I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 177, the attention of the court

Chapter 177, the attention of the court
Zhang Chunzhang's head came to the city of Ji County, the morale of the rebels collapsed, and they opened the city gate and surrendered to Liu Bei.And Zhang Chunzhangju's defenders in other Yuyang also surrendered to Liu Yu one after another, since the Zhang Chunzhangju rebellion that caused disasters in Youzhou was completely put down.

Liu Bei ordered the army to be stationed in Ji County, and he himself took Guan, Zhang, Zhao and a hundred personal guards to Yuyang to meet Liu Yu, the shepherd of Youzhou.

Liu Yu personally went out of Yuyang City to meet Liu Bei and the others!
Liu Bei dismounted his horse and saluted, saying, "Greetings, Duke Ming!"

Liu Yu said cheerfully: "Xuande, you didn't disappoint me. It's a great fortune to have a talent like you in our clan!"

Then he looked at Guan Yu and said with a smile: "Yun Chang, I didn't expect you to be so powerful that you could kill Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju in the midst of thousands of armies. I really misjudged you!"

Liu Yu is also familiar with the generals around Liu Bei, knowing that they are fierce generals, but he did not expect to be so brave. If Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju hadn't been intercepted and killed in advance this time, the war would not know how long it would have dragged on!
Guan Yu said politely: "Zhang Chun, Zhang Ju and the two thieves ran for their lives and panicked, that's why Guan Mozhen beheaded them!"

Liu Yu patted Guan Yu's body and said, "This is also amazing!"

The people on both sides are from Youzhou, and they are very familiar with each other. After a few words of harassment, they walked towards the prefect's mansion in Yuyang!After the host and guest sit separately!
Liu Yu looked at Liu Bei and said with a smile: "This time Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju's rebellion can be suppressed, thanks to Xuande, I think with Xuande's credit, I can be named a Marquis this time!"

Liu Bei laughed and said, "Mr. Xie Ming said auspicious words!"

Only Zhang Fei said unhappily: "Whoever still fights desperately now can become a Marquis of the Guannei with 500 million yuan!"

It is still very difficult to become a Marquis in the Great Han, otherwise the generals of the Great Han would not take the Marquis as their life goal. Of course, it is different now. A Guan Neihou can be bought in the West Garden for 500 million, so now the Dahan’s Although Hou Ye is not a bad street, but the number is much more!

This made everyone embarrassed for a while!
Liu Bei glared at Zhang Fei, telling him not to talk nonsense!

But Liu Yu said with relief: "Xuande is different after all, he is rewarded by himself!"

Then he looked at Zhang Fei and explained: "Your Majesty, everyone should be considerate. Now that the court is empty and in autumn, our army of hundreds of thousands will spend hundreds of millions of dollars in two months of fighting. It is good to pay for the casualties and reward the heroes. Hundreds of millions, the entire Youzhou has been plundered by Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju, and the imperial court is trying to find a way to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to resettle the refugees in Youzhou!"

"The imperial court spent more than a billion yuan in this battle, which is almost equivalent to half a year's tax revenue. If His Majesty hadn't found a way to get some money, the chaos in Youzhou would not be so easy to put down, and the people don't know how many people will die or be injured. So everyone should be considerate of His Majesty."

Liu Bei clasped his fists and said, "Xiaguan and others will naturally understand!"

Liu Yu continued: "You have made great achievements this time, and you will be reused by the court immediately. You must report it to His Majesty, and let the people live in peace. Don't let yourself down!"

Liu Bei and others clasped their fists together and said, "No!"

Then Liu Bei looked around strangely and said, "Brother Bogui is not here?"

He found that Liu Yu had Shao Yufu, Yan Rou, Tian Kai and other Youzhou generals, but he lacked his senior brother Gongsun Zan!

Tian Kai and Gongsun Zan had a good relationship. Seeing Liu Yu's expression of admiration for Liu Bei, he said, "This is a gathering of meritorious officials. Bogui is a defeated general. How dare you come here!"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding atmosphere instantly cooled down!
This time Youzhou quelled the rebellion. It can be said that Gongsun Zan fought a big defeat. In the end, he relied on Liu Yu to appease the Karasuma people and let him go. He wanted to atone for his crimes, but he didn't expect Liu Bei to be so powerful. , Zhang Chunzhang was wiped out in two wars, and now he wants to make amends.

In fact, Liu Yu also called Gongsun Zan to come over, but Gongsun Zan thought that his little brother had climbed on his head and didn't say anything. Seeing his downcast appearance, he simply claimed that he could not get sick!

Liu Bei remembered Gongsun Zan's care for him in the early years and said: "Victory and defeat are commonplace in military affairs. Brother Bogui faced three times the rebellion and still severely injured Zhang Chunzhangju, laying the foundation for us to successfully suppress the rebellion. This time the credit is also due to him." a share!"

Xian Yufu immediately said: "Xuande is right, Bo Gui also has a share of openness!"

Then he led everyone to change the topic, and stopped talking about Gongsun Zan.

