I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 129, Variations of Dividing Fields——Dividing Cattle and Sheep

Chapter 129, Variations of Dividing Fields——Dividing Cattle and Sheep
The news that Wang Lei led the army to break Khantan Mountain finally reached the Mayi battlefield.After Li Ri Deducted learned the news, his soul was filled with terror, and he hurriedly retreated to Pingcheng Wubao, gathered the impenetrable army, and then retreated towards Zhehandan Mountain.

The time went back ten days ago!
Although Wang Lei's men and horses were cavalry, they did not have a wide avenue to walk like Xu Wei, so their speed was not much faster than Xu Wei's. They marched all the way to Qiangyin County, and then they walked out of the mountains Jun Ling came to the broad grassland, and at this time Xu Wei had already fought Luo Luo Bu Po for several days.

After Wang Lei and others came to Qiangyin County to rest for a day, they marched at a speed of 150 miles a day, heading towards Khantan Mountain!
At this time, the Xianbei people recruited by Xu Wei and the horse thieves who joined the army played a key role. They have galloped thousands of miles around Mayi for decades and are familiar with every plant and tree here. These people serve as guides to help Wang Lei They don't get lost in the steppe, and they can always find a good place to camp.

In order to help keep the operation secret, all the small tribes encountered along the way were taken into custody by Wang Lei, and they moved with the army. Fortunately, most of the Xianbei people went south with Helian, and there were not many Xianbei tribes encountered along the way.

Seeing these detained Xianbei people, Huo Shaoyun came to Wang Lei and suggested: "Marshal, why bother detaining these Xianbei people? This not only delays our marching time, but also easily exposes us. The safest way!"

Huo Shaoyun slashed at his neck, meaning to kill them all, and that would be the end of it all.

"If the commander-in-chief can't bear it, I can ask my former brother for help!"

However, Wang Lei gave him a vicious look and said: "We are the righteous army who will do justice for the heavens, not your original horse thieves and bandits. It is against military discipline to kill innocent people indiscriminately. I tell you that if you dare to do such a thing, even if you make a contribution, you will return to the army." Mayi can't do without a knife!"

"Three military disciplines, eight attention to memorization? Violation of the above one will be punished by military discipline!"

Huo Shaoyun couldn't believe it and said: "Commander, these are all Xianbei people, and they are our enemies. There are tens of thousands of Han people who die at the hands of Xianbei people every year. Now we use the same method to deal with Xianbei people, and no one can say anything. Why? It's a violation of military discipline, which doesn't make sense even among the Han army?"

Wang Lei said: "Do you think that what the Han army did was right? Then why did we rebel! Not to mention that preferential treatment of prisoners is also one of our policies of the Tengjia Army. Oppression, we can kill the nobles of the Xianbei people, but the ordinary herdsmen can’t move. This is the principle of our Tengjia Army. Qu Shuai gave you higher food and salaries than the Han Army, and naturally your military discipline is also higher than that of the Han Army Gao, you are now Song Yi of the Rattan Armored Army, not a horse thief, you are burning clouds!"

Liu Hu on the side was extremely shocked and said: "Shuai Lei was really a hero at that time, and he could really treat us barbarians fairly. From now on, I will hand over the life of my lone wolf to Shuai Lei!"

Unlike Song Yi who can't figure it out, Liu Hu is a Hun. He has always been a second-class citizen on this grassland. , almost became a third-class citizen, it was such an unequal living condition that made him pay special attention to these things. Originally, the rattan armored army had strict discipline and did not harass the people. He thought it was only targeting the Han people, but he didn't expect Xu Wei to include everyone , This made him feel equal for the first time, and he thought Xu Wei was a big hero with a big heart.

But Liu Hu didn't know that Xu Wei copied all these from the army of the New Heavenly Dynasty. He couldn't copy [-]% of the combat effectiveness, but he copied the original in terms of military discipline and other aspects. Xu Wei knew that he was just an ordinary person. It's definitely better than what I can imagine, not to mention that the great man directly drove the captain of the transportation team into the sea with this magic weapon.

Song Yi looked at the excited Liu Hu, and only then remembered that more than half of their [-] cavalry were composed of Xianbei, Huns, and Karasuma. Treating these Xianbei people preferentially will naturally get the gratitude of these Hu people!

He couldn't help sighing in his heart: "This Lei Gong is really a person who was born to rebel, relying on these simple military disciplines. He can even gain the loyalty of barbarian people. His ability to deceive people is really powerful!"

