Chapter 254, The Observer

When Xian Yufu heard this, his eyes lit up and he said, "If there are really 1 iron armored soldiers, the fighting strength between us and the rattan armored army can be quickly shortened!"

Xian Yufu didn't think that the strength of the Han army was inferior to that of the Tengjia army, but that the Tengjia army's iron armor defense was too strong, which made them fall into a disadvantage. The gap in combat power can be quickly made up!Maybe they really might turn defeat into victory!Now that Huangfusong is the Great General of Zhenbei, recruiting Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses is just within the scope of his duties!

Huangfusong looked at them all staring at Yuan Shao's iron armor and said: "Equipment with iron armor is not invincible in the world, as long as you use heavy weapons, you can still kill the rattan armor army! This time the general brought 1 soldiers. Equipped with this heavy weapon!"

When Huangfusong first came to Jizhou, the Tengjia Army had 3 iron armors at that time. He knew that it would be difficult to break through the defense of the Tengjia Army with the swords, guns, swords and halberds equipped by the Han soldiers.

And these iron armors are also powerful enemies that Huangfusong has to deal with!Under such circumstances, in order to deal with the heavily armored soldiers of the Rattan Armored Army, Huangfusong thought of armor-piercing heavy weapons, and built a large number of heavy weapons such as whips, maces, hammers, and maces in Jizhou.

Then, 2 battalions and 1 elites were trained to use these heavy weapons, but Jizhou's financial resources can only support these soldiers. Soldiers who can use heavy weapons have very high requirements. They must be strong and strong, otherwise they cannot Keep swinging your weapon.

Secondly, when using a striker, the user's body is used as the center of the circle, and the arm is used as a lever to swing. Such a combat method inevitably causes its reaction speed to be inferior to stabbing weapons. It takes a long time to swing, which will inevitably lead to full of loopholes, giving stabbing weapons a chance to attack calmly, and it is almost impossible to escape, so such soldiers must go through a long period of training before they can cooperate tacitly.

To Huangfusong's disappointment, it took him two years of training to barely find more than 2 soldiers suitable for using heavy weapons. He wanted to continue to expand, but the soldiers in Jizhou could no longer keep up!If he can train 1 soldiers who use heavy weapons like this, he is confident that he can defeat the Rattan Army!

Fortunately, Lei Gong didn't know Huangfusong's inner thoughts. Otherwise, he would die laughing. He is already in the best era of generals. If he went to the Song Dynasty, let alone 1 soldiers, you would not be able to find 1000 soldiers like this. !
There is no imperial examination system for the big Han, so if you want to get ahead, you have to get a good job and enter the elite clan.Ordinary sons of good families, small landlords and strong men, can only let their descendants learn military law and basic knowledge of the army, and at the same time work hard to exercise their bodies and learn knowledge related to killing.

Therefore, each battalion of the Northern Army has no more than a thousand soldiers, but they are basically trained by middle-level officers. During the battle, as long as Sanhe disciples are recruited, they can expand several times in an instant, and with a little training, their combat effectiveness can be very powerful and suppress the Quartet. .

It can be said that this military system is extremely advanced, and it is almost the same as the modern military system. It is because of this advanced military system that the big men can suppress the Quartet!
But when the Song Dynasty emphasized literature over military affairs, small landlords and good family members did not practice martial arts, but learned the techniques of killing people and the military system. Instead, they began to study the Four Books and Five Classics hard without the input of the people. The Wan Dajun was no longer able to defend the frontier, and was even defeated by small tribes with less than a million people!
Because the Song Dynasty could not find excellent recruits and excellent basic officers, and under the oppression of the Song Dynasty's lords, the million-dollar army became civilian husbands, and the generals became corrupt officials. At that time, I realized that I was useless as a soldier, and I couldn't find a basic officer, and I couldn't even find a general who could fight!

That's why a big man with a lot of martial virtue can find so many tall and burly soldiers, Huangfusong should be satisfied.When Xian Yufu and the others heard that Huangfusong had made so many preparations for this battle, they were naturally very pleasantly surprised. Their chances of winning would be even better if they could deal with the iron armor of the Rattan Armored Army!
But Zhang Xi said: "Ming Gong, if there are [-] Iron Armored Army, our chances of winning will be higher. After all, we are facing the most elite soldiers of the Rattan Armored Army. The stronger the power in hand, the better! The Yellow Turban Bandit in the Central Plains has already They have become bereaved dogs, and ordinary county soldiers are enough to deal with them!"

Huangfusong thought about it, and also felt that the main force of the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou had been defeated, and it was a bit overkill to stay with [-] armored soldiers to fight the Yellow Turban Army, and they might continue to increase troops here, so they agreed to Zhang He's proposal. Opinion, a recruitment order was issued to recruit the [-] armored soldiers in Yuan Shao's hands!

