I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 243 Everyone wants to beheaded!

Chapter 243 Everyone wants to beheaded!
Back in Baima City, Yuan Shao fell headfirst!
Cao Cao helped Yuan Shao up in a panic and shouted, "At first, you have nothing to do!"

Then he shouted: "Get the medical staff over here!"

Soon the guards called a medical worker to help Yuan Shao deal with his injuries!
At this time, Xu You and the others also ran over, seeing the fainted Yuan Shao, nervously asked, "What happened at the beginning?"

The doctor immediately replied: "The prefect Yuan was cut five times. Fortunately, the prefect's armor is strong, and the places he cut were not critical. Now he fainted because he was bleeding too much, and he was unconscious only after he took off the force. We only need to stop the bleeding and cultivate ourselves." Just a while!"

Then Cao Cao and the other generals who had just come down from the battlefield were basically dripping with blood, and a few medical workers quickly helped them deal with the wounds!
Today's battle was too cruel and bloody. If Cao Cao hadn't been under the cover of Xia Houdun, Xia Houyuan, Cao Hong, Cao Ren, Xu Chu and others, he might have died on the battlefield!In Yuan Shao's army, more than a dozen senior generals above Sima died in battle, and Yuan Shao's army was considered injured.

Just after Cao Cao was healed by medical workers, Yuan Shao sent someone to invite him to discuss matters!
When Cao Cao arrived, the place was already full of senior officials from Yanzhou!

At this time, Yuan Shao lost a lot of blood and his face was pale, but he still asked after seeing the crowd: "We have lost this battle today, the Yellow Turban Alliance has a large number of people, and it is difficult to win with tens of thousands of us alone. I don't know what else you can do?"

Guo Tudao: "The road is not in Yingchuan County, Yuzhou. He still has 4 horses in his hands. Let him come to support us!"

But Cao Cao shook his head and said: "There are also many yellow scarf thieves in Yuzhou, and the troubles encountered on the road will not be smaller than ours! It is impossible to come to support us!"

Feng Ji thought for a while and said: "The Prime Minister has an invincible armored cavalry, do you want to ask the Prime Minister to send this cavalry to attack the Yellow Turban Bandit? the best!"

Feng Ji's words chilled the meeting hall, everyone looked at him in disbelief, they fought against Dong Zhuo not long ago, they had to surrender to Dong Zhuo only when they were defeated, now they want Dong Zhuo to support them, many people I can't even turn this corner!
But Feng Ji emphasized his tone: "Now we help the imperial court to fight the war, so what's the matter with the country's support, don't you want these hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans to wreak havoc in Yanzhou!"

The others thought about it, and compared with their own face, their lives are more important, so there is nothing to beg Dong Zhuo to think about!
But Cao Cao thought for a while and shook his head. "The Prime Minister has already gone to Hanoi County to stop Lei Gong from going south. Lei Gong is more than 10 times stronger than the Yellow Turban Army. I'm afraid the Prime Minister has no troops to support us!"

Yuan Shao was disappointed: "Does it mean that the whole Yanzhou has no troops to support us?"

Xun Kan thought for a while and said: "There are still reinforcements. Chen Guo still has tens of thousands of troops. The king of Chen Liu Chong is very brave. He is good at using bows and crossbows. in the same place.

During the Zhongping period, the Yellow Turban Army revolted, and the officials and soldiers of the counties and counties abandoned the city and fled. At that time, King Chen had thousands of crossbows.Chen Guoren knew that Liu Chong was good at shooting, so he was afraid of him and dared not rebel.

Luo Jun, the chancellor of the state of Chen and a native of Kuaiji, has always been very prestigious. At that time, there was a famine in the world, and the kings and lords of each feudal country no longer enjoyed rent and tax income. Instead, they were constantly robbed. Some could only eat one meal in two days. Rice, wandering outside, died in the wilderness.

Only Chen Guo was still very prosperous and powerful, and people from neighboring counties went to seek refuge one after another. Luo Jun gave them all his resources to help them save their lives.More than [-] people took refuge in Chen State.

In the first year of Chuping (190), when we raised our troops, Liu Chong led the army to station in Yangxia and called himself the General of Fu Han. We were defeated some time ago, and Liu Chong went to the General of Fu Han to plead guilty to the court. Instead of punishing him, he still made him King Chen!Liu Chong has at least an army of more than 3 in his hands. "

Yuan Shao asked excitedly: "Which one of you is on good terms with Liu Chong, let him lead troops to support us!"

Everyone looked at each other. Since the princes challenged Dong, there was a rift among the clansmen of the Han family who were close to the powerful and noble families. When they raised troops to challenge Dong, Liu Chong led the army to station in Yangxia, claiming to be the Grand Assistant of the Han Dynasty. General, obviously they don't approve of their actions. Even if they had friendship at the beginning, it's probably broken now.

