I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 171, Mongols' riding and shooting tactics

Chapter 171, Mongols' riding and shooting tactics

The place where Yunzhong City is located is the central part of the later Hohhot Plain. There is the Huangyu River originating from Yinshan Mountain, and there is Baiqu Water in the south, which flows through the plain and enters the Yellow River. Great place for war horses.

As soon as Niu Gui came to Yunzhong County, he looked at the wasteland between the two rivers. If a canal could be built here, wouldn't it be the same as the Zhengguo Canal back then.When Xu Wei was in class with them, he told them that Qin Shihuang was able to quickly unify the six countries, and Zheng Guoqu, who could irrigate millions of acres of land, was the most heroic person. He could make Daqin easily support millions of troops.

So Niu Gui built the canals in Yunzhong City and reclaimed wasteland. Naturally, he dare not say that he can feed millions of troops, but as long as he can feed the people of Yunzhong County, and have surplus food to exchange goods with the surrounding herdsmen, it is enough.

So Niu Gui uploaded his plan to build the canal to Xu Wei's desk!
Then Xu Wei turned over the map and found that between Huangyu River and Baiqu Water, there is actually such a treasure land for farming. Isn’t this the treasure land between the two river basins in the legend? If this is a construction and aqueduct, even at a higher latitude, it can become a small granary in the Northland!
How could the big Han let go of such a good Beidi granary? The Eastern Han government is fine, after all, it is a poor ghost, but Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty has been fighting on the grasslands, so how can he not build new water conservancy here!

So Xu Wei gave Niu Gui 1 million worth of grain wool and asked him to start this project. Xu Wei made it clear that Niu Gui, the master, prepared 10 billion for the construction of this canal. Don’t worry if it gets bigger. Money problem!

The entire Yunzhong County has a population of only a few tens of thousands, and Xu Wei bought food and cloth worth hundreds of millions of dollars at once. Such a surge of foreign funds was invested in infrastructure construction, which would have an immediate effect on the changes in Yunzhong County.

Niu Gui hired the people of Yunzhong County with food and cloth to help build the canal. He even hired Xianbei people from the desert to help. On the entire construction site of the canal, there were more than 5 people fighting here at most. The first phase of the project produced hundreds of thousands of mu of irrigated land, barely irrigated for a few months, and brought an extra 30 shi of grain to the entire Yunzhong County during the autumn harvest. Yunzhong County, where grain prices have been rising, the first Once there was a drop in food.

With these grains, the entire Niugui was promoted to Buddha in Wanjia in Yunzhong County!The people in the entire Yunzhong County regard Niu Gui as the master of Qingtian!

Niu Gui relied on these two rivers to build dozens of miles of elevated canals, creating hundreds of thousands of acres of irrigated land in the entire Yunzhong County, making Yunzhong County a big granary for the entire Northland. Bu Gudu Hou and Niu Guidu planned to build a canal of hundreds of miles between these two rivers.

The eyes of the people are discerning. Although Niu Gui has not been in Yunzhong County for a long time, he is deeply loved by Hu Han in Yunzhong County for his contribution to building the canal.

When Xu Bu Gudu invaded Yunzhong County, the local people obeyed Niu Gui's order. Niu Gui said that he wanted to strengthen the walls and clear the land, so the people obeyed his words and moved to Yunzhong City.Yunzhong County's solid wall clearing action was completed very quickly. When Xubu Guduhou came to Jiling, he faced only an empty city and did not grab anything.

And Niu Gui said that he wanted to expand the army to prepare for war, and all the young and strong in the entire Yunzhong County joined Niu Gui's army. The 5000 cavalry in Niu Gui's hands quickly expanded to 3 soldiers by relying on these militiamen.And Niu Gui didn't rely on Yunzhong City to hold on. After all, there were a lot of water conservancy facilities outside Yunzhong City. If Xu Bu Gudu Hou destroyed it, Yunzhong County would suffer a great loss.

After a few more days of training, he led the army to set off, preparing to resist the army of Xubuguduhou.

The armies of the two sides met in Shaling County. Niu Gui and Xu Buguduhou were very cautious. After the vanguards of both sides fought, neither of them took advantage. Niu Gui was well-equipped, but after all, he was recruiting and expanding, and his combat power was not as good as that of the Xiongnu. Humans, while the Huns are powerful, but their equipment is not as expensive as cattle.So they started to build battalions and then prepare for battle!
After two days of repairs on both sides, Hou Bugudu issued a letter of war to Niu Gui!And Niu Gui also agreed!
Niu Gui's 3 troops were arranged into six large square formations, with 2 pikemen in the center, and 5000 cavalry on each of the left and right wings.

