Create a virtual anchor with the witch boss

Chapter 10 The Witch's Means

Chapter 10 The Witch's Means

During the stagnation, Shen Lang's eyes were solemn, and he calmly raised his right arm: "Boss Lin, I have a question."


"Why did I stay?" Shen Lang frowned, not understanding. "It's true that I like Two-dimensional, but the help I can provide for the project should be very limited, right?"

"Project Light is more complicated than you think." Lin Li spread out her arms. "Technically, it not only needs to be aggressively extended, but also to reduce costs as much as possible. We don't have the best equipment in terms of capital, so we can only rely on yours." Find a solution with technical reserves, and try to survive until the day when there is additional investment.”

Shen Lang's complexion twitched: "I'm not sure I'm qualified..."

"Then leave early." Lin Li said in a deep voice, "I am planning to recruit someone for your position. I only kept you because I felt your enthusiasm for technology during the conversation. Obviously looking forward to the future, but Don’t dare to look directly at the challenge, you can only escape into science fiction and abandoned house culture, this is your Two-dimensional, right.”

Under such questioning, Shen Lang's complexion couldn't help tightening and freezing.

There it was, that "garbage, stay away from me" look.

"I'm just not sure I'm competent." Shen Lang turned his head and said coldly.

"I'm not sure it's my business, you just need to do yours well." Lin Li tapped the table lightly and said, "If you continue with this attitude, it will only drag everyone down. If you want to fish, you can change places. I am working hard here, and I have plenty of ways to make your life worse than death."

Seeing Shen Lang's expression getting colder, Lin Li suddenly changed the subject and asked.

"During the conversation, you revealed that you have pets, right?"


"Okay." Lin Li clicked a few times on the phone casually, and then showed Shen Lang a picture of a puppet cat, "If its cuteness is 10, what is the cuteness of your cat? ?”

Shen Lang's face was shocked: "100 trillion."

"That's it. If Lele's cuteness is 10, the No.1 character bred by "Project: L" will be 100 trillion." Lin Li's voice gradually softened, and she smiled with her hands softly on her chin. She regards it as a nurturing game, using your technical skills and love to cultivate a virtual character from scratch, it is like raising a daughter."

"..." Shen Lang froze for a moment, then suddenly turned his head further, "Boss Lin, do you think I'm an idiot like Ah Zheng?"

Ah Zheng stared at him on the spot: "What do you mean, think about it again!"

"It's just... it's just work, how could I just go all out with a few casual words?" Shen Lang turned his head and stared at Lin Li, "At least, let me choose the name of the first character... so it's called adopting a daughter."

"We need to vote on this matter." Lin Li nodded steadily, "I promise you two votes at most."

"...Then I...let's try it first." Shen Lang turned his head away again, but this time, it was full of warmth and tenderness.

This scene also shocked Li Lu.

What?That's all right?
I thought that Brother Lang was a character who turned the table on the spot like Brother Crow and Brother Wufly, but he softened so quickly when something happened?

Or... Lin Li saw through it...

Whoever keeps cats is not a slave?

Cat = daughter = virtual girl raised by myself, this seems to be no problem.

It can only be said that she is worthy of being a witch. From the point of raising cats alone, the entire blueprint for enslaving Shen Lang has been constructed.

Get back to the present.

For Li Lu, this is just a normal workplace confrontation.

For Ah Zheng, he only hated that he was not the one who was reprimanded and enslaved by his big sister.

But for Sister Cheng Xiaowan, bloody power bullying has appeared before her eyes.

At this time, her buttocks had already left the seat consciously, she lowered her head and rubbed her hands together and said, "Well... Boss Lin... In my situation, I don't actually need to attend this meeting, do I?"

"It's up to me whether it's up to me." Lin Li pressed her hands in a deep voice, "Sit down."

"Oh..." Cheng Xiaowan sat down aggrieved on the spot, "But I don't understand Two-dimensional at all."

"You are different from them. Your excellence is reflected in another aspect." Lin Li changed her tone, leaned forward and took her hand and said softly, "You are cheap."


"Actually, the company can no longer afford to hire professional administrators and accountants." Lin Li narrowed her eyes and asked, "During the conversation, you said you were taking the accounting qualification test, right?"


"So I will give you an opportunity to work in finance and administration."

"Huh? But I haven't finished learning yet..."

"Let's do it first." Lin Li smiled and rubbed her little hands, "I'll take you with my own hands."

Cheng Xiaowan really wanted to pull her hand away, but she didn't dare to break free, she just lowered her head and muttered, "It doesn't matter if you're busy, but someone who has no certificate or experience to do finance...will it break the law?"

"Live first, let's talk about it. One day is a day." Lin Li nodded confidently, "Don't worry, the boss will go to jail first."


Under Lin Li's power, Cheng Xiaowan had no choice but to nod her head.

Faced with this series of operations, Li Lu was already excited.

Sister Xiaowan, this is blatant workplace bullying, didn't you agree to resist?

Seeing that Cheng Xiaowan was speechless, Lin Li let go and turned to Ah Zheng.

Looking at this beloved general, her fierce expression suddenly eased a lot.

"Shen Lang and Xiao Wan may have disputes. As for Huang Zheng, I believe everyone is convinced."

Several people heard the words and nodded at the same time.

It's not a question of belief at all.

It is precisely because of Dakongyi that there is Nange.

It is because of Zhang Sanfeng that Wudang can be established.

It is because of Sun Wukong that he has the courage to travel to the West.

It is because of the cross that the church was built.

Although it's a bit of putting the cart before the horse, but in the absolute field, it is precisely because of the existence of Ah Zheng that "Project: L" has a little hope of success.

In this era when big capital is rampant and borders are sealed off, small workshops can only rely on the BUG-like power of a very small number of individuals.

Ah Zheng, it is our BUG.

Unseal the seal, release your components, and show your strength unscrupulously.

Such a world, only Cthulhu can end it!

But just when everyone was staring at Ah Zheng like worshiping the savior.

He himself bowed his head.

"I can't do it," he said.

The crowd fell silent.

In the negotiation room, there was a sudden chill, even despair.

Oozora Tsubasa, he gave up football?
Zhang Sanfeng, is he a casual cultivator?
Did Sun Wukong marry a monkey mother?
Jesus ran away out of pain?
In the cold atmosphere, Ah Zheng murmured silently: "If I understand correctly, the ultimate goal of "Project: L" is for me to create the next Lele, right?"

"It doesn't need to be that high." Lin Li showed panic for the first time, and explained in a panic, "It only needs to reach one-fifth of Lele's level. If we can trick the boss into continuing to inject capital, we It’s better not to be unemployed.”


Is this what this woman really thinks?Why did you say it so carelessly!

Facing Lin Li who lost his composure, Ah Zheng just shook his head lightly:

"But I don't want to do it.

Creating a virtual anchor by myself, I will inevitably know the details inside.

I want to manage the traffic with my own hands, teach her to be likable, and plan to make troubles to attract fans.

I want to watch her put on the motion capture suit, make awkward dance moves, and nervously modify falsetto.

I would witness the girl under the Two-dimensional holster and know her true character.

I will hear her complaining that the fans are disgusting and the salary is too low after the broadcast.

Even... she will see her boyfriend come to pick her up from get off work.


Mr. Lin, I don't want to know this.

never want to. "

After saying that, Ah Zheng lowered his head, his eyes didn't look anywhere, and he no longer showed any enthusiasm.

(End of this chapter)

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