I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 143, Economically Independent Mayi Women

Chapter 143, Economically Independent Mayi Women

The heavy snowfall in the north was earlier than in previous years, and most of the people in Mayi stopped their outdoor activities.

Everyone sat on the kang in their new house, knitting, and chatting about gossip outside.

This year, because most of the people got married and started businesses, many people owed a lot of debts. In order to pay off the debts, even the men in Mayi had to pick up wool and long needles to make sweaters to make money. .

In order not to be bored, everyone often visited each other and sat on the kang, chatting about the situation outside.

"I heard that Marshal Zhang Yan occupied Jizhou again, and sent an envoy to let us go south to attack Bingzhou," Zhang Fu said.

"Dashuai Zhang can be regarded as a hero this time, but it's too late. Now it's snowing and fighting. If you go outside, you will be cold to death!" Zhou Jin shook his head.

Zhang Fu sighed: "Everything is good here in Mayi, but the weather is too bad, and Jizhou is much colder. It would be a good thing if we can really get back to Jizhou!"

Zhou Jin came to Mayi after thinking of their hardships and hardships, and said, "It's difficult! This time, our Qu Shuai only broke through a Yanmen Pass and came back. The journey back to Jizhou is thousands of miles away, and there are still Han people along the way." The army's blocking, when will this fight."

"And even if I can go back, I don't want to go back. In Mayi we have houses, fields and wives. In Jizhou, we are just slaves to those masters!"

Zhang Fu said with a smile: "We are going back with swords, who dares to make us slaves again!"

Then he thought of his wife leaving early and returning late, and said helplessly: "These women have gone to the workshop, and we old men are left to knit at home, what's the matter!"

Zhou Jin said with a smile: "If you have a wife who works in a textile factory, you can be content. She earns more than you, and you still hate it."

Living in a double-income family in Mayi is very enviable.

With the continuous expansion of the number of textile machines, the scale of the textile factory has also increased. Now most of the women in Mayi are workers in the textile factory, or help the textile factory to do things.

Because the textile mills could not accommodate so many female workers, family textile factories became popular in Mayi. The textile mills handed over the looms and spun wool yarn to these women, and these women spun them into cloth and handed them over to the weavers. factory.

Using the method of charging by piece, you can get about 40 yuan for each piece of cloth. The treatment is a bit worse than that of female workers in textile factories, but it can be regarded as a high-income group. Even Xianbei women can achieve the speed of one piece of cloth a day after training for a period of time. , that is to say, you can earn thousands of dollars a month, which can be regarded as the middle and high-level income in Mayi.

Because of the rapid development of the textile industry, women in Mayi generally earn higher incomes than men, and money independently determines their status, which is true even in the feudal era. Therefore, women in Mayi have a high status, higher than most men. No way, everyone's income is not as good as that of women comrades.

This put tremendous pressure on many male compatriots in Mayi. They had to pick up wool thread to make woolen sweaters. After all, one piece can earn hundreds of dollars, and four or five hundred dollars a month. It can maintain the dignity of the elders. As for knitting is something women do, no one mentions it now.

So a unique phenomenon is formed in Mayi.Women go to work in textile factories to weave cloth, while elders knit wool and gossip at home.

And with the increase of looms, the textile industry has increasingly become the pillar industry of Mayi.

Although Mayi has various shortcomings, Xu Wei also has to admit that there are also many unique advantages. The war horses needed to fight for hegemony and the leather armor needed by soldiers are all here. Even a big man can't do it like Mayi. 150% armor penetration rate. (Someone has two armors!) And these are the key factors in the struggle for world supremacy.

Moreover, there is also a large coal mine and iron mine in Mayi, which can build a steel base, so that Xu Wei has no shortage of weapons, which is also one of the most important resources in the struggle for hegemony.There is even no shortage of wool that needs to be developed in the breeding industry. Xu Wei does not lack money if he does not lack wool.

For the princes of this world, Mayi has too many congenital defects and is too poor, so it is not a place to start.

But for a traveler like Xu Wei, it is simply a place of choice. The development resources of the first industrial revolution, such as coal, steel, and textile resources, are not lacking, especially the vast prairie outside Mayi, which is even more textile resources. A paradise for business development.

For example, a certain soil turtle wants to develop the textile industry. It needs to recruit barbarians and build its own pasture. It can raise one by one. Even the pasture is not big. It has been difficult to expand the scale of the breeding industry for more than ten years, and the raw materials are insufficient. The problem has been bothering a certain soil turtle, so that he can't make money even if he has money.

Xu Wei in Mayi doesn’t have to worry about raw materials. There are tens of millions of cattle and sheep in the entire desert to help him provide raw materials. Every day, Hu merchants send wool from the grassland to the textile factory in Mayi. Xu Wei didn't need to worry about anything at all.The problems encountered by Mayi here have always been the shortage of manpower and machinery, and the problem of insufficient raw materials has never been encountered.

That is to say, Xu Wei has as many woolen cloths as there are textile machines, and as many woolen cloths as there is money. The development of the textile industry in Mayi is worth ten years of development of a local turtle.

Now Mayi produces 15 pieces of woolen cloth per day, which is more than 000 million pieces of woolen cloth a year. According to the value of 500 yuan for a piece of woolen cloth, the annual output value of woolen cloth in Mayi is as high as 1000 billion yuan, and more than half of it It’s all pure profit. If the output value of woolen clothes is added, Mayi’s textile industry alone can earn more than 50 billion yuan. This is already comparable to the annual financial income of a big man. If other industries in Mayi are added to this, Mayi's financial income can be doubled, and Emperor Ling would cry with envy if he knew about Mayi's situation.

This is why Xu Wei only occupies one county, but he can pretend to fight with hundreds of thousands of soldiers, while the treasury of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers armed by the Dahan is empty, because Mayi is richer than the court of the Dahan.

In terms of military strength, the Tengjia Army can also be regarded as a powerful vassal force. In the future, when the heroes compete for hegemony, other vassals can only arm about 10 soldiers even if they have several states.

Cao Cao occupied the entire four or five states of the Central Plains, and he could only arm a hundred thousand soldiers. It is said that before the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao could only send an army of 20 to [-] to fight Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao was richer, but he could only arm [-] soldiers. Left and right, and they are already the most powerful princes in the world.

The other princes occupying a state had only 10 to [-] soldiers. It can be said that there were [-] soldiers at the end of the Han Dynasty, which was considered the top princes.

(End of this chapter)

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