Chapter 198, different ways
But Zhao Yun said one word at a time: "Lu Yi, you murdered people and extorted goods, slaughtered villages, and 3000 people died at your hands. Do you admit these things?"

Lu Yi also sneered and said: "I just killed a few rebels. I am also a hero when I report this matter to the court. What are you a big soldier? Do you dare to say the name of your superior? I will let him go around endlessly." !"

Zhao Yun drew out his long sword and said loudly: "My lord, General Liu Xuande, is ordered to take your dog's life!"

"Okay, I remember Liu Xuande! Liu Xuande!" After a long time, Lu Yi remembered that this is Liu Bei!He can't deal with the powerful and powerful gentry of the entire Jizhou!And his uncle can't hold back the general begging for captives. Strictly speaking, the biggest official in Jizhou now is Liu Bei.

Zhao Yun didn't want to keep Lu Yi's dog's life anymore, what he did was enough to cut him into pieces, and Zhao Yun cut Lu Yi's blood with one sword!

Lu Yi looked at Zhao Yun in shock. He didn't expect that Zhao Yun would really kill him, and he didn't care about his uncle. Killing himself was like killing grassroots people.

He said with difficulty: "You really want me to pay for the life of the grassroots, my uncle will not let you go!"

After saying that, Lu Yi died!

But Zhao Yun didn't look at him at all, but said to the soldiers beside him: "Everyone related to Lu Yi will be arrested, and anyone who dares to stop him will be killed!"

Zhao Yun is also considered a good-tempered person, but this time he came to his hometown and couldn't help being angry. His hometown has become a purgatory, which is why he has such a murderous intent!
The businessmen around immediately shouted: "It doesn't matter about our business, this is the first time we have seen this Lu Yi, why arrest us?"

Zhao Yun said coldly, "What did you say to Lu Yi?"

Several merchants glanced at each other and said, "We are looking for Lu Yi to buy some slaves!"

Zhao Yundao: "This is not considered an accomplice, take them all away, if you dare to resist, you will be shot to death!"

"You're wronged!" several merchants cried out heartbreakingly.

But they didn't dare to take any action of resistance. General Baimian was too murderous, and they were also afraid that Zhao Yun would give them a sword regardless.

They just bought some slaves, but they didn't expect to get involved in the infighting of Jizhou officialdom.

These businessmen all have backgrounds and are very politically sensitive. They know that as long as their families are alive, they will find a way to save themselves. If they die, it will be all over.

Zhao Guo, wilderness!
Zhang Fei marched quickly with 1 cavalry, but not long after, he saw a small hill at the intersection!

He stopped the army from advancing, and took a few personal guards up, but after walking not far, he smelled a bloody smell. After he approached, he realized that it was a Beijing temple composed of thousands of people. This Jingguan was old and weak There are women and children.

Below the Jingguan is a stream of blood and water. The stream shows a strange red color and flows into the distance. Zhang Fei moved forward and found that there were densely packed headless corpses behind the Jingguan. From their clothes, he could tell that they were Ordinary people, but now they are exposed to the wilderness like this!

Zhang Fei and the others are also experienced in many battles, such a scene is not enough to scare them.It's just that on the battlefield, either you kill me or I kill you, that is life and death, wealth and honor, and everyone will not think it is a problem.But this kind of massacre of ordinary people has a completely different feeling. Zhang Fei was shocked by the cruel way the elites treated the people.

This has never happened before. Even during the Zhang Jiao uprising, Huangfu Song killed soldiers captured by the Yellow Turban Army. Although everyone felt that it was hurtful, they would not say anything. After all, rebellion is a death penalty. It can be regarded as deserved.

Now these ordinary people did not rebel at all, but were inexplicably massacred by the elites in Jizhou.

Then Zhang Fei asked the soldiers to collect the bones of his own villagers, because he couldn't tell who was who, so he dug a big pit and buried them together!
The anger in his heart couldn't bear it and said: "They killed innocent people indiscriminately! Let's go and avenge these dead people!"

After speaking, he brought his own army to a Wubao not far from Jingguan, and led the soldiers to attack Wubao without any explanation.

