Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 503 Intensive Spring Festival Gala Rehearsal

Chapter 503 Intensive Spring Festival Gala Rehearsal

ps: The update owed to everyone yesterday will be made up tomorrow, I am really sorry
The host continued with a smile on his face at this time: "Next, let's invite Mr. Wang Dong, the chairman of our Weibo, to present awards to the two of you."

Soon a man wearing glasses and a suit came up, followed by two hostesses, each of these two hostesses would have a tray in their hands, each with a trophy, a One is the trophy of Weibo king, and the other is the trophy of Weibo queen.

At this time, Wang Dong came to the two people, first awarded the trophy of Weibo king to Zhang Fan, then they shook hands, and then awarded the trophy of Weibo queen to Chen Mengyao.

After Wang Dong awarded these two awards to two people, he stepped down directly. After all, the protagonists this time are still Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing.

Many celebrities in the audience couldn't help being very envious when they saw these two people on the stage.

After all, although this award is not a highly professional award, it represents the popularity and enthusiasm of a star.

If you don't have high popularity and popularity, it is impossible for you to get this award.

If a star has popularity, he will have commercial value. With commercial value, he can have more endorsements. With more endorsements, he can make more money and reach the pinnacle of life. Which star doesn’t want to What do you want?

The host said with a smile on his face: "Congratulations to the two who won our Weibo king and Weibo queen this time. Do you have anything to say?"

Hearing what the host said at this time, Zhang Fan understood that the host wanted the two of them to give acceptance speeches, so Zhang Fan signaled Chen Mengyao to speak first, after all, women come first.

Chen Mengyao also realized what Zhang Fan meant at this time, stood in front of the microphone, and said with a smile on her face: "First of all, I am very grateful to Weibo for giving me this honor, and I am also very grateful to all the fans who helped me vote, thank you, Without you, I would not have this honor..."

Chen Mengyao's award acceptance speech is quite official. After all, she has said this kind of award acceptance speech for countless times, so she is really very familiar with this kind of award acceptance speech, and it is really easy to pick up. .

After Chen Mengyao finished her acceptance speech, it was Zhang Fan's turn.

Zhang Fan stood in front of the microphone at this time and said with a smile on his face: "First of all, I am very grateful to Weibo for giving me this award, and then I am very grateful to all the audience friends who voted for me. Without your votes, I would not have won this award." Such an award."

"And then, I hope everyone can watch the movie "Mermaid" during the Chinese New Year, because this movie is really good, I believe you will not be disappointed after watching it!"

The host said with a face full of complaints: "Mr. Zhang Fan, no matter where you go, you never miss the opportunity to promote your movie."

Zhang Fan didn't feel embarrassed when he heard the host's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Oh, Weibo Night is such a grand ceremony, so many netizens are paying attention, such a good opportunity to gain popularity , I can't miss it! If you don't wait now, when will it be, so of course I have to make good use of such a good publicity opportunity."


Many netizens who were watching the show couldn't help laughing when they heard Zhang Fan's words.

This Zhang Fan is really interesting.

"Hahaha... This Zhang Fan is really too funny."

"It's really too thick-skinned. It's not embarrassing to be said so by others. I still have to continue to promote my movie."

"It seems that Zhang Fan really attaches great importance to his movie. After all, this movie is Zhang Fan's first time as a director."

"I've watched all the trailers released on the official account of this movie, and I think it's very good, and the pre-sale box office of this movie is now No. 1 in the box office of the Spring Festival movie."

"There are still more than ten days before the first day of the Lunar New Year. The current pre-sale box office does not mean anything. After all, Zhang Fan's popularity is still very high. His current pre-sale box office is basically filled by his fans, but Movies are not albums or something, so it’s not enough to rely on fans alone, you have to rely on passers-by, so in a few days, he will definitely not be able to keep his number one position.”