Then serve wine and meat, and everyone celebrates!
At this time, Liu Bei walked up to Liu Yu and asked: "Minggong, Bei didn't know what happened in Youzhou in Jizhou, why Zhang Chunzhangju's rebellion was so huge this time, the 10 soldiers we left in Youzhou Where did you go?"

This is where Liu Bei is most puzzled. At the beginning, he and Liu Yu left 10 field soldiers in Youzhou, both to guard against the Xianbei people and to guard against Lei Gong in Mayi. It's like disappearing, without a trace!
Liu Yu could only smile wryly and said: "When people died, Xuande and I were both transferred from Youzhou, and Lei Gong in Mayi hadn't been moved for several years. These Youzhou officials thought that Youzhou didn't need so many soldiers, so they disbanded these soldiers from the field. Not to mention annexing their fields, some of these 10 field soldiers became Youzhou's frontier army, some joined Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju's rebellion, and some fled to Mayi and became Lei Gong's subordinates!"

Liu Bei's face changed drastically and he said coldly: "Duke Ming also needs to clean up the officialdom in Youzhou. The big man's affairs are ruined by these corrupt officials. Without them, the big man would not have so many things!"

"Ma Yi's Lord Lei Qianlong is in the Yuan, ready to devour the big man at any time. They actually sent the soldiers in the field to be ruled by Lord Lei. I'm not afraid that Lord Lei will hang them all!"

Then Liu Bei told Liu Yu about Xu Wei's military actions this month, but when he heard that it took Lei Gong less than a month to quell the attack of more than 1 barbarians, he immediately regarded Lei Gong as the biggest enemy of the big man, because even It is difficult for a big man to win in the face of hundreds of thousands of barbarian attacks!
He couldn't even believe it: "Is this true?"

Liu Bei nodded and said: "I have men in Mayi, this is the first-hand information they got, now Lei Gong is in Meiji, presumably the entire Xiongnu will be swallowed up by the Tengjia army, and Lei Gong's strength will become even stronger by then. Powerful, the imperial court is even more difficult to deal with, even the current Lei Gong occupies half of Bingzhou, it is not to be underestimated!"

Liu Yu said strangely: "Hu people are rebellious and unruly, Lei Gong can tame them, and the Huns are a strong race for hundreds of years, and they can be swallowed up by Lei Gong so easily. I think the Huns fought with us for hundreds of years and did not surrender! "

Although the Tengjia Army is powerful, it is impossible to be stronger than the imperial court that controls the world. Whether it is the former Han Dynasty or the current imperial court, the Huns have not yielded after being attacked by the imperial court. Even the southern Huns rely on the big man. Rebelling at every turn, Liu Yu felt strange, why the Huns became obedient citizens instantly when they went to the Tengjia Army!
Liu Bei smiled wryly and said: "It is impossible for the upper class of the Huns to submit! But Lei Gong did not go to the upper class. Every time he conquered a tribe of the Huns, the nobles of the Huns were hanged, and the nobles' cattle and sheep were divided among the ordinary tribes of the Huns. , What do these ordinary Huns know, they don’t just follow anyone who benefits them, if Lei Gong bribes them like this, they will naturally follow Lei Gong!”

Liu Yu said in amazement: "Sure enough, he is a person who harms the country and the people!"

Liu Yu was really afraid that Lei Gong would use this set on the big man, and thought of the tens of millions of people in the big Han who were in dire straits, if this was ignited by Lei Gong, the whole big man would be blown to pieces by Lei Gong!
Liu Yu excitedly said: "This Lei Gong can't stay!"

Liu Bei smiled wryly and said: "But now that Lei Gong's power has been established, the reason why the officials are so anxious to quell Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju's rebellion is because they are worried that Lei Gong will take advantage of the Youzhou rebellion to send troops! Ming Gong still finds a way to contact the court, and he can no longer let Lei Gong go. Otherwise, the disaster of Lei Gong will be more difficult to put down than Zhang Jiao's rebellion back then."

Liu Bei thought that Lei Gong around him was getting more and more powerful, and that the nobles in Youzhou had helped Lei Gong gain tens of thousands of soldiers, and they were soldiers who were full of hatred for the court. He really wanted to kill these short-sighted nobles!

Knowing how powerful Lei Gong is, Liu Yu said: "Xuande, please keep your subordinate Guan Yu. I want to restore Dai Commandery and farm fields in Shanggu. There are not [-] soldiers in Youzhou. Lei Gong will attack Youzhou sooner or later! "

Liu Bei laughed happily when he heard Liu Yu's words: "Minggong should have taken action against Youzhou. With them, Youzhou would be in turmoil even without Leigong. The officials have seen it clearly in Jizhou these years, let Jizhou The turmoil is Jizhou's elite clan, and they forced the people to rebel again and again, which made Jizhou's rebellion continue to kill!"

But thinking of the unlucky Gongsun Zan, he recommended to Liu Yu: "Minggong, brother Bogui has rich experience in politics, outstanding military achievements, and has enough qualifications in Youzhou for many years. Why don't you ask Rang to be in charge of the farming affairs! "

Liu Yu frowned and said, "I'm afraid he won't want to do such a drudgery of farming!"

