I'm not that rich second generation

Chapter 102 Brother, I might have a cold! 【Million words】

Chapter 102 Brother, I might have a cold! 【Million words】

In the morning, the sun just came out.

In the sports field, there will always be a lack of people who get up early to exercise, but some people are in the sports field, and some people are in the *bedroom*.

Sports are not divided into venues, and exercise requirements are demanding.

Although they are all sweating, the effect is actually much worse. Exercise is a happy person alone.

Early *riding* is actually not the same as getting up early.

The stadium is still so lively. After all, there is only one place where R&F can exercise. Many young and old people gather here.

If you look closely, you will find that there are more elderly people than young people.

Most young people, even if they can sleep for an extra 15 minutes, don't want to wake up. Under the pressure, they especially cherish vacations and off-duty time.

For many young people, the best way to cherish time is to *sleep* it and stay at home.

If you have to go to work during the day, that’s the boss’s time. If you can hang out, you can hang out. If you can rest at night, it’s your own time, and you should cherish it all the more.

Older people, they sleep less and lightly, although they also value time, but the way they do it, they tend to use it more.

Use time as fuel to exercise your health.

The old people envy the young people who are free from illness and pain, and are healthy, and the young people envy the old people who have plenty of time and a large pension.

If you wake up early, you will know that many people do not have good self-control. They may be very good at dating early, but they are not good at practicing early.

The edge of the sports field is a tall barbed wire fence, and outside the barbed wire fence is a green belt built around the sports field, all of which are neatly trimmed green plants.

It doesn't consume much carbon dioxide and doesn't provide much oxygen, but it looks good.

The green environment maintained by a lot of manpower is really pleasing to the eye, especially for those who come for the first time.

In one corner of the green belt.

Two figures were hiding behind the green plants, wearing hats, masks, sunglasses, and dressed like a sixth child.

Standing next to the pruned round green plants, more than half of the body is hidden behind the green plants.

Occasionally, when someone gets close, they will hide for a while, as if they are doing something wrong.

The most outrageous thing is that they each held a telescope in their hands and put it in front of their eyes, looking at the stadium.

The binoculars of the two were firmly locked on a running couple.

This attire and this kind of behavior instantly spread an atmosphere of malice. If someone saw them, it would be hard to suspect that they were not doing something bad.

Dressed like those fugitive suspects, sneaky, that is, no one noticed them, but they were still very vigilant.

The binoculars are not cheap like fooling children. After being adjusted several times with a trace of professional techniques, although the distance is far away, the picture becomes clearer and clearer.

Through the telescope, even the smiles on the faces of people in the distance can be clearly seen.

The woman in a floral dress looked at her friend who was concentrating on observing, and reminded her unaccustomed to it.

"Sister Fen! Don't you think that our dress and behavior are only a call to the *police* from being caught?"

She is sneaky after all, and she is still very wary of passers-by. She is afraid of being seen by people with this dress, and then kind people will report to her. .

If someone finds out and sends her to the yamen, it will be too late, and she won't know how to explain it to her husband and children when she goes back.

If it wasn't for the very good relationship between friends, she would not do such stupid things when she was old!When I was young, I never did such a stupid thing.

"Don't worry, there is no law, we can't dress like this, right? There is no rule, we can't look at the scenery with binoculars if we dress like this!"

When she spoke, she swears, without worrying at all.While talking, he held the telescope and looked into the distance, without any intention of taking it down.

The woman in the floral skirt sighed, she was not afraid to look at her, so she had to take a look with the binoculars in her hand: "Sister Fen, I can't see clearly, please adjust it for me."

After taking over the telescope, she adjusted it skillfully: "Fortunately, I asked someone to learn it when I bought it, otherwise I wouldn't know how to adjust it."

Passing the binoculars over, she picked up the binoculars hanging around her neck and observed the situation in detail.

"Sister Fen, you've been watching for half an hour."

"I really don't understand, it's enough for you to meet upright, why are you hiding like this!"

"If you ask, it's impossible for him not to tell you?"

When she was talking, she yawned, and if she took off her sunglasses, she could see that she still had dark circles under her eyes, which was due to lack of sleep.

