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Chapter 509 "Where Has Time Gone", Zhang Fan's new song?

Chapter 509 "Where Has All the Time Gone", Zhang Fan released a new song? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

"What? What did you say? I didn't hear it wrong, right? You kid actually secretly got a date, and you didn't even tell your father about such a big thing. You are really too much. Have you still told me? This father puts it in his eyes???"

Wang Dachui was very happy when he heard his son's words at this time, and then he remembered that his son had such an important matter that he didn't tell him in advance, and became very angry again.

Hearing what his father said at this time, Wang Fugui quickly explained: "I'm sorry, Dad, I was indeed wrong about this matter, and I just wanted to give you a surprise."

Wang Dachui heard his son's words at this time, and said with a sneer: "I didn't feel the surprise, but I felt the shock."



At the same time, this kind of thing still happened in many places. Many migrant workers had already decided not to go home during the Chinese New Year, but when they heard Zhang Fan's song, they couldn't help crying. One by one decided to go home again.

After listening to Zhang Fan's song, they realized that earning money is not the most important thing, and their parents don't care about it the most. What their parents care about most is the safety of the family.

Those who have money or not have to go home for the New Year.

Zhang Fan's song "Go Home and Have a Look" quickly became popular on the Internet. The number of views of this singing video on Weibo exceeded [-] million in just a few minutes. It was completely maxed out, and it went directly to the top of the hot search.

A well-known musician: "This year's Spring Festival Gala saw a new original work that surprised me very much. This work is Zhang Fan's "Go Home and Have a Look". I personally like this song very much."

""Go home often" is a heartfelt and down-to-earth song, I like this song by Zhang Fan very much. If conditions permit, go home and watch more, bring your children, and accompany your lover to go home often. Parents don't want their children How capable, I just hope that my children are safe, healthy and happy!"

"The happiest thing for parents is to look forward to a family reunion, eating and chatting together lively, listening to mother's nagging, talking about their grievances, acting like a baby to mother, and always being a child in front of mother. Listen to Dad's teachings and talk about work, the only people who tolerate you the most in the world are your parents, no one loves you more and tolerates you more than your parents, a father's love is like a mountain, and a mother's love is like a deep sea!"

"The annual rings of the years are constantly turning. The vicissitudes of the parents' faces have changed, and the snow-stained temples are like frost. Looking at the elderly parents, I feel very ashamed. What have we done for our parents? Go home to accompany your parents, even if you listen to their nagging, your parents are very happy! I wish all parents in the world good health and a happy new year! I also wish you a happy new year, happy, happy, happy and reunion Round, sweet and sweet, the wealth is rolling in, all wishes come true, everything goes well!"

A well-known music critic Erdi: "If there is anyone in the entire music world who can continuously surprise me, then this person is Zhang Fan. To be honest, the Spring Festival Gala is really a very special stage. Few Artists will sing an original song on the Spring Festival Gala, and the songs sung on the Spring Festival Gala are basically songs that have been played before, after all, the stage of the Spring Festival Gala is too big to allow for any mistakes."

"After hearing the news that Zhang Fan was going to sing some time ago, I was as everyone imagined. This time Zhang Fan will sing a song he sang before. It may be "My Motherland and Me" or it may be "Serve the country with loyalty" may be "Tomorrow will be better", but I really didn't expect that he would sing his new original song on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala???"

"It's not easy to come up with an original song on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, let alone come up with a song that will satisfy everyone and make everyone like it when the time is tight and the tasks are heavy. Original song, but this Zhang Fan did it under such tight time and heavy tasks, his song "Go Home and Have a Look" is really unforgettable after listening to it."

"An old saying goes: Sheep have the grace of kneeling and breastfeeding, and crows have the righteousness of feeding back. Parents have worked hard to raise their children. Children are their blood, their flesh, and their concerns. No regrets, but only two owes, and that is our parents."

"Filial piety is the way of all good things. Filial piety to parents is the greatest merit in the world. The ancients said: If you are not filial to your parents, it is useless to worship Buddha. If you are not filial to your parents, it is meaningless to learn Buddhism and do all the merits. Time is always so ruthless, and the faces of parents are getting old , is to record the long and difficult years we have gone through."

"Whether we are poor or rich, we should all be grateful for the kindness of our parents, for their gift of life to us and for their bitterness and vicissitudes of life, and for their selfless devotion to us and their kindness in nurturing us. Parents are living Bodhisattvas, living Buddhas, parents Raising us, there are no perfect parents in the world, and children should not complain, but should learn how to be respectful and filial."

"Parents are there, life has its origin. When parents go, life is only home. The heart of compassion and filial piety, everyone has it, and people should have the idea of ​​filial piety. Don't wait until you want to be filial and your relatives are not there, leaving a part of life It's a pity, isn't our greatest wish in this life is to hope that our parents are healthy? Money can be earned slowly. Things can be done slowly. But time waits for no one, so we must leave some time for our parents. They need our care, they need our company, and they need our care.”

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. The child wants to support but the relatives don't wait. When the parents are still alive, go home often and see them. Be filial to them. Don't wait until you lose them to know how to cherish them!"

A best-selling author: "Although I am a writer, I usually like music very much, but I have listened to some old songs in recent years, and I have not listened to any new songs, because there are new songs in recent years, but there is nothing It sounds good, until Zhang Fan appeared and I completely changed my mind."

"Especially tonight, he sang the song "Go Home and Have a Look" in the Spring Festival Gala. This song is really nice and touching. When my 70-year-old mother heard this song, the whole People couldn't help being moved and burst into tears, thinking of their mother."

