I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 219, Yuan Shao sitting on wax

Chapter 219, Yuan Shao sitting on wax
After Wang Yun left!

Guan Yu sighed: "Dong Zhuo will definitely not be able to defend Luoyang. The person who read the imperial decree should be his confidant, but he is also helping Yuan Kui to do things. The Yuan Clan has deep roots. Even if Dong Zhuo has the military advantage, it cannot be Yuan Kui. Kui's opponent!"

The long history Huangfu Li complained: "When the first emperor recruited Dong Zhuo to go to Taiyuan County, Dong Zhuo had the idea of ​​​​resisting the edict and disrespecting him, and Xiliang's rebellion had many friendships with him. These years, Xiliang's rebellion has been suppressed repeatedly. With Dong Zhuo here, I persuaded my lord to take the opportunity to get rid of the evil Dong Zhuo, but my lord refused to listen and insisted on asking the late emperor to say that it is a felony to kill the court ministers without authorization, which violates the law. It’s all right now, my lord. If Dong Zhuo is not killed, Dong Zhuo will start harming the big man. If Dong Zhuo is removed of course, there will be what is happening now!
After Liu Bei came to Xiliang, he recruited Huangfusong's son, Huangfu Li, to be his long history. That is to say, with him, a native of Xiliang, Liu Bei could gain a firm foothold in Xiliang. He just wanted to attack Han Sui and the others. At that time, Luoyang City was in chaos, and Liu Bei was the same as Huang Fusong. The preparations in the early stage were in vain!

Liu Bei said indifferently: "Even if General Huangfu removed Dong Zhuo that day, it would be useless. The reason why Dong Zhuo has the power he has now is because of the indulgence of Taifu Yuan Kai. It can even be said that he created Dong Zhuo as a powerful minister. He has to rely on Dong Zhuo's forces dethroned the emperor and killed Empress Dowager He.

So even if Dong Zhuo died that day, there would still be Lu Zhuo and Wang Zhuo. The culprit of all this is the Yuan family. They are no longer satisfied with being the number one clan of the big man, and they want to replace the Liu family and seize the world of the big man ! "

"Although Dong Zhuo is domineering, he has made great contributions to the stability of the great man by guarding the western borders for decades. Even if he becomes the prime minister, he has not done much to endanger the great man. We need to use the method of rebellion. Get rid of Dong Zhuo? Yuan Wei is also a veteran of the three dynasties, don't you know that the consequence of doing so is endangering the society of the great man!"

Huangfu Li immediately said: "Dong Zhuo deposed the Young Emperor and killed the Empress Dowager, isn't that considered a crime?"

Liu Bei sneered and said, "Although Dong Zhuo deposed the young emperor, all he did was through the court council, and after being approved by the Sangong and Jiuqing, he issued a decree and then implemented it in the world. This is all within the law of the Han Dynasty.

If Dong Zhuo now says that Dong Zhuo is a guilty minister, then Yuan Kui, the Taifu who agreed to abolish the emperor, and the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty are all guilty. Do they think that the introduction of Dong Zhuo can cover up their crimes?

Do you think you can deceive the world like this?
It's impossible, what they are doing is just deceiving their ears and stealing the bell! "

Guan Yu also nodded and said: "Brother is right. Dong Zhuo has no power to abolish the monarch. It's just that Yuan Kai and the others don't want to have such a stigma, so they let Dong Zhuo expand his power. Now they are backing themselves and provoking a civil war against the big man!"

"Before, Yuan Shu led troops to attack the imperial palace and set fire to the Suzaku Gate. Later, Yuan Shao established himself as a chariot general and rebelled against the Han. In addition, Yuan Kai let Dong Zhuo go. It can be said that Yuan's family no longer has any loyalty to the court. The second thing is that Yuan Shao and the others really wiped out Dong Zhuo, and the entire Central Plains and the imperial court are completely in the hands of the Yuan family. Will the imperial court still exist at that time is a question?
Just looking at how they split the court to achieve their own goals, it can be seen that the current Yuan family no longer has any awe of the court and His Majesty. "

Huangfu Li panicked for a while, how could this be different from what he thought, everyone should not condemn Dong Zhuo and support Tai Tuo Yuan Wei, how could it become condemning Yuan Wei?
But after hearing Liu Bei and Guan Yu's words, it seems that there is nothing wrong with thinking about it.

Dong Zhuo did not serve as an official in Luoyang at all, he was not a relative, nor was he from a noble family. He had no fame, prestige, and family background. How did he gain a firm foothold in Luoyang City?
You can even contact the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty to abolish the emperor. At that time, Dong Zhuo had only been in Luoyang City for more than a month. How could he do so many things in such a short time?