Early in the morning, I called her out together, thinking that there was something big going on.

The result is that watching other young couples sprinkle dog food is very tiring. She was already high in sugar, but now it is even higher.

She ate too much dog food, she was already full, and even saved her breakfast, but when she saw it with a telescope, she still smiled like an aunt.

It's nice to be young!
Looking at the young man, she seemed to see herself when she was young, and she seemed to be like this at that time.

But at that time, I had to be more reserved, and I didn’t have the courage to dare to be obsequious in public, and my enthusiasm was very restrained.

"They've just started talking, and it's not stable yet. I'm just here to see, mainly to see if the girl is talking sincerely."

"If you ask too many questions, the child will be annoyed. When the child grows up, instead of taking a three-day nap, he eats a few pieces of meat and shares all the tastes with his mother."

"And now is not the time." She turned her head and asked, "Did you see anything?"

The woman in the floral skirt nodded: "Your son hasn't *broken* the wall yet."

Sister Fen with the binoculars: "..."

"I didn't say that!"

"Obviously this is the best!" The woman in the floral dress replied: "Now children... don't need us at that time! There are very few good shoes now."

"I mean to see if their relationship is good!" Sister Fen said helplessly.

She held the binoculars and looked at the two figures in the distance, observing very carefully.

"Aren't you asking the question knowingly! It can be seen at a glance that this girl obviously likes your son very much."

"Look, every time she looks at your son, does she smile very sweetly?"

"I don't know what your brat said to make her beat her all the time, but it can be seen that she didn't use any effort."

"Isn't this just flirting! You haven't noticed anything for a long time?"

Sister Fen nodded: "That's why I called you here, you have to work as a professional in a dating agency."

"I'm the boss! I'm not a matchmaker." The woman in the floral skirt replied helplessly.

Isn't this sick and go to the vet?
Sister Fen, who was next to her, smiled in satisfaction, but her smile was completely covered by a mask.

The line of sight in the telescope also pulls down from top to bottom:

It's good, it's good, it's good.When a fish sinks into a wild goose, tolerance* is the biggest thing, pearls*round*jade*moist.

Looking at this figure, he should be able to hold a grandson.

"The smile is so sweet, my heart is on your kid, the key is that this girl is really beautiful!"

"Looking at it, I guess her personality isn't bad. Sister Fen, let your brat cherish it. Maybe you won't meet this kind of girl in the future."

They are all experienced people, and they have a good eye for seeing people. They can get a general idea of ​​many things just by looking at them.

Even after standing here for a long time, I can see a lot of things.

Sister Fen looked at it seriously: "So, I can rest assured now."

"Go back and teach him well. This kind of good girl is really worth cherishing."

The woman in the floral skirt couldn't help smiling, and she replied: "That's right, but your son is also tied up by her, you see, he even wiped her sweat."

While talking one by one, they looked into the distance again and again.

"Children can't help themselves. Many mothers-in-law don't like their daughter-in-law because they think they have robbed their children! But I don't exist here, as long as he likes it." Sister Fen said.

Looking at the sweet and crooked two young people through the binoculars, Sister Fen laughed out loud.

There is a feeling: My son turned out to be in love like this.

It was so hard to raise him so big, but he was taken away by others after all.

"That's right, being a mother-in-law also has to keep pace with the times... I've got my hands on it, and your child is not as stupid as you said!" said a voice next to her.

Very greasy!
It's like watching a movie, not to mention it's quite interesting. When my child falls in love, I'll watch it quietly.

"It's been like this since the beginning." Sister Fen replied.

Through the binoculars, watching the two walk together hand in hand, they are especially right.

Sister Fen was deeply moved.

My own child has finally gotten the hang of it, and knows how to raise cabbage. It's this progress, and I don't know that it is only in the year of the monkey that I can have a grandson.

Worrying mother!

In the current situation, it is not easy to urge him. After all, we have only just started talking. After being together for a long time, we can urge him, but it is definitely not possible now.

"I'm finally relieved!" Sister Fen said with emotion.

"I really envy you, the child has a partner, unlike me, the child has not even found a partner." She replied.

