Chapter 194, Sled Blitz
Wang Yong also said solemnly: "Then our Tengjia Army is not going to be flanked by the big Han and the Xianbei people! If the big Han and Xianbei people allied to deal with us, our Tengjia Army will be really dangerous!"

Huang Long was surprised and said: "Tell me, are the Xianbei people and the big Han already allied? Otherwise, how could the Xianbei people use the tactics that the Huns used to deal with the big Han? You must know that the Hu people don't have historians, only us Han people These things will be recorded! How did the Xianbei people know the tactics of the Huns against the big men!"

Captain Wan Lang suddenly said: "It's not impossible. Mijia, a native of Xianbei in the east, had contact with Liu Yu, the governor of Youzhou at that time last year. The relationship between the two parties began to ease. Liu Yu even opened several horses on the border. City. If the Xianbei people contact the Han court through Liu Yu, and let the Xianbei people and the court alliance deal with our Tengjia army, it is not impossible, after all, our Tengjia army is a huge threat to both of them!"

Wang Ge said with an ugly face: "If this is the case, the situation will be very bad for us. When we deal with the Xianbei people, we must also guard against Gongsun Zan from Youzhou, Liu Bei from Jizhou, and Dong Zhuo from Shangdang County!
And if we want to deal with big men, we must guard against Xianbei people coming to our territory to fight grass valleys. Now the entire three counties of Heshuo have a population of 300 million, and it is impossible to guard against them!If the Xianbei people burn, kill, and loot in our territory, it will affect the progress of reclamation in the three places, and may even collapse the farmland in the three places. By then, there will be millions more on the territory of our Tengjia Army. There are refugees, and we have no way to resettle them, the good development momentum of our Tengjia Army has been interrupted! "

Huang Long thought for a while and said, "Build fortresses, build city walls, how the former Han dealt with the Huns, we will deal with the Xianbei!"

But Xu Wei shook his head and said: "Our situation is different from that of the former Han Dynasty. The former Han Dynasty was a unified dynasty. It could mobilize the power of the whole of China to deal with the Xianbei people, but we can only mobilize Bingzhou, let alone the other places of the Han Dynasty. Back legs! I'm afraid that when we want to fight the Xianbei people head-on, they will fight us guerrilla on the grassland!"

Li Bin thought about it for a long time, but he didn't think of any good solution, so he could only say helplessly: "The desert is so vast. If the Xianbei people really want to entangle with us on such a land that spans thousands of miles, I'm afraid we will all be together in a few decades." It is very difficult to completely defeat them!"

No wonder Li Bin had such an idea. Half of the sand table in front of him is desert, but this half of the desert is not even one-tenth compared with the territory of the Xianbei people. The territory of the Xianbei people exceeds [-] from north to south. Yuli, the east and west are more than ten thousand miles away. It can be said that the territory of the Xianbei people is larger than that of the big Han. Facing such a huge empire, even Li Bin is a proud Han.

Duan Peng said: "Shuai Qu, since the Xianbei people are so ignorant, we can first reconcile with the imperial court and occupy the entire desert! Compared with the imperial court, the Xianbei people have been maimed by us, and now they only dare to hide Deep in the desert."

"However, the snow disasters on the grasslands have become more and more serious in recent years. Even the grasslands near the Dahan people often freeze to death. The Xianbei people hide in the desert and they are still looking for death. In a few years, the cold wind in the desert will kill everyone. The Xianbei people have been wiped out! So don’t think you can’t find them now, but they will still come back before the snow falls! You can still find them if you find a way.”

"Moreover, the Xianbei people can attack us during the autumn harvest, and we can also attack the Xianbei people in the early spring. Spring is when the Xianbei people have the least food, and it is also the time when the cattle, sheep and horses are weakest. At this time, we attack the Xianbei people, regardless of victory or defeat. Consuming a lot of cattle and sheep of the Xianbei people, as long as we carry out such attacks a few more times so that the Xianbei people cannot graze in the spring, in a few years all the tribes of the Xianbei people will starve to death!"

