I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 166, The Huns' Way, Three Lights Policy

Chapter 166, the method of the Huns, the Sanguang policy
In October of the fourth year of Zhongping (187), Taiyuan County!
When the Huns rebelled, Dong Zhuo was frightened to death, for fear that the Huns would attack Taiyuan County together with the United Tengjia Army.

But in the end, the situation turned around, and the Huns unexpectedly attacked the Tengjia Army in Mayi inexplicably!

"I took an omen a few days ago and said it was a good omen. I thought it was a wrong divination, but I didn't expect it to be a good omen!" Dong Zhuo laughed loudly.

"Congratulations, general, congratulations, general. Now the Huns and Lei Gong are fighting. It is said that they have also contacted the Xianbei people. There are more than [-] people. Even if this battle cannot destroy Lei Gong, it will seriously hurt Lei Gong! The general will rest easy from now on. Already!" Li Ru on the side laughed.

Niu Fu also laughed and said, "General, shall we also take the opportunity to send troops to attack Lei Gong, not to mention destroying Lei Gong, it would be good if we can capture Yanmen Pass, at least we can block Lei Gong out of the pass again!"

"That's right, General, it's a rare opportunity!" The other generals also suggested to Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo also had the same idea. Yanmen Pass was occupied by Xu Wei, and the entire Bingzhou was opened wide. It can be seen that Dong Zhuo has slept with one eye open since he came to Taiyuan County. He was afraid that Lei Gong would rush out of Yanmen Pass with an army of 10!

Dong Zhuo looked at his counselor and asked, "What do you think of this proposal?"

Li Ru thought for a while and shook his head, "Yanmen Pass is too important to Mayi. Don't say that Lei Gong stationed 5000 elite soldiers here. It is difficult to break through with our strength. Even if we can break through, we can't help the Huns and the Huns. As for fetching millet, the general can think about it, for Lei Gong, is Shuofang County, Wuyuan County, Yunzhong County or Yanmen Pass more important?"

Dong Zhuo reacted after hearing this, and said helplessly, "Of course Yanmen Pass is important!"

The foundation of the Tengjia Army is in Mayi, and the main tribe is also in Mayi. Even if Shuofang County, Wuyuan County, and Yunzhong County are all lost, it will not hurt Mayi's vitality. The Jiajun is about to become a rootless apple!
Li Ru continued: "If we attack Yanmen Pass now, Lei Gong will definitely abandon the three counties of Heshuo and die Bao Yanmen Pass. At that time, the general will face Lei Gong's 10 troops!"

At this time, Dong Zhuo's subordinates came to report that it was the envoys of the Huns asking to see him!
Dong Zhuo was bewildered for a while, Xubu Guduhou killed the Chanyu Qiangqu who was appointed by the Emperor of Han, and now he dared to send envoys to Taiyuan County!In particular, Qiang Qu is his relatives and friends. Since he came to Taiyuan County, Qiang Qu has given gifts worth 500 million yuan. The one who was killed by Houbu Gudu was Shan Yu of the Huns, and it was me, Dong Zhuo, who killed him. Your benefactor!

Li Ru said clearly, "General, the Huns want you to help them get grain out of the fire."

Dong Zhuo said angrily, "The Huns dared to plot against me. They cut off the Huns' envoy and threw his head to Hou Bugudu!"

At this time, Li Ru made Dong Zhuo say: "General Xu Bu Gudu wants to use the general, and the general can also use these Huns to help us weaken Lei Gong!"

Dong Zhuo asked, "Wenyou, what's your plan?"

Li Ru smiled and said: "General, don't look at the aggressiveness of the Huns and Xianbei coalition forces, but if Lei Gong can't defend, the Huns and Xianbei coalition forces will definitely be defeated! So we have to help the Huns and Xianbei people to make them stronger. At least the siege power is stronger, so that Lei Gong's strength can be consumed more!"

Dong Zhuo immediately said: "Crowbar!"

What is the most famous weapon of the whole big man in these years, it must be the crowbar. Before the crowbar appeared, a dock defended by a thousand people was enough to make tens of thousands of people helpless.