"That's right, that's right, on the first day of the Lunar New Year, I definitely won't be doing Zhang Fan's movie. I'm going to watch the sci-fi blockbuster "The Big Bang" with an investment of one billion. I'm not interested in movies made with fresh meat."

"Hey, hey, brother upstairs, you are a bit too discriminatory. Although Zhang Fan has a lot of traffic, he is not the kind of little fresh meat. He is also very capable. The songs he writes are very good. Great, and I think his acting skills are very good, I like to watch all the TV series and movies he acted in."

"I know what you said, but this time he is not playing the role of a singer, but a director. The director is different from other things. If you don't have enough accumulation and experience in directing, you are Impossible to do well."

"Facts speak louder than words. Anyway, the trailer of "Mermaid" gives me a very good feeling, much better than other blockbusters released during the Spring Festival. Anyway, I will definitely watch this movie during the Chinese New Year."



After Zhang Fan delivered his acceptance speech, tonight's Weibo night was completely over.

After the Weibo night, some big-name celebrities all came to the stage, and everyone took a group photo.

At this time, the position is very particular. Only celebrities with high popularity and high qualifications can stand in the middle position.

However, Weibo is not as important as other awards ceremonies. What Weibo values ​​is your popularity on the Internet, so although Zhang Fan's qualifications are not as good as some actors and actresses, he still stands in the front By the middle position.

After all, he is the king of Weibo tonight. Since Weibo has confirmed that he is the most popular male star this year, it will naturally reserve a good position for him.

The entertainment industry is such a vanity fair. When you are popular, everything you do is right. Everyone obeys what you say. People give in to you. When you are not popular, everything you say is wrong. Everyone bullies you.

Zhang Fan really understood this sentence completely now.

In the next period of time, Zhang Fan put all his energy into rehearsing for the Spring Festival Gala.

Although Zhang Fan thinks that he has mastered the song very well, the Spring Festival Gala is a very big project after all. Even if Zhang Fan is already very familiar with it, he still has to accept rehearsals again and again.

This time not only Zhang Fan attended the Spring Festival Gala, but Chen Mengyao and Lin Yuqing also attended the Spring Festival Gala.

It turned out that the two of them were going to sing a song together with some other female stars. When Zhang Fan promised Liu Hong, the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, that he would write a song for the two of them, Liu Hong finally opened the door and agreed. Give the two of them the chance to sing a song together.

As for singing a song alone, this is more difficult.

If Zhang Fan hadn't been outstanding in music creation ability, he wouldn't have been able to get the chance to sing a song alone. After all, every opportunity on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala is very precious, and basically a The scene where the star sings a song alone is gone.

Even male stars are so difficult, let alone female stars.

New Year's Eve in the afternoon

After participating in the last rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala, Zhang Fan could not help but sigh.

To be honest, he was not nervous at first, after all, it was just singing a song, and he did not know how many times he had sung this song on how many stages.

Although the Spring Festival Gala is a relatively important stage, there is no big difference for him. After all, he has even held the Bird's Nest concert with 8 people, and he can sing freely in front of 8 people. Not to mention so many people at the Spring Festival Gala.

However, in the rehearsals again and again, everyone was nervous. Some people were already ready to go to the Spring Festival Gala, but they were eliminated in the last rehearsal. Many celebrities, especially some female celebrities, couldn't help crying when they were eliminated.

After all, I saw that I was able to go to the Spring Festival Gala, but on the last day, I was eliminated again during the last rehearsal.

Anyone who has this kind of thing will feel uncomfortable.

It is unacceptable for anyone to have this happen to them.

Zhang Fan returned to his lounge after the rehearsal.

As Zhang Fan's handler, Duan Jiabao naturally stayed by Zhang Fan's side all the time. After seeing Zhang Fan coming back, he quickly held a cup of hot milk tea and said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Zhang Fan, this is my The milk tea I just bought for you, your favorite strawberry flavored milk tea, drink it quickly."