"Everyone kill him for me, and avenge the people of Zhao State!"

The soldiers also shouted angrily: "Kill!"

They are all from ordinary people, and they can empathize with such things even more!The common people in Jingguan may be their names!
The owner of Wubao suddenly found out that his home was surrounded by people, and it was the army of the big man!
He immediately climbed up the city wall and shouted: "Did the general make a mistake? My family has been loyal and good for generations, and I am not a bandit!"

Zhang Fei yelled: "I'm killing you butchers who practice thieves and bandits in the name of loyalty!"

This Wubao had just been established, and the city wall was neither high nor deep, so it was conquered by Zhang Fei in one wave. The soldiers who entered the Wubao would kill anyone they saw, killing all the people in Wubao!

After killing, Zhang Fei said: "Leave a few people to watch here, and distribute the money and food to the people around!"

"Next, let's continue to kill. As long as we see Jingguan, I will not leave any Wupu within a radius of 10 miles!"

Late at night, Weijun, Yecheng.

A huge army called the gate.

The city gate slowly opened a small gap, and the soldier guarding the gate stretched out his head and asked loudly, "Zhang Yan has been defeated by us, what are you doing here?"

Guan Yu led his men to rush up and quickly grasp the city gate.

The soldiers guarding the city were shocked and said: "The Yellow Turban Bandits are here again, everyone be careful!"

The yelling of the guarding soldiers really woke up all the soldiers at the gate of the defensive city, and the guarding soldiers immediately surrounded them!
But Guan Yu said loudly: "I am Guan Yu, a subordinate of General Liu Xuande, the general who is begging for captives!"

Only at this time did the soldiers recognize Guan Yu and let out a sigh of relief: "General Guan, you are trying to scare us to death!"

Most of the soldiers here have fought under Liu Bei, so they naturally know Guan Yu too!

Guan Yu said: "I am ordered to take over Yecheng by the order of the general seeking captives!"

After speaking, the soldiers from behind continued to pour in, and the entire city defense of Ye City

The soldiers in Yecheng were all moved for no reason, but Guan Yu was a 2000 shi Zhonglang general and their former superior, so they didn't dare to ask more questions!
After occupying the entire Yecheng, Guan Yu blocked the entire Yecheng, and no one was allowed to enter and not to leave!
It was not until the next day that the officials of Wei County discovered that Guan Yu was in control of Yecheng!
The prefect of Wei County led a group of soldiers to find Guan Yu angrily and said, "Guan Yunchang, are you trying to rebel? Who asked you to take over the city defense of Wei County!"

But Guan Yu said blankly: "Take away their weapons!"

Hundreds of soldiers rushed over and confiscated the weapons brought by the prefect of Wei County, and arrested them too!
The prefect of Weijun said angrily: "Guan Yunchang, I am the prefect of 2000 stones appointed by the imperial court. If you dare to kill me, the imperial court will not let you go!"

Guan Yu did not reply to his words, and then said to his own guards: "Control the officials in the whole city, confine them to the mansion! Get the Taishou Dayin, control the city defenses of each county, and control the officials of other counties in Weijun live!"

"No!" The soldiers followed the orders of the officials.

At the same time, Guan Yu sent 5000 cavalry to sweep the four corners of Weijun in the wild. As long as anyone who was killing the people was found, they would all be killed without mercy, and the situation in Weijun was soon brought under control.

The nobles of Weijun found that the officials of Weijun were controlled by Guan Yu, and they were frightened to death. They either hid in their own docks or fled to the east of Jidong.I'm afraid that Liu Bei will follow Zhang Yan's example and slaughter them. No wonder they are so timid, because the daring nobles in Wei County are basically dead!

Liu Bei's behavior caused a sensation in the official circles of Jizhou. They didn't expect Liu Bei to dare to oppose them like this.

At this time, the judge came to Liu Bei and said, "Mr. Xuande really wants to be an enemy of the whole Jizhou?"

