I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 186, Fantastic Proposal

Chapter 186, Fantastic Proposal
After retreating, Zhang Fei complained to Zhao Yun: "Zilong, it's too early for you Mingjin to withdraw your troops. I'm killing Xingxing, and I'm about to defeat the Yellow Turban Army on the opposite side!"

Zhao Yun smiled wryly and said: "Yide, you are only paying attention to the charge, but you don't look at our situation. The Yellow Turban Army has the support of the Horse Rejection Formation. This kind of battlefield is not suitable for our cavalry to fight at all. But in half a day, our casualties There are more than 3000 people, and if the fight continues, everyone's morale will collapse!"

Zhang Fei said with a look of astonishment: "I clearly saw that the Yellow Turban Army killed more people, how could we have suffered more casualties!"

Zhao Yundao: "The Yellow Turban Army killed more people in battle, but their army is 10 times larger than ours. Of course they can afford this casualty. On the contrary, we suffered heavy losses this time. To continue fighting, we must Surrounded by the Yellow Turban Army. Now everyone's morale is low, we should wait for Duke Xuande to come and fight Zhang Yan again!"

Zhang Fei said unwillingly: "Zilong, this time we fell into Zhang Yan's tricks, so we suffered such heavy casualties. I will definitely not attack Zhang Yan's horse-repelling formation in the next battle, and only mobilize Zhang Yan's troops on the periphery. Army, use the mobility of our cavalry to regroup and annihilate the Yellow Turban Army!"

But Zhao Yun shook his head and said: "Yide, the fighting power of Zhang Yan's army is obviously completely different from what we expected. We'll wait until Duke Xuande arrives before deciding how to deal with them!"

Zhang Fei could only helplessly look in Zhang Yan's direction, and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to attack!

As for Zhang Yan's department, after Zhang Fei and the others retreated, the cheers shook the sky. This was a rare victory for them in the past few years, especially the huge morale improvement brought to them by winning the first battle!

Zhang Yan stood on the high platform and saw the soldiers' attack clearly!
When the Yellow Turban Army fought in the past, not to mention the commanders swarmed up, but it was true that no formation could be seen.Every time Zhang Yan gave a combat order, he couldn't give it too specific, because the commander-in-chief under him didn't have such commanding ability, so he could only point in a general direction for the commander-in-chief to lead his soldiers to charge there, or defend on the spot , he could not even give an order to retreat, because this would make the troops think that they had lost the battle, and then the whole army was defeated.

Every time a battle is fought, a commander-in-chief rushes up to fight with thousands or even thousands of people. He doesn't even know how many soldiers the commander-in-chief has under him, and how strong the fighting power is. Veterans who have fought several times do not know how to fight at all.

But today's battle finally let Zhang Yan see that his army has a sense of orderly mobilization and command like arms. I think it is a huge improvement!) The most important thing is that the combat power has improved too obviously. They actually easily defeated 3 cavalry. This is a huge victory for the Yellow Turban Army!

Zhang Yanxin said to Yang Feng: "The number of officers we sent to Mayi for training is still too small. If there are more than a thousand such low-level officers, the combat effectiveness of our Yellow Turban Army can be doubled. We can do today's battle." It can be seen that the combat effectiveness of the tens of thousands of officers trained by Mayi is obviously stronger than our old troops. The soldiers of our Yellow Turban Army are not shot to death, but we don't know how to fight. The reason for the defeat to the Han army! Now we have finally found the right direction!"

But Yang Feng said helplessly: "I'm afraid Lei Gong will not help us continue to improve our combat power. Our army is larger than Lei Gong. If the combat power is not inferior to the Rattan Armored Army, I am afraid that Lei Gong will be afraid of us!"

But Zhang Yan said: "Judging from our interactions with Lei Gong, apart from his unwillingness to form an alliance with us, he still supports us. If he hadn't supported our ordnance weapons, we would not have recovered so quickly. Now our The enemy is still the army of the big man, and improving our combat effectiveness is helping him, and even if he can no longer help us train thousands of officers, even if there are a few hundred, it is good!"

But Yang Feng said: "If we defeat Liu Bei in this battle, Jizhou will be in the pocket of our Yellow Turban Army. Our strength has greatly increased, and Lei Gong is willing to support us?