Zhang Jiao claimed to have a million Yellow Turbans, but he did not break through a few Wubao.When Zhang Niujiao was in trouble, he used crowbars to break through hundreds of Wubao at one time. The entire Jizhou clan suffered heavy casualties because of the crowbar, and even the clan in Wei County was almost wiped out by Lei Gong.

Then the big Han rebelled several times, and the crowbar appeared again and again. Zhang Yan used the crowbar to break through the city of Jizhou, and Zhang Chun used the crowbar to break through the city of Youzhou. It can be said that the city wall with thousands of years of fortifications is unbearable in front of the crowbar. One blow, now all the generals in the world are thinking of new defense methods, and want to make new shields!

Although there was no war here in Dong Zhuo, he still prepared hundreds of crowbars just in case!He even told the generals around him to think of ways to deal with the crowbar!

Li Ru smiled and said, "Don't you need to replace the general's crowbars with new ones? Just sell the hundreds of old crowbars to the Huns!"

Dong Zhuo said with a smile: "It is to be sold to the Huns, and sold to the Huns at a high price. At the beginning, the Qiang Canal gave the general a lot of money, but Hou Bugudu killed all the friends of the general. I don't want to sell it at a high price." How can I be worthy of the dead Qiang Qu! Wen You, I will leave this matter to you!"

Li Ru smiled and said, "This subordinate promises to satisfy the general!"

So the envoy of the Huns, under Li Ru's flickering, spent 100 million yuan to buy Dong Zhuo's so-called siege weapon. The envoy was fooled away by Li Ru.

At the beginning of October in the fourth year of Zhongping (187), Mayi!
Huanglong led 1 elite riders, each with three horses, and marched 200 miles a day across the entire Yunzhong County towards the Xianbei pasture!
At the same time, Xu Wei's standing army of 3 expanded rapidly. Small soldiers became corporal commanders, commanders expanded into team leaders, commanders expanded into army commanders, and the standing army of 15 expanded to [-], of which [-] were stationed in Various passes in Mayi.

The remaining 6 soldiers were divided into two groups. One was led by Xu Wei with 6 troops to support Luo County, and the other was led by Wang Yong in Shanwucheng to march towards Jiling County with [-] soldiers!Mayi's war machine was officially fully activated.

Behind the two armies, there are hundreds of thousands of civilians who transport food, grass and luggage to the two armies day and night. This means that the transportation network of counties and counties around Mayi is convenient. Outside of Yanmen County, there is no track for Mayi. There will be more and more support staff!
Therefore, Zhang Baiqi and Old Man Wang most hope that Huanglong can repel the attack of the Xiong Xianbei, because in this way, the Tengjia Army will not have to attack for 2000 miles. Such a long journey is a huge consumption for the Tengjia Army!
At the same time, [-] Huns from Hexi County crossed the Yellow River and came to the north bank of the Yellow River. They also divided into two groups and attacked Luo County and Jiling County of the Tengjia Army. Among them, Luo County was the first target to be attacked. .

Luo County was originally occupied by the Huns, but when Xu Wei started to fight the chiefs on the grassland, the news of the distribution of cattle and sheep spread to the Huns, and the Huns were also affected, and the herdsmen at the bottom also killed their chieftains to join them Xu Wei, so all the territory of the Huns Huanghe was annexed by Xu Wei. The defense line of the Tengjia Army was originally in Wuzhou, and then expanded to Luo County.

Because Luo County is at the very edge of the power of the Rattan Armored Army, Xu Wei also built a Wubao with 3000 troops defending it. Xu Wei followed Xu Wei when he attacked Zhao Yi's Wubao, and then followed Xu Wei all the way from Jizhou to Mayi.

It's just that they were unlucky. The school captains from other directions had gone through wars and made military exploits repeatedly. They were the only ones who guarded Wuzhou. The Huns dared not invade Mayi, so he could only be in a daze every day.

So He Feng thought of a way to provoke the low-level herdsmen of the Huns, but what he didn't expect was that the Qiang Qu was so useless that he lost the entire grassland on the north bank of the Yellow River, and was annexed by 10 tribes. He would rather spend money to ask Dong Zhuo to protect him than to send troops in the direction of Wuzhou!

