I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 133, the big man hangs

Chapter 133, the big man hangs

As more and more news came, Fu Bian was assassinated by the nobles of Jizhou, and the soldiers of the county and state in Jizhou rebelled because of this incident.

All these things shocked the entire court, and Emperor Ling was very angry when he got the news. He didn't expect that Fu Fan was really assassinated by the nobles in Jizhou. Coming here is not rebellion.

What made him even more angry was that Cui Lie lied to him like a fool, and said that they didn't kill Fu Bian.Emperor Ling simply let the rebellion in Jizhou go, but let the officials of Youzhou, Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and Bingzhou guard the borders, and don't let the Yellow Turbans from Jizhou escape from Jizhou!
Since you aristocrats dare to assassinate even the officials of the court, let you kill these rebels to see if you kill these rebels or these rebels kill you!Since you have the ability to force against these rioters, use your ability to kill them all!
But in fact, the current gentry in Jizhou don't have much strength at all. After being killed by Zhang Niujiao, they were already seriously injured. This year is not enough to recover their vitality. However, these soldiers from Zhang Yan's United Commandery are stronger than Zhang Niujiao. Be big.

In particular, these county soldiers are full of resentment towards the nobles who robbed their land. Now that they have the opportunity to retaliate, they are doing more ruthless than the Yellow Turban Army. Breaking through is equivalent to the destruction of a family that has been in the hairpin for many generations.Counties and counties were breached, and soon half of Jizhou fell again. Wang Fen urgently reported to Luoyang City for help every day!

And Zhang Yan became an accomplice in revenge against the nobles and nobles. He not only provided a large number of manpower to help these county soldiers, but also gave them the crowbar that Xu Wei made at the beginning. With such a magical weapon , The walls of any Wubao are almost like paper, and can be easily breached.

These elite clans who have been wiped out are completely puzzled, what is going on in this world?Why is the dock they worked so hard to build so useless?

Facing the threat of death, these elite clans also had to unite together. The entire Jizhou elite clan took out 5 private soldiers and stationed in Hejian State and Anping State respectively to resist the rebels led by Zhang Yan and Yan Liangwen Chou.

But they barely resisted Zhang Yan's attack, and had no power to fight back. The powerful clan in Jizhou knew that they could only rely on the power of the imperial court to destroy Zhang Yan.

So they wrote to the imperial court one after another, asking for support. Officials from all over the country, the three lords and nine ministers all wrote to severely punish Zhang Yan and the rebellious county soldiers. Cui Lie even called for the transfer of the Northern Army guarding Xiliang to Jizhou to suppress the rebellion!
Lingdi just looked at them coldly, and waited until they were silent before saying, "You say Zhang Yan is rebellious, but what is the Jizhou clan who killed Fu Bian?"

It’s hard for everyone to justify these things. The main reason why the rebellion is so big this time is that the nobles in Jizhou assassinated Fu Bian and forced the soldiers of the entire county in Jizhou. The assassination of court officials can already be regarded as Rebellion, both parties to the war are considered rebellions to the court.

Everyone looked at Cui Lie one by one, to see if he had something to explain, so they could wave the flag and shout along!

Cui Lie retorted: "Your Majesty, the assassination of Fu Bian by Jizhou's elites is just a rumor without any real evidence. It was spread by Zhang Yan in order to confuse the soldiers of Jizhou County. It is not credible at all!"

Killing officials is really nothing, mutiny, rebellion, if you don't do such things, you can be regarded as a powerful family!They even killed the emperor, but Cui Lie naturally denied that this kind of thing could be done!
Of course, in his heart, Cui Lie has already scolded all the elites in Jizhou, and he has already tried to get rid of Fu Bian. The assassination of this kind of thing is simply superfluous, and there will be endless troubles, and now troubles will come.

The most stupid thing is to force the entire county and national soldiers to turn against them. The yellow scarves are on the side. Anyone with a little brain knows how to coax the big soldiers. At least let them look after their homes and guard their homes. In the end, they robbed their land. They forced the county soldiers to the side of Zhang Yan, the yellow scarf thief, and insulted the pigs by saying that they were pig teammates!
Yuan Kai followed up and said: "Your Majesty, the clansmen in Jizhou have been loyal to the imperial court for more than 200 years. How could Your Majesty doubt Zhongliang because of some rumors of rebellion!"

Emperor Ling sneered and said, "Zhongliang? But the court has no money and food, and can't find any soldiers to put down the rebellion. We can only let Zhongliang wait for the court!"

Looking at these important ministers, Emperor Ling secretly made up his mind that no matter what they said, he would not send troops to support Zhongliang in Jizhou!

Cui Lie immediately said: "Your Majesty, as long as there are reinforcements, the counties and counties in Jizhou will find a way to provide them! Now that the rebels in Xiliang are no longer in power, it is enough for General Huangfu to lead 3 northern troops to support Jizhou to defeat Zhang Yan! "

Cui Lie is very sober, now he can only sacrifice his wealth to save his life, the most important thing is to wipe out Zhang Yan and the rebels in Jizhou!And Huangfusong is the number one general in the Han Dynasty, with him supporting Jizhou, Zhang Yan can easily be defeated!