"There will be!"

"Worry to death!"

The two said a few words, and Sister Fen took one last look, and then they left from the corner of the sports field.

After walking a certain distance, they took off their sunglasses and masks under the strange eyes of passers-by.

It's Mrs. Wu and her friend in the floral skirt.

Mrs. Wu took the binoculars, walked forward for a certain distance, and put the things back into Martha's trunk.

She deliberately parked the car far away, for fear of being discovered by Wu Ye.

After finally asking a friend, she found out that Wu Ye was exercising in the sports field every morning, and he even brought the morning light with him.

She was really worried, so she quietly came over to have a look, no matter what, she was finally relieved now, and did not bother Wu Ye and the others.

Mainly because now, many people are not only impure in person, but also impure in mind. She doesn't want Wu Ye to be an honest person.

I feel more at ease now.

"No more visits?" the friend next to her asked her.

Mrs. Wu shook her head, there was no need to disturb them: "I just came to see that girl, otherwise I don't feel at ease."

She didn't intend to let Wu Ye know about this, so she came and left quietly, not disturbing them.

"Let's go! Beauty salon, I'll pay the bill!" Mrs. Wu started the car while speaking.

"Actually, you don't have to be so polite... Well, full body care."

Mrs. Wu nodded, agreed, and drove Martha away.

Wu Ye didn't know anything.

At this moment, he is still sitting in the breakfast shop, ready to have breakfast with Chen Chen.

After eating breakfast together every day, we have to go our separate ways and go to work, so everyone cherishes the last period of time.

It's clear that it's only daytime to part, but with such a short time, I still can't bear to part with it, and feel empty.

"Boss, one serving of white porridge, one cup of soy milk, two baskets of dumplings, and one basket of buns." Wu Ye said to the fat boss.

It may be that he ate too much fish and meat, so he asked for porridge in the early morning, while Wu Ye drank soy milk.

It's the same porridge, and it's better to drink the porridge for two yuan with Wu Ye than to drink the porridge for tens of dollars by yourself.

If he is there, I feel very happy and eat happily.

"I realized that it seems that I have never seen you drinking milk!" Early morning thought of a question.

From being together to now, I have never seen Wu Ye drink milk, and there is no milk prepared at home.

Wu Ye took a sip of soy milk, and then answered her: "Have you ever seen an animal that has grown up, and will any of them go back to drink milk?"

There are many concerns that most people may think are right, but in fact they are not necessarily right, and may still be wrong.

Thinking about it early in the morning, I found it very reasonable and could not refute it.

Is there an explanation for this?It was the first time she had heard this kind of explanation. She looked at the aunt selling milk next to her, and there were many people queuing up to buy it.

"But milk is so easy to sell! So many people drink it!" said Chen Chen, propping his chin.

Wu Ye turned his head and looked, there are indeed quite a few people who bought it, and there are many people who like *milk*!
"I remember that someone just had a baby, and there was too much inventory. The baby couldn't drink it all by himself, and then sold all of them, and customers voluntarily came to the door to drink first and then buy."

Morning: ? ? ?
Still have this kind of operation?How silly to be pregnant, you don't think you are a milk cow, do you?
After hearing this, Chenchen subconsciously asked, "Does her husband know about this situation?"

Wu Ye: "..."

Her husband... shouldn't there be a container?Why did you contact her husband, do you know?

People just discount the inventory, not open the blind box to clear the warehouse.It's just to give my husband a vacation, not to dismiss him and recruit new people.

"It seems that her husband is right next to her, and it's her husband who received the money!"

Morning: ? ? ?

This is also... an elf?
"Huh, can this be tolerated?" It was the first time Chenchen heard this.

It feels like the three views are broken like glass falling to the ground.

Isn't this world a very wanting normal?Why did such a bizarre thing happen.

"What are you thinking? It was packed long ago, that kind of one-time sealed plastic bag!" Seeing that her face was turning red, Wu Ye knew that her thoughts had gone astray.

What are you thinking about every day?

Chenchen burst out laughing, blushing but it didn't affect her from laughing.