But Xubuguduhou had 4 cavalry lined up in a line, and the formation was not strictly prohibited by Niugui, but scattered. This regiment, that regiment, after all, Xubuguduhou led the Huns The tribal alliance can only barely see the army formation.

It can be said that the modern formation training method brought by Xu Wei is more rigorous than the military formation, and there is no army in the world that can compare with the Tengjia Army!
Hou Bugudu was surprised when he saw this elite 5000 army: "It's not that Niu Gui only has [-] cavalry in Yunzhong County. Where did this [-] army appear from? It's not like a temporary recruit. Civilian!"

The reason why Xubu Guduhou dared to bring 4 people to attack Yunzhong County was because Lei Gong found out that Lei Gong only left 5000 cavalry in Yunzhong County and other three newly conquered counties, which were weak and easy to conquer.

If he had known that there would be 3 elites in Yunzhong County, he would not dare to bring 4 people to attack. It would be difficult for the attacking side to break through the city without several times the strength. Also join forces with Baima Tong to attack Yunzhong County!

King Zuo Guli went to Beer, looked at Niu Gui's tens of thousands of troops, and said strangely: "This should not be wrong. Our spies have inquired several times. Yunzhong County only has 5000 cavalry, and Yunzhong County was occupied before Lei Gong took over. That means a population of tens of thousands, if Lei Gong really deploys 3 cavalry in Yunzhong County, the transportation of food and grass will consume Lei Gong to death!"

Zuo Guli King Qupi was originally a close friend of Qiang Qu, and his tribe lived in Wuyuan, the pastures near Yunzhong County. Because they are close to the Yellow River, these pastures can be regarded as lands with lush water and grass. It is just waiting for Niugui and them to occupy Yunzhong County. After Wuyuan County, his life will be difficult.

Unlike other Han people who discriminate against Huns, Xu Wei's Tengjia Army is the lowest level of the Han people, and Xu Wei brings modern ideas of equality. Good side forces, yes!Even the heads of the Huns are not as good as the Tengjia Army to treat these low-level Huns.

Other forces may not take in the Huns at the bottom, but Zhao Rong and Niu Gui are building infrastructure in Wuyuan County and Yunzhong County. What is lacking is population. All comers are welcome.

So going to beer is unlucky. The tribes near Wuyuan County and Yunzhong County often disappear one by one. In just a few months, his tribe of more than 3 has lost more than 1 people. Even if it is a war, it will not disappear like this. , After finding out the reason, he found Qiang Qu, and wanted Qiang Qu to avenge himself, and at least take back his tribe.

But Qiang Qu just told him to stay away from Lei Gong's sphere of influence, not to contact Lei Gong and the others, and then he had nothing, which aroused Qu Po's dissatisfaction. All the tribes were about to be annexed, and Qiangqu, the big chanyu, didn't care about it.

Qu Pi was dissatisfied with Qiang Qu at first, and then he took refuge in Hou Bu Gudu who was willing to fight Lei Gong.This is why the assassination of a Shanyu in Qiangqu did not cause much commotion among the Huns, because his core forces also began to be dissatisfied with him.

Marquis Xu Bu Gudu thought for a while and said, "It means that most of this army is temporarily recruited civilians! But it doesn't look like Niu Gui's army!"

Qu Beer thought for a while and said, "Shan Yu, I'll find out if I lead 5000 cavalry to try it out, and it's already reached this point. Even if there are really 3 elites in Yunzhong County, we will defeat them!"

Hou Bu Gudu was right after thinking about it, so he said: "Be careful, Lei Gong's subordinates are not easy to fight! If the situation is critical, return!"

Go Beer nodded, and then summoned 5000 cavalry to rush out of the phalanx!
I saw horns blared in the phalanx of the Huns, thousands of horses galloped, the sound of killing went straight to the sky, and 5000 cavalry galloped out!

Seeing the movement of the Huns, Niu Gui immediately ordered Xie Yan on his left wing to lead 5000 cavalry to fight the Huns!
After Xie Yan received the order, he drew out his long knife and shouted, "Brothers, follow me to fight!"

The drums of war were roaring, and Xie Yan and the others were also killing so loudly!
"Kill!" 5000 soldiers roared together!

Then Xie Yan took the lead, and 5000 cavalry followed Xie Yan and rushed out of the phalanx!

The two armies rushed towards each other like this, approaching quickly.

When approaching 30 steps, the two sides shot a round of bows and arrows respectively. However, Xie Yan's army was protected by ceramic armor, and there were not many casualties. The Xianbei people were different. They only had simple leather armor, which could not stop Xu Wei's crossbow at all. With heavy arrows, hundreds of people fell off their horses in this wave.