Wang Ge and others looked at Duan Peng in surprise and said, "You can think of such a good solution?"

Duan Peng laughed and said, "I have lived on the grassland for more than ten years, so I know more about the grassland than everyone else!"

Obviously, Duan Peng knows the situation in the desert better than Wang Ge and the Han people!

Xu Wei was thinking, although Duan Peng's method is good, it is definitely because the Tengjia Army has consumed the Xianbei people, but the time is wrong, the world is going into chaos, and everyone else is fighting for hegemony, so it is impossible for him to dominate Grassland, this method is too time-consuming!
Xu Wei sat on the chair and closed his eyes to meditate, and began to recall whether the military novels he had read were about fighting in winter or dealing with barbarians!

After recalling it for a long time, he really thought of two novels. One is called "The Battle of Well Head".

There is also a novel of the Three Kingdoms that he read a long time ago. He has forgotten the name. The protagonist crosses over to Guo Jia, raises thousands of sled dogs when preparing to deal with the Xianbei people, and then takes the initiative to attack in winter and captures them with zero casualties. Annihilated tens of thousands of Xianbei people!

These seem to be applicable to his Tengjia Army. The sledge has been used for several years, and everyone is familiar with it. Even on the Sanggan River, winter is more lively than summer, and there are everywhere on the ice. The sled is transporting the cargo!Although there is no sled dog Ma Yi, it is not the same to find thousands of cold-resistant war horses to pull the sled!

After thinking about what to do, Xu Wei said to them: "I have decided to teach the Xianbei people a lesson this winter and let them know that our Tengjia Army is not easy to mess with. If possible, we will try to completely defeat the western region this time." Xianbei people and Central Xianbei people!"

"Winter!" Wang Ge and the others said in surprise.

Duan Peng even persuaded: "Shuai Qu, go to the Xianbei people now. If you can't find everyone, you can come back alive. If you go to the desert in winter, you will die. Don’t die in battle, but instead freeze to death in the desert, that’s not worth the gain!”

Wang Ge and the others also came over to persuade him: "Shuai Qu, the winter in the desert is no better than that of a big man, and he can resist for a while, but the wind in the desert can really freeze people to death!"

"You can rest assured that I will naturally make perfect preparations, and I will not let the soldiers sacrifice their lives in vain! We prepared thick woolen cloth winter clothes and woolen clothes for the soldiers, and then prepared leather clothes to cover the outermost part, as well as antifreeze cream. People are on sleds, marching on horse-drawn sleds, or marching on skis. The soldiers who go out are all veterans who are familiar with the grassland terrain, so that the safety of the soldiers can be guaranteed.

Then Xu Wei continued: "In fact, winter is the most suitable season for us big men to attack the grassland! Think about it, everyone, the white snow can cover up all traces, and it is difficult for the Xianbei people to detect when we go out to fight!"

"It is difficult for us to catch the Xianbei people because they are nomadic. But it is not necessary in winter. The heavy snow confines the various tribes of the Xianbei people in the snow, making it difficult for them to gather, and at the same time blocking the communication between the tribes. Contact, we attack one of their tribes and they can't react. Even if they react, the heavy snow hinders their support.

It can be said that the Xianbei tribe in winter is like a prey trapped in the snow and can only be slaughtered. It can be said that when the Xianbei people attack the Xianbei in winter, the right time, place and people are on our side! "

Wang Ge asked suspiciously, "Shuai Qu, has anyone used the tactic you mentioned before?"

Xu Wei shook his head and said, "I just came up with this, and I haven't verified it yet!"

Hearing this, Wang Ge said firmly: "Shuai Qu, although what you said just now is reasonable, but the winter in the desert is too dangerous, and this kind of tactic has not been verified. I am afraid that our army has not found the Xianbei yet. Instead, I froze to death first, marching in winter is too difficult, especially since we have no experience in this field, anything is possible!”