At this time, there was an urgent book from the front line of Xiliang sent by a quick ride from Babaili.

Zhao Zhongcong took the bamboo slips, put them on the table in front of Lingdi and slowly opened them.

The emperor leaned over and glanced around, wanting to laugh but trying to hold back his expression, so his face is very distorted now.He grabbed the bamboo slip, threw it to Cui Lie with all his strength and said, "Cui Situ, take a look!"

The bamboo slip fell to the ground with a "slap...".Cui Lie hurriedly leaned over to pick it up, his face changed drastically when he saw the content!
The eyes of all the ministers in the hall are eager and expectant.

Cui Lie said bitterly: "Xiliang urgent report, Liangzhou rebel leader Wang Guo led 10 rebels to surround Chencang, Huangfusong asked the court for support!"

The courtiers were in an uproar instantly!

If this rebel army is added, the imperial court will have to face three rebel armies with a strength of more than 10 at the same time. For a while, the entire northern part of the Han Dynasty seems to be full of beacon fires, and the imperial court's mobile force is only the 3 northern army in Luoyang City. No matter in which direction this force is thrown, it is a bit insufficient.This might be even more dangerous than Zhang Jue's Yellow Turban Uprising. After all, Zhang Jue led only a million rebels without much fighting power. Now, the fighting power of these three rebels is no less than that of the imperial court's elite!
Facing such a dangerous situation, the courtiers were a little anxious, this time the big man seemed to be a little bit hung up!
The master Zhu Jun said: "Your Majesty, now is not the time to pursue responsibility. Xiliang has General Zuo who is enough to repel the rebellion in Liangzhou. The court must find a way to put down the rebellion in Jizhou. If Zhang Yan gains momentum, he will join forces with Lord Lei from Mayi to attack Bingzhou , the entire north will not belong to the imperial court! At that time, even Luoyang City will be under the attack of the yellow turban bandits! More importantly, the imperial court has been relying on Jizhou’s money and food for maintenance these years. If the entire Jizhou is captured by the rebels, the imperial court may not even It’s not enough to maintain the current force!”

In Zhu Jun's view, Emperor Ling was angry and didn't support Jizhou, and the whole country might change color, so he could only stand up to reconcile the conflicts between the two sides. Now the most important thing is to quell the rebellion in Jizhou!

Hearing such serious consequences, Emperor Ling could only put away his petty temper. "Where does the imperial court still have troops to deal with the rebellion?"

The Shangshu ordered Lu Zhi to stand out and said, "There are still 10 troops in Youzhou?"

"What!" Lingdi was shocked, how could Youzhou suddenly become an army of 10?
Lu Zhi said: "Your Majesty has forgotten that Liu Yu, the governor of Youzhou, defeated 15 Yellow Turban bandits a year ago, and captured 10 of them. Then Liu Yu wrote to the imperial court that he would take these Yellow Turban captives to Youzhou to garrison the border. A month ago at the border of Helian and Chen Bing, the whole Youzhou was in a panic, so they armed the 10 field soldiers to guard the border of Youzhou. Support Jizhou!"

Turning around, Cui Lie was overjoyed when he heard this, and said, "Your Majesty, please issue an order for the troops stationed in Youzhou to support Jizhou!"

But the waiter Yang Biao immediately retorted: "Your Majesty, the soldiers in Youzhou's fields were all yellow scarf thieves a year ago. Now let them fight Zhang Yan. I am worried that they will rebel and join Zhang Yan again. I am afraid that the situation will be even worse. Take control!"

Emperor Ling is now in a dilemma, and he doesn't know whether he should let the Tuntian soldiers calm down the situation in Jizhou!
Lu Zhi thought for a while and said: "I think that the key to the current war lies in the soldiers of the prefectures in Jizhou. Their own soldiers and horses are just because Wang Fen let the nobles and nobles invade their land, and the cause of Fu Bian's death is a mystery. Only then did they attack the prefectures and counties of Jizhou.

But they are not trying to betray the imperial court. Judging from the information obtained now, the 5 county soldiers did not join forces with Zhang Yan and the others. If His Majesty pardons them, Zhang Yan alone will not be enough to bring disaster to Jizhou. Youzhou sent a brave general, enough to defeat Zhang Yan! "

Cui Lie said angrily: "They slandered Zhongliang and killed gentry in Jizhou, Lu Zhi, you still said that they were bewitched, not betraying the court!"

Lu Zhi asked back: "Cui Situ, do you want 10 field soldiers to suppress the rebellion?"

Cui Lie is in trouble!
Emperor Ling looked at Cui Lie, who was in a dilemma, and laughed: "Cui Situ really wants to help Zhongliang of the imperial court take revenge, so I can order these soldiers to go to Jizhou to quell the chaos!"

Cui Lie gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty didn't mean that. The 5 soldiers of the county are all soldiers from Jizhou. They were only temporarily confused by Zhang Yan. If His Majesty pardons them, they will come back astray!"

