so talented , and he is so kind to Yuqing, there are really too few outstanding young men like this now."

"Let me tell you, I have worked in the entertainment industry for so many years, and I have seen too many celebrities, but there are very few who can compare with Zhang Fan. I know that you love your daughter and are reluctant to part with Yuqing, but Yuqing is now She has grown up too, she also needs to have her own life, a life of her own, and someone she likes..."

"Don't you think she'll be alone when she's an old girl in her thirties?"

Cough cough cough...

Hearing Li Shengnan's words at this time, Lin Wenqiang couldn't help coughing a few times: "I didn't say that Yuqing would not be allowed to fall in love. What I said was the same as helping me to fight mandarin ducks. Of course I hope my daughter can have one. Good place to stay."

"I just don't want her to go to people in the entertainment industry. I just work in the entertainment industry. I know the entertainment industry too well. Most of the stars in the entertainment industry have one thing on the surface and another on the back. Their appearance on the surface is very glamorous, but what is behind them is uncertain."

"I didn't agree with Yuqing when she first entered the entertainment industry as a singer, but after seeing that she likes her, I agreed, but if she finds another person in the entertainment industry, this... I don't think it's very good. "

"Yuqing, if you really need it, I can contact some of my friends and introduce their sons to you. They are all very good. They all graduated from famous foreign universities. Now all of them are young and talented. Why do you have to like a star in the entertainment industry?"

Lin Yuqing heard Lin Wenqiang's words at this time, and retorted: "What's wrong with the stars in the entertainment industry? Are the stars in the entertainment industry inferior? The stars in the entertainment industry also rely on their fans to eat, and they are not inferior to other professions." .”

"I know you don't like celebrities in the entertainment industry, but your daughter and I are also stars in the entertainment industry. Do you even look down on your daughter?"

"Anyway, I only like Mr. Zhang Fan. Apart from Mr. Zhang Fan, it is impossible for me to like other men in my life. You don't have to waste your time trying to introduce me. I'm not interested in other men."


Lin Wenqiang heard his daughter's words at this time, sighed, and said helplessly: "Okay, baby girl, don't be angry, Dad was just joking with you just now, in fact, I am quite optimistic about this Zhang Fan , the last time I chatted with him, I knew he was not an easy person."

"This Zhang Fan is not like other stars in the entertainment industry, who have an empty stomach and no brain. When he chats with me, no matter what he talks about, he can catch up. So this Zhang Fan is still very good in my heart. "

"But what I think is that your entertainment stars are busy with their jobs, especially you popular stars, so I want you to find someone who can take care of you."

"Although this Zhang Fan is also very good, both of you are stars in the entertainment industry, and you two are so busy at work, even if you two are together, it will be difficult for him to have time to take care of you. How can I rest assured!"

Lin Yuqing heard what her father said at this time, and hurriedly said: "Dad, I am not a three-year-old child anymore, I am an adult long ago, and I can take care of myself."

"Furthermore, although Teacher Zhang Fan and I are both busy with work, we have a lot of contact with our work, so we still spend a lot of time together. You don't have to worry about this at all. "


Seeing his daughter's happy look at this time, Lin Wenqiang drank a sip of wine, sighed deeply, and said helplessly: "Oh, it's really a girl who doesn't want to stay in college, okay?" All right, you can do whatever you want in the future, I don't care about you."

At this time, Lin Yuqing heard that her father finally did not object, and she was very happy immediately. She hugged Lin Wenqiang's arm and said coquettishly with a smile on her face: "Dad is so kind, so good, you really That's great, don't worry, even if I'm with Teacher Zhang Fan in the future, I will go home often, come back to see you often."


two hours later
Zhang Fan's plane finally arrived in Shanghai, and after he got off the plane, he took a taxi and rushed to Tomato Terrace.

The sleep just now was really refreshing. After this sleep, Zhang Fan felt that his whole body was full of strength, and he no longer felt tired like before.

goo goo goo...

At this time, Zhang Fan's stomach suddenly growled unsatisfactorily. Zhang Fan touched his stomach at this time, and suddenly felt a burst of hunger, especially when he smelled various aromas constantly coming from the roadside. His stomach growled even more violently.

I don't know if it's because he ate less tonight, or because he had more activities tonight, but Zhang Fan felt that he was really hungry now.

"Ask if this mountain is the highest in the world

Or another height is higher than the sky
In the world there is a mountain higher than this mountain

But love can't be found better than you"

At this moment, Zhang Fan's cell phone rang suddenly. Zhang Fan turned on the cell phone at this moment and found that it was Chen Mengyao calling him.

He had promised Chen Mengyao before, so he changed the ringtone of his cell phone to the song "World Questions Are Always Hello" that he and Chen Mengyao sang together.

After Zhang Fan answered the phone, a very pleasant voice came from the other end of the phone: "Zhang Fan, have you arrived yet?"

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "I've already got off the plane, and I'm taking a taxi now, rushing to the TV station, I'll be here later."

goo goo goo...

Just after Zhang Fan finished speaking, his stomach growled again.

Chen Mengyao on the other end of the phone obviously also heard this strange voice, and asked with a smile on her face, "What's that voice over there? Why is it so strange? Why does it sound like a stomach growling to me?"

Cough cough cough...

Zhang Fan coughed a few times at this time, and said with an embarrassing face: "You heard me right, this is the sound of my stomach growling, I don't know why I suddenly feel a little hungry."

(End of this chapter)

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