I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 190, Food stamp system

Chapter 190, Food stamp system

Niu Gui spread out a topographic map of Yunzhong County, and then said: "This is where Yunzhong City is located. There is Huanggan River in the north and Baiqu Water in the south. The place between these two rivers is flat and lush. It’s a good place for farming. But now most of them are used for grazing, which is a pity. It’s not that the Han people didn’t want to farm, but it’s too close to the Xianbei tribe. After the food is planted, the Xianbei people will come to snatch it, so Except for a small number of places close to water sources, the locals use it for planting, and most of the others are used as pastures.

But how can our Tengjia Army be afraid of Xianbei people? After I cleared them several times, there are no traces of Xianbei people within a thousand miles of Yunzhong County.Everyone can finally farm safely, but at this time they encountered another trouble, the population is too small, and the labor force is insufficient!

Even after a year of hard work and the strong support of Qu Shuai, I have only reclaimed 300 million mu of land.There are no people, and there are less than 10 people in the entire Yunzhong County. Even if I use men as livestock and women as men, I can cultivate this little land.

If there are these 100 million victims, I can reclaim 3000 million mu of irrigated land in this area!Not only can it feed the millions of victims, but it can also support the surrounding herdsmen. As long as Ma Yi helps me provide half a year's rations, I can make these millions of victims self-sufficient. "

Everyone gathered around and looked at the map Niu Fu brought!
It is true that there is a huge plain between the two rivers. As long as the elevated canal in Mayi is built, this area can be turned into irrigated land. As far as farming is concerned, Yunzhong County is really better than Mayi. Treasure land.

Then Wang Yong smiled and said, "Brother Niu, you really chose a good place to farm!"

"If such a good terrain is not used for farming, it will be punished by God!"

"There is no better place to farm in Mayi than here!"

Niu Gui smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay, it's just that the temperature is a little lower, and there can only be one species a year, but this place is big and wide, and the annual harvest is not bad! Moreover, the harvested wheat grass can also be used as dry crops for herdsmen in winter." Fodder, now that winter comes, herdsmen like to go to Yunzhong County to spend the winter!"

Liu Shidao: "Yunzhong County resettled millions of disaster victims at one time, can you manage it? You must know that the current population of Mayi has been developed for several years. I am afraid that you will receive so many disaster victims at once. Cause turmoil in the entire Yunzhong County!"

In fact, at the top of the central government of the Tengjia Army, everyone does not want to accept so many refugees, because these refugees will not only lock up the ability of the Tengjia Army to attack in the next few years, but also help their enemy, the Han Dynasty, to solve a big problem. It was Xu Wei's request to accept the refugees, and they would never take over so many refugees.

Niu Gui smiled and said: "It's not about catching up with the flood of the Yellow River this time, my idea is to save as many people as possible, and as long as we are prepared and with Mayi's support, we can overcome even difficulties After all, everyone is going to farm, not to fight, and no matter how difficult it is, it is just a bit of suffering! Everyone has nothing, so why are they still afraid of suffering?

As long as Mayi supports me with a few hundred Litian, I plan to implement militarized management in Yunzhong County, divide this piece of land between the rivers into hundreds of pieces, and reclaim one piece of land for every ten thousand people. As long as hundreds of township heads can manage it. "

Even Zhang Baiqi could only helplessly say: "I admit that Yunzhong County has the potential to become the granary of the Northland, and it can indeed accommodate 100 million refugees! Yunzhong County is not far from Mayi, and Mayi can easily support Yunzhong County. Build!"

Zhao Rong immediately said at this time, "My Wuyuan County is not bad! As long as water trucks and elevated canals are built near the Yellow River, fertile land along the Yellow River can be used for farming. There may be more than a million victims, but ten Tens of thousands of people are still possible.