At this time, Zhang Fei pulled his shoulder and said with a smile: "Are you wondering why we hate Yuan Kui and the others so much?"

Huangfu Li nodded. Yuan Kui was not only the grand tutor, but also the patriarch of the most influential family in the Han Dynasty. How could his family Minggong and his colleagues not have any awe!
Zhang Feidao: "This is because we have suffered a lot at the hands of Yuan Kai and the others, and we have already seen their faces. When we went to Jizhou to fight the Yellow Turban Army, we had already defeated the Yellow Turban Army. Change is to use the method of reclamation to eradicate the refugees in Jizhou, but the elites in Jizhou assassinated Fu Bian for their own benefit, so that the Yellow Turban Army in Jizhou broke out again.

Later, we even encircled and suppressed the Yellow Turban Army several times, but each time we were dragged down by Yuan Kai and other elites. If it weren’t for them, the Yellow Turban Army in Jizhou would have been put down a few years ago, and there would not be so many in the world. thing.

We have suffered so much, how could we still trust Yuan Wei because of their reputation? In fact, as long as you are not disturbed by the reputation they tout, you will find that these so-called celebrities and patriarchs are just a group of selfish people Just an old man!Everything they do is for their family. "

After Huangfu Li was taught like this, he suddenly felt that his three views were about to be shattered!It turned out that Yuan Kai, who was famous all over the world, was a villain in the eyes of his Duke Ming!
He didn't believe it, but this was Ming Gong's evaluation, which made him believe it again.

Since he joined Liu Bei's group, he has also discovered that he is a Minggong. He is humble, courteous and corporal, treats people leniently, knows how to use them well, and treats the people very benevolently, especially benevolence is very important to Xiliang. .

Xiliang has experienced hundreds of years of wars, and all kinds of talented people are here to display their military talents. They are all killing people. It can be said that Xiliang has become a place of wealth and promotion for them.These heroes killed millions of people in Xiliang, only hundreds of thousands, and the whole of Xiliang is full of deserted villages.

But Liu Bei is the only one who truly has a heart of benevolence. He came to Xiliang not to kill people, but to save people.

After Liu Bei came to Xiliang for more than half a year, he did not fight Han Sui's rebels. Instead, he traveled all over the wilderness around Anding County, and then continued to recruit refugees and Hu people, leading the Qiang people and the rebels who escaped to reclaim wasteland. , Purchased a large amount of agricultural tools through the caravan and handed them over to everyone. Under the leadership of Liu Bei, everyone worked hard for several months and reclaimed hundreds of thousands of acres of land in Jingshui.

This incident has caused a sensation in Xiliang. Xiliang has been in chaos for hundreds of years. It is the first time that officials have repaired water conservancy facilities and reclaimed wasteland in Xiliang. These hundreds of thousands of acres of land have brought hope to the whole of Xiliang. Rebellion The Heqiang people were moved by his righteousness, and they came to surrender one after another. The number of people attached to Liu Bei reached 5. Han Sui and the others lost tens of thousands of men before they fought Liu Bei. Han Sui and the others were so frightened that they did not dare to approach Liu Bei. of the site.

Later, Liu Bei bought a large number of textile machines through the caravan and built a textile factory (although Xu Wei was well-prepared, spinning machines and new-style textile machines slowly spread in the Han Dynasty, and many skilled craftsmen have cracked Mayi spinning. The secret of the yarn machine, of course, they still can’t achieve the streamlined production like Mayi, and the origin of raw materials is not as large as that of the Rattan Army. After all, most of the grassland is now occupied by Xu Wei.)
In the first year, the textile factory in Anding County spun 30 bolts of woolen cloth. This textile factory fed tens of thousands of employees in the textile factory, and brought enough food and wages to Liu Bei. The county already has some prosperity and bustle before the war.

This also made Liu Bei's reputation spread throughout Xiliang, and the people of Xiliang who had been in chaos for hundreds of years felt that Liu Bei was the person sent by heaven to them to end the war in Xiliang.

He only heard about Yuan Kai's virtue, but he saw Liu Bei's benevolence with his own eyes, so he still believed what Liu Bei said!
At this time, Zhao Yun said helplessly: "It's a pity that we only made the beginning of our work in Xiliang. If we leave now, I'm afraid that all previous efforts will be wasted. I don't know how many years it will take for Xiliang to be stable!"

Only now did Huangfu Li realize that they were about to leave Xiliang, and he exclaimed, "Duke Ming, Xiliang cannot live without you!"

Liu Bei also said helplessly: "The Han Dynasty is dying, and I can only save the big man first! If the rebellion of the Yuan brothers is not extinguished, the whole big Han will be torn apart and fall into the chaos of the Warring States Period!"

