I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 182, Lingdi's Ledger

Chapter 182, Lingdi's Ledger
Xiang Kai looked helpless, this Lei Gong is really difficult to deal with, he is not excited at all when he comes to seek refuge with a celebrity, and he has no intention of recruiting at all, do you still want to fight for world hegemony?
However, he still plans to stay in Mayi first. After all, he can't go to other places in the big man, and Zhang Yan is hiding in the mountains. That kind of environment is really not suitable for an old man like him, but the prosperity of Mayi is no longer inferior to that of Luoyang City. , he likes such an environment very much.

The most important thing is that Xiangkai is very optimistic about Xu Wei. This flood of the Yellow River has made all the people of insight in the world understand that the great man has completely come to an end.

Everyone was looking for Qianlong. Originally, Xiangkai was very optimistic about Zhang Yan. After the failure of the mutiny, he hid in Zhang Yan's territory on the Taihang Mountains. He is a middle-class person, and his own background also limits his way to absorb talents. He stayed on Taihang Mountain for three or four years after the rebellion. Although there are millions of people, they can't make a big impact.

Then Xiangkai took a fancy to Lei Gong of Mayi. He didn't know about Wenzhi, but he knew that Lei Gong of Mayi had won many battles over the years. This kind of martial arts is enough to dominate the world.

Moreover, Lei Gong's territory is also the second strongest in the big man. Compared with Zhang Yan who is hiding on the Taihang Mountains, Lei Gong in Mayi occupies half of Bingzhou and has 5 counties!That's why Xiangkai asked Zhang Yan for an errand in the alliance, just to see Lei Gong!
But after he came to Mayi, he found that Lei Gong's Wenzhi was also terrible. A remote Mayi, which was governed by Lei Gong in just a few years, was comparable to Luoyang City. The strongest potential dragon at this stage.He deserves the trust of a celebrity like him!

It's just that Xiangkai didn't expect Lei Gong, a potential dragon, to look down on him, which made him unable to talk about the strategy of governing the country.

Xiangkai himself is an official fan. At the beginning, Emperor Heng wanted Xiangkai to help him see his infertility disease, but he didn't expect that Xiangkai himself was not good at seeing a doctor, but he madly recommended "Taiping Jing" to Emperor Heng. He said that as long as the "Taiping Jing" is used to govern the country, the great man will surely be prosperous again.

This angered all civil and military officials of the imperial court, and directly arrested him in Zhao Prison, where he almost died.But even after going through this incident, he still didn't change his original intention, and actually tricked Wang Fen into mutiny to overthrow the emperor!Of course, his behavior failed again, and he himself even became a wanted criminal. If Zhang Yan hadn't taken him in, the world might be so big that there would be no room for him.

And now he has taken a fancy to Xu Wei. In his opinion, Mayi does not have a civil servant at all. With his reputation, he can easily become the head of Mayi's civil servants. At that time, he can promote his Huang in the entire territory of the Tengjia Army. Rule of the Old!It's just that he didn't expect that Xu Wei didn't take a fancy to him at all, which made him extremely depressed.

Fortunately, he saw that Xu Wei and Zhang Ning had a close relationship, so he smiled and said, "Uncle also wants to see the surroundings of Mayi, so he only depends on harassing his niece these days!"

Zhang Ning said with a smile: "My niece will definitely show you all the wonders of Mayi!"

Zhang Ning still wants to help Xu Wei recruit Xiangkai, he thinks that the current Mayi just wants to attract scribes.

Taiyuan County, Governor's Mansion!
"This Mayi's Lei Gong really turned his face and turned his back on him. A few days ago, he was so good at talking about his good friend, but now he brought an army of 10 to beat my old Dong without saying a word!" Dong Zhuo said angrily.

He thought that his relationship with Lei Gong was already very good, and everyone could be regarded as friends. He was even happy when the Yellow River flooded this time. It would transport the refugees to Mayi, and Lei Gong would give him billions. Money, but now all these fantasies have come to nothing, Lei Gong is planning not to give money, just grab it!
Li Ru also looked at Xu Wei's conquest documents with a strange expression. He was obviously attacking Taiyuan County, but Lei Gong actually said that he wanted to rescue the victims, and that he was doing justice for the country and the people.There is a bit of this kind of shameless energy of the powerful and nobles. A rebel who said that he is for the country and the people, and that he wants to rescue the victims, really put himself in the imperial court. Even Li Ru admired Xu Wei a little bit. It's so shameless.

Niu Fu said with a look of panic: "What should we do? Zhang Yan in Jizhou has grown up again, and the land along the river in Hanoi is full of refugees. There will be millions of refugees rebelling at any time. Now Lei Gong in Mayi is here again. We We are already surrounded on three sides, if we are not careful, we will not even be able to escape Bingzhou!"