Xu Wei said: "Winter marching has not been verified, but there are many merchants in Mayi in winter. Even in the coldest first month, there are still caravans coming to our Mayi. As long as there are woolen cloths, take adequate measures to keep warm." , will not freeze to death.”

We big men have never attacked the Xianbei people in winter, and the Xianbei people will naturally not be on guard, and they can achieve unexpected results. That is to say, this tactic is the most powerful when it is used for the first time, as long as we fast in and fast out, play the rhythm of a blitzkrieg.

They will be annexed by us before they react. Such Xianbei people are cut by us like a snake in winter. As long as one winter is enough, we can severely damage the Xianbei people. Although we may pay an unexpected price, we can severely damage the Xianbei people. is worth it! "

"Hit the Xianbei people hard!" These words attracted Wang Ge and the others, and everyone talked about the situation they thought they might encounter in winter, and Xu Wei also gave a solution.

This made Wang Ge and the others discover that Xu Wei's sled blitz seems to be very feasible and worth a try!At least Xu Wei, the inventor of the tactics, had thought of all the difficulties they could imagine!

After convincing Wang Ge and the others, everyone first prepared in Mayi the supplies needed for the army to go to the desert in winter.At the same time, train a small army of about a thousand people to verify this kind of sled army!
The Sima of this sleigh army is Song Yi, who was the horse thief Huo Shaoyun at the time. He has made some military achievements in recent years, and with the continuous expansion of the Tengjia Army, he has become a Sima of the cavalry battalion. It is a middle-level officer.

But he was not satisfied, he wanted to become the school lieutenant of the Fujiko Army, and become a high-ranking officer of the Fujiko Army.

When this snow troop began to recruit soldiers in the Tengjia Army, he keenly discovered that this was an opportunity. No one would look down on the most leisurely sailors in the Tengjia Army. Can only be regarded as a civilian husband.

But no one expected that Fan Xian, who has never had a sense of existence, had to transport a large amount of food and disaster victims to the three counties of Shuofang last year, and the Tengjia Army navy expanded greatly, and Fan Xian became the first in the Tengjia Army. General Zhonglang!

And now this Snow Army has just been established. Although there is only one 1000-member army, whoever said that the Snow Army cannot expand. It is obviously not enough to fight the Xianbei people with 1000 people. The Snow Army will definitely expand to 5000 in the future , or even 5 people, and Song Yi, as the first officer of the Snow Army, not to mention becoming a Zhonglang general, but it shouldn't be difficult to become a school lieutenant!

So he was the first to sign up as the army commander of the sled army!

And Xu Wei also chose Song Yi from more than a dozen competitors. His advantages are too obvious. He has lived in this desert for more than 20 years since he was a child. He is familiar with every plant and tree in the desert. Walking with his eyes closed, he could find his way in the desert. With rich experience, he became the leader of this experimental team!
Of course, because of his background as a horse thief, in order to prevent him from violating the military discipline regulations of the Rattan Armored Army, Xu Wei found an old soldier named Jin Miao to be the supervisor of this army. After the officer was found, 1000 soldiers were quickly assembled. .

In this way, the sled army was formally established among the rattan armor army, although there is only one man now!
And Xu Wei also helped them prepare all the winter equipment he could think of, not to mention winter clothes, antifreeze cream, gloves, earmuffs, and gauze for sunshade (snow will reflect sunlight, and it will be difficult to stay in the snow for a long time. Snow blindness!) Sleds, sledges, and cold-resistant transport horses, cheese, special compressed biscuits made by Mayi, maps of the desert, compass, and also taught them how to use snowdrifts to make igloos to keep warm. It can be said that Xu Wei put everything he can Everything that comes to mind is armed in this army!
In the end, they trained in the snow around Mayi for a month. During this month, everyone found problems and improved them. Finally, when the winter in the desert was the coldest, Xu Wei personally sent this army out!
Song Yi and his party wore white winter clothes and disappeared into the snowy desert. Their attack target was a tribe named Baihua 500 miles away from the border of the Han Dynasty!
Song Yi and his team rode this snow sledge and marched 100 miles a day. In the evening, they made igloos with compacted snow. Igloos, but still amazed even now.