I’m afraid that when the time comes, we will have to guard against us. Let alone if we lose, these officers are enough for us to maintain the army. I think it’s better to ask for others than to ask for ourselves. Let’s find these officers to summarize what they learned in Mayi. , build a school that trains basic officers in this way, so that we don't have to ask Lei Gong. "

Zhang Yan thought it was reasonable and agreed with Yang Feng's statement.

At the same time, the news of Zhang Fei's defeat soon reached Liu Bei's hands, and Zhao Yun even bluntly stated in his letter that the combat effectiveness of the Yellow Turban Army had been greatly improved.

Liu Bei was worried that something would happen to Zhang Fei and the others, so he reunited with Zhang Fei and the others a day later.

Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei told Liu Bei the battle process!
Liu Bei couldn't believe it and said: "I almost wiped out the main force of the Yellow Turban Army the year before last. How long has it been since they have grown in number, but their combat effectiveness has actually improved! This shouldn't be the case. Zhang Yan has been recruiting refugees on a large scale during this time. , it stands to reason that the combat effectiveness of his troops should drop!"

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Yun said: "I observe the Yellow Turban Army. Zhang Yan has 4 to 5 elites in armor and their combat effectiveness is relatively strong. The rest of the troops are relatively weak in combat effectiveness!"

Zhang Fei, the commander-in-chief, is fighting on the front line, and Zhao Yun can only command the army in the rear. He can see that Zhang Yan's real elite is only 4 to 5, and the other troops are relatively poor in terms of equipment and combat effectiveness!
Liu Bei thought for a while and said, "It seems that we need to find out how much the combat effectiveness of Zhang Yan's troops has improved!"

After Liu Bei's 10 army rested for 3 days, Liu Bei issued a letter of war to Zhang Yan!

On the second day, Zhang Yan ordered his 30 troops to line up and wait for Liu Bei's army.

And Liu Bei also brought his 10 army and Zhang Yan's troops to face each other and line up!
Both sides are considered old friends, and without saying much, Liu Bei sent a battalion of soldiers to call out!
Zhang Yan also sent Sun Qing to lead a battalion of elites to fight against the Han army!

The battle between the two sides was extremely fierce, and the two battalions directly charged each other, and then began a fierce hand-to-hand fight. Liu Bei's soldiers had rich experience in combat, and Wu Shi fought as a small team, while the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were not afraid of death. The Han army rushed as if seeing the enemy, even if they were severely injured, they would bite off a piece of the Han army's flesh, and the most important thing was that the soldiers in this battalion were all equipped with Mayi ceramic armor. It is not as good as iron armor, but it is much stronger than leather armor. The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army are more able to withstand casualties. After fighting for half a day, Liu Bei's army was the first to lose morale and fled to his side!
Seeing this situation, Liu Bei simply called for gold and withdrew his troops!
And Zhang Yan was delighted to see that he was victorious again, and when he heard the voice of Liu Bei Mingjin withdrawing his troops, he also accepted it as soon as it was good!

Liu Bei was defeated and lost 2000 soldiers!The two sides did not continue to fight, and then returned to camp!

After a big defeat, Liu Bei called everyone to discuss how to solve Zhang Yan's problem!
Guan Yu said: "Judging from today's battle, the fighting power of Zhang Yan's elite confidants is no less than ours. Today's army is well-equipped and powerful. It may be difficult to defeat them."

Jian Yong asked a little strangely: "Zhang Yan was not completely defeated by us last time. Now that the big man has a natural disaster, I don't think it's strange that he can develop an army of hundreds of thousands. But why does his army improve so quickly? And where did his equipment come from? The last time his army lost their helmets and armor and escaped to heaven, it is impossible for Zhang Yan to forge armor on Taihang Mountain, right? From what I have seen on the battlefield, the armor of Zhang Yan’s department seems to be better than Ours are fine."

Zhang Fei said: "Where else can it come from? Isn't it the Lei Gong in Mayi? Taihang Mountain is connected to Bingzhou, and now Yanmen Pass has been captured by Lei Gong. Zhang Yan can go to Mayi by taking some small roads instead of the main road. There is Lei Gong With the support of Zhang Yan, it is possible for Zhang Yan to recover so quickly, and I suspect that Lei Gong also supported the officers to Zhang Yan. Otherwise, the combat effectiveness of Zhang Yan’s army could not be improved so quickly. I, Zhang Yan, have never heard of it. Increase the combat power of the army!"

