I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 205, Dong Zhuo's thoughts

Chapter 205, Dong Zhuo's thoughts
But his soldiers were not as strong as Ju Yi. Facing the steel knives and iron armor of the Tengjia Army, they retreated steadily, and were soon broken by the Tengjia Army.

Seeing this scene, Ju Yi knew how powerful this armored army was, and shouted: "The whole army retreats!"

After hearing Ju Yi's order, the soldiers quickly left the camp!

Zhang Baiqi pulled Wang Dang at this time and said, "We have to leave quickly, or we won't be able to leave!"

Just now Ju Yi set fires everywhere in the camp, and now the whole camp has been burned to less than half!
Both sides escaped from the burning camp!

After the soldiers of the Yellow Turbans escaped, many people cried bitterly when they saw the fire. They lived in this camp for several years and it has been the same as their home, but now it is gone!

Yang Feng was also in a dilemma. Since Zhang Yan died in battle, Dong Zhuo had seized all the money and food of the Yellow Turban Army in Wei County, and most of the money and food on Taihang Mountain had been exchanged for weapons and equipment by Lei Gong.

So after Yang Feng and the others fled to the Taihang Mountains, they knew that they could not support a million people, so they simply asked everyone to join Lei Gong. He only had [-] young and strong around him, but now the camps on the Taihang Mountains were all burned, and the food and grass were also burned. It's all gone, their Yellow Turban Army is completely out of food!If there is no food, his team will completely disintegrate!
At this time, Zhang Baiqi said: "Let's go to Taiyuan County first. Even if you don't want to join Qu Shuai, these soldiers have been with you for several years. You can't watch them starve to death! Go to Taiyuan, you want to leave We won't stop it either!"

After Yang Feng and Wang Dang discussed it, they found that they really had no other way to go except to join Lei Gong!

At this time, Wang Dang walked up to Zhang Baiqi and said, "We can join Lei Gong, but Lei Gong wants to help us kill Dong Zhuo and Liu Bei to avenge the commander-in-chief!"

Zhang Baiqi said: "I dare not agree to this, you should discuss it with Qu Shuai!"

In this situation, Yang Feng and the others have no choice but to follow Zhang Baiqi away!
Jizhou, Zhao Guo!

Ju Yi led the soldiers down the mountain, and Xu Rong led people to meet them.

Seeing Ju Yi, Xu Rong smiled and said, "Yuntian, did you kill Yang Feng?"

Ju Yi said with a look of displeasure: "No! I met the elite of the Rattan Armored Army. All 500 of them were wearing iron armor. Everyone was tall and strong, and their strength was much stronger than ordinary soldiers. I don't know how these soldiers are. After practicing, even I was defeated in the battle myself!"

Xu Rong said solemnly: "Lei Gong's subordinates appeared on Taihang Mountain, does he also want to attack Jizhou?"

Now the military settlements in Jizhou have begun, and the fortifications in various places have only begun. If Lei Gong really rushed down the Taihang Mountains, it would not be a good thing for them!

Ju Yidao: "Except for these 500 people, I didn't find Lei Gong's other subordinates. It should be a coincidence. Although I didn't kill Yang Feng and the others in this battle, I burned their camp. Yang Feng doesn't want to be hungry. If you die, you can only rely on Lei Gong!"

Xu Rong thought for a while and said: "The Yellow Turban Army was originally a local snake in the Taihang Mountains, and it has been raging in Jizhou for several years. They are familiar with the geography of Jizhou. Not good news."

The two found Huangfusong and reported the situation!

But Huangfusong didn't care about Yang Feng and the others escaping from birth, but asked Ju Yi seriously: "How are the soldiers of the Rattan Armor Army fighting?"

Ju Yi thought for a while and said: "The soldiers are strong, well-equipped, rigorous in formation, and high in morale. They can be said to be the first-class elite in the world. Even the soldiers in Xiliang are hard to compare with them, if not for their small number One point, I'm afraid I may not be able to retreat easily!"

Due to the turmoil in Xiliang for a hundred years, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers is recognized as the strongest in the Han Dynasty, but now Ju Yi admits that the Xiliang soldiers are not as elite as the Tengjia Army, which shocked Huang Fusong.

Xu Rong said: "There won't be too many elites like the Tengjia Army? Why should the general be so worried!"

Huangfusong said with a wry smile: "I'm afraid there are more elites in Lei Gong than Zi Yu imagined. According to the information I got, there are tens of thousands of soldiers in the Rattan Armored Army, and the rest are more than a hundred thousand soldiers. Most of them have two pieces of armor, and the light-to-armor ratio has surpassed that of my big man's army. Lei Gong has conquered the Xiongnu and defeated Xianbei in these years, relying on elite soldiers and excellent weapons!"