And why do we have to let the disaster victims farm? Wuyuan is close to Yinshan Mountain, where the most fertile pastures are located. Why can’t we build pastures in Wuyuan? Now wool cloth is so good, as long as it’s made, it’s money, and everyone can build pastures raise sheep. "

"Besides, it is close to the water source, so we can build a textile factory here. Wuyuan County is far away from the mainland of Dahan, and it is more conducive to keeping secrets. Wuyuan County is also close to the desert. It is more convenient to buy wool than Mayi, and Wuyuan County is close to the Yellow River. The water flow of the Yellow River is flat along the way, and there are only a few dangerous places, but we can build tracks around these places, and the goods from Wuyuan can enter the Central Plains through the Yellow River waterway!"

Wang Ge asked doubtfully, "I'm not worried about farming, but we all have to admit that the Hu people are better at grazing. Can you let the Han people graze?"

Zhao Rong said with a smile: "You are an old idea. What is popular in our Tengjia Army is family farms. Each family has dozens of cattle and sheep, and thousands of acres of small pastures. Aren't the cattle and sheep all sheep? Those who eat pasture in the circle don’t need to live with water and grass at all. This is not much different from our Han people’s farming. How difficult do you think mowing grass can be? And I will arrange one Hu herdsman for every 10 households. It’s enough to guide our Han people to herd cattle! And Wuyuan County is surrounded by pastures, if we really want to use all of them to build such a family-style pasture, it’s more than enough to accommodate a million refugees!”

Guo Daxian Fengchao said: "You are really welcome, this is planning to include the entire territory of the Xianbei people in the west into your Wuyuan County!"

Wuyuan County is a relatively small county in Bingzhou, and it is a little bigger than Dingxiang County, which only has 4 counties. Farming cannot accommodate millions of victims, let alone grazing. Even family ranches can reduce pastures by more than 10 times The same is true for the area. As soon as Guo Daxian heard Zhao Rong's words, he knew that he had included all the pastures of the Xianbei people into his own territory.

This kind of thing is also normal in the territory close to the Xianbei people. It can be said that the Tengjia Army has been attacking the territory of the Xianbei people. It is not just Zhao Rong who does this alone. Wang Lei and Niu Gui are all expanding towards the territory of the Xianbei people in the north. .

It’s just that Zhao Rong’s bragging is too big, and the resettlement of millions of herdsmen may only have 50 to 60 Xianbei people in the west (and under the attack of the Tengjia Army in these years, I’m afraid even half of them are gone now. ), Zhao Rong wanted to put the entire western Xianbei territory into his own Wuyuan County!
Zhao Rong laughed and said, "There! I'm not greedy, one-third is enough!"

Then Zhao Rong wrenched his fingers at Xu Wei and said, "Shuai Qu, look at the development of the three major industries of agriculture, animal husbandry, and textiles. A population of one million may not be enough for our Wuyuan County to develop! Of course, our Wuyuan County is too small. There is no precious land for farming, like Brother Niu Gui can build a granary, but as long as Qu Shuai gives us enough food and material support, I guarantee that the millions of disaster victims will be resettled well, and if there is a problem, you can ask me!"

Now Zhang Baiqi was stunned, he didn't expect that Zhao Rong would have such great ambitions, a small Wuyuan County would actually want to resettle millions of refugees, and the proposed plan was really feasible.

This made Zhang Baiqi embarrassed to continue to object. He was worried that too many refugees would squeeze the resources for the development of the Rattan Armor Army, but now looking at the prefects below, they all feel that there are too few human resources under them. However, his objection became an obstacle for everyone.

Although Wang Leiyuan did not come here in Shuofang, Zhang Baiqi knew without thinking that Wang Lei definitely wanted millions of refugees to be resettled in Shuofang County. Shuofang County can be said to be the largest county in Bingzhou, and the geographical environment of Shuofang County is similar to that of Yunzhong County. , there are branch mouths of the Yellow River at both ends of the north, and there is a huge plain in the middle.Most of Shuofang County is the alluvial zone of the Yellow River, which is fertile soil that can be irrigated and cultivated. As long as it is reclaimed, it will be high-quality fertile land.At that time, Emperor Wu set up a county here for reclamation because of the fertile land in Shuofang County.