She didn't think of this possibility just now, but thought of another picture.

I feel spoiled by Wu Ye.

"I mean there is such a person!" Qingchen said, "Can you listen to everything you are obedient?"

It's far-fetched, but it's enough to hide the past.

She has always been like this, becoming angry from embarrassment, she just finds a reason so casual that she can't cover up her complete disregard for rationality.

Wu Ye couldn't help laughing, he was still washing the floor at this time!I can't wash it clean.

"Why do you always see these strange things?" Chen Chen asked him.

Wu Ye knew a lot, and she had never heard of these strange things.

"The world is full of surprises, I remember I have a group, and I post these messy melons every day!"

It's been a while since I watched the group, I just watched the cars and melons shared by Qu Xue and the others, and the reserves are seriously insufficient recently.

"Pull me!" Chen Chen replied.

Wu Ye: "..."

Hearing this, Qingchen's attitude was really positive, and she immediately took out her mobile phone.

"There are a lot of cars!" Wu Ye replied.

Chenchen's eyes lit up: "Don't worry, I only look at melons!"

Wu Ye: "..."

The credibility is not high, Wu Ye thought for a while: "I will send it to you after screening."

Early morning looked at him: "Trust me!"

Wu Ye shook his head.

"Don't you have your own home?"

Morning: "..."

Ahhhhh...Thinking of the *geoduck clam that day again.

She didn't talk to him anymore, she ate porridge by herself in the early morning, but she couldn't stop her blushing.

I have it at home...Kangkang!

Ma De, this concubine can't say it at all.

She is not afraid of reading comics, they are fake, but she is not afraid of real ones, which makes people shy.

"I'll cool you down, I'm afraid you'll start to smoke later." Wu Ye held her face in his hands: "Hiss, I'm burned!"

In the early morning, Wu Ye was speechless, Wu Ye's hand was indeed not as warm as her face, it felt icy cold.

But... so many people!Is this cooling down?

A group of people were eating dog food, and they blushed even more in the early morning. Wu Ye didn't pay attention to this, and took a wet tissue to wipe her face.

Even if you know, who cares!

Roar!This is my object!At most this is the reaction.

"Monster, let go of your trotters." Chen Chen said.She just said, no hands are not stretched.


"Hurry up and eat!" Qingchen urged him.

Wu Ye looked at her and said seriously: "I'm already full!"

"You didn't even eat!"

"It's delicious!" Wu Ye raised his eyebrows.

Morning: "..."

He teased me, he teased me again!
He grabbed a steamed stuffed bun and put it in Wu Ye's mouth to gag him.

"The big buns are still delicious." Wu Ye said.

Qingchen gave her a blank stare: "Speaking of this, can you stop looking at me?"

Have it?

Might be a knee-jerk reaction.

"I definitely don't have the kind of thinking you think. I only play purely to evaluate food. What you think should be playthings!"

Morning: "..."

Playthings are depressing.

"Shut up, now, now, now! Eat!"

"Okay!" Wu Ye agreed.

Early in the morning, he let out a sigh of relief. He didn't even know that Prince Ma had spondylitis... Bah... a few eyes.

As long as Wu Ye is honest, she won't blush, and as long as Wu Ye doesn't talk too much, she won't think wildly.

In the early morning, I took out my mobile phone and checked it: What should I do if I have a boyfriend who likes to go to the highway?
Best answer: You turn yourself into high speed!
Ya shit you!Damn it!

"Sister, seriously, my father-in-law or mother-in-law, is one of them a red race? Why do you always blush?"

Morning: "..."

Too lazy to answer him, eating dumplings in the early morning, not talking to him.

After breakfast.

I went back upstairs and wanted to go home and change clothes.

"I think it's best to block the door and open a door on the wall. I have to prepare two keys when I go home! It's too troublesome."

Beat him a few times in the morning.

Everyone went back to each house, there was a meeting to be held in the early hours of the morning, and Wu Ye also had his own business today.

In the parking lot, each of them set off in their own cars, with Wu Ye going to the left and dawn to the right.

It feels empty, like this every time we separate, and I can't wait for it to get dark soon.