Liu Bei said coldly: "It's you who don't care about the life and death of the big man. Who gave you the right to kill the people of my big man? You are rebelling. As a general seeking captives, I naturally have the right to suppress you. I have reported your behavior to the court. , none of you can escape!"

But the judge said: "Mr. Xuande should be doing what Lei Gong did in Bingzhou. Lei Gong is the root of cholera in this world. He killed gentry, used the land to confuse the people, and even used the people to conduct public trials in order to beat the ambitions of the people. Officials, noble families, and gentry are powerful. Let the yin and yang of the big man be reversed.

The examiner said with a sneer: "Now these people have been bewitched by Lei Gong and Zhang Yan. Don't kill them now. When Lei Gong comes, they will rebel against the court. If the nobles don't kill them, they will kill them." gentry.

I have never been a bloodthirsty person, not even a general, and I can't be a prince if I kill them, why should I commit crimes?Jizhou is my hometown!It is because it is impossible not to kill them now, only by killing them and fearing them, Jizhou will be stable, and then when the guidelines, morality and etiquette are re-established. "

As a celebrity in Jizhou, Shen Pei looked down on the greedy nobles and corrupt officials, but he was in a neutral attitude towards the big Han's nobles and the common people. this argument.

Even before Lei Gong appeared, Jian Pei himself hated corrupt officials, local tyrants and evil gentry very much.Because he knows that it is these corrupt officials, local tyrants and evil gentry who are devouring the big men and disrupting the order of the big men.

Therefore, trial and assignment is a different kind in Jizhou official circles. Although he is capable, he has not been promoted. He can only do some petty officials. If he has a choice, he also wants to kill all the corrupt officials in Jizhou. .

It’s just that the biggest ideal of trial and appointment is that the emperor is wise, ministers are wise, local officials work hard for the court, local elites are benevolent and moral, and assist the government to treat the people well.

But the judge never thought of destroying the powerful and powerful gentry, nor did he think of destroying the current system to change the world.

And as the nobles of Bingzhou fled to Jizhou, they also brought Lei Gong's policy. From these populations, the judge found that under the beating of Lei Gong, the local order of Dahan had been completely destroyed by Lei Gong.

The Tengjia Army only supports the poor and stirs up the ambitions of the people.Using the method of dividing the fields and land, the harmonious relationship between the gentry and the people in the countryside was torn apart, and the people were led to slaughter the powerful and powerful gentry.

The entire Bingzhou has become a purgatory, and countless nobles and nobles are wailing in this purgatory.

Although the judge looks down on corrupt officials, he can't accept his ideals, that the gentry govern the local area, and officials assist the king to manage the country. These visions have been completely shattered, which is equivalent to denying what he has learned all his life and denying his political ideals .

Because he found that there is no soil for powerful gentry and powerful gentry on Leigong's territory, Leigong wants to completely destroy the Han Kingdom.

And this is not allowed by the trial and appointment. After seeing Xu Wei's behavior, the trial decided to choose the lesser of two evils, so he joined forces with the powerful and nobles to suppress ordinary people.

The person he wants to kill most now is Lei Gong. He thinks that as long as Lei Gong is killed, the big man can be peaceful, but Lei Gong has hundreds of thousands of troops to protect him, so he will not be able to kill him for a while. Common people, don't let Lei Gong's thoughts spread to Jizhou. From the perspective of the judge, it is worthwhile to kill 100 million people!
Liu Bei sneered and said, "Why don't you say that you are the ones who destroy the rules and morals first, if you don't collude with corrupt officials, the people of the world will not be forced to rebel by you!"

"There are conflicts between the nobles and the common people, but most of them are caused by the greed of the nobles. Even if you have tens of thousands of acres of fertile land, you still don't let the common people stand.

If you think that you are an official of the Han Dynasty, what you should do is to curb the annexation of the powerful gentry and control the greed of the powerful gentry.Maintaining a good clan maintains a harmonious and friendly order in the countryside.How could the world be in such a mess.

You were supposed to stand on the side of the common people to maintain the order of the great man, but you joined forces with the nobles to oppress the common people, and now you are shamelessly saying that the common people broke the order of the great man!The big man is because there are too many officials like you, so he has fallen to this point.”