After this debate was known to the Hu soldiers, they became more loyal to the Tengjia Army and enhanced their sense of belonging to Mayi.

However, Wang Lei felt very strange after marching for two days. He ran for 300 miles on the grassland, but he only encountered 6 tribes and less than 300 herdsmen. Although he knew that the grassland was empty, it must not be so empty, right?

He was worried that the Xianbei people had discovered their raid, so he asked Song Yi and Liu Hu to ask?

"The commander-in-chief doesn't know that Helian summoned 10 Xianbei fighters, which are almost all the young and strong in the entire Monan. The young and strong went to Mayi, and the old, weak, women and children of the Xianbei should be arranged by Helian. It’s hard to sweat, so naturally there won’t be many people here, and there are 20 to 30 herdsmen missing along the way, so it’s normal for the general to not see any herdsmen!”

Liu Hu also said: "Since the Xianbei defeated our Huns and the Han army to become the well-deserved overlord of the grassland, it has been more than ten years since the Xianbei have no force to challenge their position on the grassland. It is impossible for them to think that we will send troops to attack Khan. Bouncing off the mountain!"

Only then did Wang Lei let go of his worries!
On the third day of the army's march, Wang Lei's 1 cavalry finally arrived at the outskirts of Khantan Mountain, where cattle and sheep are everywhere, and there are a lot of herdsmen.

Wang Lei knew that this should be Helian's logistics center. He asked the [-] troops to hide first, and led Song Yi and the others to investigate the situation around Khantan Mountain. He even captured dozens of herdsmen to inquire about the situation on Khantan Mountain. Happening.

It turned out that what surprised him was that there were only 20 old and weak women and children left in the entire Khantan Mountain, and there was not even a single army left behind. It was even more empty than the county town of Dahan.

This situation made Wang Lei feel unreal. He asked doubtfully, "Don't He Lian worry that someone will take over his lair? The art of war knows that there must be heavy guards on the food road!"

Song Yi said calmly: "Marshal, the last time the Han army went out of the fortress was ten years ago, and these Xianbei people even suppressed the big man to fight. Whoever dares to take over the Xianbei's lair, He Lian will naturally not be on his own." The royal court has deployed too many troops!"

Yes, since the defeat of Xia Yu and others 10 years ago, the Han army has never appeared on the grassland again. The Xianbei people no longer have the setting that the Han army will appear on the grassland, so naturally they will not guard against themselves After all, although Hantan Mountain is close to the big Han, it is thousands of miles away from other hostile forces of the Xianbei people. If there are hostile forces to attack Xianbei, they will not be able to attack Hantan Mountain.

Khan Danshan was so weak that Wang Lei suddenly had a new plan.

He summoned the high-level officials above the Sima of the army and said: "The commander just inquired about the news of Hantan Mountain, and found that He Lian, an idiot, did not send troops to garrison Hantan Mountain. Zhuang, it can be said that as long as we kill them, we can destroy the cattle and sheep that Helian's 20 troops eat, and let them run out of food!"

"Marshal, there is nothing to discuss here, we can just kill Khandan Mountain directly!"

Wang Lei said with a smile: "But there are more than one million horses, cattle and sheep in Khantan Mountain. If we go directly to kill them, we can only slaughter or drive away these horses, cattle and sheep. What a fortune this is, just like this wasted?"

There are millions of cattle and sheep, and everyone is jealous when they hear this data. This is an inexhaustible wealth for them, and it really cannot be wasted like this!

"Marshal, what do you think?" the military commanders immediately asked!
Wang Lei said to himself: "It is not difficult to break the Khantan Mountain, but the difficulty is to transport the million cattle and sheep to Mayi. Although we are short of manpower, it is not that there are 20 herdsmen. As long as they help us drive the cattle and sheep, the million cattle What's so difficult about cattle and sheep going to Mayi!"

"Marshal, these herdsmen are Xianbei people, how can they help us?"

Wang Lei said with a smile: "We are still Han people. Could it be that when the Han people oppressed us, they thought of our fellow clansmen? The climate in the desert is worse than that in the Central Plains. Could it be that the noble leaders of these Xianbei people oppressed the people lightly? The fields can recruit hundreds of thousands of people to join the Rattan Armor Army. Why can’t we divide the cattle and sheep on the grasslands? Anyway, these are not ours. As long as we divide the cattle and sheep, these herdsmen will become part of us. In order to keep our own cattle and sheep, we will naturally help us drive these cattle and sheep back to Mayi."