The current situation is not friendly to Dong Zhuo at all. Behind him and on the right are millions of refugees rebelling, in front of him is Xu Wei's 10 army, and the terrain of Bingzhou is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the terrain is closed. Trigger a rebellion and their rear will be cut off!With the situation in such a crisis, it was no wonder that Niu Fu was so panicked.

Dong Zhuo saw Niu Fu's frightened expression and said angrily, "What are you panicking about? He is very powerful in Lei Gong. Could it be that I, Dong Zhuo, am a vegetarian! Considering the strength of Taiyuan County and Bingzhou's 6 troops, Lei Gong's 10 troops want to break through Taiyuan County. It's just a daydream. , this old man is here in Taiyuan County and Lei Gong to death, let's see what Lei Gong can do to break through Taiyuan County!"

Li Ru thought for a while and said, "Fighting hard is the next strategy for our Xiliang army. If we are not careful, we will be wiped out! Now the general wants to contact Shi Changshi and ask them to help us first, Your Majesty. Say, let us withdraw from Taiyuan County, it is best to station in Hedong County!

At the same time, the general should also contact Lei Gong to see if he can cooperate with the general. We can give up Taiyuan County, but we can't let it out easily. Give us some time. If we can attack with Lei Gong's 10 troops, we will defend 3 times In a month's time, it's hard for the imperial court to say anything. Maybe in order to defend Luoyang City, they will take the initiative to transfer us to the east of the river! "

Li Jue asked strangely: "If the imperial court sends reinforcements, wouldn't we be out of help?"

Li Ru sneered: "It is impossible for the imperial court to send reinforcements to support us now. Now the imperial court's center of gravity is in the Central Plains. If there is an army, it will send troops to the Central Plains to suppress the victims. After all, there are millions of disaster victims there. How could the imperial court not be afraid?" !"

Then Li Ru said to Dong Zhuo: "The general is going to ask Luoyang City for help now. The more exaggerated the strength of Lei Gong, the better, so that all the civil and military officials in Luoyang City will think that we are desperately defending Lei Gong's attack in Taiyuan County! If no reinforcements arrive, we will be unable to hold on!"

Dong Zhuo laughed when he heard Li Ru's words: "Okay, let everyone in Luoyang City feel the pressure of Dong Zhuo!"

Soon Dong Zhuo's request for help came to Luoyang City, which caused a sensation in the entire court!
Emperor Ling was even more angry and said: "What is Lei Gong's identity? He is a traitor. He saw that our big man was in trouble. Now he wants to take advantage of the danger and say that he wants to save the country and the people. He is worthy of saving the country and the people as a traitor! It is simply unreasonable. I will destroy this Thunder God!"

General He Jun came out with a bitter face to persuade him: "Your Majesty, the northern army is now guarding the Eight Passes of Luoyang to guard against the millions of refugees in the hinterland of the Central Plains. There is really no army to help Taiyuan!"

Emperor Ling continued: "Didn't Liu Bei have an army of 10, send him to fight Lei Gong!"

Lu Zhi came out and said: "Your Majesty, Zhang Yan in Jizhou is now in chaos. Since the Yellow River broke its embankment, Zhang Yan has been recruiting refugees. Now there are millions of them. If Liu Bei does not have an army of more than 10, it will be difficult to suppress Zhang Yan. If Jizhou is occupied by Zhang Yan, the situation of the great Han will be out of hand. For the current plan, we can only order Dong Zhuo to guard against death, relying on Bingzhou's 6 troops is enough to defend Taiyuan County!"

Then Lu Zhi persuaded: "Your Majesty, the situation on the various battlefields of the Han Dynasty is now in crisis, and the Xiyuan Army is wasting money and people. Should the imperial court stop building the Xiyuan Army first and use the money from the preparation for the construction of the Xiyuan Army to relieve disasters? After the refugees are resettled, whether it is Zhang Yan on the Taihang Mountains or Lei Gong in Mayi, they are nothing but addictions.

"No, the money for the West Garden Army comes from me. It is useless for the imperial court. No one can stop the construction of the West Garden Army. It is precisely because of the critical situation that the imperial court wants an extra army!" Lu Zhi Zhi's suggestion touched Lingdi's bottom line. He now believes that his newly built West Garden Army can protect his safety, and no one else can believe it!
Lu Zhi could only smile wryly. Even if the West Garden Army is completed, it can only stay in Luoyang City as the Imperial Forest Army. It will not play any role in the current war situation, but if they can appease the refugees, Zhang Yan and Lei Gong will immediately It will become a tree without roots, and the court can rely on its strong strength to defeat them!