After speaking, Liu Bei shouted: "Come here, arrest the judge and wait for the imperial court's disposal!"

Although the judge was arrested, he did not resist, but said: "Mr. Xuande, you will understand sooner or later that this is the only way to stabilize Jizhou!"

Soon Liu Bei completely controlled Jizhou with an army of 13, and the officials in Jizhou were unable to resist at all. At the same time, Liu Bei sued the officials in Jizhou to rebel and reported all the things that happened in Jizhou!
The Luoyang court soon received Liu Bei's memorial, and the memorials of the prefects from all over Jizhou also came to Luoyang City. They also sued Liu Bei, saying that he killed gentry, confiscated property, and wanted to rebel!
All these memorials came to the Shangshutai of the Dahan. At this time, Emperor Ling was seriously ill and rarely dealt with government affairs. The government affairs of the court were handled by Ma Rixun.Military matters were jointly handled by Shang Shuling Lu Zhi and master craftsman Zhu Jun.

The battle to encircle and suppress Zhang Yan was written by the two of them.They reconciled Liu Yu and the Xianbei people, and wanted to use the Xianbei people to contain Xu Wei.

It's just that they didn't expect Xu Wei to be so active in beating the Xianbei people that he would mobilize the main force to fight the Xianbei people.

When they knew that Lei Gong was attacking the territory of the Xianbei people, they thought it was a godsend opportunity, so they formulated a strategy to eliminate Zhang Yan.

After confirming that Lei Gong had really gone to Mayi, they quickly ordered Liu Bei to attack Zhang Yan, and let Dong Zhuo lead an army of 3 to hide in Hukou Pass, waiting for the opportunity to fight.

And the two lived up to the name of the famous generals of the great man. Sure enough, they wiped out Zhang Yan's troops in the first battle and reversed the situation of the great man.

Zhu Jun looked at these memorials and looked at Lu Zhi, speechless for a while.

"Zigan, this Liu Xuande is your disciple, you should know him very well, tell me what he wants to do, to control the officials of the entire Jizhou, such a thing is really not an exaggeration to say that he rebelled!"

Lu Zhi smiled wryly and said: "Although you may not believe it, I don't know much about Xuande, and I even have a bad impression. It was probably in the fourth year of Xiping (175) that he worshiped me as a teacher, but it was not considered a A good student who is not good at Confucian classics, a poor boy who likes to hang out with Gongsun Zan’s famous disciples, who is not good at reading but likes dogs, horses, music, and beautiful clothes. He can be regarded as a relatively poor student of mine. I thought he would be useless in the future,
So we have not been in touch for more than ten years. It was Bo'an who started Xuande to farm the fields. Only then did I know that he has become the highest official among my disciples. In the past few years, he has been out of control, leading an army of 10 to suppress the north. It can be said that he has done a good job in the Southern and Northern Wars these years.

In the past few years, I started to pay attention to Xuande, and found that he thought he was completely different from before. He was good at fighting and martial arts. The pillar of the country. "

"I think 7% of what Liu Bei said is true. After all, if he really wants to find a rebel, the first one to win over should be the elite clan in Jizhou, instead of fighting against the entire clan in Jizhou as he is doing now!"

Zhu Jun then searched for all the memorials from Jizhou, compared with Liu Bei's memorials, and finally saw the differences between the two groups.

"It seems that the nobles in Jizhou have killed too many people, which caused Xuande's dissatisfaction, so he controls the officials in Jizhou!"

Lu Zhi picked up Liu Bei's memorial and frowned and said, "They didn't kill a little bit. According to Liu Bei's statement, the whole Jizhou has thousands of miles of corpses, and there are everywhere in Beijing. If Liu Bei didn't stop it, I'm afraid they would have killed millions of people." , They also set a quota, each county has to kill one-tenth of the people, they are really officials of the big man, why do I think this is a barbarian on the grassland, what do these Jizhou clansmen want, no wonder Xuande said They want to rebel, if I am in Jizhou, I will control them all!"