At this time, Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping also said at the end: "General Zhang is right. We often go to Mayi. This year, Lei Gong in Mayi and Zhang Yan in Taihang Mountain have a close relationship. The gold and silver treasures that Zhang Yan and the others robbed from Jizhou , all transported to Mayi, and Lei Gong will exchange weapons and armors for them. Especially today's ceramic armor, only Mayi can manufacture the whole man!"

Liu Bei's face became ugly. Zhang Yan's subordinates should all show strong fighting power like today. This battle may not end after a year or so. How can the big man support his 10 troops in the current situation? Continue to play for a year and a half.

"There are millions of disaster victims in the entire Central Plains. Under such circumstances, we are not allowed to continue fighting Zhang Yan. What better way do you have to deal with Zhang Yan?"

But everyone thought about it for a long time, and still scratched their heads. Given Zhang Yan's current situation, even if they defeated Zhang Yan's army of hundreds of thousands, he could still recruit hundreds of thousands of troops from the Central Plains. After all, there were millions of disaster victims behind Zhang Yan If it exists, it is impossible for the Yellow Turban Army to lack soldiers!
Their army died one by one, and if they consumed too much, sooner or later even Zhang Yan would not be able to suppress it.

Zhao Yun said: "Mr. Xuande, I feel that the main problem now is not to deal with Zhang Yan, but to find a way to appease the refugees. If these refugees continue to join Zhang Yan's army like this, we will never be able to defeat Zhang Yan!"

"So my subordinates feel that we must first find a way to resettle the refugees. As long as we resettle the refugees, Zhang Yan will be much easier to deal with. When Zhang Yan's power declined in the past few years, it was the time when the imperial court began to resettle the refugees!
Zhang Fei mocked: "Your Majesty spent 30 billion yuan to appease the victims in the Central Plains, but everyone has seen the result. There are now more than one million Yellow Turbans in the entire Central Plains. Zhang Yan in Jizhou was about to be pacified by us, but now we have An army of 30 came out, which means that Zhang Yan now has millions of troops.

There are also traces of the Yellow Turban Army in Hedong and Hanoi. This is the effect of His Majesty's relief of 30 billion yuan. I am afraid that a group of pigs will be better than the relief of these officials. After all, pigs can also be slaughtered for meat!

As soon as Zhang Fei said this, Liu Bei felt a little frustrated. He managed to follow hundreds of thousands of refugees in Onozawa, but God created millions more refugees, and met a group of pig teammates, which made the situation even more unbearable. tidy!Liu Bei didn't even know why he worked so hard all these years!
If he, Liu Bei, were not a member of the Han family, he would have wanted to rebel against the court. The officials of the big Han were corrupt, incompetent, shameless, and cruel. It can be said that they would do everything except for personnel affairs!

Guan Yu looked at Zhang Fei and asked him to stop talking.

And Jian Yong also changed the subject: "Liu Zhoumu didn't say that he wanted to garrison the fields and guard the border, did he ask Liu Zhoumu to resettle some refugees!"

Liu Bei shook his head and said, "Youzhou is too far away, and it's impossible to settle millions of refugees with the barrenness of Youzhou! And Jizhou is densely populated, so there is not much wasteland to use for reclamation!"

At this time, Liu Bei saw that Su Shuang was about to speak but stopped, so he said, "Brother Ziyu, if you have anything to say, please speak up!"

Su Shuang thought for a while and said: "The subordinates and others know that Lei Gong has been absorbing refugees in Mayi. Over the years, more than one million refugees have been resettled. Now there are more than one million people in Yanmen County, and Lei Gong Occupied the Heshuo area, and annexed Xihe County, the territory of the Huns.

These places are sparsely populated. Not long ago, Lei Gong was said to be willing to pay thousands of dollars to get refugees. Dong Zhuo and Zhang Yan made hundreds of millions of dollars transporting refugees to Mayi. His subordinates felt that this was why Zhang Yan It can recover so quickly, after all, no matter how much Lei Gong supports Zhang Yan, it is impossible to lose tens of thousands of armors.

