I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 174, Niu Gui's flicker

Chapter 174, Niu Gui's flicker
Li Gangling's 5000 iron cavalry took the lead in attacking the Huns' central army in an array straddling the wall.

"Boom" The huge roar sounded like two giant beasts fighting!
Like a sharp giant arrow, Li Gang's army pierced fiercely into the conical formation of the Huns, and the Huns couldn't resist Li Gang's charge on the wall.At the same time, on Li Gang's flanks, Xie Yan and the others began to constantly pull their crossbow arrows, shooting at the Huns opposite Li Gang!

Li Gang's iron cavalry stubbornly blocked the Huns from going, and the Huns continued to exert their strength, trying to break through Li Gang's defense and try to escape!

"Warriors follow me to fight in—!" Qu Beer led the Huns cavalry to attack Li Gang's army time and time again.But failed again and again, Li Gang's cavalry was like a dam, firmly resisting the impact of the Huns.

Different from Xie Yan's militia, Li Gang's army is Mayi's standing army, and the equipment is the best. The steel swords and armor are all equipped, and Li Gang and the others almost attack the Huns one by one.And the clinking of the Huns' sabers also hurt Li Gang's subordinates. This is completely crushed by equipment!

After more than three years of reasonable diet in Mayi, each person's diet is equivalent to that of a small landlord in this world. With reasonable exercise, every physical quality has been strengthened, and their bodies are burly and powerful!
Moreover, these soldiers have experienced all the wars in Mayi for more than three years, and their combat experience is extremely rich!
It can be said that Li Gang and the others are an upgraded version of Xie Yan's cavalry!

Even if the Huns risked their lives and rushed forward bravely, it would be difficult for them to break through this steel line of defense!
Behind Li Gang, Xie Yan and the others rained crossbow arrows like rain, "Shhhhhh!" The crossbow arrows kept passing Li Gang's cavalry and shot at the Hun soldiers, and the horses galloping at high speed were hit by arrows one after another.

The knights on the horses fell one after another, and then they were swept away by countless horseshoes, and some of them didn't even have time to let out a miserable howl. More and more Huns soldiers were shot to death or were killed by Li Gang and the others. Hacked.

Qu Beer found that there were fewer and fewer soldiers around him, and he knew that if he didn't rush out, they would surely die. At this time, he found the brave and invincible Li Gang. He thought that if he killed Li Gang, the armored army would collapse. A gap could be opened, so Qu Beer rushed to Li Gang with his most elite guards!

Qu Beer with his personal guards was brave and invincible, and easily blazed a path close to Li Gang!

Qu Beer said angrily: "Han people, die!"

Li Gang used his long saber to resist Qu Be's saber, but Qu Be's saber was so powerful that it shook Li Gang's long saber away!

Li Gang found out that Qu Beer is powerful, he knew that he was not an opponent, and he didn't slap his face swollen to pretend to be fat, but said to his personal guard: "This man is powerful, prepare to shoot him to death with crossbow arrows!"

Then he took out a spare saber to meet him!
But Qu Beer slashed at him eleven times in a row, three of which hit Li Gang, but even though his saber was blunt, he still couldn't break Li Gang's armor, so Qu Beer found a spear on the battlefield angrily. Li Gang was directly knocked off the horse!
And at this moment, Li Gang's personal guards were also ready to shoot at Qu Po!
"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Qu Bei was shot by more than a dozen long arrows in an instant!
He could only say unwillingly: "I should use heavy weapons to deal with you iron bastards!"

Then go to beer and fall to the ground!

Li Gang looked at the three deep marks on his armor and said happily: "My bad luck, this armor has been hardened, otherwise I would really have died here!"

At this time, Niu Gui led 1.5 soldiers over with a long snake formation. The first three rows of these soldiers were extremely sharp spears, and behind them were crossbowmen with long arrows.The sharp spears not only suppressed the Huns to retreat steadily, but the crossbow arrows shot at the Huns like a torrential rain, harvesting the lives of the Huns like a sickle!