Zhu Jun sighed and said: "What else can it be? It's just revenge. Zhang Yan has caused disasters in Jizhou for three or four years, and more than half of the powerful families in Jizhou have died in Zhang Yan's hands. Zhongshan, Zhao Guo, Changshan and Weijun have been in Zhang Yan's hands for a longer time than the imperial court. It can be said that these places are full of Zhang Yan's accomplices.

Although the nobles in Jizhou killed Zhang Yan, how could Zhang Yan alone make them angry? They would naturally take revenge on Zhang Yan and his associates.Moreover, Zhang Yan robbed them of their family property, and they wanted to restore the family business. Obviously, taking away the people is the fastest way! "

Zhu Jun is also an old official. Combining the memorials reported by the two parties, he can guess what happened in Jizhou by analyzing it.

Lu Zhi said angrily, "Now that Lei Gong is not settled, Xiliang is not settled, the people's lives are difficult, and the country's progress is difficult. The powerful and noble families in Jizhou are so ignorant of the court. If they do this, they will not be afraid to force another Zhang Yan! They will kill millions of people. So bold, who gave them the right to do this?"

Then Lu Zhi rejoiced and said: "Fortunately, Xuande is in Jizhou, which stopped their actions and prevented their deeds from continuing to expand, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!"

Zhu Jun said helplessly: "It is difficult to stabilize the situation in Jizhou. Zhang Yan and Lei Gong are different from Zhang Jiao. Zhang Jiao was originally a well-known alchemist in the world, and he made friends all over the world, including officials from the imperial court and local people. Mingshi, even if he rebelled, he only targeted the imperial court, and did not point the finger at the powerful and powerful gentry of the local clan."

"The powerful gentry in the local area, the powerful gentry, can tolerate the Yellow Turban Bandits, and even use the Yellow Turban Bandits to resist the imperial court."

"But since the birth of Lei Gong, the yellow scarf thieves in Jizhou have targeted the powerful and powerful gentry in the local area. The wars in the past few years have caused heavy losses to the powerful and powerful gentry in the entire Jizhou, even exceeding the losses in troubled times. Therefore, the two sides The contradictions are sharp, and it has reached the point of life and death, and the elimination of the Yellow Turbans has become the common goal of Jizhou, which cannot be stopped by Liu Bei alone."

Lu Zhi worried: "Then what should we do? The imperial court can't just watch Jizhou's wealthy and powerful gentry massacre the common people of the big man! If this matter is spread out, how will the common people view the imperial court? If the imperial court does not control their behavior, other How can the aristocratic families in the prefectures and counties care about the majesty of the court!"

Zhu Jun also felt embarrassed: "If Your Majesty can still control the government affairs at this time, there is still a way to solve this matter, but His Majesty has not been in court for more than a month. Does the Taiwei have much experience in handling government affairs? How much prestige can control the court, and the current situation of the court is that the dragons have no leader, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to find someone to control the officials in Jizhou."

"Xuande's move is easy to be suspected. If he continues to control the officials in Jizhou, all the civil and military officials will suspect that Xuande wants to rebel and stand on his own."

Lu Zhi thought for a while and said: "Now the imperial court still has prestige, can control the entire Jizhou officialdom, and restrict their killing behavior. Only the Yuan family, Yang family, Zhang family and Cui family are the big clans. If one person becomes Jizhou Shepherd, he can also control the situation in Jizhou!"

Zhu Jun smiled wryly and said: "The shepherd of a state is so important. No one but His Majesty dares to make a decision. We should summarize these matters and report to His Majesty, so that His Majesty can make a decision!"

Lu Zhi said helplessly: "Your Majesty is really ill at the wrong time. This illness not only makes Jizhou turbulent, but also makes us lose the best chance to solve Lei Gong!"

Zhu Jun thought for a while and said: "Lei Gong is powerful, not comparable to Zhang Yan. If the court wants to solve Lei Gong, it must be prepared to fight for 10 years. Such a war must be Huangfu Yizheng. We still propose to His Majesty that Huangfu Yizheng Come back, replace Huangfu Yizhen with Xuande to suppress Xiliang's rebellion."

(End of this chapter)

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