"I don't know why living in the snow makes it warmer, it's like magic!" Song Yi said in surprise.

Jin Miao said with a smile: "It's just that you are ignorant. As long as you stay with Qu Shuai for a long time, you will know that there is no problem in this world that can stop Qu Shuai. We used to think that Qu Shuai is a fairy descended from the world!"

When Song Yi was brought to Versailles, the veterans were amazing and could easily communicate with Qu Shuai, but he hadn't seen Xu Wei at all except this month.

For a moment Song Yi didn't want to talk to Jin Miao anymore.

They marched on the snow for 5 days. With the help of Song Yi's rich experience, they finally found their target Baihua tribe in a valley!
Song Yi said happily: "Everyone rest first! Let's wait for them to fall asleep and raid them in the middle of the night!"

Then Song Yi summoned the officers above the head of the village and said: "According to our situation, the Baihua tribe only has more than 3000 people, of which less than [-] are young and strong. Our combat power is far superior to them! Coupled with our unexpected attack, the odds are good." Big, but we want to minimize casualties.

Tonight, our army is divided into two teams, I will lead one team, and the supervising army will lead the other team, and encircle and suppress them from the east and the west.Everyone remember that as long as the Xianbei people have the intention to gather, we will attack them in a limited number and break them up. The Xianbei people must not be able to tell how many of us there are, and we must bring panic and fear to them, so that they will lose their fighting spirit. We raid!Understand? "

"Understood!" Several people said.

After formulating the battle plan, Song Yi and the others waited in the snow until midnight, and all the members of the Baihua Tribe were sound asleep!
Then he led everyone closer to the Hundred Flowers Tribe carefully!
It was the middle of the night at this time, and it was winter, except for the cold wind, there was no sound at all!Song Yi and the others lighted the torches, which was a signal to attack, and Jin Miao and the others also lit the torches, and then the two sides charged towards the Hundred Flowers Tribe together!

"Kill!" Song Yi shouted loudly.

"Kill!" The soldiers behind him echoed in unison, and they all rushed towards the tribe in the darkness!

Song Yi slashed through the first tent they met with a long knife, and just woke up from a deep sleep and didn't understand what was going on, he was hacked to death by Song Yi!

The other soldiers also followed Song Yi's actions, slashing through the tents and hacking to death the awakened herdsmen. Soon the snow was stained red with blood!
The more and more intense shouts finally woke up the entire Baihua Tribe. Murong Gui, the leader of the Baihua Tribe, shouted with a saber: "Where are you from, why are you attacking our Baihua Tribe!"

Song Yi discovered that the leader of the Baihua Tribe was overjoyed and exclaimed: "We belong to the Tengjia Army. You Xianbei killed our tribe and robbed our cattle and sheep, thinking that this is the end of the matter! I am a master, you are not so easy, Today, I am taking revenge!"

After speaking, he held the saber and looked at Murong Gui. Murong Gui had nothing but a saber, not even any personal guards around him, and was soon surrounded and killed by Song Yi and a few soldiers.

He chopped off Murong Gui's head and held it up, saying: "Murong Gui is dead, surrender to avoid death!"

Then the soldiers around him also shouted in Xianbei dialect: "Murong Gui will die, surrender to avoid death!"

At this time, Jin Miao also led the soldiers and shouted: "Eat his mother, wear his mother, open the gate to welcome Lei Gong. Lei Gong is here to divide the cattle and sheep!"

"Eat his mother, wear his mother, open the door to welcome Lei Gong. Lei Gong is here to divide the cattle and sheep!"