"Zhongde, I will recommend you as the prefect of Anding County, and I will leave you 1 for the army. You can follow my practice in Anding County, continue to reclaim the land, organize the people's army, as long as there is enough food in Xiliang, We all have a stable life, and I entrust everything in Xiliang to you!"

Then Liu Bei prepared 3 troops and ordered Zhao Yun to become the vanguard and lead 5000 cavalry to march to Chang'an and Wuguan to Nanyang County.

At the same time, Liu Bei's memorial to recommend Huangfu Li to be the prefect of Anding County also came to Dong Zhuo's hands. Dong Zhuo was overjoyed to see that as long as Liu Bei could leave the pass, let alone let Huangfu Li become the prefect of Anding County, even if he became Xiliang Mu. question!

While Liu Bei was marching, Yecheng in Jizhou was also covered in silver makeup, but the wind was not as cold as Xiliang!
Although Yuan Shao raised troops in Hanoi, Hanoi was too close to Luoyang City, which was not conducive to him hoarding soldiers and training troops, so he quickly brought his recruits to Yecheng in Wei County.

At this time, Yuan Shao was sitting in the middle, and beside him were the former disciples of the Yuan Clan and the friends he had made over the years, such as Qiao Mao, Xu You, Xin Ping, Guo Tu, Feng Ji, Xun Chen, Chen Lin , Chun Yuqiong and others
Qiao Mao took the lead in raising the Dadong banner. Although Yuan Shao and the others responded, the very embarrassing thing was that apart from the Yuan family's nobles, there were no other family members and old officials who responded to them. Huangfusong and Liu Yu didn't respond either, but rather condemned them.This is completely different from what the adults in his family said. Why didn't Huangfusong and Liu Yu stand on their side and condemn Dong Zhuo?

Yuan Shao immediately felt bad at this moment. This was no longer a war between their Yuan Clan and the big Han. Although Dong Zhuo could not fully command the power of the big Han, relying on the Central Army in his hands was enough to defeat them.

If either of Huangfusong and Liu Yu were persuaded by Dong Zhuo, they would have no choice but to flee to the end of the world, because they had recruits in their hands. Cao Cao and the others!However, Dong Zhuo and Huangfusong had the elites in their hands, and they knew that these recruits could not be the opponents of the elites.

So now Yuan Shao and the others are a bit of a loser, and Huangfusong and Liu Yubu have joined the alliance against Dong Zhuo. How can they defeat Dong Zhuo?
Yuan Shao worried his little friend and asked, "Tell me, what should we do now?"

Xu You, Yuan Shao's friend, said: "Of course we want to find a way to get Huangfusong and Liu Yu to join our alliance against Dong Zhuo. Liu Yu can forget about it, but Huangfusong is the key. Without the elite army in his hands, we only rely on our newly recruited soldiers. It is impossible to be the opponent of Dong Zhuo's Xiliang Army!"

Qiao Mao asked nervously, "Why didn't Huangfusong join us? He is a famous general who is loyal to the imperial court. Now that the imperial court has a treacherous minister named Dong Zhuo, shouldn't he be punished?"

It's no wonder that Qiao Mao was nervous. He was the initiator of this uprising. If he could not defeat Dong Zhuo, he and his family would surely die without a place to bury him. Now the situation is different from what he imagined, so he is naturally nervous. Dong Zhuo But Xiliang man, he really will kill his whole family!
In fact, he regretted it a little now. If he had known this would happen, he shouldn't have written the edict against Dong Zhuo in the first place.

it's good now!The Yuan family doesn't know what will happen yet, but the nine clans of his Qiao family are in danger.

If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't be greedy for the position of the third prince, so that I put my family in such a dangerous situation now.

This is obviously an internal strife in his Yuan family, what's wrong with my surname Qiao!

Yuan Shao said helplessly: "Huangfusong said that he wants to attack Lei Gong in Bingzhou, and he has no strength to support us. He even wants us to return the food and grass he hoarded!"

Xin commented: "Lei Gong is just a man with no ambitions. When we wipe out Dong Zhuo and gather the strength of the entire Han Dynasty, we may not be able to wipe out Lei Gong. The poor Huangfu Song is still the number one general in the Han Dynasty. He can't even see this clearly! "

Xu You sneered and said, "It's not that he can't see clearly, he just doesn't want to get involved with us, maybe in the eyes of others, he is the loyal minister of the big man, and we are the traitors of the big man!"

Xu You said that their faces were ugly, which hit their pain point. Xu Youtian was not afraid of anything. He dared to join forces with Wang Fen to launch a mutiny several years ago. To him, rebellion is nothing at all, as long as he can achieve his goal can.

But other people can't. There is a huge family behind them. If they really define it as a rebellion, not to mention their nine clans will be wiped out, but their family will also be defeated. This is something they can't bear!

(End of this chapter)

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