Zhang Fan took the milk tea that Duan Jiabao handed him at this time, and said with a smile, "Thank you."

Duan Jiabao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Zhang Fan, what are you thanking me for? If you want to say thank you, I should thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have seen so many people here." This is the first time I have seen so many celebrities. The Spring Festival Gala is indeed the most important gala, and it is impossible for any other gala to gather so many big-name celebrities..."

At this time, Zhang Fan heard Duan Jiabao say that she just got the autograph of a singer he likes very much, and said sadly: "I thought your favorite singer was me, but I didn't expect... oh... I It's really sad."

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Duan Jiabao couldn't help panicking, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Zhang Fan, what are you talking about? Of course the singer I like and admire the most is you, but that singer It’s also one of my favorite singers, I’ve been listening to his songs since I was in primary school, so I’m very excited to see him this time…”

"Mr. Zhang Fan, you must believe me. The singer I love, admire, admire and appreciate the most is you. You must believe me!"

Seeing Duan Jiabao's appearance at this time, Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face, "All right, all right, I was just joking with you just now, you don't need to be so excited."

"By the way, today is the Chinese New Year. You don't need to stay here anymore. You can go home and spend the New Year with your family. I can handle it myself here."

When Duan Jiabao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, the expression on his whole face was pleasantly surprised. After all, her family members called her just now and asked her to go back quickly.

This year is the New Year's Eve, and it's time to celebrate the New Year. Of course, the whole family should celebrate the New Year together.

But thinking that this is Zhang Fan's first time participating in the Spring Festival Gala, as Zhang Fan's assistant, if she can't be by his side, she seems a bit unqualified.

"But...but this is the first time for you to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, Mr. Zhang Fan. As your assistant, if I don't stay by your side..."

Zhang Fan also saw Duan Jiabao's embarrassment at this time, patted her on the shoulder, and said with a smile on his face: "Okay, okay, I'm not a child anymore, I will definitely take care of myself, hurry up Go back and celebrate the New Year with your family, it's already afternoon, and it will be dark in a few hours."

"But luckily your home is in the capital, and you can go back soon."

bang bang bang...

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

Duan Jiabao heard the knock on the door at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Zhang Fan, sit here and don't move. I'll go and open the door."

After finishing speaking, Duan Jiabao trotted over directly.

Although Duan Jiabao cared about him, Zhang Fan always felt that something was wrong.

Because of Duan Jiabao's words, he suddenly thought of a very classic saying - you sit here and don't move, I'll buy you an orange.

When Duan Jiabao opened the door at this time, he was also very strange, who came to find Teacher Zhang Fan at this time.

When Duan Jiabao opened the door, he found a very beautiful woman standing in front of him: "Mr. Chen Mengyao, why is it you?"

When Chen Mengyao heard Duan Jiabao's words at this time, she smiled and received, "It's okay, I'm here to find something about you, Teacher Zhang Fan. By the way, these masks are very good masks. I have been using them all the time. The effect is very good." Very good, these masks are for you."

Chen Mengyao was talking at this time, while handing a box to Duan Jiabao.

When Duan Jiabao saw the packaging of this box, he knew that this mask was the best mask, and a mask cost several thousand dollars.

Seeing that Chen Mengyao gave him such a valuable thing, Duan Jiabao quickly declined: "No, no, how can I want such a valuable thing? Teacher Chen Mengyao, you should take it back."

Chen Mengyao said with a smile on her face: "Oh, it's just a few masks, so there are no such precious things."

"Besides, there is no reason for me to return the things that I Chen Mengyao gave to others. If it is Chinese New Year today, I will give you something and you will give it back to me. This makes me embarrassed. Put it away quickly, and treat it as a gift from me." It's your New Year's gift."

Seeing Chen Mengyao's enthusiastic expression, Duan Jiabao finally had no choice but to accept the gift she gave him.

Seeing that Duan Jiabao finally accepted the gift he gave her, Chen Mengyao was not only very happy at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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