Create a virtual anchor with the witch boss

Chapter 12 Silky Fusion, Seamless Acceptance

Chapter 12 Silky Fusion, Seamless Acceptance

Cheng Xiaowan was overwhelmed by this remark, and hurriedly got up and bowed: "Thank you... Thank you Mr. Lin!"

"Don't be so polite, you are the face of the company, show your confidence." After Lin Li helped her back to her seat, she glanced at Shen Lang contemptuously, "You are smarter than me and understand more reason than me. I've said it all, whether you leave or stay in the future, you can be a man."

"..." Shen Lang tilted his head, reluctantly.

And then Ah Zheng.

Lin Li looked at his confidant and loved general, and thought for a long time, but he didn't know what to say.

After all, the project is as solid as a sea god, and as solid as a stone Buddha. It doesn't need any encouragement, let alone encouragement.

Instead, Ah Zheng himself said, "Boss Lin, I have a small request."


"In the future, can I call you big sister?"



Lin Li saw that he was disappointed, and hurriedly explained: "I understand your two-dimensional slang, but you still have to pay attention to distance and scale in your work. You can play with Li Lu for this kind of small sentiment, and I won't participate. .”

Seeing Lin Li's majestic appearance, Ah Zheng couldn't help but blushed: "Boss Lin is really strict..."

Lin Li twitched.

She understood that Ah Zheng simply wanted to be reprimanded by her.

How could such a thing satisfy him.

Lin Li then glared at Li Lu angrily: "Li Lu is the person in charge of the executive, take responsibility for me, dare to do things with a worse attitude than "Steam Girl", I will be the first to take your knife!"


Li Lu stared back.

Damn it's not me who wants to be scolded!

Two-dimensional is the same, so is Little Coke, and being bullied by the big sister is also the same. Why do you always impose settings that do not belong to me on me?
Before Li Lu's feedback, Lin Li had already set her sights on Zhao Wenqi.

"Wen Qi is mainly responsible for planning work, and does not involve too much external communication. It is enough to hand over with Li Lu at ordinary times. But after all, you know the V circle culture very well, and we welcome you to share more."

"Huh?" Zhao Wenqi suddenly looked up and stared as if a switch had been activated, "Mr. Lin still wants to hear? I have a few cases here..."

Lin Li raised her hand in panic, "No hurry!"

"Oh, then I'll organize it into a document and send it to your mailbox." Zhao Wenqi nodded.

"...It's not in a hurry." After Lin Li took a breath, he raised his right hand and stretched it out in front of the five of them, "Together, we can last a day, let's work hard."

The five looked at each other.

Is this going to fold your hands together like the team before they go on the court?

Would it be too shameful?
When she was embarrassed, it was Xiao Wan who generously and considerately raised her hand and patted Lin Li's palm, and said tremblingly, "Come on... Come on for renting a private room!"

As if inspired by her, Shen Lang also patted on it, and said without raising his head:
"For my daughter, come on."

What Xiaowan said was good at first, but when Shen Lang opened her mouth, the flavor suddenly became stronger.

However, this is the corporate culture of the absolute field.

Zhao Wenqi then stretched out the hand in her sleeve and pressed it: "In order to survive, come on."

Ah Zheng clapped his hands and said, "To follow Lele's miracle, come on!"

Li Lu couldn't hide this situation even if he wanted to.

He closed his eyes and slapped angrily:
"To save the world, come on!"


After the shameful assembly ceremony was over, Lin Li glanced at the wall clock and announced the end of the meeting.

However, Li Lu was still retained in the end, saying that he wanted to discuss some start-up matters.

The two of them looked at each other in the negotiation room for a full 2 ​​minutes.

Lin Li had eyes that were about to hunt the whole time, clapping her hands on both sides of the table, ready to pounce at any moment.

Why did he suddenly become a lioness again?
Li Lu was so scared that he couldn't help asking: "What the hell... what are you going to say..."

Lin Li whimpered and said, "Go and see if they've left clean."