Seeing Cui Lie's distorted expression, Emperor Ling felt much more at ease. He asked Lu Zhi, "Ai Qing thinks that the general from Youzhou should be dispatched to counter the rebellion?"

Lu Zhi had already prepared and said: "Liu Bei, the captain of Tuntian, is brave and good at fighting. He has repeatedly made military exploits. He is also kind and friendly. He is most suitable for recruiting the soldiers of the counties and states in Jizhou. He can be the commander in charge of countering the rebellion! The imperial court can make these Tuntian soldiers guard against the Hu people. , mobilize 3 frontier troops under the command of Liu Bei, and attack Zhang Yan!"

Emperor Ling said: "Lead Liu Bei to be a thief-seeking general, and lead 3 frontier troops south to Jizhou to quell the rebellion! At the same time, let the world know that the national soldiers of Jizhou County were bewitched by Zhang Yan. They are willing to go astray and return. I will pardon their crimes." !"

"Your Majesty is wise!" Cui Lie and the three princes and nine ministers said in unison.

Cui Lie has given up resisting, this is already the best arrangement for Jizhou!
Zhongping three years, October, Youzhou Tuntian Xiaowei Mansion!
The imperial edict soon came to Liu Bei's hands.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and the others immediately congratulated Liu Bei for his promotion!

Liu Bei said with a wry smile: "I have field soldiers in my hands, but the imperial court does not allow these field soldiers to go south to suppress the rebellion at all. Now I only have 5000 Karasuma soldiers in my hands. I don't know where the other soldiers are!"

Zhang Fei said disapprovingly: "Youzhou is on the border, and my elder brother is still worried about the lack of soldiers. If I don't talk about other places, I just say that there are Karasuma people everywhere in Shanggu County in this generation of county. Recruiting their warriors is enough to meet the requirements of the court. My elder brother is not with the black Lingwang Nanlou has a good relationship, and it is not easy for him to help recruit [-] to [-] cavalry.

In fact, one of the policies of Dahan Border County is to recruit Hu people in the territory to fight with Xianbei people, which can be regarded as using Hu to control Hu, and this policy is often used in Youzhou, Bingzhou, and Liangzhou.

Hei Ling Wang Nanlou, who has made friends with Liu Bei, is the Shanggu Karasuma tribe with more than [-] tribes, which is the most powerful tribe of the Karasuma tribe today.They mainly live on the grasslands along the line of Sanggan River and Shanggu County in Dai County.The relationship between Shanggu Karasuma and the Han people has always been very good. He has sent troops several times to help the Han people attack the Huns and Xianbei.The Han court did not treat them badly, and rewarded them a lot. The leader was crowned king, the princess was married, and they got along well with each other since the opening of Shanggu for decades.

When Liu Bei came here, he had a conflict with Nanlou. He was worried that Liu Bei, like other Han officials, would use the farmland to invade their pastures, exploit their tribes, and bully their Karasuma people. Such things happen frequently in Border County When it happened, if everyone could stand it, they would be exploited by Han officials, and if they couldn't stand it, they would kill officials and rebel.

But what Nanlou didn't expect was that Liu Bei was actually a rare good official among the Han people. Although he was farming in Shanggu in Dai County, not only did he not bully the Karasuma people, but he also helped many poor tribes. Even when he was farming, he also recruited Many Karasuma people survived, and later Liu Bei copied Xu Wei's briquette stove and honeycomb coal to Karasuma people, so that they could spend the winter better.

So Nanlou began to make friends with Liu Bei, and the relationship between the two was so close that they were almost called brothers.

And it's really not difficult to recruit 1 to 2 cavalry with Nanlou's strength!

But Liu Bei said distressedly: "It's not that you don't understand the third brother of Karasuma people. Our 5000 Karasuma cavalry have been trained for a year, and this forced them to grab something without seeing it. Now there are 2-3 more Wanwuwan soldiers, how could they control them!
The Hu people are considered double-edged swords, with strong fighting power and fearless of death, but the military discipline is extremely poor, and burning, killing and looting is the norm, so the court rarely recruits Hu people into the interior of the Han, but only lets them fight the Xianbei people at the border. They want to grab it but there is no place to grab it!
Jian Yongdao: "Xuande, please ask Liu Shijun for help, you can still find 3 soldiers in Youzhou!"

And at this time Youzhou Inspector was engaged, Xian Yufu brought them to Tuntian Xiaowei's Mansion, he found Liu Bei and said: "Ming Gong has arranged [-] soldiers in Zhuo County, and we will wait for Xuande to lead them south to suppress the rebellion!"

Liu Bei was touched and said: "Thank you, Governor Liu! Brother Yuxing!"

Then he found Nanlou, recruited 5000 Karasuma cavalry from his tribe, and together with his own 5000 cavalry, went all the way south to Zhuojun!
 Ding Zhiqiang's book friends rewarded more than 2, and added a new chapter. Let's see if there is a way to add another chapter tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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