Most of them are ordinary herdsmen here. They don't know how many people there are in Song Yi, they just know that their tribal leaders are all dead.At the same time, after hearing the ballad about dividing cattle and sheep, they knew that it was Lei Gong's army that was coming, so they had no intention of resisting at all.

Although they are far away from Xu Wei's territory, the song of Xu Wei has spread throughout the desert. The low-level herdsmen know that there is a king named Lei Gong who is the master of their low-level herdsmen and will distribute them cattle, sheep and wives. Seeing that Lei Gong is coming, now that Lei Gong is really coming, they quickly gave up resistance!

"We won, we won, we won!" Looking at the Xianbei people who were waiting to be captured by them, they couldn't believe that this battle was won like this. The victory came too fast, and there were not many of them at all. casualties!

The soldiers were very excited. Everyone held up their weapons and cheered loudly. The roar of victory resounded throughout the battlefield!
And Jin Miao led people to count the wounded and the trophies!
After dawn, I found Song Yi and said with a smile: "It's a great victory. In this battle, we didn't die, only 7 people were slightly injured, killed more than 300 enemies, captured more than 3000, and there were 4000 horses and 4 heads. Niu Yang, such a victory is very rare even among our rattan armor army!"

"After all, the Baihua tribe is a big tribe of the Xianbei people, so naturally they have some family background!" Song Yi also smiled happily. With such a great contribution, his promotion to the school captain should be a sure thing!

Then Song Yi took people to rest in Baihua Tribe for a day, and then took these captives to Mayi!

Six days later, Song Yi and the others returned to Qiangyin County, causing a huge commotion.

The results of the battle were brilliant. A tribe of more than 3000 Xianbei people was wiped out without a single person dying, and 4000 horses and 4 cattle and sheep were captured. The value of these spoils exceeded hundreds of millions of dollars.

The casualties were so small, and the results were so great, Wang Ge and the others immediately said that they were really happy with the sledge victory!
They said excitedly one by one: "Shuai Qu's sleigh tactic hits the Xianbei people seven inches above, they have no way to defend against our tactic, Shuai Qu, you are right, the Xianbei people in winter are just prey trapped in a trap , just waiting for us to catch it!
"We have prepared the equipment for the sled army. 1000 sled troops are too few. We will immediately arm 1 sled troops, 10 sled troops. In just one winter, we can completely annex the entire Xianbei tribe!"

This tactic was so successful that it aroused Wang Ge's greater ambition. Before the Xianbei people could react, they wanted to annex the entire Xianbei people like the Huns, so that the desert would belong to the They belong to the Rattan Army!
Wang Ge and the others were very excited when they thought that the Xianbei people who had fought against the big man for decades were destroyed in their hands like this!
Then Mayi's sled army began to rapidly expand to 2 people. The original 1000 sled army quickly became officers, and they used their more than a month's experience to pass on to other soldiers!
The news of Song Yi's victory passed to the three prefects of Shuofang County and Wuyuan County Yunzhongjun. After they learned about the battle, they found that the current Xianbei people are simply a treasure in the desert, just waiting for them to dig .

So Wang Lei and the others immediately wrote to Xu Wei, asking Xu Wei to give them some experienced officers to help them form their own sled army, and Xu Wei dispatched 100 sled army soldiers to each of them.

Soon the entire Mayi formed 3.5 sled rapid response troops. These troops consisted of 500 or 1000 people, and they continued to attack the tribes of the Xianbei people this winter. There were Hu merchants in Mayi who were spies. The location of these tribes is clearer than the senior officials of the Xianbei people.

In this way, they were wiped out one by one by the Tengjia Army. The Xianbei tribes within 1000 miles of the Tengjia Army were all captured by the Tengjia Army except for a few that were not found.

After February, the sled army marched farther and farther, and there was even a sled army, the farthest marched more than 2 miles to the North Sea.

(End of this chapter)

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