"..." Li Lu got up and leaned out to scan around, then turned around and said, "They're all gone."

Lin Li jumped up immediately:

"Then hurry up and play the academy competition! It will start at seven o'clock!"


Li Lu stared dumbfounded at her, grabbing the cup and cell phone and rushing towards the rest area.

He hurriedly ordered half a glass of drink and gulped it down, then kicked his feet, skillfully threw off the leather shoes, and then fell down on the sofa very naturally.

One leg was lying flat, and the other leg was riding on the sofa quilt. He even grabbed a gap in the middle and picked his foot, and flicked the stockings that might be a little sticky.

Then she lay flat and frantically picked up her phone, glaring sideways at the stunned Li Lu: "Quick! Academy competition! Recast the glory of Slytherin!"

"Just a little...wait a minute..." Li Lu was in a trance for a while, holding the door frame in a daze, "So you are in a hurry to end the play the college game at [-] o'clock..."

"No, I wanted to leave a long time ago, because Zhao Wenqi disrupted the rhythm." Lin Li lay on the sofa and chopped her legs and urged, "Professor, come quickly, Slytherin cannot live without a half-blood prince!"

"It's" Li Lu tremblingly said, "Miss Lin Li...I'm not ready to see you in this state..."

"Isn't it playing every night?" Lin Li sneered as if looking at confetti, "I don't care anymore, what kind of Coke are you pretending to be?"

"I'm not... well, forget it." Li Lu walked forward with heavy steps.

"Professor, you don't have to be cautious." Lin Li scratched her feet and smiled, "Anyway, we've seen each other's worst side, so let's liberate ourselves at this time, it's very relaxing and refreshing."

"When will I be unbearable?!" Li Lu pointed at Lin Li and said angrily, "And can you stop barefoot on the sofa! Wait, you are lying upside down, with your feet on the side of my usual headrest Oh, how can I sleep on this sofa!!"

"Oh, let me turn around... Guji Guji..."

"Don't...damn it's polluted on both sides!"

"My feet smell good, okay?"

"Mao, I've already smelled it! It smells like a cat!" Li Lu sniffed fiercely.

Lin Li covered her face and smiled: "Professor, you are so perverted, you have been inhaling wildly since I took off my shoes."

"I just smelled it just now! No, I don't want to smell it, I just smelled it to refute you!"

"Okay, it doesn't matter, I don't care if the professor is a pervert." Lin Li nodded solemnly, "Anyway, you already know my real situation. When we are together in private from now on, I can accept the professor's perverted behavior."

"I'm, very, very, normal." Li Lu sniffled and walked towards the drink machine, "If you want to see a pervert, please take care of Ah Zheng."

"No, Ah Zheng is a simple pervert, and the combination with the image is too perfect. It is more acceptable for a pervert like the professor who still has dignity."

"Recall the description you just gave me, is one word correct!"

"Anyway, that's what it means." Lin Li nodded while manipulating the character, "Besides, I've been playing games with the professor for several months, and the professor I made up in my mind looks like you. It can be said to be a silky fusion. It won't be embarrassing."

"Forgive my limited imagination... I really can't make up your image..." Li Lu took half a glass of lemonade, sipped lightly and sighed, "But I do have some Snape's temperament, it's okay for you to accept it so seamlessly." Makes sense."

"That's right. Mensao and duplicity. You must deny the things you like."

"Do whatever you want, I'm too lazy to talk about it."

"Then hurry up and play the academy competition! It's already started, come and rebuild the glory of Slytherin!"

"Recast a hair, Slytherin is always NO.1."

"Oh, the score is suppressed by Gryffindor, they are sending out fireworks!"

"?! Damn it! I, Shenfeng Wuying, will itch if I don't beat them up for a day!"



Lin Li immediately became excited. She lay on the sofa and stomped her feet and frantically tapped her phone: "Today I'm going to make a serious call. I'll change the shield milk card group to protect you. The professor still uses Snape, right?"

Li Lu nodded fiercely, drank all the water in the quilt, and sat down firmly.


(End of this chapter)

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