After they discussed and dealt with the Tengjia army, Huangfusong stayed in Yuyang to guard against the attack of the Tengjia army, while Liu Yu sent his envoys to the eastern Xianbei tribe and Karasuma tribe respectively to persuade Mi Jia and Lou Nan Join the battle against the Rattan Army.

Liu himself went to Jixian County, Guangyang County to help Huangfusong, Gongsun Zan, and Yan Gang transport grain, grass and various military supplies.

And with Liu Yu, the brain of Youzhou, liberated, the Youzhou forces that were originally scattered in the sand found their backbone again. Under Liu Yu's mobilization, food, grass and various military equipment were quickly and effectively mobilized to the three battlefields in Youzhou. The three battlefields also have communication channels!

In the middle of September in the first year of Chuping (AD 190)!Bingzhou Mayi!
This year, Bingzhou's grain harvest time is earlier than in previous years!All over the country are frantically rushing to harvest, and Xu Wei personally appeared on the front line of the rush. The entire rattan army from the prefect, the county magistrate and the township chief are also fighting on the front line. All these efforts are to get the food as soon as possible. Harvest back to the granary.

Zhang Baiqi and other high-ranking officials in the Central Committee of the Tengjia Army are extremely busy. Not only does he have to arrange the grain harvesting in various places, allocate labor reasonably, but also help the more than 20 Tiejia Army transport grain, grass and military supplies. In order to maintain these fronts In terms of logistics, the entire Fujiko Army recruited more than 100 million civilians.

The speed at which the Iron Armored Army’s weapons and materials are consumed can be the top in the world. Not to mention anything else, in the one month of fighting, hundreds of millions of long arrows have been consumed on the battlefields of all parties, and several arsenals of the Iron Armored Army have been emptied. There are also various spears, knives, and armors. It can be said that half of the Iron Armor Army's transportation volume is transporting various weapons and equipment. It can be said that half of the Rattan Armor Army's powerful combat power comes from these weapons and equipment!
Zhang Baiqi is very fortunate at this time. Their rail carriages have already established a network connecting the entire Bingzhou. Weapons, equipment and food in Mayi and Taiyuan County can be quickly transported to various battlefields through these rail carriages, and they are still in the middle of the war. For internal operations, most of the 100 million civilians are used to maintain the transportation network within Bingzhou and support the army that attacked Juyongguan and Yuyang. The consumption of this logistics system is not huge.

Of course, if the subsequent battlefields start to fight back, the number of civilians needed will increase several times, and this is why Xu Wei thinks that he should defend before the autumn harvest, because fighting out will make the entire Bingzhou Council less young and strong to harvest wheat!Then don't want this year's harvest.

The sun is shining brightly, and on the roads in Mayi, there are bullock carts everywhere, and the horse carts are transporting the exterminations that have been snatched from all over the place!On the edge of the field not far away, the wind blows the wheat waves from time to time, making the golden wheat make a clattering sound!
The farmers in Mayi kept cutting off the wheat with plunders at a distance of one foot. The fallen wheat was quickly packed into bundles by the living people, and then thrown into the ox cart specially transporting wheat, and then the wheat would be sent to the road. In front of the special thresher, farmers step on the drum thresher and finish threshing a bundle of wheat in a short time!
All of this is like an assembly line, extremely efficient, more than 5 times faster than a single farmer harvesting, but even so, the farmers in the entire Mayi have become extremely busy due to the war, and everyone seems to have harvested the grain as soon as possible, so I can help My nephew who sent troops abroad!

And beside the cement road not far from the field, two people are looking at everything here in amazement, such an assembly line-like purchase scene cannot be seen in Dahan!

These two people are Guo Jia and Xi Zhong. After they finished their studies at Yingchuan Academy, they began to travel around the world. The first stop they came to was Luoyang City. It was just that they were unlucky and happened to meet Dong Zhuo when he entered Luoyang City. Then Luoyang City was in turmoil, and they wanted to escape, but they met the Kwantung Allied Forces against Dong Zhuo, and the whole Central Plains was in chaos, so they dared not leave Luoyang City.Instead, he hid in the Taixue and observed the general trend of the world.

Originally, the two thought that after Dong Zhuo's chaotic government, the princes of the Kwantung Province wanted Dong, the Han Dynasty would be torn apart, and the world would be in a state of separation by the princes.But I didn't expect that at this time, the Tengjia Army would forcefully intervene in the overall situation of the world. First, they exchanged 5000 sets of armor for Shangdang County in Dong Zhuo's hands.

