I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 231, the various trends of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 231, the various trends of the Han Dynasty

When Yuan Shao and the others collected information from the major county guards, they found that most of them did not agree with establishing another emperor!

So Yuan Shao could only write to Yuan Shu again, saying: "Now there is a young emperor in name in the west, but he has no royal blood. Gongqing and other courtiers are flattering Dong Zhuo, how can we trust them anymore! Just send troops to guard the pass fortress, It will trap them all to death. If we support a wise emperor in the east, we can expect to live a peaceful life, why hesitate?"

What Yuan Shao meant was that he wanted Yuan Shu to take the lead and create momentum for supporting Liu Yu!

But Yuan Shu wrote back: "The emperor is wise and wise, and has the qualifications of Zhou Cheng Wang Jisong. The thief Dong Zhuo took advantage of the country's crisis and used violence to subdue the officials. This is a small bad luck for the Han Dynasty. Do you mean the emperor?" 'No royal blood', isn't that a slander! I am sincere and aim to destroy Dong Zhuo, but I don't know anything else!"

After reading Yuan Shu's reply, Yuan Shao was so angry that he tore up the letter. Yuan Shao didn't believe any of the words written on it!Yuan Shu has always been lawless, even dared to burn down the palace, and now he pretends to be a loyal minister for him, how does Yuan Shao believe this, he thinks Yuan Shu must have some kind of plan, so he is not willing to support Liu Yu!

But Yuan Shao did not give up. He sent Zhang Qi, the former prefect of Lelang County, and others to Youzhou with their proposal, and offered Liu Yu the title of emperor. He wanted to see what Liu Yu meant. If Liu Yu wanted to be emperor , he can also hang Liu Yu with the throne, so that the Kwantung Allied Forces will have 11 more elites.

But when Liu Yu saw Zhang Qi and the others and knew what they meant, he yelled at them and said, "The world is torn apart, and the emperor is in trouble abroad. I have received great kindness from the country, and I have not been able to avenge the shame of the country. You should guard the states and counties separately. Do your best to serve the royal family, but instead plan this kind of conspiracy to stain me!"

Liu Yu firmly refused.

Yuan Shao and others also asked Liu Yu to preside over the affairs of the Shangshu and serve as an official on behalf of the emperor. It doesn't matter whether Liu Yu becomes the emperor or not, but the important thing is that the 8 troops in Liu Yu's hands can join the Kanto Alliance.

But even so, Liu Yu still refused to accept it, and even planned to flee into the territory of the Xianbei people to isolate himself, so Yuan Shao and others gave up.

And through this incident, Liu Yu can be regarded as seeing that Yuan Shao and the others are fundamentally out of their own selfish desires and want to split the big Han. Their Kwantung Alliance is not at all for the crusade against Dong Zhuo, but for their own struggle for power. Liu Yu His sense of them is even worse, he won't help Dong Zhuo, but he doesn't want to help Yuan Shao either!

And Liu Yu was also very busy at this time, because of the war against Dong, the entire Central Plains was full of refugees, and they came to Jizhou after crossing the Yellow River.

But the people in Jizhou have been killed by the Yellow Turban Army. They are afraid that these refugees will revive the Yellow Turban Army in Jizhou, so they dare not let these refugees stay in Jizhou. So they thought of an old method, which is to keep sending refugees to Youzhou and Bingzhou rushed, and they were not worried about Bingzhou, because Lei Gong would accept refugees as soon as he saw them.

But Youzhou is a bit difficult to deal with. After all, Liu Yu of Youzhou has a very high reputation in the Han Dynasty, and their practice of beggar-thy-neighbor is too offensive.

In order for Liu Yu to be a refugee, officials from all over Jizhou raised 2 million yuan and handed it to Liu Yu.

What did the envoy say, Liuzhou Mu's ability to cultivate is admired all over the world, Jizhou has no wasteland, but Youzhou has a lot of wasteland, please Liu Zhoumu lead these millions of refugees to cultivate!To save all the people in this world, in short, one after another, one after another, puts high hats on Liu Yu's head, making him embarrassed to say no.

And Liu Yu really didn't refuse. Liu Yu, who is a good old man, knows that refusing to accept these refugees now is to let them die. This is not what he wants to see!
And because of the use of struvite in Youzhou, there is a bumper harvest of grain, and the government of Youzhou has a lot of grain in stock, and the price of grain is even as low as 30 yuan, which is enough to feed these refugees.