The two sides are getting closer!
"Boom" the two armies collided with such giant beasts!
Qu Beer's 5000 conical array slammed into Xie Yan's army formation fiercely, and Qu Beer's army was like a sharp giant arrow, constantly penetrating into Xie Yan's cavalry phalanx!
Xie Yan slashed and killed the Huns around him, and at the same time kept shouting: "Everyone, come closer, get closer, don't let the Huns tear up the formation!"

Following Xie Yan's order, the cavalry in the back is getting closer and closer, and it is becoming more and more difficult to go deep, especially this kind of cavalry is equipped with ceramic armor. Every time a cavalry is killed, it will be several times bigger than before. With double the strength, Qu Bei felt that his knife was going to be blunt.

But after the attack speed of the Huns slowed down, the cavalry on both wings of Xie Yan's army began to swarm in. Xie Yan wanted to divide and encircle the vanguard of the Huns who penetrated into his own army, and wipe them out completely!He commanded a cavalry to cut off the Huns.

But Qu Beer is also an experienced veteran. After finding out that Xie Yan's phalanx could not be broken, he said to the cavalry around him: "Let's fight out!"

Qu Beer himself took the lead, flying his long sword, invincible, any cavalry who resisted in front of him would be killed by him! "Warriors, let's fight out—!"

The Hun cavalry who followed Qu Po saw Qu Po's great power, and their morale was greatly boosted. They followed Qu Po and rushed forward bravely. In less than half a moment, the world rushed out of Xie Yan's army formation!
Xie Yan was so angry when he saw the cooked ducks flying away!
But there is no way around it. His 5000 cavalry are not old subordinates, but expanded by 1000 people, and Yunzhong County is a newly occupied land. There is no tradition of Mayi military training. You can be a tiger and a tiger, but the cooperation is still not as good as the old tribe!The combat effectiveness of his cavalry has dropped by more than a little bit. It can even be said that if it weren't for the ceramic armor of Mayi, his cavalry would have been divided and surrounded by the Huns' cavalry on the battlefield in the first round of the contest!

"Keep killing, kill all these Huns!" he shouted.

After the two sides adjusted their formations, they were ready for the next round of hand-to-hand combat!

But after a few rounds, Xie Yan found out that the recruits in his hand were no match for the Huns in hand-to-hand combat on the battlefield, and he was the one who lost the most in each hand-to-hand battle.

He knew that if this situation continued, in a few rounds, the morale of his army would collapse!

Qube also discovered this situation. These Han cavalrymen are not their Hun opponents at all. Often, dozens of Hun cavalry can defeat a Han cavalry of hundreds of people!
"Sure enough, they are a group of idiots. If it weren't for their strong armor and sharp swords, we would have won!" Qu Beer excitedly rushed to the front line with his own guards!
At this time, Xie Yan saw that some of his subordinates shot and killed several Huns with crossbow arrows.

Xie Yan exclaimed with great joy: "Keep the distance from the Huns, and the army will shoot them with crossbow arrows!"

So the strategy on the battlefield was changed by Xie Yan. Taking advantage of the powerful crossbow arrows of the Rattan Armored Army, he began to distance himself from the Huns, shooting arrows at the Huns' cavalry like rain. Each rain of arrows will take away a group of Huns soldiers.Running at such a high speed, no matter whether the long arrow hits a man or a horse, it will fall off the horse in shock, but will be trampled to death by the horses behind, or fall to death.

Xie Yan understood the Mongolian riding battlefield without a teacher, which even Xu Wei did not expect. In fact, the Tengjia Army has fully met the conditions of the Mongolian riding and shooting tactics.

The three-piece cavalry suit allows recruits to catch up with the Huns who have been riding horses for more than ten years. The stirrups free their hands, and the heavy arrows of the Rattan Armor Army are even more powerful than the Mongolian riding bows!

In the next battle, the Huns suffered a wave of crossbow arrows. They kept chasing the enemy, but Xie Yan led the cavalry to circle them, and at the same time kept shooting crossbow arrows into the Hun cavalry. This is a new reversal of the battlefield. , The cavalry of the Huns were shot in pieces. After an hour, they could no longer bear the casualties, and fled towards the rear one by one.

Qu Po angrily hacked to death several fleeing soldiers and shouted: "Don't run away, we are about to overtake the enemy!"

But it was useless. At this time, the morale of the Huns had collapsed and they could no longer stop it.

Qu Beer was also dragged by his personal guards to escape to the rear!
But Xie Yan shouted with joy: "Brothers, the Huns are defeated, continue to attack, we will kill them all!"

(End of this chapter)

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