Then Dong Zhuo used an alliance with Lei Gong to blackmail Sili's nobles and nobles, so that they would not continue to follow the Kanto clan to oppose Dong Zhuo. Finally, Liu Bei and Dong Zhuo defeated the 7 Kwantung coalition army with an army of 20, and strongly suppressed the Kwantung separatist forces. Let the big man achieve perfection, and the strength of the big man's martial arts is beyond the expectations of Guo Jia and Xi Zhong!
At the same time, it is also promoting the Great Harmony Book of the Rattan Armor Army in Taixue!Both Guo Jia and Xi Zhong have read these books, and their comments are the same as those of other Tai students. They are a strange stitch, and there is nothing eye-catching.

But the various policies recorded in it made Guo Jia's eyes shine. The land equalization system, the force field system, the government-operated system, and the tax system of dividing the land into acres are all solving problems that are difficult for big men to solve.

It just so happened that Wang Guojun and Yang Xiu were having a debate at Taixue, and they also went to see it a few times. The various governance concepts of the Tengjia Army aroused their interest, because in the book of Datong, there are many systems that they don't understand. The craftsman rank system is particularly strange. The highest status in the Rattan Army is actually various craftsmen. The status of the master craftsman is actually comparable to the senior officials of the Rattan Army. But it is in a state of encouragement. Like wool cloth, the most profitable industry of the Rattan Armor Army, Lei Gong is willing to let businessmen join, which conflicts with the official management system.

So the two decided to go to Bingzhou to take a look and see what changes these new policies of the Fujiko Army would cause!In Taixue, there is more than one person who has the same idea as them. Many scholars from poor families can't see the hope of getting ahead here in Luoyang, so they want to go to the territory of the Tengjia Army. The power of the great princes and the imperial court are very difficult to deal with the Tengjia Army!

Although the Vine Armor Army has been demonized by the nobles, it is naturally impossible for Tai students to regard the Vine Armor Army as a murderer like ordinary people. It can even be said that they know the Vine Armor Army very well and know that the Vine Armor Army rarely kills. Even powerful and powerful gentry from powerful clans, as long as they are willing to hand over their land, they will not kill them. Of course, the kind of tyrants who oppress the people and have their lives in their hands will still be tried by the rattan armor army and then hanged!

Compared with other rebel forces in Dahan, the Tengjia Army already looks like a regular army, but now the situation of Dahan is going from bad to worse, which can be felt by Tai students. It may not be wrong to go to see the situation of the Tengjia Army a way out.

So when Wang Guojun and the others began to spread Datong books in Taixue, after seeing these Tai students who had read Datong books, the children from poor families all left Luoyang City and headed for Bingzhou!

Just at this time, Dong Zhuo defeated the Kwantung Allied Forces, and the Kwantung Allied Forces surrendered to Dong Zhuo. The war in the Central Plains eased a little.

But as soon as they came to Shangdang County, they left and felt the difference in the Tengjia Army. Although these people are poor, they don’t want to suffer as much as other places in Dahan. The whole Shangdang County is full of busy people. They are not cultivating land. The land is building water channels and roads, and the entire Shangdang County is a place full of renewal and vitality.

After communicating with the local people, they found that Lei Gong really did what he said. He distributed all the land of the powerful clan to the people, and each family could get 30 mu of land. , If it is not enough thunder, let the people succeed as workers!Work and earn money to support your family!
To be honest, this change made Guo Jia and Xi Zhong feel a little sudden. They thought that Lei Gong's character would lead them to attack other territories and occupy enough land to resettle these people!But I didn't expect to let the people work.

Of course, the monthly salary of working in the Tengjia Army is not low, generally more than 600 renminbi, and a couple working together can earn more than 1 renminbi a year. This big man can already be regarded as a middle-class family.

It was only at this time that Guo Jia realized that none of the hundreds of thousands of people he saw along the way were doing corvée service. They paid for the construction of various infrastructures by the Tengjia Army. In addition, there is no longer any corvee, and the government has to pay for the people to do things!
Xi Zhong smiled and said: "It should be like this. The Tengjia Army collects [-]% of the tax. If they still keep their mouths and serve corvee, the people here should rebel. From ancient times to the present, there is a court that collects such a heavy tax. endowed.

Now, although the [-]% tax of the Tengjia Army seems high, it combines all the taxes together. You should learn from Lei Gong's policy. If you really want to charge [-]% of the tax, our prime minister won't have to worry about the court not being able to support his army!The people of the world will not be forced to rebel! "

In Xizhong's view, the world of the Han has been in decline since the Yellow Turban Uprising, because the court could not collect taxes and could only squeeze the people, but the people were already overwhelmed. Before the Yellow Turban Uprising, there were tens of thousands of Da Han almost every year. rebel gang.

After the Yellow Turban Uprising, the finances of the Han Dynasty completely collapsed, and the number of rebellious people expanded to hundreds of thousands, and when the Kwantung Allied Forces demanded Dong, it increased to several million. This is simply unheard of!This is also because the great Han's martial virtues are abundant and can suppress these rebellious forces.