He Feng moved a bit, from Wuzhou captain to Luoxian captain, and rebuilt a Wubao.

So when He Feng heard that the Huns led an army of 4 to attack Luo County, he was excited, and it was finally his turn to make contributions!
He immediately asked his subordinates to retreat to Wucheng County with the herdsmen from Luo County, and completely cleared the surrounding walls to prevent the Huns from gaining anything. At the same time, his soldiers were ready to go, waiting for the arrival of the Huns!
It's just that his hard wall clearing the field didn't go well!When he came to report, the herdsmen in Luo County were unwilling to leave!
"What's going on, why don't these herdsmen retreat to the rear!" He Feng said angrily.This does not affect their own achievements!
The subordinate said helplessly: "They said they would also join the army to defend their homeland! We can't persuade them at all!"

He Feng was surprised: "They also want to participate in the battle against the Huns?"

There is already a militia system in the Tengjia Army, and the troops are trained every winter, and Luo County is no exception.

However, He Feng did not plan to recruit these people for this battle, because this is the territory of the Huns. After Xu Wei occupied this place, although he also moved some tribes here, most of the people in Luo County are Huns. However, He Feng was worried that Baimatong and the others would instigate rebellion against these Huns, so he simply did not recruit these people.

Anyway, relying on Wubao in Luo County, he didn't think the Huns could break through his defenses, not to mention that Mayi is very close to Luo County, about 400 miles away, and half of the distance is on wooden tracks, even if it is It only takes 6 days at most for a large army to march and the reinforcements can reach Luo County, so he didn't recruit the militia at all. Because he recruited the Huns soldiers, he had to be careful that the Huns would cooperate with the outside and cheat himself!
But He Feng never expected that his behavior would anger the Huns in Luo County!He was worried about the rebellion of the Huns, but he didn't know that class conflicts were greater than ethnic conflicts. For the Huns in Luo County, they were eager to kill all the nobles of the Huns. If they were asked to retreat at this time, they would naturally refuse.

Moreover, they have been in the Vine Armor Army for more than a year, so they naturally know that the Vine Armor Army values ​​military merit the most, and Marshal Lei Gong is a rare hero in the world, who can treat all ministries equally and will not discriminate against them.

The Huns helped the Han Dynasty fight for a hundred years, but none of the Huns became a high-ranking official with 2000 shi in the Han Dynasty.However, it took only 3 years for Lei Gong to come to Mayi, but he was able to turn an unknown Xianbei soldier into a 2000 shi captain, and he was also entrusted with important tasks. This reminded many Huns of Jin Ridun back then.

Jin Rixun also paid his allegiance to the big man in exchange for the wealth of his descendants for generations, and now Xu Wei is naturally inferior to the prestige of the big man, but Lei Gong is willing to give these Huns a chance and is willing to promote the Huns.

The big Han has higher prestige, but it has begun to be conservative. The Huns have been loyal to the Han emperors for a hundred years, but they have not gained any trust.Therefore, the Huns are more willing to take refuge in Lei Gong who gave them the opportunity, and become the "Jin Ridun" beside Lei Gong. Now the opportunity to make contributions has come, even if the enemy is their own tribe, these Huns will not let it go!
By the time He Feng came over, tens of thousands of Huns had already arrived at Wubao in Luoxian County on horseback and sabers!

After seeing He Feng, these people yelled: "Lieutenant He, why don't you recruit us? When our Tengjia Army is fighting, we always recruit troops to defend our homeland! You are violating Commander Qu's order." !"

"We have a deep hatred with those tribal leaders. Why don't you let us take revenge? If you dare to drive us away, we will go to Qu Shuai to end it!"

"If you don't accept us, we will fight alone. Now Baimatong and they occupy our homeland. We must defend our homeland and drive Baimatong and them away!"

He Feng said angrily when he heard this: "Nonsense, what kind of equipment do you have? Going to fight Baima Tong is not going to die. They have 4 people. Even if my soldiers are fully armed, they dare not take the initiative to attack!"

"Then you accept us! We will guard Luo County together with you, captain! Anyway, we won't leave!"