Faced with Wang Lei's superb strategy, these military commanders could only give a thumbs up in admiration!
After discussing this, the cavalry first divided into five groups, four of which surrounded Khandan Mountain from all sides. At dawn, it was time for the army to attack.

On the other side, 2000 people were stationed in the south to prevent the Xianbei people from notifying Helian of Mayi of what happened at Khan Danshan.

So the army of 1 was divided into five groups, marching in the evening, when the sun rose slowly, the four groups of troops attacked Khan Dan Mountain in unison, the sound of killing was loud, and the Xianbei people in the dream did not know what was going on They were all captured.

And many people took advantage of the chaos to escape, but they were all stopped by the cavalry stationed in the south.

After occupying the entire Khantan Mountain, they counted the cattle and sheep on the Khantan Mountain. Wang Lei and the others were so excited that they were about to pass out. There are 10 war horses, 20 cattle, and more than 200 million sheep in the mountain. This is more than a huge wealth that will overwhelm them.

Fortunately, Wang Lei and the others quickly calmed down. They knew that this was only the first step of a successful plan. If the subsequent plan went wrong, the wealth would still be lost sooner or later.

So according to the plan, Wang Lei drove all the Xianbei people on Khantan Mountain to a pasture. He himself stood on a high platform and pulled a tin horn and said: "We are the Tengjia Army of Mayi!"

As soon as these words fell, the Xianbei people were in a commotion instantly. They finally understood who the enemy was. It turned out that it was the Mayi Tengjia Army that they were attacking!

Wang Lei pulled out his saber to calm them down, and then he continued: "Don't worry, everyone, we are good men who help the poor on behalf of the heavens. What we have to deal with is Helian and Xianbei nobles and leaders. We won't do anything to you !"

When Wang Lei said this, the Xianbei people relaxed a little bit!
Now everyone only needs to find us Helian's wife, son and other relatives, as well as the tribal leader's wife, son and other relatives, we will have rewards. For every person who reports, we will reward a sheep, which belongs to you!
This remark caused a sensation among the Xianbei people, but for a long time everyone still dared not act. After all, Helian's coercion could not be eliminated in a short while, and they were also worried about being retaliated by Helian.

Wang Lei is not in a hurry either!
But at this time a man in sheepskin appeared and said, "I am a Han Chinese. As long as you take me home, I can help you pay for Lian's wife and son!"

Wang Lei said: "Yes, not only can we take you home, but your reward will not be less!"

So he immediately pointed to a beautiful young woman among the group and said: "She is Helian's wife, and in his hand is Helian's youngest son!"

This person pointed at more than a dozen people in a row, and all of them were taken out.

Wang Lei asked someone to pull out 15 sheep and said, "These are all yours!"

Seeing these 15 sheep, the others couldn't help it anymore.

"I'm also a Han Chinese, and I also know these noble heads!"

Soon thousands of Han slaves, Hun slaves and Xianbei slaves approached the families of tribal chiefs among the Xianbei.

And Wang Lei also rewarded their cattle and sheep.

Thousands of family members of the nobles were arrested, and then he arrested the children of some older tribal nobles and detained them separately!

Wang Lei continued: "If everyone is willing to follow us, I will give you 10 sheep. I promise to do what I say. Even the wives of these nobles can share with us!"

This remark caused a sensation among everyone, and one of the Han slaves shouted: "Is what you said true?"

Wang Lei smiled and said, "Don't tell me I've said something that doesn't count?"

The man immediately stepped forward and said, "I want this to be my wife!"

Wang Lei smiled and said, "You will choose!"

This Han slave actually chose Helian's wife, she can be regarded as the most beautiful among Xianbei people!
The Han slaves were also a little embarrassed, worried that Wang Lei would not give them.

But he didn't expect that with a wave of Wang Lei's hand, his subordinates would press Helian's wife and connect Helian's youngest son to him, as well as 10 sheep and a cow, and then said, "This woman will be your wife from now on." , this child will also be your son in the future, and these cattle and sheep will belong to you, and you can live a good life when you return to the big man!"

In this way, Helian's wife returned to a slave and 10 sheep and a cow. Once again, people were sensational. The Han people kept their word, and everyone couldn't bear it anymore. Get up and want to take away your wife, cattle and sheep.

 Thanks to book friend Ding Zhiqiang for the reward, strictly speaking, 16500, and a chapter is added to show his gratitude.

(End of this chapter)

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