With Wang Lei's spirit, it's no wonder that he doesn't want to resettle millions of refugees. In this way, the three counties of Guangheshuo can resettle 300 million refugees.

Seeing the result, Xu Wei smiled and said, "It seems that everyone agrees to continue resettling the refugees!"

Everyone nodded, and they reached a consensus on the refugee issue!
Those who want to continue to recruit refugees are basically the county guards in Mayi, because the population of counties and counties in Bingzhou is too small. With the support of Mayi, Wang Lei and the others do not lack money and food to develop the place, but lack labor to develop the place.

And they are very high-spirited. Mayi was built from scratch in their hands, and a barren Mayi was built into a city more prosperous than Luoyang.In their hearts, Mayi is the best city in the world!They naturally wanted to imitate a city like Mayi.

Although they don't have any unique insights, Mayi was developed by their observation, and they can still learn how to draw from gourds. When Wang Lei and the others came to govern the local area, they basically opened cement factories and wood factories first, and used cement to Repair water conservancy facilities, use carpentry to build waterwheels, and then reclaim fields and build elevated canals. Generally, the local grain and grass production will double several times in this way to meet the food demand for subsequent development.

Then buy wool, develop the textile industry and use wool cloth to make money. There will be no shortage of funds for urban development in the future. Basically, after this set of steps, one place will be on the right track first. It happens to be the special product of the three counties of Shuofang, which happens to be the same as Mayi. , the projects that can be developed in Mayi, the three counties of Heshuo can also be developed, and for them, the only thing they can develop now is the population. Keep these victims out.

And the prefects who came out of the Fujika Army needed victims. For the military of the Fujiko Army, they also hoped to accept these victims, because only the more refugees there were, the more militia they had, and the more standing troops they could recruit. .

Originally, there were only 5000 soldiers in one battalion in the three counties of Shuofang.Now, because of the need to protect the millions of refugees, and to expand to a standing army of 4 battalions and 2 people, there will be 9 more school lieutenants at once, and in the newly acquired counties and counties of Taiyuan County, there will be one more for every number of counties. There are 1000 people in Taiyuan County, and there are 15 counties in Taiyuan County. It is necessary to arrange 3 school lieutenants to manage these newly added troops, and judging from the current situation, the more refugees there are, the more troops the Rattan Armor Army will increase. The larger the number of troops expanded, it is naturally impossible for high-level military officials like Wang Ge to object. Given that Mayi can feed the victims, they would like to have as many people as possible under their command.

Then Xu Wei continued: "Of course I also know that the food problem is a big problem, especially in this moment of turmoil, but it is not impossible to solve. From today onwards, the territory of our Rattan Armor Army, except for soldiers and heavy labor Workers and all other people have to set rations to save food. Everyone wants to buy food in Mayi. In addition to money, they also need food stamps.

Soldiers and heavy labor workers can set a monthly ration of 1 stone, and general light labor workers 8 dollars, and we high-level officials set it at 7 dollars in order to set an example. The food stamp system has been fully expanded to the entire territory of the Fujia Army. Except for the basic rations, all the people on the territory of the Tengjia Army will be compulsorily purchased by me. Only in this way can our entire Bingzhou not waste any food and save more victims. "

The old man Wang worried: "I'm afraid it will be difficult to do it. Now that everyone regards the food in their hands as their lifeblood, how can they give it to us? I'm afraid only some veterans will have confidence in us!"