And the land of Heshuo was the place where Emperor Wu used to colonize and guard the border. It is said that there are millions of people living in these places, but now there are not many people in these places. If you want to come to Leigong, you really need refugees, so he wants to run to the middle of the country. It turned out to help the victims of disasters.According to the subordinates' thinking, Lei Gong needs refugees, but there are too many refugees in the Han Dynasty. If all the refugees are handed over to Lei Gong, the troubles of the court will be solved! "

Liu Bei and the others were stunned when they heard Su Shuang's words. This proposal was too fantastical. Lei Gong was an enemy of the imperial court. He actually asked Lei Gong to help the imperial court resettle the refugees. Isn't this equivalent to letting the weasel look after the chickens' homes.Although Lei Gong is also talking about helping the victims, in the eyes of Liu Bei and others, this is nothing more than Lei Gong seeing the big man in such a disaster and wanting to take advantage of it!

Zhang Fei exclaimed: "This is only possible. Lei Gong is not stupid. How could he help the court resettle so many refugees, not to mention that there are millions of refugees. It may cost tens of billions of money to resettle them. Even if the imperial court can’t get money and food, can Lei Gong get it?”

Su Shuang smiled wryly and said: "It's really possible for Lei Gong to take it out. We often go to Mayi and know the wealth of the Tengjia Army. Lei Gong's greatest skill is not fighting at all, but doing business. There is no one in the world who is better at business than Lei Gong." People, he has earned all the wealth in the world with just a piece of woolen cloth, which is why Lei Gong doesn't need to plunder the land, because he has money and doesn't need to rob!"

"That's why I think Lei Gong went south because he really wanted to help the victims. If we transport the victims to Bingzhou, Lei Gong will accept them. As long as there are no more victims, Zhang Yan will be much easier to deal with!"

But Jian Yong still objected: "Let's not say whether Lei Gong will accept these disaster victims, let's say that he accepted, but Xuande, as a general of a big man, has contacts with Lei Gong in private, and if it is reported to the court, Xuande is the only one. The officials can't do it anymore!"

Su Shuang could only smile wryly, he just knew the method was weird, so he didn't dare to say it!

But Liu Bei pondered for a long time. Although he knew that this approach was absurd, if Lei Gong really accepted the refugees, the big man could breathe a sigh of relief.

So he said to Su Shuang: "Brother Ziyu, please contact Lei Gong to see if he is willing to accept the victims. If he is willing to accept! We will help him transport the refugees to Jingkou Pass!"

"Xuande (big brother)!" Everyone looked at Liu Bei in shock.

But Liu Bei said firmly: "Unless these millions of refugees are killed, it is impossible to wipe out Zhang Yan in Jizhou, Yu Du in Qingzhou, and Zang Ba in Xuzhou! The big man does not have the strength to deal with so many Yellow Turbans at the same time. It is also a way out if the refugees can enter Bingzhou for reclamation! It is also the only way for the big men to deal with these Yellow Turbans!"

Seeing Liu Bei with a firm face, Jian Yong said: "Xuande should still report to the court to see what His Majesty means! Otherwise, Your Majesty thinks that Xuande and Lei Gong are in collusion, and I am afraid that you will be the first to die at that time! "

Zhang Fei also immediately said: "We must first report the matter to the imperial court and let His Majesty make a decision. Our official position is humble, so where can we make such a decision!"

Liu Bei thought for a while and agreed, but he still found Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping, and asked them to contact Lei Gong first to see if Lei Gong really intended to recruit refugees, but to cholera the world, and if he did not accept these refugees, then the rest would be Don't do it any more.

Liu Bei asked Zhao Yun to take 5000 cavalry to escort the 1 refugees to Jingkou Pass.

After exiting Jingkou Pass, you came to Mengxian County, Taiyuan County. At this time, Mengxian County was already occupied by Xu Wei. Now Xu Wei was fighting local tyrants to divide the fields, and moved all the wealthy and powerful gentry to the frontier area of ​​the Tengjia Army.

Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping came to the territory of the Tengjia Army to ask Xu Wei!
Xu Wei heard that they brought 1 refugees and didn't know what they wanted to do, but he still met them!
After the two saluted Xu Wei, Su Shuang said: "It is our general's intention to come to see Qu Shuai this time. Our general wants to ask Qu Shuai. Does Qu Shuai want to take advantage of the calamity of the big man to rob him, or really want to rescue the victims?" ?”

Xu Wei said: "Of course it is to rescue the victims. With the situation of the big man, even if I don't take action, it will not last for a few years at all, but the people are innocent. Since the uprising, I have dared to say that I have done nothing to harm the people. Everything you do is for the sake of saving the country and the people!"

Su Shuangdao: "Our general wants to cooperate with Qu Shuai. We will transport the refugees to Jingkou Pass, and then Qu Shuai will transport the victims from Jingkou Pass to Mayi, so that Qu Shuai will not have to waste time going to the Yellow River! If Qu Shuai really wants to save the people, and there are 1 disaster victims in prison, please ask Qu Shuai to accept them!"

Xu Wei smiled and said, "I'll send people to take these refugees right away!"

If this channel for transporting the victims can be maintained, it can save him a lot of effort, and he doesn't even have to fight Jinyang City!

Then Xu Wei laughed and said: "Xuan De is a real hero, he dared to do such a thing, isn't he afraid of being punished by Emperor Han?"

Su Shuangdao: "Our general also wants to save the victims!"

Soon Xu Wei led 5000 soldiers to take over [-] refugees who had passed through Jingkou Pass!
These victims entered Bingzhou Command, Xu Wei let them become engineers, built isolation houses, expanded roads and built tracks, and built a large camp every 10 miles. These are places for the victims behind to rest.

At the same time, Liu Bei's memorial was also written to Emperor Ling.

Emperor Ling was overjoyed after reading Liu Bei's memorial, and immediately summoned the three princes and nine ministers of the imperial court and said: "You are all useless, and you can't think of any way to deal with refugees. It is my clan's way to throw all the refugees from the Central Plains to the horses. The Lei Gong Department in Yi will be fine! This is a genius idea, let the rebels help the court follow the refugees!"

Emperor Ling sneered and said: "Didn't Lei Gong of Mayi say he wants to save the country and the people, this time I will satisfy him, and leave the refugees in the entire Central Plains to him, and let Lei Gong treat these victims properly!"

Then Emperor Ling said to the following Sangong Jiuqing: "Order the governors of Hedong County, Hanoi County, Jizhou, and Yanzhou to drive the victims to Bingzhou, and order the victims to enter and not to leave. Now I want to see this Does Hui Lei Gong really have such a great ability to resettle millions of refugees!"

Ma Rixun was surprised and said: "Bingzhou can only accommodate a million people. Now His Majesty is driving all the disaster victims of the entire Han Dynasty to Bingzhou. Isn't this going to cause turmoil in Bingzhou? Your Majesty is going to abandon the people of Bingzhou!"

Taiwei Ma Rixun has not been dismissed yet, and given the current situation in the Central Plains, no one dares to take over the position of Taiwei. After all, taking over now is a scapegoat.

Emperor Ling looked at Ma Rixun and said with a smile: "If Aiqing can make the officials of the big man abide by the law and do their duty faithfully, then there is no need to drive out the refugees. If Aiqing can find a way to help me get hundreds of thousands of troops to deal with this The rebellion of the world does not need to drive out refugees, if these cannot be done, Aiqing will follow my advice! Give up the people in Bingzhou, so that the entire Central Plains will be corrupted!"

Most of the other civil and military officials also agreed with Lingdi's opinion. Now the imperial court is no longer capable of suppressing the rebellion in the entire Central Plains. If these rebels are driven to Bingzhou and sacrificed in Bingzhou in exchange for the peace of the entire Central Plains, everyone still Willing to do.

After all, there were many people before the imperial court who wanted to give up Liangzhou to ensure the balance of the world.

Now give up a unified state to ensure peace in the world, naturally there will not be many people who oppose it.

Not to mention that most of Bingzhou is still not in the hands of the imperial court. Strictly speaking, the imperial court only gave up one or two counties.

Most of the civil and military officials present came from the Kanto region, and a mere Bingzhou was not as important as the Central Plains.

(End of this chapter)

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