"The Buddha said: Each of us has a Buddha to bless, she is the incarnation of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and her name is "Mom". Female horse = mother

The woman who is your cow and horse is your mother. How can you not love her? Around the age of 0-1, the safest place for us is in the arms of our mother. At age 3: Mommy, I love you.Five years old, mom, I want that toy. At age 10: Mom, whatever. "


"Mom is here, home is here, and home will always be our warmest haven. And what we talk about most is, Mom, where are my clothes? Mom, I'm hungry, is the meal ready? Mom, I want to play. Mom, I want to buy something. Mom... And our communication with Dad is always one sentence, Dad, where is my mother? We all only have one mother, please go home often and spend more time with dear parents. Poor parents in the world, Don’t let it happen to us that our children want to raise them but don’t wait for their parents. May all the parents in the world have a happy life and a healthy life.”



In just half an hour after Zhang Fan sang this song on the Spring Festival Gala, Zhang Fan's Weibo gained 100 million fans, and Zhang Fan's Kuaidou account also gained nearly 100 million fans.

Zhang Fan's song "Go Home and Have a Look" was reposted by countless official accounts on Kuaidou's short video, and the video reposted by CCTV News directly exceeded [-] million likes.

At this time, many Internet celebrity anchors worked overtime and hurriedly sang Zhang Fan's "Go Home and Have a Look", and many Internet celebrity anchors even made some jokes based on this song, so that " Go home and have a look.” This song became even more popular.

Many singers and musicians saw Zhang Fan's casually written song, which became so popular all over the Internet, and they all envied and hated it.

They wanted to write a popular song, which was as difficult as reaching the sky, but Zhang Fan wanted to write a popular song, as easy as eating and drinking water.

Alas, sometimes people really can't be compared with each other, and sometimes people can really piss people off.

After Zhang Fan returned to the backstage to rest for a while, he was ready to go and see Chen Mengyao and Lin Yuqing, because the song they sang together tonight was a new original song "Where has the time gone" that he wrote for them?

To be honest, before going to see them again, Zhang Fan was a little afraid that the two of them would not get along well, but when she went to the rest room of the two of them, she found that the two of them were sitting together drinking milk tea, talking and laughing , the whole person is not only very surprised.

At this time, Zhang Fan saw the two talking and laughing, and said with a smile on his face: "What are you talking about? You are so happy, what happy things don't share with me, let me always be happy happy!"

Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a big smile on her face, "You must share it with you. What I told Sister Yuqing just now was about the time you peed your pants when you were young. If you want to hear it, I can tell you about it again." I will tell you in detail."

Zhang Fan: "???"


Seeing Zhang Fan's helpless expression, Chen Mengyao couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Lin Yuqing saw Zhang Fan's embarrassing look beside her at this time, and not only felt it was very novel, after all, Zhang Fan had always looked very calm no matter what the situation was before, and she still rarely saw it. When Zhang Fan can be so embarrassed.

But thinking that Chen Mengyao knew so many things about Zhang Fan's childhood, but she didn't understand these things, she felt like an outsider.

"Don't be afraid, Lin Yuqing. Although you did not participate in Teacher Zhang Fan's past, you will definitely not be absent in Teacher Zhang Fan's future. Come on! Come on!! Come on!!!"

At this time, Lin Yuqing secretly clenched her little fist, secretly cheering for herself.

In order not to face such an embarrassing situation anymore, Zhang Fan quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, how are you two preparing? It will be your turn to take the stage later. On such an important stage, you two should There must be no accidents between the two of you!"

Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said quickly: "Bah, bah, it's Chinese New Year, can you not say anything unlucky, sister Yuqing and I cooperate so tacitly, how could anything happen? Surprise."

"You better take care of your crow's mouth, your crow's mouth is really annoying!"

Cough cough cough...

Zhang Fan heard what Chen Mengyao said at this time, and coughed a few times: "This... this, don't get excited, don't get excited, didn't I remind you? In fact, you two will cooperate later on stage. If it’s half as good as it is at the top, it’s pretty good.”


Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Chen Mengyao sighed, and said with a sigh: "You said that you have a pretty good face, but why do you have such an annoying mouth? Sister Yuqing, don’t you think so? Isn’t his mouth too annoying.”

Lin Yuqing nodded quickly when she heard Chen Mengyao's words.

Although Lin Yuqing regards Chen Mengyao as her rival in love, enemies may not always be enemies. Enemies can sometimes become friends. For example, at this time they can also turn enemies into friends and jointly target Zhang Fan.

after an hour

"Mr. Chen Mengyao, Mr. Lin Yuqing, you two, get ready, the next program will be the turn of the two teachers."

At this time, suddenly a staff member came to inform.

Zhang Fan heard what the park said at this time, looked at the time, and found that it was almost ten o'clock: "Fuck, I didn't expect the time to pass so fast, and it will be your turn to be on stage so soon, come on! come on! Come on!"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said confidently: "Teacher Zhang Fan, don't worry, we will definitely work hard, you wrote us such a good song, we will definitely not insult your song song."

"By the way, Mr. Zhang Fan, after the show is over, why don't you go to our house to celebrate the New Year. My dad just sent me a message saying that he has already cooked a large table of meals, and he will wait for me to go back."

At this time, Chen Mengyao listened to Lin Yuqing's words. Although many of them looked indifferent on the surface, they all pricked up their ears and listened carefully to Zhang Fan's next answer.

(End of this chapter)

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