Unfortunately, it's only morning.

"We are together in the future, I don't know if I will blush again! I am so obsessed with blushing." Sitting in the car, Wu Ye muttered to himself.

Ringing, ringing...Looking at the phone, Wu Ye put on the bluetooth headset.

"Boss, the kitchen equipment has been brought over today, would you like to come and take a look?" Ma Dongsi asked him.

There is still half of the progress before the opening of the new store. Wu Ye has already solved the chef's problem, and Ma Dongxi and Wang Chunhua will solve the remaining problems.

Wang Chunhua is in charge of recruiting, and Ma Dingxi is in charge of overall management and overall planning.

"No, I have other things to do. You should check the quality and let the newly recruited chefs take a look together! They use a lot."

"After the installation is complete, remember to check it several times and sign after confirming that there is no problem."

"After the kitchen is ready, you can contact the supplier, the materials will be brought back first, and we will make the menu first."

"Propaganda and advertising have to keep up. Remember to supervise Shuiyu and the others, and come up with a preliminary plan early."

"I've worked hard on you during this time, Brother Ma, I'll give you a vacation when I'm done with work, to spend time with my family."

After Wu Ye finished speaking, Ma Dongsi didn't speak. Wu Ye knew that he was memorizing things, and he had this habit.

"Okay boss, then you are busy first! I will get things done in the kitchen these few days first, which is the most important thing."

Wu Ye hung up the phone.

It cost a lot of money, but he was worth the salary. Wu Ye felt that he was right. Ma Dongshi has been diligent and diligent.

Being the first to arrive in the morning and the last to leave at night, Wu Ye could guess that his wife must be complaining about him.

I still have to find such a capable person to help him share, and I have to talk to Wang Chunhua about this matter later.

Now that Wu Ye has accumulated more and more money, he wants to open a third store. If it weren't for Datang Catering's need to secure a hand, he went to look for a third store.

The start-up Datang Catering is not counted as fixed assets, and the valuation of 2000 million for a two-person restaurant is probably enough.

Including fixed assets, it is probably more than [-] million. A company relies on real estate to support its value. This is what Wu Ye created.

What Wei Jin didn't understand was also this place, and felt that this kind of behavior was stupid.Only Wu Ye knew that this was the source of his sense of security.

Illusion can't be understood, then smash it into reality!
"Let's get to know people first!" Wu Ye was going to look for Wei Jin today, the tea cake mentioned last time had arrived, and Wu Ye was going to get it back.

If the money is given, Wu Ye and Wei Jin will be evened out, everyone will get what they need, and they will not owe each other.

He is filial to his father, and Wei Jin also knows him very well, killing two birds with one stone.

The place where Wei Jin met him was at a horse farm next to a golf course.

It wasn't in her tea house, Wu Ye thought it was a tea tasting game, but it turned out to be a horse riding game.

She was always so unexpected. Wei Jin asked him to at least run a few laps. Wu Ye had no reason to refuse. In fact, he was quite interested in horseback riding.

The old man can ride a horse, why can't he?
After arriving at the location and parking the car, when Wu Ye found her, Wei Jin was still at least running around.

He was wearing black and white riding equipment, a hat, and a small leather whip in his hand.


This is the first time for Wu Ye to come. This is a member-only racecourse, and he has never been here before.

He hasn't played everything, but Luo Bai has been to many places because of dating various girlfriends.

Looking from the steps he was standing on, on the other side of the field, you can still see people playing golf, which is separated by a wall.

The area is not small, and there are many circle-like venues of different sizes, and many people are riding horses.

Wu Ye was standing by the fence, and Wei Jin was riding a horse, bumping a bit.

Wu Ye felt that if he took a short video of her, his eyes must be focused... Two o'clock!
I heard that riding a horse *grinds* hips, but I don’t know if it’s true, Wu Ye has ridden that kind of lead, and it’s still in a tourist attraction.

This is the first time I have come into contact with this kind of riding by myself, and I don't know if it is good to ride.

"Mr. Wu, come and run a few laps!" Wei Jin smiled at him while riding a horse.