Moreover, Liu Yu also knew that if these grains did not feed the refugees, they would go to the territory of the Tengjia Army.

He knew that a large number of Youzhou nobles sold grain to Bingzhou through the grassland, because Lei Gong in Bingzhou bought grain at 500 yuan a stone, as long as the grain went to the grassland, the profit would be more than ten times, and Bingzhou also helped transport it, no trouble at all They, now the grasslands in the north of Dai County and Shanggu County are all the territory of the Tengjia Army. This is what Mi Jia, the leader of the Xianbei people in the east, told Liu Yu.

And Liu Yu also heard this, and realized that the nobles in Youzhou did not sell food to the barbarians on the grassland at all, but Lei Gong of the Tengjia Army!

So in Liu Yu's mind, instead of letting Lei Gong get the food, it is better to use it to settle the refugees of the big man. At least let the big man have a few more loyal subjects. Wan rebelled!In order to compete with Lei Gong for popular support, he resettled these refugees in Youzhou.

Officials in Jizhou were overjoyed when they learned that Liu Yu took in the refugees. They spontaneously learned Liu Bei's method and set up disaster relief sites every 10 miles. Youzhou and Jizhou did not have a single refugee.

These victims directly emptied the treasury of Youzhou.As a result, Liu Yu could only wear shabby clothes and straw sandals, and only ate one meat dish when eating.But because of Liu Yu's move, he felt that the officials in Youzhou and the whole Youzhou were united to resettle these refugees.

Liu Yu was generous in his administration, persuading and urging the people to engage in agriculture and sericulture, opened the Hu City in Shanggu County, traded with the Hu people for profit, developed the salt and iron production in Yuyang County, and made the people happy. The state settled down.

While in Jizhou, Huangfusong watched Yuan Shao's actions with cold eyes. He didn't care about the refugees in the Central Plains, the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou, Dong Zhuo's orders, and Yuan Shao's petty actions.

He devoted himself to dealing with Lei Gong. He built beacon towers, docks, and military stations everywhere, turning the entire Taihang Mountain into a solid line of defense that can be attacked and retreated. At the same time, he continued to train soldiers and accumulate money and food. With a standing army of 10 in his hands and 10 militiamen trained, it can be said that Huangfusong has the most elite army in his hands, the strongest combat effectiveness, and the largest army.He standing on any side is enough to determine the victory of Dong Zhuo and Yuan Shao, but he does not help each other!
Lu Zhi wondered: "Yizhen, the army in your hands is enough to change the war in the Central Plains. Now the world is in chaos because of the war between Dong Zhuo and Yuan Shao. Do you just watch them one by one?"

Huangfusong smiled helplessly: "Zigan, the victory or defeat of this war depends on Yuan Shao and Dong Zhuo's own strength. If I join either of them, Lei Gong from Bingzhou will join this war to maintain the balance of the war. , he just wants my big man to cause chaos in the world so that he can take advantage of the chaos and win!"

"The best way to deal with Lei Gong is for me to stay in Jizhou to accumulate strength, so that Lei Gong will not dare to act rashly. As long as Yuan Shao and Dong Zhuo can win or lose, the strength of the big men can be unified, and we can eliminate Lei Gong."

Then Huangfusong said solemnly: "If we fail, I'm afraid there will be no place for us gentlemen in this world in the future."

Huangfusong is considered one of the most farsighted people in the big man. Otherwise, when the Yellow Turban Uprising was put down, he immediately wrote to the Emperor Ling to lift the party, because he knew that if the scholars joined the Yellow Turban Army, the big man might be able to Subverted by Zhang Jiao!
Similarly, he observed the intelligence of the Tengjia Army in Jizhou, and found that the Tengjia Army is a completely new regime, and it can even be said to be a brand new country. There is no place for them in this country. The gentry swept out the big man and replaced it with a group of loyal gentry. This is no longer that the big man is about to perish, but that the whole world will be destroyed by Lei Gong. This is something Huangfusong can't tolerate.

So Huangfusong can tolerate Dong Zhuo and Yuan Shao, because no matter what the two parties do, at most they are the powerful ministers of the great man, and they will not destroy the great man, nor will they destroy the world's powerful and noble families.

And his idea is to wait for the winner among Dong Zhuo and Yuan Shao, and then he will join him, so that the whole big man can deal with Lei Gong with all his strength.

Lu Zhi also sighed: "How can there be such a rebellion as Lei Gong in the world, he shouldn't be on the side of the rioters!"