The Huns couldn't resist and retreated steadily, and the range of activities suppressed by Niu Gui and the others became smaller and smaller!Breakthrough is also getting more and more difficult.

Crossbow arrows do not distinguish between herdsmen and nobles. More and more Hun heads were shot to death by crossbow arrows, and every time a Hun head died, hundreds of Hun heads would fall into chaos.

The arrival of Niu Gui completely broke the Huns, they could not see a ray of hope, and the death of their companions made their hearts filled with fear, when the first Hun leader threw down his long knife and shouted: "We surrender! Don't kill us!"

Then the other Huns suddenly lost all their morale, and one by one dropped their long swords and shouted: "We surrender!"

Seeing this scene, Niu Gui was overjoyed and shouted, "Surrender without killing!"

The soldiers around Niu Gui also shouted: "Surrender, don't kill! Surrender, don't kill!"

But when the rattan army on the entire battlefield shouted like this, the Huns threw away their swords and surrendered in pieces!

And Hou Bugudu saw that there were no Huns who continued to fight on the battlefield, and he became the last Hun Shanyu!

He knew that with the policy of the Tengjia Army, there would be no Huns as a race in the future. Instead of Qiang Qu, he did not become a hero of the Huns, but became an eternal sinner of the Huns!Such a sense of loss made him unable to bear the contrast, nor could he bear the fact that the Huns perished in his own hands, so he took his sword and put it on his neck, and wiped it!A stream of blood spurted out.

When facing death, Hou Buguduhou's thought at this time was whether Qiangqu's method could make the Huns continue!Did I really do something wrong!
The Xiongnu Shanyu committed suicide, declaring the complete end of the war.

Niu Gui began to lead people to clean up the battlefield and gather the prisoners, but at this moment a cavalry rushed in from the north, which shocked everyone, but after seeing clearly that it was the sickle and hammer flag of the Rattan Armored Army, Niu Gui breathed a sigh of relief!

At this time, a general took the lead to find Niu Gui: "Brother Niu, why don't you leave me a few people to kill, I brought an army of 6 to support you, and I supported you lonely!"

Niu Gui smiled and said: "You came at a good time. We have been fighting for a long time, and we have long run out of strength. Now you are here to help us clean up the battlefield!"

Niu Gui's words made both of them laugh out loud!

Then Wang Yong said: "Brother Niu, you are very powerful now. With an army of 3, most of which are infantry, you can actually defeat the Huns with 4 cavalry. This fighting ability is no less than that of Qu Shuai!"

Niu Gui shook his head and said, "Actually, I have been on the defensive. If it wasn't for your support, which scared the Huns to run away, and ended up being blocked by our navy on the Yellow River, the Huns would not have been wiped out so easily. It was Li Gang who made the first contribution this time, he blocked the attack of more than 5000 Hun cavalry with 2 cavalry, and this established our victory this time!"

Then Niu Gui asked: "Why did these Huns attack our Tengjia army? And they joined forces with the Xianbei?"

Niu Gui knew that the Xianbei people were attacking Shuofang and Wuyuan County, but he didn't know much about other things.It's just that he was surprised. Their Tengjia army had been fighting the Xianbei people and the Han army. They didn't seem to have much contact with the Huns. Why did the Huns suddenly attack their Tengjia army's territory? It seems that their Tengjia army didn't offend the Huns people.

This time, if there was not a Yellow River in Yunzhong County, he found out that the Huns wasted too much time crossing the Yellow River, and gave him time to defend and defend. With the strength of these 4 Huns, a surprise attack was made. It is really possible to conquer Yunzhong County, at least the entire Yunzhong County will suffer heavy casualties!
Wang Yong also felt puzzled and said: "At first, it seemed that Emperor Han recruited the Huns to fight the rebellion in Youzhou. The Huns turned against them if they didn't want to. They killed Qiangqu and established a new Shanyu. Then they led an army of 8 Start attacking our territory. In addition to Yunzhong County's 4 people, there are Dingxiang County's 4 people. Qu Shuai also recruited 15 troops, 3 people defend Mayi, 6 people will be led by me to support you, and 6 people will be led by you. Qu Shuai leads the fight against Baima Bronze!"