Ordinary people might really not be able to handle her youthful charm, but Wu Ye was fine, and early morning directly raised her resistance to girls.

Compared with early morning, many girls who think they are beautiful are actually not so beautiful.

Wu Ye supported the railing and shook his head: "Sister Wei, you overestimate me. I have ridden many things, but I have never ridden a horse."

Camel, elephant, buffalo, horse riding is not this way of riding.

Wu Ye was very frank, he really didn't know how to do it, Wei Jin got off the horse and handed the reins to the staff.

"The whole equipment, the horses here are all small *mare* horses, very docile! Very good* to ride!" Wei Jin said while walking.

Wu Ye can't, it's not a big problem, the big problem is that he doesn't like riding horses.

It can be seen that Wu Ye still wants to try riding a horse, so she must be satisfied!

"Then let Sister Wei arrange it." Wu Ye nodded.

Come here, always have to ride a horse, otherwise it would be too bad.After all, it took more than 100 dollars to get around, so it's normal to ride *a bit*, right?

Back at the front desk, Wei Jin spent money to buy a set of clothes for Wu Ye, and also gave him a membership card.

Only then did Wu Ye know that the clothes here are quite expensive and cost Wei Jin a lot of money.

"For beginners, you have to spend some time practicing, but the coaches here are very professional!"

Wei Jin obviously came here often and was very familiar with the situation here, and introduced a lot of things to Wu Ye.

For example, those horses are more docile, those horses have explosive personalities, those horses are most suitable for novices to ride, and those horses are suitable for practicing equestrianism.

Wu Ye did not pretend to understand. He listened carefully and realized that riding a horse requires a lot of skills.The same is true for pulling the rein and slapping the whip, both of which require skill.

Wei Jin helped him find an equestrian instructor, a short-haired girl, who was very careful and serious in teaching.

After overcoming the psychological barrier, riding a horse is actually not difficult. Wu Ye, who tried it for the first time, went very smoothly.

Wu Ye rode very happily. Although he didn't run fast, he didn't run wildly, but it was the first time he trusted the horse freely.

The equestrian coach also said that he was talented and learned quickly.

When riding a horse, you have to ride fast to have ups and downs. If you ride slowly, just sit still and let it run slowly.

After several rounds of running, Wu Ye felt that the horse was tired, so he stopped riding.

Wei Jin was waiting for him by the fence, and when Wu Ye came down, he was still happy.

"It's interesting, isn't it? Not only can you ride a horse here, but you can also ride a gun and shoot. Would you like to try it, Mr. Wu?" Wei Jin recommended it to him.

There are quite a lot of projects.

Wu Ye belongs to the kind of person who rarely even plays bow and arrow, let alone archery on horseback. There is a high probability that he will not understand how to play it, but he can't try it.

Riding a gunshot should be pretty good.

"Sister Wei recommended it, let me give it a try, don't laugh at me if I make a fool of myself!" Wu Ye replied.

Wei Jin shook his head.

All technical things must be practiced, the more you practice, the better.

"Actually, there is a golf course next to it. I guess you don't like golf, so I invite you to ride a horse!" Wei Jin said.

Before she came, she thought about it and thought that Wu Ye might not like playing ball, so she made an appointment at the racecourse.

Playing ball, in her opinion, is actually meaningless.

Wu Ye smiled: "I actually like playing golf! But I'm not very good at golf."

I haven't learned it before, but Wu Ye knows that golf is a small ball, which is not easy to play.

"If Mr. Wu likes it, then I'll take you to play sometime!" Wei Jin issued the next invitation.

She knows more about sewing than Wu Ye. This is experience, but Wu Ye doesn't have it.

But this is not a big problem, Wu Ye agreed, and the two of them went to pick out the bow and arrow and get the arrow.

After re-selecting the horse, Wu Ye rode the horse and followed Wei Jin to the shooting range.

"Mr. Wu, give it a try. Archery is actually not that difficult, especially this kind of short course." Wei Jin said.

Probably not the problem of short-tracking, but Wu Ye's problem. Wu Ye tried it, but the shot was not accurate.