At the beginning Liu Yu also wanted Gongsun Zan to farm the fields, but Gongsun Zan didn't like such a position!
But Liu Bei said: "With this experience, Brother Bogui won't look down on farming affairs anymore!"

Liu Yu thought about it and felt that he should help a veteran like Gongsun Zan!
"Okay! The old man recommended him to the imperial court to become Captain Tuntian. I hope he can do a better job this time! Don't cause any more trouble!"

And Gongsun Zan knew that after Liu Bei recommended himself to Liu Yu as the colonel of Tuntian, he could figure it out with Liu Bei's example. If he had 10 Tuntian soldiers in his hands, this pure Zhangju was just his own feudal lord So this time he did not refuse, and at the same time came out to meet with Liu Bei to thank him for his recommendation, but the relationship between the two parties was no longer as harmonious as before.

The news of the great victory in Youzhou spread to Luoyang, and the whole city celebrated.

Emperor Ling issued an imperial decree to reward the frontline soldiers.

Liu Bei was promoted to be the general who seeks captives, Marquis of Guannei, and Guan Yu was promoted to general who begs for robbers, Marquis of Guannei because Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju were beheaded.Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun were promoted to be captains, while the other generals of Youzhou, Xian Yufu, Yan Rou, Tian Kai, etc. were also promoted to a higher level, and the soldiers were rewarded with more silk, money and food.

However, Emperor Ling was not happy for a long time, and just finished a new year.

Dong Zhuo, Liu Bei, and Liu Yu all wrote letters to guard against Mayi's Thunder!

At this time, the imperial court knew that Lei Gong had occupied the entire Xihe County, and the number one horseman of the Han Dynasty, the Southern Huns, had been annexed by the Tengjia Army!Lei Gong can even defeat hundreds of thousands of Huren allied forces alone!

Now it's no good to try to hide one's ears and steal one's bell.

Emperor Ling summoned the Sangong and Jiuqing of the big Han and said: "Just now, the chaos of Zhang Chunzhangju has been put down, and another Lei Gong appeared. Now everyone talk about this Lei Gong, what should we do?"

Everyone was silent, because they didn't know what Lei Gong should do!
Lei Gong of Mayi has defeated the Hu people twice in a row, and both are 10-level. Even the court of the Han Dynasty can't guarantee victory in such a number of battles. It can be seen that Lei Gong is completely different from the general mob, occupying half of Bingzhou Lei Gong can already be regarded as a separatist force, it is difficult to be like Zhang Jiao, Zhang Niujiao, Zhang Chun and other rebels, whose prosperity is also vigorous, and their death is also sudden.

Lu Zhi thought for a while and stood up and said: "Your Majesty, Lei Gong of Mayi has occupied half of Bingzhou under the neglect of the court these years. His power has already been established, and it is difficult to be defeated in a single battle like other forces. I propose to seal the left General Huangfusong is the Great General of Zhenbei, commanding the military and political power in the three states of Bingzhou, Youzhou, and Jizhou, with 20 troops to oppress and wipe out Lei Gong in Mayi!"

As soon as this proposal came out, the officials were in an uproar!
If Huangfu Song really became the Great General of Zhenbei, [-]% of the entire Han army would be in Huangfu Song's hands, and his power would be greater than that of the current General He Jun.

Zhang Rang, who had a grudge against Huangfusong, immediately said, "Lu Zhi, you are harming the country and the people. Where do you leave His Majesty!"

General He Jun knelt down and said excitedly, "Such a weak and strong branch is really a strategy for subjugation of the country. If Huangfusong has objections, no one in the world can control it!

Xu Xiang also knelt down and said: "A mere Lei Gong needs the court to pay so much attention to it, just send a few generals to wipe it out!"

The court hall was already packed with those who knelt down, and everyone was yelling wildly. In short, it meant one thing, Huangfusong should not be allowed to become the Great General of Zhenbei!
This is something that can't be helped, Huangfusong wants to be a lone minister, and Xiliang people don't regard him as one of their own.

The nobles of the Kanto clan considered Huangfusong a general of the Kansai, and did not regard him as one of their own.

The relationship between Shi Changshi and him was even worse, and the conflict between the two sides was not once or twice, and they were even more unwilling to let Huangfusong occupy such an important position.If Huangfusong was brainwashed by the gentry and led an army of 20 to Luoyang City, what would they use to resist, so they couldn't let Huangfusong occupy such an important position.

Even Lingdi himself is unwilling to have someone occupy this position, because if someone really wants to be in charge of an army of 20, the threat to him is too great. Not long ago, Wang Fen rebelled and wanted to abolish him as the emperor. Lingdi knew how he would treat Huangfusong was not good, if he held a grudge and came to the side of the Qing emperor, he might be kicked out of the throne!
 I would like to ask what is the use of this monthly pass. When I was high, I ranked more than 300, and when I was low, I ranked more than 600. It seems to be of no use, and there are no multiple recommendation places.

(End of this chapter)

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