He Feng was in a dilemma when he arrived. I can't say that I let you go to the rear just because I don't trust you!
At this time, Lu Liang came out, and seeing He Feng's embarrassment, he immediately said: "Okay, I agree with you to join this battle as the supervisor of Luo County. You wait here first, and we will distribute weapons and weapons to you." equipment!"

The Huns around heard Lu Liang's words and cheered.

He Feng took Lu Liang's hand to a hidden place and said, "What if there are spies from the Huns among them?"

Lu Liang laughed and said: "In this way, I will bring 100 people to command these herdsmen and let them be stationed outside Luochengwu Fort, so that we can form a momentum of fighting, and Baimatong will be more cautious, and it will be difficult to attack the city with all our strength!"

He Feng said: "Then you are in danger!"

Lu Liang said calmly: "These Huns have greatly improved their lives by taking refuge in the command of our Tengjia Army. As long as they are not fools, they will not give up their current life and become a shepherd of the Huns. Baimatong can buy a small number of people, but not It is possible to buy all these people, if he really has such ability, our people in Luocheng should take him to surround our Wubao right now!"

He Feng thought it made sense, so he agreed with Lu Liang to lead the cavalry.

Mayi is rich, and also learned from the arsenal system of the Han Dynasty. Basically every county has an arsenal, especially the counties in the border areas. The weapons and armor in the arsenal are enough to arm all the young and strong, so that the whole people can fight against the invaders. Wei is not worried about waste. He knows that there will be wars for hundreds of years in the future, and there are only too few weapons and equipment, not too many.

There are less than a million long arrows in Luocheng's arsenal, and there are more than 1 swords and armors!And these weapons are enough to arm all the cavalry present!
Soon a large number of sabers and armors were distributed by Lu Liang and the others to the hands of the herdsmen.

When they lined up, they put on the Hundred Refined Swords, their cold light shone, and they were even more heroic and majestic when they put on ceramic armor. The mob just now instantly became an elite army!
Then Lu Liang took them to a high ground not far from Luochengwu Fort, and began to set up camp, waiting for Baimatong and their arrival!

At the same time, with the help of sheepskin rafts, the [-] troops of the Huns crossed the Yellow River and came to the land of Luo County.

The leader of the Xiongnu who attacked Luo County was Baimatong. He was a good friend of Xubugudu Hou. The two of them conspired to kill Qiangqu and contact the Xianbei to attack the Tengjia army. Unlike the weak Qiangqu, Baimatong was a Hun The few hawks among them advocated being tough with the outside world, whether they were Han Chinese, Xianbei people or the newly emerged Tengjia Army.And because of the oppression of the Han officials and the powerful gentry over the years, the life of the Huns was very difficult, which made Baima Tong a lot of supporters among the Huns tribe.

The Tengjia army killed the chief, divided the cattle and sheep, and touched the Nilin of Baimatong. He suggested to Qiangqu many times to unite with the Han people, and the Xianbei people wiped out the scourge of Lei Gong.

It's just that Qiang Qu saw Lei Gong defeating 10 Tengjia Army and thought that the Huns were not the opponents of the Tengjia Army. He should find a way to contact the Han people and rely on the power of the big man to deter Lei Gong!
Baimatong saw that Qiang Qu could not be tough at home and could not protect the main tribe externally. He was already dissatisfied with Qiang Qu, but he began to have an objection. Baimatong began to contact other leaders of the Huns, and the other leaders of the Huns He hated Lei Gong's policy of dividing cattle and sheep, and found that Qiang Qu could not protect himself, so under the contact of Baimatong, everyone gave up Qiang Qu as a Shanyu. ministry public.

Baima Tong has a class instinctive hatred for Lei Gong, because he hates Lei Gong, he is even willing to ally with the Xianbei, the biggest enemy of the Huns, and the Han who have been bullying them.

Because he knows that Lei Gong is the real enemy of the Huns. If Lei Gong is not resolved, the Huns will definitely be wiped out by Lei Gong. Look at the Huns who went to Lei Gong’s place and they no longer recognize themselves as Huns. If Lei Gong’s power continues After the expansion, within 10 years, the Xiongnu tribe in Meiji will disappear.