"Aim a little bit, calm down!" Wei Jin is also half a bucket of water, so he can somewhat guide Wu Ye.

Not very effective.

Wu Ye was still *shooting* inaccurate, Wei Jin couldn't help but smile, the miss was too serious.

After staying at the racecourse all morning, the two left, and Wu Ye invited her to a meal.

"When I came here today, I stopped by to have a look. Mr. Wu's new store is in full swing!" During the meal, Wei Jin chatted about the new store.

Wu Ye smiled and didn't talk much about this topic.

"Does Mr. Wu have any plans to acquire?" Wei Jin asked again.

Wu Ye thought for a while, then nodded: "There are suitable ones, sister Wei can recommend them."

He still wants to open new stores, at least ten in Shanghai, and then he will open in other first-tier cities, and then go to second-tier cities.

This is Wu Ye's plan, to stockpile houses, and at the same time to stockpile houses, start a career.

"Okay, there is a suitable one, I will tell Mr. Wu." Wei Jin did not answer in affirmative.

When Wu Ye and her had dinner, they didn't talk much, and Wei Jin wasn't the kind of talkative chatterer, they only spoke a word every few seconds.

Wu Ye felt that the atmosphere was quite awkward, and he hadn't learned Luo Bai's lively technique.

After eating, Wu Ye went downstairs with her, and Wei Jin brought him the packaged tea from the car.

"Mr. Wu check it out!"

"No, I trust Sister Wei." Taking the tea, Wu Ye said, "I'll transfer the money directly to your account."

After this matter is done, even if it is evened, Wu Ye heaves a sigh of relief.

Wei Jin waved his hand, it was all trivial things: "I have a flu recently, Mr. Wu should pay attention."

"Thank you sister Wei for your concern!" Wu Ye replied with a smile.

Wei Jin reminded him to keep the tea carefully, and then said: "Ask President Wu to play some other day!"

Wu Ye made an OK gesture, Wei Jin didn't say anything else, and simply drove away.

Sitting in the car, Wu Ye took out his mobile phone and began to transfer money to her. Seeing the news that the transfer was successful, Wu Ye threw the phone aside.

"It's finally done!" Wu Ye let out a sigh of relief.

Looking at the co-pilot's tea, Wu Ye smiled: "No wonder there are so many girls selling tea. It's really not easy for grandpa. He makes too much money and doesn't know how to spend it."

Those who buy and sell water make money because they are consumables, but those who sell tea actually make money, and what they sell is a value.

In fact, the origin of the tea is very cheap, many people are staring at a few Dahongpao, in fact, there are many expensive tea.

"Wu Ye?"

Hearing someone calling him, Wu Ye looked back and found that it was a friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Long time no see, Li Lan! Why are you here?" Wu Ye said as he got out of the car.

Li Lan looked at Wu Ye's car with a smile on his face, and he changed the car again.

"You're still proud of yourself, let's go, I'll treat you to a cup of coffee!" Li Lan invited.

Wu Ye had nothing else to do right now, so he agreed and found a place in a cafe not far away.

"How are you doing recently?" Wu Ye asked her.

Li Lan sighed, Wu Ye couldn't help but look at her with a very depressed expression on her face.

"Didn't we break up last time? I told you that he fell in love with a man." Li Lan talked about this matter.

Wu Ye nodded, he still remembered that he was surprised at that time.

Li Lan continued:

"I was bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of well ropes. A friend introduced me to a boyfriend. I found a very masculine boyfriend with abs and a beard..."


"Yes, I'm scared." Li Lan took a sip of coffee: "But he likes to go to nightclubs! Later... accidentally ate capsule zero."

Wu Ye: ? ? ?
What do you mean?
Li Lan sighed, Wu Ye searched, and then his expression was extremely strange.

It's probably a boy. If he falls in love with another boy, but he can't help but toss and turn, he can use this magical capsule.

Drugs that stimulate the intestines have the effect of *itching.

Not for anything else, but flowers!Not a flower to prefer henna chrysanthemum.


Li Lan was deeply moved: "He has changed!"

Wu Ye: "..."