In Lu Zhi's view, Lei Gong is a genius no matter whether it is martial arts, martial arts, skill, or even businessman. There are not many such all-round talents in history. All-rounders must come from a high background, they will want to make contributions, but they will not stand on the side of the common people to rebel!

Huangfusong also asked strangely: "There is no such a person in the noble family of the big man. Where did he come from?"

Lu Zhi said: "He should have been cultivated by a secret sect. Xuande said that Lei Gong first appeared in a mountain in Zhongshan Kingdom. He originally wanted to go to Jingzhou to escape the war!"

Huangfusong also knew about the later events. Zhao Yi took a fancy to Lei Gong's treasure car, so Lei Gong recruited tens of thousands of refugees with a few hundred shi of grain to attack Zhao Yi's manor. The big man also has a formidable enemy that is difficult to deal with!

Early April of the first year of Chuping (190)!
Seeing that there were no reinforcements, and supporting Liu Yu was unpopular, Yuan Shao decided to send Simpi to Bingzhou to find Lei Gong, find a way to get some iron armor, and replace the equipment for his army to improve the combat effectiveness of the army.

Yuan Shao and the others are the top nobles of the Han Dynasty. It can be said that the most indispensable thing is money and food. They didn't reach that level before. They thought that drinking and reciting poems could defeat Dong Zhuo, but now they have to use their wealth to fight for their lives. .

So Yuan Shao, through his relatives and friends, continued to borrow private soldiers from the powerful families in the Central Plains to increase the number of troops.At the same time, send Simpi north to Shangdang County to buy iron armor from Lei Gong!

When Xin Pi came to Shangdang County, he found that there were crowds of people everywhere in Shangdang County, and he even felt like he was sweating profusely. If he didn't know that this was Shangdang County, he would have thought he had come to Luoyang City.

Under the command of the Rattan Armor Army, countless victims dug roads, built canals, and reclaimed wasteland. No one was idle, and there was not a single idler in sight.

Seeing this bustling construction scene, Simpi sighed: "How many refugees did Lei Gong resettle in Shangdang County? From here, there are tens of thousands of people, and the entire Shangdang County may have hundreds of thousands of people. He Are you not afraid that so many refugees will gather together to rebel?"

This is also a strange thing for Xinpi and others. The refugees will rebel in the territory of the Han Dynasty, but the Tengjia Army has received millions of refugees, and nothing has happened. This has shaken their hearts, and it is unscientific up!
As their group got deeper and deeper into Shangdang County, Simpi found that Shangdang County had changed more and more, with farmland everywhere and towering canals with the characteristics of the Tengjia Army everywhere.Waterwheels and windmills are more like giants, spread all over the entire Shangdang County, and there are rail carriages with the characteristics of the Tengjia Army, and endless caravans. Dahan inland is completely different.

He was surprised: "I'm not surprised that Lei Gong is capable, but where did he get so much money to build so many facilities, you know that he resettled more than 500 million disaster victims a year ago?"

Simpi can see that Lei Gong is relying on these huge infrastructures to feed the refugees. In fact, the imperial court can do this kind of thing, but the most important thing is that the imperial court has no money and food.

In the past few years, the imperial court has been unable to maintain the food and salaries of the army, and the Yellow River embankment has not been repaired for decades. It is impossible to spend money to build the Yellow River embankment!
Building so many infrastructures costs a lot of money. It is impossible for Lei Gong to let the victims do things with bare hands. The logistics preparations and various tools are not small. Where did Lei Gong get the money?
We must know that at the beginning, Daqin built too many projects and forced the people of the world to rebel, so the second generation died.Shouldn't the more projects of this kind be done, the easier it will be to force the people to rebel. Why did it become the opposite when it came to Lei Gong? Simpi couldn't figure it out.

The last thing he could have imagined was that even a big man would not be able to set aside 500 million refugees.How Lei Gong can do this with only one Ma Yi is something that people all over the world wonder.

"If I have such financial resources, I can do such a thing. Lei Gong only embezzled the property of Bingzhou's powerful family to do this. What kind of skill is this! This is a crooked way of evil spirits, and Bingzhou will fall under his greed sooner or later. It's broken." Ju Hao said indignantly.

He is from Jizhou, and it is not a matter of a year or two to deal with Lei Gong, especially Lei Gong massacred the nobles in Weijun, and it is not one or two of his relatives who died at the hands of Lei Gong.

(End of this chapter)

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