Chapter 11, Leverage
Xu Wei finally heaved a sigh of relief as one by one the local refugees shared the information about Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi helped his cousin Zhao Zhong take charge of the manor. There were about 500 family members in the manor, and their strength was not as strong as Xu Wei thought.

Moreover, there are property embezzled by Zhao Zhong and a large amount of food in the manor, and its defense is relatively inferior to Wubao. However, this manor is only 30 miles away from Yecheng, so it can quickly get help from officers and soldiers.

The refugees who had enough to eat really warmed up by the bonfire. Xu Wei said to them again: "Everyone, can I send a message that I want to treat everyone to dinner!"

A refugee said: "There are tens of thousands of people here in Hukou Mountain! They are all hungry, but everyone really comes here. If you can't do it, don't blame us for being cooked and eaten."

Xu Wei said with a smile: "Our convoy has tens of thousands of shi of food, so it is still possible to treat tens of thousands of people to a meal!"

Another refugee said with a smile: "You are willing to waste food, so what if we travel a little longer! Everyone, go and inform the others that there is a local tyrant here who wants to treat us to dinner!"

The refugees around quickly dispersed, and one by one took Xu Wei's message to inform other refugees.

Knowing that Xu Wei wanted to help the refugees, Old Man Wang and Old Man Niu immediately found Xu Wei and wanted him to dispel such thoughts.

But Xu Wei said: "It's impossible for us to deal with Zhao Yi alone, but with tens of thousands of refugees here, we can easily deal with Zhao Yi."

The old man Niu frowned and said: "Even the manors are not easy to fight. When we rebelled, even if tens of thousands of people besieged these manors and Wubao, it would take more than ten days or even a month. Now Zhao This manor of Yiyi is so close to Yecheng, I am afraid that one day, the officers and soldiers of Yecheng will find out and come to rescue them. Don't look at the number of these refugees, but you can tell by their appearance. Thousands of officers and soldiers can't resist!"

Xu Wei said: "I have a way to let everyone break into Zhao Yi's manor within a day, Mr. Wang, you lead someone to find a way to buy some saltpeter and sulfur!"

"Uncle Niu, you lead people to start cutting wood, we have to think about it and make tools for siege!"

Then he found Wang Lei and said: "You take 100 people with you, and A stays with you to maintain order here!"

Then he led people to start making charcoal!But the old man Wang surprised Xu Wei, he could even find it in the black market in Yecheng, Xu Wei hadn't made any charcoal yet, but he helped Xu Wei get hundreds of catties of sulfur and saltpeter first, it was a great way to communicate.

After getting the raw materials, Xu Wei started to mix black powder. He had read thousands of online novels, and he still remembered the classic gunpowder formula.

After making the black powder, I found a hidden valley for experimentation. Although the power is not as powerful as modern explosives, the power is not bad, and it is no problem to open mountains and crack rocks.

Xu Hao prepared hundreds of catties of black powder in one night, and wrapped the black powder with linen into long strips.

On the other hand, Zhao Yi didn't have Xu Wei's sense of crisis, so he sent someone to notify the prefect of Wei County to send troops to capture Xu Wei. With the power of his elder brother Zhao Zhong, he was not worried that Xu Wei and the others would escape.

And he went back to the manor to recover from his injuries. After all, Xu Wei beat him into a pig's head, and it was not easy for him to see people like this.

Early the next morning, Xu Wei and his camp were densely packed with people, and all of them were so hungry that they looked like skeletons, just like the undead disaster.

The refugees startled Xu Wei, but he immediately ordered dozens of pots to cook porridge to appease the refugees. At the same time, he asked everyone in the camp to wear rattan armor and wear spears to prevent chaos.

The refugees heard that there was a bully who wanted to invite everyone to dinner. The refugees from the entire Hukou Mountain came here. After all, it is already winter, and it is difficult for everyone to find some leaves. Maybe there is more food. Just survived this winter.

After drinking porridge, Xu Wei went to the refugees and said, "It's already winter, why do you still stay on the mountain?"

One of the refugees said: "The officials want to kill us. If we don't stay on the mountain, we will die long ago."

Another refugee also said: "Yes, if it wasn't for saving one's life, who would stay in this cold mountain in the winter!"

Xu Wei continued: "Looking at everyone coming here to drink porridge even though they are suffering from the cold wind, everyone must not have much food."

Xu Wei's words made the refugees distressed: "Now I can't eat the leaves if I want to."

Xu Wei continued: "Even if everyone can endure the cold wind, but there is no food, how can you endure hunger? If there is no accident, most of you who will be here will die this winter!"

The refugees all lowered their heads with sad expressions, because Xu Wei was telling the truth, and everyone was struggling to survive.

Xu Wei said: "Let me tell the truth, I offended the local bully Zhao Yi, he will not let me and my clansmen go, I wanted to act first and kill Zhao Yi. The power can't beat Zhao Yi at all, so I need to rely on everyone's strength. Of course, I won't let everyone help for free. There are a lot of grain and treasure in Zhao Yi's manor. As long as we break through Zhao Yi's manor, the food and treasure inside will be destroyed Take whatever you want, there is enough food for everyone to survive this winter!"

A refugee said: "If you want us to sacrifice our lives, we can at least let them have a full meal before they die, and I will sell our lives to you!"

For these refugees, they live in dire straits every day, and death is nothing to them, because a large number of them die in this deep mountain every day and become food for others.

Xu Wei said: "It's easy to say, I will definitely let everyone eat well. I won't let everyone be too dangerous, just want everyone to be strong."

"Those powerful and corrupt officials, we have long disliked them, and we will sell our lives to you!" Most of the refugees present stayed.

"Heaven is dead, Huang Tian should stand!" As soon as this slogan was uttered, all the hooligans present followed suit.

The slogan "Heaven is dead, Huangtian should stand" makes the hooligans feel that the great virtuous teacher is not dead yet, and they want to lead them to continue to rebel against God.

Xu Wei was shocked. The anger of the people at the bottom of the Han Dynasty against the nobles had erupted, but everyone didn't know how to use their own strength to resist the oppression of the nobles. No wonder the Yellow Turban Army would run through the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

So Xu Wei can make them work hard after a full meal!Because for these refugees, as long as they deal with corrupt officials and powerful families, they are their own people.

Xu Wei has been letting people cook, as long as the refugees who come here can eat, more and more refugees come here to eat, and finally Xu Wei has gathered tens of thousands of refugees.

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(End of this chapter)

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