Niu Gui was puzzled and said, "What does this have to do with our Tengjia Army?"

Wang Yong was also surprised and said: "Who says it's not, Qu Shuai is still trying to find a way to deal with Baima Tong, and I don't know if he has won?"

"White Horse Copper has been beaten to ashes by Qu Shuai! Then I used my fleet to cross the Yellow River, and now I am attacking Meiji. I don't think it will take long, and our Tengjia Army will have another Xihe County!" At this time, a voice came. Coming over, Niu Gui and the others took a closer look and found that it was Fan Xian, Captain of the Navy.

Seeing Fan Xian, Niu Gui laughed and said, "If your navy hadn't cut off the Huns' retreat this time, they might have escaped. Fan Xian, you are a great contributor to this battle!"

Fan Xian was one of Xu Wei's first batch of refugees, and he was considered a veteran in the Rattan Armored Army. However, he was a man who didn't fight or grab, and liked quietness. It was because he liked leisure that Xu Wei helped him name him Fan Xian.

In the end, he chose to become the captain of the Fujika Army's transportation team. In the past two years, there have been constant wars in the Fujiko Army, and the others have repeatedly made military exploits.But basically he has nothing to do. He spends most of his time using the fleet to help the Tengjia Army transport industrial products to every corner of the Han. This time, if the fleet was not needed to deal with the Huns, he was banned. Captain, he is also the captain of the transport team.

Wang Yong was also pleasantly surprised: "Doesn't this mean that the Southern Huns were wiped out by our Tengjia army!"

This is the Huns, who used to be the overlord of the grasslands. They fought against the big men for hundreds of years, but they were wiped out by their rattan armor army. Wang Yong was still a little excited at this moment!
But soon Wang Yong was a little dejected and said: "I led an army of 6 to fight, and only 5000 fought. The other 5 soldiers only lost a few hundred miles. It's really hard to explain to them!"

Niu Gui said: "Why don't you go to support Wuyuan County and Shuofang County, where there are still 6 Xianbei cavalry, I'm really worried that Wang Lei and Zhao Rong won't be able to persist!"

Fan Xian also followed up and said, "If you want to continue to make contributions, I can take you to Wuyuan County, but let's say it first, it's a hard job to attack the river for hundreds of miles, and you need your soldiers to go in the cabin." Step on the propeller!"

In Fan Xian's fleet, the small boats still use oars, but the large ships with more than 2000 materials are basically equipped with propellers at the stern.

Of course, this is the black technology created by Xu Wei. The propeller is a high-tech thing, and it is really high-tech. What kind of five-axis linkage machine tool is used, it is said that few countries in the world can do it.

But it can be very low. An iron rod and rivets are used to fix several blades. Of course, even such a simple propeller is a first-class high-tech in this world, and the whole world only The steel factory in Nengmai can produce.

Of course, propellers alone are not enough, power is also needed, and Xu Wei doesn’t even have a motor now, he doesn’t even have a steam engine, but he can use manpower, as long as he makes hockey sticks and installs them with pedals, connected with gears, and 40 people use their feet to step out. The speed is faster than 200 oars, which is why Fan Xian's fleet can travel the upper reaches of the Yellow River like walking on flat ground!

Wang Yong shook his head and said, "Shuai Qu has sent Huanglong to lead 1 cavalry to support! Wuyuan and Shuofang counties!"

Niu Gui said: "This amount of people is not enough! There are 6 Xianbei people!"

Wang Yong said: "Brother Niu, don't worry, these 1 horses are not going to fight the Xianbei people, but to attack the tribe of the Xianbei people. We have to retreat! Huanglong has three horses alone, and his marching speed exceeds 200 miles a day, maybe he has repelled the enemy by now! Now he is retreating with the spoils of war!"

Sure enough, not long after Niu Gui and the others led the army back to Yunzhong County, good news came from Wuyuan County. Huanglong defeated the three big tribes of the Huns by beating the chiefs and dividing the cattle and sheep, and attacked Shuofang in shock. The Xianbei tribes in the county and Wuyuan county immediately escaped from the territory of the Tengjia army.Now Huanglong is walking back with tens of thousands of Xianbei people.