"The road to love is bumpy!" Wu Ye concluded, Li Lan is a very hardworking girl, but she just didn't meet the right person.

No wonder you are so depressed when you mention your boyfriend. This kind of thing is really unacceptable and extremely depressing.

Wu Ye expressed sympathy.

"Don't talk about me, how about you? How are you doing?" Li Lan asked him.

"It's still the same, just dawdling around, a friend happened to be here today, come and have a look." Wu Ye replied.

He doesn't have the penchant for showing off in front of his friends, which would only further alienate everyone.

It was Li Lan who helped Wu Ye to sign the bill, and Wu Ye always regarded her as a friend.

"You're awesome, you blow it so fresh and refined." Li Lan smiled: "I've changed to a sports car."

"That's because my car was hit. I borrowed a car from a friend and drove it. You're overthinking it." Wu Ye replied.

Li Lan was taken aback: "Isn't it a big accident? You're alive and kicking. If it's not serious, don't be as scary as you say."

Wu Ye smiled, and could hear the concern in her tone.

"Do you want a boyfriend? If so, I'll introduce you to one! I've worked hard, but I don't have much money now, and my three views are very positive, and I will definitely not become zero."

Wu Ye had a whim and asked her what she thought.

Li Lan looked at him: "Seriously?"

Wu Ye nodded: "You are the same kind of people, and you all want to live a better life, I think you can give it a try!"


Wu Ye nodded with a smile.

He returned a WeChat business card to her, and then pushed Li Lan's WeChat business card over.

The rest is up to good fortune. If it doesn't work out, it means that the two have no fate.

She failed emotionally because of one thing twice, Wu Ye felt that God's joke was a bit too much.

A good girl who works hard like this should go smoothly, instead of encountering two zeros in a row.

Li Lan clicked on his profile picture and looked at it: "It's quite upright, thank you!"

She took the initiative and added the other party's WeChat, but she did not agree.

Li Lan is the kind of person who dares to start, but she also dares to end bravely.

Wu Ye chatted with her for a long time before driving back. Li Lan returned home and looked at the new friend who didn't talk shit after adding him.

"Honest man? Just like me!" Li Lan took the initiative to send a message, and the other party replied. She couldn't help laughing.

Wu Ye was still on his way to the new store, and sent a message to Chen Chen, asking her what to eat for dinner. After receiving the message, Wu Ye put away his phone.

In the office in the early morning, she sneezed several times in a row, and threw the paper ball into the trash can next to her.

I don't know what happened today. I started to feel unwell in the afternoon and drank two sips of hot water in the early morning.

Suddenly feeling a little cold, Chenchen shook his head, turned around to get a piece of clothing, and turned up the air conditioner again.

There was still that uncomfortable feeling, but it was better, and she continued to process the documents.

"I've always been in good health, maybe I still have a cold?" Chen Chen frowned.

I just took a cold shower, and it was because of Wu Ye, who did geoduck sashimi the day he came back at night and couldn't fall asleep.

So she went to take a cold shower, but she felt that her physical fitness should not be able to take a cold shower.

"Strange thing!" Qingchen didn't know what went wrong.

Unbeknownst to him in the early hours of the morning, the head of the company's finance department also sneezed and threw the ball of paper into the trash can.

Wu Ye has been at the new store, supervising the installation of kitchen equipment with Ma Dongsi. This matter will not take too long, and it can't be done in a day or two.

Until the afternoon, Wu Ye received a weak call from the early morning.

"Brother, I may have caught a cold, come and pick me up!" Chen Chen said.

Wu Ye: ? ? ?
Good morning!It is still alive and kicking when eating!Why is it so sudden?
After hanging up the phone, Wu Ye drove to the address sent in the early morning at high speed.

Wei Jin also reminded him today that he should pay attention to the common cold recently. He has not been caught by the common cold.It has become popular, Wu Ye is not worried about this problem at all.

Unexpectedly, Chenchen actually caught a cold. She has always been healthy and exercises every day.

Wu Ye made a WeChat call to Yan Shanshan, and then looked at the traffic jam and said: 屮妮马.

House seemingly endless rain.

 【Modify: 11】

(End of this chapter)

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