People like Old Man Wang who are used to suffering don’t say 7 Dou, or even 5 Dou is not a problem, but he is worried that the millions of people in Bingzhou don’t trust their Tengjia Army. It's very difficult!
The old man Niu said: "Why not? Before we arrived in Mayi, we all ate big pot of rice together. Now that the fixed ration is just a change of big pot of rice, we can control the amount of everyone's daily food at most. This is already very good. A few years ago, none of us were hungry, but now, in order to save people, we didn’t make much sacrifices. What’s the matter if we just ate a few mouthfuls of food? Only then will everyone know that the good days of our Tengjia Army are hard-won, and we must cherish them together!"

Xu Wei was dumbfounded when he heard that, he never thought that the old man Niu was so enlightened, isn't this just reminiscing bitterness and thinking sweetly!Unexpectedly, the one with the highest awareness in the Rattan Armor Army was Old Man Niu.

Wang Ge and the others don't have much opinion, because they are soldiers, no matter how rationed they are, they are the ones who eat the most!

Zhang Baiqi thought for a while and said: "It's not as difficult as everyone thinks. The old people in Mayi trust us, and they sell food to us every year. We tell them that the Tengjia Army is in trouble, and they will Support us. The millions of refugees have no food at all, they can only eat the food we distribute, and it is lucky for them to survive, and it is impossible to oppose our food stamp system.

The only difficulty is that in Taiyuan County, there are more than 20 new members who have joined us, but they also support us very much after we have been fighting local tyrants and dividing the land. What's more, their daily necessities want to sell food To buy, their grain has to be sold to us. As long as we control the gates of grain outflow, the food stamp system can be promoted! "

Zhang Baiqi thought for a while and said: "I think the only difficulty is how to count the food that each county wants and the food stamps issued to them. With the current daily intake of 10 refugees in Bingzhou, each county The food stamps of the county also need to be changed accordingly, which requires a lot of accountants, and it is also a problem to distribute the food stamps to the millions of people in the entire Bingzhou. If there is corruption in any of these links, it will starve to death There are a lot of people."

Of course, Xu Wei knew how powerful Mao Xiong was back then, but he still made a lot of mistakes. Xu Wei only controlled the food because he knew that his organization could not keep up.But now that the food is compressed to only survive, mistakes in this intermediate link will kill people!

Xu Wei thought for a while and said: "The method is to hand over the food stamps to the money shop, and the officials of the Tengjia military government are not allowed to take over. For the victims of the disaster, the first thing to do is to register their household registration. Only by relying on each person's household registration Issue food stamps, and then use the food stamps to buy food."

"Guo Daxian, your Ministry of Punishment must do a good job of supervision, and you must deal with any corruption incident!"

Guo Daxian also knew that he had a heavy responsibility, he nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry, Commander Qu, if anyone in the Tengjia Army dares to be a corrupt official, I will arrest him!"

Zhang Baiqi then said: "The storage of food is also an important place. After the implementation of the food stamp system, all the food in Bingzhou will be under the control of our Tengjia Army. There must be no problems with these granaries, or they will starve to death." There are a lot of people! At that time, all the anger of the tribe will be vented on our Fujika army, and the good reputation that our commander-in-chief has built up for several years will be destroyed. In the future, the Fujiko army will no longer be as united as it is now. !"

Even Xu Wei didn't think of this!It is true that the granary is more important than the food stamps. Without grain, grain stamps are useless. If the grain and grass officials at the bottom level move the grain in the granary and another fire dragon burns the granary, a large number of people may starve to death.

Guo Daxian said: "I will arrange a subordinate to supervise each granary, and I will also speed up the various granaries every day, so that these granaries will not lose a grain of grain."

In the future, Guo Daxian will definitely become the busiest person in Mayi. Now Bingzhou has a large territory, thousands of miles from north to south, and 2000 miles from east to west. If every granary is inspected, Guo Daxian will be on the road most of the time.

"The communication is not smooth!" Xu Wei misses the Internet in his own era at this time. Even if there is a telephone, telegrams are fine, but it is a pity that he does not understand these technologies, and these are technologies of the electric power age. come out.