Ju Yi was surprised and said, "Lei Gong really robbed Jizhou, how could there be so many armors?"

It's no wonder that Ju Yi was so surprised, tens of thousands of iron armors, even the imperial court couldn't equip them!

Huangfusong shook his head and said: "That's not true. During this period of time, I have been collecting information on Lei Gong, and I found that Lei Gong is really a rare talent. He is proficient in all kinds of crafts. He built a steel city in Mayi. It is said that there are tens of thousands of people. It is specially used for iron smelting, and the weapons and equipment of the Rattan Armor Army are all made by Lei Gong himself."

"Lei Gong attaches great importance to weapons and equipment. When he first occupied Wei County and had no conditions, he also tried to cut down rattan and mobilized the whole city to help him make rattan armor. This is why Lei Gong's subordinates are called Rattan Armor Army!"

"When I went to Mayi, Lei Gong's first thing was to build a steel factory to produce various weapons and equipment. Two sets of armor, compared to equipment, the rattan armor army is really better than the soldiers of the imperial court!"

Xu Rong was shocked and said: "It seems that the Tengjia Army really can't fight recklessly. The strategy we formulated at the beginning was correct! We can only rely on the geographical advantage to besiege Lei Gong to death!"

But Huangfusong smiled wryly and said: "Didn't we always wonder that Bingzhou is obviously a cold and miserable place, but there are food for millions of refugees, and now I have found the reason!"

"Lei Gong attaches great importance to the construction of water conservancy facilities. When he went to Mayi to open up wasteland, he continued to build water conservancy facilities. It is said that the water conservancy facilities in Mayi are hundreds of miles long. Lei Gong used something called cement to build water canals. The city walls are all high, and there are millions of acres of irrigated land in Mayi. He also produced a kind of struvite, which can be used to fertilize the land. Now the grain production in Mayi has reached 4 shi per mu. Not to mention the fallow, you can still do three kinds of crops in two years!"

Ju Yi was shocked: "How is this possible? How could Lei Gong know so many things?"

Xu Rong also sighed: "No wonder the general said he is a genius!"

Then he reacted and said: "Then it is not wrong for us to formulate a strategy to besiege Leigong. Leigong does not lack food at all?"

Huangfusong said: "No! Our strategy is not wrong. Even though there are so many ways to increase production, Bingzhou has a weak foundation and it is difficult to feed tens of millions of people. In order to feed these tens of millions of people, Lei Gong banned the entire Bingzhou. Grain sales, control all the food in the hands of the Tengjia Army, and formulate food stamps for each person, stipulating how much food they can eat every month!"

Xu Rong couldn't believe it and said: "How can this kind of policy continue to be formulated? Officials, powerful families, and wealthy businessmen will definitely eat more! The common people will definitely starve to death!"

But Huangfusong said solemnly: "But this policy has been implemented for more than half a year. Lei Gong himself takes the lead in eating seven buckets of grain every month. The leader of the Tengjia Army is the same as Lei Gong. With them as demonstrations, the whole Bingzhou is effective. Although Tens of millions of people are not full, but not a single person died of starvation!"

"So I will once again determine that Lei Gong is the most dangerous enemy of the big man. Fortunately, we have mastered Lei Gong's fatal flaw! It is their lack of food!

The struvite used by Bingzhou to increase food production is dug out from the islands of Youzhou and Jizhou. As long as we cut off the struvite in Bingzhou, Bingzhou’s grain production will be greatly reduced. Without food, the Tengjia Army will collapse ! "

Ju Yi wanted to worry about how to deal with Lei Gong, but he didn't expect Huangfusong to grasp the weakness of the Tengjia Army. He said excitedly: "General, there is nothing to say, we will immediately cut off the bird droppings of the Tengjia Army. Shi, Lei Gong and the others can only starve to death!"

Xu Rong said unhappily: "You are trying to force Lei Gong to drive tens of millions of hungry people to attack Jizhou! Although this is Lei Gong's weakness, as long as we use it, Lei Gong will definitely fight to the death instead of sitting still. Quietly waiting to starve to death in Bingzhou!"

Huangfusong nodded and said: "The general has already contacted Dong Zhuo of Shangdang and Gongsun Zan of Youzhou to ask them to build high walls and build more fortifications. We will also build docks, dig trenches, and build archery towers in Jizhou. Use the favorable terrain of Taihang Mountain to build fortifications, create a steel cage, and surround Lei Gong!"

Then Huangfusong said to Ju Yi: "Yuntian, your task is very important to wipe out the Yellow Turban Army on Taihang Mountain as soon as possible, so that we can start building fortifications!"

Ju Yi clasped his hands and said, "This subordinate will definitely wipe out the Yellow Turban Bandits on Taihang Mountain within a month!"