Finally Cao Cao said: "I have been friends with Liu Chong for more than ten years, I will ask him to support us!"

Cao Cao's hometown is less than a hundred miles away from Peiguoqiao County and Chen Guo. The two families have a good friendship. Cao Cao knew Liu Chong since he was very young!Although the two are not considered to be young, they are still old friends, and Liu Chong was slandered and rebelled back then, and his father Cao Song even pleaded with Emperor Ling, so Liu Chong owed the Cao family a favor.

Yuan Shao said solemnly: "Then I'll leave it to Meng De!"

After discussing the countermeasures, Cao Cao went to invite Liu Chong. At this time, the Yellow Turban Army caught up again, and the 50 troops directly surrounded the White Horse regiment.
On the other side, Xu Wei led an army of 3 into Hanoi County, and the nobles and nobles in Hanoi County fled one after another. Lei Gong's name is very famous for the nobles and nobles in Hanoi County.

They knew that Lei Gong's favorite thing to do was to publicly trial them gentry, divide their fields, and hang them to death!

But the people in Hanoi County are very supportive of Lei Gong. After they knew that Lei Gong's army was coming, they ran to Xu Wei's army one after another and showed Xu Wei the way. They said that there is Wubao, which family has the worst family, and asked Lei Gong to help them. Divide the fields and land.

Hanoi County and Shangdang County are not far apart. People in Hanoi County have heard about what the Tengjia Army did in Shangdang County. They dreamed that Lei Gong would come here, help them support justice, and let them get a piece of land. own land.

Naturally, Xu Wei did not reject these common people. Although they could escape from the powerful clansmen, their Wubao could not escape, and their wealth in Wubao could not escape even more. Even without the auspices of the Patriarch, these Wubao were easier to break through , Many times Xu Wei led troops to surround Wubao, and a white flag was raised above Wubao!
Xu Wei fought Wubao all the way, divided the fields, conquered 3 Wubao, and actually earned back the money and food for sending troops. I have to admit that Hanoi County is worthy of being the confidant of Luoyang City. They are completely different. The wealth of each of these three Wubao is more than twice that of the Bingzhou clan. This is not counting the part they took away. The food and grass are 4-5 times as much. Just these three There are millions of grains and grasses in Wubao!

Xu Wei didn't even understand how Dong Zhuo lost in history. He was determined to loot the entire Luoyang City. It is estimated that 10% of the world's wealth was looted by him. The wealth, money and food he got were enough for him to fight for [-] years!Why didn't they beat Yuan Shao and his group of mobs!

Xu Wei had only been in Hanoi County for 5 days, and Dong Zhuo brought his 6 troops to Hanoi County mightily, and occupied Yewang County in advance.

Then Dong Zhuo found Zhang Yang and asked, "What are Lei Gong doing these days?"

Zhang Yang said angrily: "Lei Gong led the unruly people to attack the gentry's Wubao, and tricked the people to divide the land! You must be the master for us, Prime Minister! Now everyone in Hanoi County is in danger, and everyone is worried that Lei Gong will occupy Hanoi County. "

But Dong Zhuo heaved a sigh of relief: "Lei Gong has always been invincible. Even the Yanmen Pass did not stop Lei Gong for 3 days, but now he spent 5 days without going through Qinshui. It seems that he is real." I want to keep this old man in Hanoi County so that the Yellow Turban Army in the Central Plains can grow bigger!"

Dong Zhuo still didn't want to fight Xu Wei in his heart!Because he doesn't have much chance of winning!

Jia Xu said worriedly: "Lei Gong confuses the people by dividing the land. This kind of confuse ability is more than 10 times stronger than that of the Yellow Turban Army in the Central Plains. The people in Hanoi County are close to one million. If they are all bewitched by him, I am afraid that they will become The enemy of the prime minister, although Lei Gong's army is not as good as the prime minister, if we don't stop Lei Gong's behavior, I'm afraid we will soon face hundreds of thousands of rattan armor troops!"

Dong Zhuo also feels embarrassed. Compared with the Rattan Armored Army, Lei Gong's behavior of dividing the land is more harmful. As long as Lei Gong divides the fields, the people will all be drawn by Lei Gong, and they will help Lei Gong to fight the court with all their hearts!
At this time, Li Su came out and said: "Minister of the State, our strength was not as good as Lei Gong before, so it was fine to shy away from Lei Gong, but now our army is more than twice that of Lei Gong, and our weapons and equipment are not inferior to Lei Gong. Why should we fight?" If you are afraid of Lei Gong, I think this time is a good opportunity."