Then Xu Wei suddenly thought of the flying pigeon pass book that appears very frequently in the world of martial arts, so he said: "Does anyone know someone who can raise pigeons?"

"Pigeon?" Everyone is confused?
Wang Yong doubted: "What does Qu Shuai mean for us to raise pigeons to reduce food consumption? But there is too little pigeon meat, so it would be better to raise more cattle and sheep. Anyway, our Tengjia Army has no shortage of pastures!"

Xu Wei rolled his eyes and said, "Haven't you heard of flying pigeons passing letters! If we raise some flying pigeons like this, and then place these pigeons in various counties and counties of the Tengjia Army, then the messages we send can quickly reach all It's time, if there is Feige in Shuofang, Wang Lei can attend this meeting!"

It's a pity that most of the top management in Mayi are the bottom of the big man, how could they have time to finish the pigeons, even if they caught the pigeons, they would eat them right away!

Only Zhang Baiqi thought for a while and said: "I heard that in big cities like Luoyang City and Yecheng, some people like to raise pigeons for fun! Why don't we go to each of the victims and ask them, maybe some of them will raise pigeons!"

Huang Long, who hadn't spoken all this time, suddenly said: "If you really want to find someone who can raise flying pigeons, Qu Shuai might as well ask Master Xiangkai. Master, he often goes to and from Luoyang City, Yecheng and other big cities, and he makes friends with famous scholars. Maybe some of the people he knows know how to raise flying pigeons!"

"Xiangkai's magic stick hasn't left yet!" Xu Wei was busy messing around, but he still remembered Xiangkai!

Then he said awkwardly: "I said something wrong just now, Master Xiangkai is still staying in our Bingzhou?"

Huang Long said: "It's always been there, and he can't go to other places now. Luoyang City is still looking for Master, Central Plains and Jizhou are also fighting, that is to say, our Bingzhou is better. Although there are many victims, we have not won!"

Zhang Baiqi followed up and said, "Qu Shuai, although Master Xiangkai is talking about God, Qu Shuai still has to respect him. We have always been short of scholars in Mayi, and Master Xiangkai has hundreds of disciples alone, and the ones who are outstanding are even more outstanding." There are more than a dozen people, and the master is also acquainted with famous people all over the world. These people have disciples all over the world. Now our Mayi territory has nearly doubled. It is the time when talents are needed. With Master Xiangkai, all the scholars in the world will join us !"

Xu Wei said: "I'm afraid these scholars will look down on us mud-legged people. We'd better cultivate our own force fields. After all, they can help our Rattan Armor Army to harvest food!"

Zhang Baiqi said: "It's hard to say to other scholars, but the disciples of Master Xiangkai, I am afraid that there is no other way out except to join our Tengjia Army. Commander Qu, don't forget that Master Xiangkai wanted to rebel and was wanted by the court. , although his disciple has not been arrested, but who dares to use a disciple of a wanted criminal, Master Xiangkai's disciples can only rely on Zhang Yan in Jizhou besides us!"

There are cheating fathers, Master Xiangkai is called a cheating disciple, and his rebellion has ruined all the future of his disciples!

Zhang Baiqi continued: "Moreover, Master Xiangkai's disciples study the "Taiping Jing", and they will not discriminate against us like Confucian scholars! Even because of the relationship between great virtuous and good teachers, they can be regarded as half of us. Peace of mind!"

All right!This can be regarded as being dragged down by the great virtuous teacher. The reason why Xiangkai wanted to replace the emperor was because of Zhang Jiao's rebellion, and the future of the entire Han Dynasty who studied the "Taiping Jing" was cut off.

After being told by Zhang Baiqi, Xu Wei also planned to meet this Xiangkai.

It just so happens that Xiangkai has also come to Taiyuan County now. He built a wooden house in Longshan himself, and brought his disciples to continue studying the "Taiping Jing", which is a bit like a hermit!
(End of this chapter)

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