In the next month, the Yellow Turban Army on Taihang Mountain was in bad luck. Every few days, a group of Yellow Turban Army soldiers were wiped out by Ju Yi. They were not as lucky as Yang Feng and had Zhang Baiqi's help. Facing Ju Yi's army, Most of Qu Shuai was directly hacked to death by Ju Yi, and his followers were also captured by Ju Yi, and then they were taken to Zhao State to become coolies for building Wubao!

Huangfusong's actions in Taihang Mountain were naturally discovered by Xu Wei and the others!
Especially when they discovered that Huangfusong had been building beacon towers and docks along the dangerous places of Taihang Mountain, this was obviously aimed at their Tengjia army!

Wang Ge said: "Chu Shuai can't continue to let Huangfusong build the Wubao, and let him continue to build the Wubao. Our passage into Jizhou will be blocked by Huangfusong!"

Xu Wei calmly said: "Don't worry, Taihang Mountain is thousands of miles away, Huangfusong won't be able to seal it off in a while!"

Zhang Baiqi said: "But Huangfusong has made no secrets about our enemies, don't we take the initiative to attack and disrupt Huangfusong's plan?"

Xu Wei smiled and said: "Now Huangfusong has made a move, now it's our turn to make a move! Help me contact Dong Zhuo, I want to meet him!"

Xu Wei is now not sure whether Dong Zhuo will still have the original power. After all, Huangfusong has an army of 10 in his hands. If he joins the princes to challenge Dong, Dong Zhuo may only be forced to flee.

But Xu Wei also knew that as long as Dong Zhuo went to Luoyang City, the situation in Luoyang would become even more chaotic. When Huangfusong's rear was in chaos, Xu Wei didn't believe that Huangfusong could still confront him with such peace of mind!

Yangtou Mountain is located at the junction of Shangdang County and Taiyuan County. After Dong Zhuo knew that Lei Gong wanted to meet him, he chose this place as the place for the two parties to meet!

Dong Zhuo arrived early in the small pavilion, waiting for the arrival of this Thunder God!
"Wen You, why does Lei Gong want to see the old man at this time?"

Li Ru thought for a while and said, "After Huangfusong went to Jizhou, he kept moving. He either set up a military camp, built a fortress, or killed the yellow scarf bandits on Taihang Mountain. I'm afraid Lei Gong already has the intention of dealing with Huangfusong. Seeing the general now, I'm afraid I want to win the general over so that he can deal with Huangfusong with all his strength!"

Dong Zhuo smiled and said: "Lei Gong vs. Huangfu Song, this is probably the most exciting battle that the big man has fought in the past hundred years. I really want to see who will win!"

To Dong Zhuo, neither side is a good bird, he really hopes that both sides will fight to the death!
Li Ru thought for a while and said: "In terms of military strength, the Jizhou Army is still not as good as the Tengjia Army, but Huangfusong is the number one general in the Han Dynasty, and he relies on Jizhou as a big granary. , Maybe Lei Gong will be defeated, after all, food is Lei Gong's weakness! He can't afford it!"

Dong Zhuo snorted coldly: "Young people are so greedy and greedy, they actually swallowed millions of refugees in one go. You must be supported now!"

Dong Zhuo didn't believe that Lei Gong recruited refugees to save people. In his opinion, Lei Gong was just trying to expand his strength, and now he was just choking on Lei Gong's lack of greed.

Li Ru smiled and said, "If Lei Gong hadn't been choked, our Xiliang Army wouldn't be so relaxed!"

Then Li Rudao: "Teacher Yuan has already sent several letters, asking us to continue to approach Luoyang City. It is best for you, General, to submit a memorial and ask the court to kill the ten servants!"

Under Yuan Kai's order, Dong Zhuo had closed the courtyard where his 200 subordinates were stationed, and the courtyard was only more than [-] miles away from Luoyang City, which was enough to threaten Luoyang City.

But here Dong Zhuo refused to go any further, because he was the prefect of Shangdang County. After all, Tianjingguan was in Shangdang County. It was reasonable for him to mobilize the army, but if he went to Hanoi County, it would be considered as crossing the line. Things can be big or small.

Yuan Kai is not willing to give him a promise now, not to mention becoming a captain, a general, even if it is a title promotion, there is nothing, nothing!

This made Dong Zhuo also have opinions on Yuan Wei, and he was unwilling to continue going south.

Dong Zhuo sighed and said, "Although Zhang asked them to be greedy for money, they took money to do things anyway. Zhang asked them to find a way to get me as a former general, but now I want the general to play and kill eunuchs. How do people in the world think of this general?" , Do you really regard this general as a slave of his Yuan family? He refused to give even a promise. This is to use up my old Dong and kick me back to Xiliang. Since we all want to go back to Xiliang, Why should I participate in this matter!"

(End of this chapter)

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