At this time, Niu Gui heard that tens of thousands of people were coming to Yunzhong County, so he asked Wang Yong to lead 3 cavalry to meet Huanglong and the others, saying that he was worried that Huanglong would be chased by the Xianbei people and there would be an accident!
Wang Yong also felt that it made sense. Now that there are tens of thousands of Xianbei people around Huanglong, the marching speed is naturally slow, and it is easy to be chased by the Xianbei people, so he took an army of 3 to protect Huanglong and them!

But Niu Gui actually had another purpose. This time he fought against the Huns, the entire Yunzhong County suffered tens of thousands of young and strong casualties, which can be said to be a serious injury to Yunzhong County, which has only 3 young and strong. He is now trying to find a way to increase the population Come.

As a result, Huanglong brought tens of thousands of people over, so there was nothing to say, of course they all had to be left in Yunzhong County!However, most of the people brought by Huanglong should be women and children. Although the women and children of Xianbei people are stronger, it is impossible for them to be used by the real middle-class labor force.

So he focused on Niu Gui's 6 army. Of course, he didn't want to support the [-] army, but he focused on the militiamen and tens of thousands of civilian workers in the [-] army. Not only did they bring a large army, but there were more than [-] civilian husbands, and they were all first-class strong labor force.

It would be the most suitable for them to settle in Yunzhong County. Originally, he had no good way to let these people stay. After all, compared with Mayi, Yunzhong County now is worse than when they first went to Mayi. Such an environment is difficult to retain people.

But it will be different when Huanglong comes. There are tens of thousands of Xianbei women staying in Yunzhong County, so he doesn't believe that the old bachelor in Mayi doesn't want to stay!Although Wang Lei brought hundreds of thousands of Xianbei women and children last time, even now there are still many bachelors in Mayi. If they can find wives in Yunzhong County, many of them are willing to stay.If this is done well, the population of Yunzhong County can exceed 10 people!There will be enough labor force to develop Yunzhong County.

After Wang Lei left, Niu Gui started his own actions.

He first brought the civil and military officials of Yunzhong County, and a large amount of food, cattle and sheep to the barracks, saying that he wanted to reward everyone!

The [-] infantrymen who stayed in Yunzhong City did not suspect that Niu Gui had other purposes. After all, everyone came hundreds of miles to support them, and it was right for Niu Gui to reward everyone with some food!

Afterwards, the group of people brought by Niu Gui treated everyone well.

Niu Gui even took a man named Zhu Minmin by the hand and asked, "How many acres of land does the family have? How is the harvest this year?"

Zhu Min was very excited when he saw Niugui's eunuch treating him so kindly, "I have 30 acres of land in my family, and the harvest is not bad. This year I will receive 110 shi of grain and 30 shi of soybeans! After paying the tax, I can earn more money a year." Thousands of dollars!"

Niu Gui continued to ask, "How many people are there in the family?"

Zhu Min shook his head sadly and said, "My family is starving to death. If I hadn't followed Shuai Qu, I would have starved to death in Jizhou!"

Niu Gui was a little happy in his heart. It’s good to be alone. This way, there is no connection. You can leave as soon as you say, and it’s easier to settle in Yunzhong County. Of course, he didn’t show it on his face, but patted him heavily on the shoulder and said: " Everything will be fine, as long as you have a family and a business, and you have descendants to pass on the incense, your parents will feel comforted underground!"

Zhu Min said in embarrassment: "Ma Yi's wife is hard to find! I want to find one too, but I haven't found a suitable one!"

Workers and farmers in Mayi, after having some savings or their own land in the past two years, they want to start their own families and have children to pass on the incense, but there are too many men in Mayi, and they are becoming more and more more and more trends.