"Now there are only 3 troops left by Lei Gong. If we wiped out Lei Gong's army by surprise, or even killed Lei Gong in Hanoi County, Lei Gong has no descendants. After Lei Gong died, the Vine Armor Army would be leaderless. At that time, the Prime Minister led the Han army to wipe out the Tengjia Army, and the world will soon restore peace, and the Prime Minister will be famous in history!"

Dong Zhuo's heart was moved by Li Su's words. Now the Kanto clan has been defeated by him, and the Kansai clan is also his ally. The whole world is only Lei Gong who can threaten his status. If Lei Gong is really killed this time, the Central Plains The Yellow Turban Army is not enough!The world will also be settled in his hands, and by then Dong Zhuo will also be a virtuous prime minister who will go down in history!

Thinking of this, Dong Zhuo immediately asked Zhang Yang: "Uncle Ya, what is the strength of Lei Gong's army? Have you ever fought against him?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said: "The lower officials only have 5000 troops, and they have been guarding Huai County to the death, waiting for the reinforcements from the Prime Minister, and dare not go out to fight at will! I found out that among Lei Gong's 1 troops, there were 2 cavalry, 5000 infantry, and all soldiers. They are all wearing iron armor, including [-] cavalry and even horses covered with iron armor, they are extremely elite, this is why the subordinate officials dare not go out to battle lightly!"

"3 Iron Armored Soldiers!" Li Jue and the others breathed a sigh of relief. They knew the power of the Iron Armored Soldiers. This time they crusade against the Kwantung Allied Forces, they were able to win many battles. Ceramic Zhang Baiqi and Li Jue's Flying Bear Army contributed a lot. .

But now that Lei Gong has 3 armored soldiers, even Li Su dare not say anything to leave Lei Gong behind. Such a large army is stronger than the 10 Kwantung Allied Forces!
Dong Zhuo also thought to himself, although Lei Gong has 3 armored soldiers, his Xiliang army is not bad, and the number is twice as large as Lei Gong, so it may not be impossible to fight.It's just that such a big battle will cause heavy losses to his confidant Xiliang Army, but if Lei Gong can be kept in Hanoi County, Dong Zhuo thinks the deal is worth it!

So he said: "After a day of rest, let's cross Qinshui to meet our old friend!"

Dong Zhuo gave orders, Li Jue and the others naturally dared not object!

At the same time, I also received the news that Dong Zhuo came to enter the wild king.

When Wang Ge heard the news, he said excitedly: "Shuai Qu, this is a god-given opportunity. The big Han was supposed to split, but now because of Dong Zhuo's forceful suppression, the clans in Kanto have to follow Dong Zhuo's order again. If we are in Hanoi County Eliminate Dong Zhuo, the Han will be leaderless, the Yuan brothers will rebel again, and the Han will be torn apart again!"

But Wang Yong worried: "Although we are well equipped, after all, the number of soldiers is half that of Dong Zhuo and the others. Moreover, the Xiliang Army is also the strongest army of the Han Dynasty. It is powerful and difficult to fight. We will be defeated by accident!"

Xu Wei thought about it for a while and stopped him: "The purpose of our coming to Hanoi County is to contain Dong Zhuo's main force, so that the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army can capture the Central Plains. Eliminating Dong Zhuo is not in our plan!"

Xu Wei is a farmer, he likes to push horizontally, if he has 10 troops in his hands, he will definitely wipe out Dong Zhuo, but now the army is only half of Dong Zhuo's, and the combat effectiveness of the Xiliang Army is not bad, so he is not willing to take risks. He can now be regarded as the middle stage of farming, and can become the force of his enemy. Only the big man unites with other parties. The single force of the big man, even Huangfusong, is not his opponent. He can continue to grow stronger. There is no need to take risks at all. Although it is exciting to defeat the strong with the weak, Xu Wei still prefers rolling tactics!

The next day Dong Zhuo crossed Qinshui and marched 20 miles to Xu Weijun's camp!
But what Dong Zhuo saw was naturally a tortoise camp. The antlers and Juma were all 100 steps away from the camp, and they dug an extremely deep trench for a day. It was like building this camp as a city!

Dong Zhuo sighed after seeing it: "No wonder Lei Gong has been victorious in all these years. This cautiousness alone can't be compared with the old man!"

Dong Zhuo knew that if Lei Gong did not take the initiative to attack, he would have no possibility of defeating Lei Gong, so he could only let go of the idea of ​​killing Lei Gong!
Instead, he went out and shouted to the camp: "Lei Gong Qu Shuai is here, old friend Dong Zhuo is here to meet you!"

Xu Wei went up to the highest arrow tower in the camp and shouted: "Brother Zhongying, it's been a long time. I heard that you are getting old and your heart has grown a lot. The Yuan brothers offended you like this, and you let them go!"

(End of this chapter)

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