It's ridiculous that Qiang Qu still intends to rely on the Han court to pretend to be a tiger, but he doesn't know that Lei Gong is the rebellion of the Han court, how could he be afraid of the Han court!

Baima Tong stepped onto the territory of the Fujia Army and shouted to his own army: "Come to the territory of the Fujia Army to command, kill all the men, steal all the women, and burn all the tents and houses! When Lei Gong comes, what he sees is a white field!"

The Huns around all cheered when they heard this, "Kill all, rob all, burn all!" This is their favorite!Especially the tribes on the north bank of the Yellow River have become very wealthy since they took refuge in Lei Gong, and they can be happy for a long time if they grab this wave!
And Baima Tong did this on purpose. Didn't he know that most of Luo County are Huns, and this is letting the Huns kill each other.

Of course he knows, he even knows that the Huns in the two places are now connected and will marry each other. Of course, most of the Huns on the south bank marry the Huns on the north bank.The Huns on both sides of the strait have been separated by a strip of water for hundreds of years!
But he just wanted to split the two groups of Huns. When they killed, robbed and burned Luo County, it was equivalent to cutting off the way for his subordinates to join Lei Gong. He wanted to see how Lei Gong would confuse him. The subordinates took refuge in him.

Compared with Lei Gong's [-] troops, Bai Matong was more afraid that Lei Gong would let hundreds of Huns hold iron horns and talk about killing chiefs and dividing cattle and sheep.

Baimatong continued: "Warriors, go and snatch your spoils!"

"Oh, oh, oh!" The Huns swung their long swords and roared to the sky, and then scattered and plundered, leaving only the five thousand soldiers of the White Horse Bronze Headquarters!
Soon the villages not far away began to catch fire. Obviously, the looting of the Huns started very quickly.

Bai Ma Tong was very satisfied seeing this scene, he smiled and said to his soldiers: "Let's go and see how powerful Lei Gong's Wubao is!"

Five thousand cavalry galloped for an hour, and they came to Wubao in Luo County!
Baima Tong smiled and said: "Sure enough, it is just like what the Xianbei people said. It is star-shaped. No matter where you attack from, you will be attacked from two or even three sides. Such a Wubao cannot be attacked by force, otherwise Helian will be our end! Let's build it. Siege equipment, prepare big shields, ladders, and see if we can surprise Lei Gong! See if the new Han Chinese siege weapons are useful!"

"Marshal, Tan Ma just came to report. There is a large camp not far from Luochengwu Fort. There are about ten thousand cavalry. Should we let the troops come back, or if Lei Gong's army comes out, we may not be able to resist it. !"

Baima Tong smiled and said: "I never thought that Lei Gong would be so strong in buying people's hearts. In just a short time, tens of thousands of people are willing to help Lei Gong in the battle. Keep 3000 cavalry on guard, and others will build siege equipment and blow the assembled horns to let others The troops try to annihilate this cavalry! We are here to keep an eye on the Rattan Armored Army in Wubao, Luo County!"

"Woo, woo, woo!" The horn of the Huns sounded quickly.

The Huns who were plundering around heard this voice, dropped what they had robbed and started to gather!
"Assemble, there are enemies all around!" A Hun centurion shouted.

"Such a small village is really rich!" Some Huns held wheat, and some held cloth. In short, the harvest was huge!

Seeing this scene, the centurion said angrily: "There is going to be a war soon, these things are left here, and it will be the same when I come back later!"

But not many people listened to what the centurion said, who knows who would throw these things here!
However, these tribes obeyed orders and began to gather together. After all, such horns meant that there were large groups of enemies around!

At the same time, the surrounding area of ​​Luoxian County was full of flames, and the tens of thousands of people were in a commotion. The places that were burned were the homes of these Huns.

The herdsmen of Mayi are different from the herdsmen of the Huns.The herdsmen of the Huns had only one tent and a dozen cattle and sheep, and they could run away after driving the cattle and sheep.But Mayi is a settled herdsman. Although they retreated early, the actions they can take away are some valuable things, cattle and sheep, and they have a lot of property at home, even occupying most of their family property. Now that these family businesses have been burned up, how can they not be excited!
(End of this chapter)

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