In addition, women in Mayi can get a high-paying job in a textile factory. It can be said that the economic independence of women in Mayi is no longer inferior to that of Xu Weimodern. Economic independence naturally brings independence of personality. Today’s women in Mayi They are very high-sighted, plus there are many girls and boys, and the women in Mayi have very high-sightedness. The general tribesmen are not willing to marry, so that there are still tens of thousands of bachelors in Mayi!
Niu Gui also worried and said: "You can't do this, pass on the family line, pass on the lineage, how can you pass the incense without a wife, your parents will not feel at ease in the underground!

Zhu Min was also worried: "But who told us that there are few women in Mayi, young people like me don't have much savings, don't have much ability, they don't even look down on them!"

At this time Niu Gui smiled and said: "You should know that Captain Huanglong is bringing tens of thousands of Xianbei women and children to our Yunzhong County!"

Zhu Min understood Niu Gui's meaning in no time. Last time Wang Lei brought more than a hundred thousand women and children, it solved many people's life-long affairs. Even Qu Shuai helped everyone preside over the wedding. During that time, hundreds of people got married every day in Mayi , but it made the whole Mayi lively for a long time, but it was a pity that Zhu Min was still in the village of Mayi at that time, and his competitiveness was not as competitive as that of the tribe in Mayi.

Zhu Min said enviously: "My lord, we can have a wife this time!"

Niu Guidao: "Our Tengjia Army pays attention to the equality of everyone, even if they are Xianbei people, we will not do it, but these people will settle in our Yunzhong County, we can arrange a blind date for you, as long as you see If you're right, that's it.

And you also know that Yunzhong County just fought a battle with the Huns. Although they won, there were tens of thousands of casualties. Other places in the Tengjia Army have more men than women, but in Yunzhong County, there are more women than men. If you If you are willing to stay in Yunzhong County, your chances of success must be several times higher than Mayi's. When you get married, I will follow Qu Shuai's example and help you officiate the wedding!

At this time, Zhu Min showed hesitation. Compared with Mayi, which has been developed for two years, Yunzhong County is really a rural place, and he really has no plan to stay in Yunzhong County.And he couldn't worry about his thirty acres of land!

Naturally, Niu Gui knew Zhu Min's estimate, so he said again: "Although the conditions in Yunzhong County are not as good as Mayi, Mayi is not what it is now at the beginning, and Qu Shuai took us for a few years. Work hard to be rich now!

The conditions in Yunzhong County are much better than those in Mayi. At most, there is only one Sanggan River in Mayi, but there are Huanggan River and Baiqu River in Yunzhong County, which can easily reclaim millions of acres of irrigated land. Yi, I can make the decision for you, you can reclaim 100 acres of wasteland, and Yunzhong County is larger than Mayi, with a lot of pastures, if you take a Xianbei wife, when you plow the land, your wife will sell it , living a small life, earning 2-3 a year is a piece of cake! "

Being fooled by Niu Gui, Zhu Min also found out that Yunzhong County is not without benefits. There is more land and more wives, and these two things are what he lacks now. If he really struggles for 2-3 years, he can have a wife And hundreds of acres of land, this is quite a bargain!

Zhu Mindao: "Okay, as long as Taishou Niu helps me find a wife, I will come to Yunzhong County to settle down!"

Niu Gui was also happy for a while, and a strong laborer got his hands.

Situations like Niu Gui spread throughout the entire camp. Hundreds of high-level officials in Yunzhong County led by Niu Gui continued to use land and wives to lure soldiers and civilians who came to Yunzhong County.

If you have a wife at home, you can still resist this kind of temptation, but basically single dogs in Mayi can't resist the temptation of a wife. Niu Gui's flickering made the 2 Tengjia Army troops decide to settle in Yunzhong County .Most of them are civilian husbands, but there are also a small number of soldiers and officers!

Wang Yong's generals discovered Niu Gui's move and wanted to stop it.

But Niu Gui said righteously: "After the war is over, these people will have withdrawn from the army. They have nothing to do with you at all, and immigration has always been the policy of our Tengjia Army. Even Qu Shuai knows about my approach. It will also be applauded!"

Wang Yong's generals had no choice but to stop Niu Gui, who was senior and had a high position.

(End of this chapter)

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