Taiwei Ma Rixun said: "Your Majesty, even if Zhang Yan and Lei Gong have Dong Zhuo and Liu Bei to deal with, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Bandit and Xuzhou Yellow Turban Bandit have risen again. But now the national treasury is empty, please also ask your Majesty's internal treasury to donate 30 billion to help the refugees in the Central Plains!" "

"Qingzhou, there are also yellow scarf bandits in Xuzhou?" Hearing these words, Emperor Ling suddenly felt dark for a while.

Ma Rixun smiled bitterly and said: "The refugees are precarious, so they can only join the Yellow Turbans to survive. The governor of Qingzhou said that there are now as many as one million Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou, and there are hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans in Xuzhou. Jizhou is the same!"

Emperor Ling said angrily: "I took 30 billion yuan to replenish the national treasury a month ago, Taiwei, tell me how much money is left in the treasury now?"

Ma Rixun said with a bitter face: "For the three billion yuan, the imperial court has already purchased food, clothing and other supplies and distributed them to the affected refugees in the seven counties!"

"This is the effect of Aiqing's disaster relief for one month!"

Emperor Ling said with a cold face: "Even if there are 300 million disaster victims in the Central Plains, and 1000 billion yuan, each disaster victim can get [-] yuan. I did not make a mistake in my calculation!"

Ma Rixun nodded bitterly and said, "Your Majesty did not make a mistake!"

Lingdi continued to say with a blank expression: "The price of grain is soaring now, but the grain for the imperial court's disaster relief is purchased from Luoyang, and it seems that it does not exceed 300 yuan. Even if I pay 300 yuan a stone, the money should be able to buy 3 stones of grain! Too much Wei, I did not make a mistake in my calculation!"

There was silence in the court, and everyone realized what had happened. Everyone looked at Ma Rixun!
Ma Ricun could only continue to smile wryly and said, "Your Majesty did not make a mistake!"

Emperor Ling was so cold that he couldn't see any expression at this time: "Please also tell me, the Taiwei, why these disaster victims have eaten my three stones of food in less than a month, and they still want to rebel. Is it because they ate too much food?" full!"

Ma Rixun was speechless!

Ma Rixun didn't speak, but Emperor Ling said: "Why does the Taiwei still have the face to tell me that I will continue to use the money from the internal treasury to help the victims? Shouldn't the Taiwei tell me where all my money has gone! "

Of course it was in the hands of corrupt officials, but as a scholar leader, Ma Rizun couldn't say such a thing!
Ma Rixun is a great Confucianist, but he is not considered a seasoned bureaucrat, and he doesn't have much experience in politics. He is a captain because there are too many natural and man-made disasters this year, and there are too many captains who have blamed Emperor Ling. He was replaced within half a year. The three Taiweis, Lingdi put him on the top just now. He thought he was from the Kansai clan and would not join forces with the Kanto clan.

But Emperor Ling never thought that it would be better to choose someone from the Kanto family. At least the lower level dare not deceive him, but Ma Rixun was deceived by the lower level. He spent 30 billion in one month, and the effect of disaster relief was a little bit None, what a white-faced scholar!

Ma Rixun knelt down and persuaded: "Your Majesty's money matter, you can find a way to investigate it later. The most important thing now is to appease the victims and prevent them from causing harm to the Central Plains! After all, this country belongs to Your Majesty, please cherish it!"

In a rage, Emperor Ling overturned the desk in front of him!
The officials immediately knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, calm down!"

Emperor Ling saw the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty sneered for a long time and said: "This is the loyal and filial son of my big man. You have corrupted me for 30 billion yuan in a month, and you still want me to pay you! You really treat me like a fool." Come and see!"

"Okay, that's right, this world belongs to me, okay! I will pay another three billion, but this time I want you to guarantee it. If there is another rebellion in the Central Plains, even if it is only a thousand people's rebellion, I will give it to you." Confiscate your family and exterminate your clan, and use your property to help the people of the world, after all, even raising a dog knows how to look after the house, and I have raised you so fat, killing and treating the people can be regarded as the best use of everything!"

Lingdi's murderous words silenced the entire court, and no minister dared to make such a guarantee, because the current big man is already rotten, and corruption is the norm, but no one thought that those officials in the Central Plains would do it It's so excessive that they embezzled all the disaster relief money!Not at all used for disaster relief.

For a long time, Emperor Ling didn't see a minister speak out, and Emperor Ling said: "Since you are silent, then I will issue an order to order the prefects from all over the Central Plains to recruit soldiers to prevent rebellion. The army. Tell them that the imperial court will not send a soldier for them, and they will either kill these yellow turban thieves, or they will be killed by these yellow turban thieves!"

"Your Majesty, please calm down!" Emperor Ling is about to give up treatment, how can such a policy of harming the country and the people come out, and the prefects in various places can recruit troops without the order of the court, and these prefects will become little princes.

(End of this chapter)

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