Although this Yellow Turban Uprising was suppressed by the princes of all parties, people of insight all over the world know that it is impossible to solve the problem of the people's rebellion without solving the financial problems of the imperial court. The scale of the Yellow Turban Army is getting bigger and bigger, and sooner or later the imperial court will suppress it Can't live.In fact, it could not be suppressed for a long time, Xiliang rebelled, and the Tengjia Army in Bingzhou was an opponent that the imperial court could not suppress!
Guo Jia said unhappily: "How can such a policy continue to be implemented? All the elites in the world will rebel!"

Now more than half of the land of the Dahan is in the hands of the nobles, and it is the most fertile land. They have to pay [-]% of the tax, which can indeed solve the financial problems of the Dahan, but Guo Jia’s family is also powerful, and he knows that the nobles of the Dahan are willing to use it. The [-]% of the tax was used to rebel and overthrow the court that made them pay [-]% of the tax!

Xi Zhong sneered and said: "This is a matter of choice. The imperial court chose to appease the nobles, so the people rebelled. Lei Gong chose to appease the people and simply killed all the nobles in Bingzhou. You see, Shangdang County is not a scene of renewal. , everyone’s life has not become much worse without powerful families, and a single Shangdang County can support millions of people!”

Poor families can also be divided into big and small, and Xi Zhong is the most down-to-earth poor family. His family only has a few hundred acres of land. If he hadn't been smart since he was a child, he would have been able to study in Yingchuan Academy because he was exempted from Shuxiu by the wine offering at Yingchuan Academy. It is conceivable that a poor student like him was bullied in the academy, and his sense of the powerful and nobles is not good!

Although Guo Jia's family is in decline, he is indeed from a family that has declined, and he can be regarded as the top poor family.It should even be that his family is not from a poor family. Guo Jia was born in Yangzhai.Since his ancestor Guo Gong, Yangzhai Guo's legal science has a strong Confucian color, even citing "The Analects of Confucius" and "Book of Songs" when judging the case.

Many children of the Guo family in Yangzhai were also able to serve as legal-related positions such as Sili Xiaowei and Tingwei because of their family education.

"Book of the Later Han Dynasty" records that Guo's family has passed on the law for several generations since Hong Kong. There are many other people who serve the censor, Zheng, Jian and Ping.

This is why Guo Jia can study in Yingchuan Academy, and can also become Yuan Shao's guest of honor, because Guo Jia's family is hard to get ahead in a place like Yingchuan where rich families are everywhere, and they can become rich in other places in the Han Dynasty.Therefore, Guo Jia still has certain opinions on the equalization of the land by the Tengjia Army, which kills the nobles and nobles!

So Guo Jia said: "The current policy of the Tengjia Army cannot be sustained at all. Judging from the current situation, only half of the people in Shangdang County have land, and the rest of the people rely on the Tengjia Army for various corvee labor." To make money, but in Shangdang County alone, we saw hundreds of thousands of people relying on the Tengjia Army to work, and the entire Bing Prefecture may rely on the Tengjia Army to support more than one million people!"

"The Tengjia Army now collects the money and food of the powerful and noble families. It can feed these millions of people for a while, but it is impossible to feed these millions of people for a lifetime. Sooner or later, the Tengjia Army's finances will not be able to bear it. Crisis, how will these millions of people live by then!"

Xi Zhong said with a smile: "Since Lei Gong can make the Tengjia Army continue to expand and feed these people, there must be a method that we don't know!"

Then they continued to go north, seeing the elevated aqueduct built by Dao, the steel factory and industrial zone the size of a city, and the textile industrial zone with a population density not inferior to Luoyang City, which made Guo Jia and the others seem to have entered a new world. The world is the same.

And when they entered Mayi, it was no longer the land of the big man, but a weird and strange world. Everything here is novel. The chimneys, the concrete roads like rocks, and even the wheat in the Mayi farmland are denser and fuller than other places, and the yield of one acre of field is higher than that of 2-3 mu in other places.

Then they asked the local farmers and found out that the high food production here was due to the struvite dug from overseas, and these fertilizers for increasing production had begun to spread rapidly in the coastal areas of Dahan.

Even if they only saw this scene, they could still see the strength of the Tengjia Army. The Tiejia Army, which only occupied one state, was no less powerful than the big man!

"It's no wonder that Huangfusong led an army of 20 without attacking the Tengjia army. I thought Huangfusong had the intention of separatist rule, but now it seems that the Tengjia army is really powerful. If my big man is a sunset, Bingzhou is the morning sun." When he was born, Mayi is full of new things, positive people and things everywhere, unlike Luoyang City, which is full of decadence even though it is prosperous! Huangfusong couldn't beat Lei Gong, so he had to stay in Jizhou Two years!" Guo Jia sighed.

Seeing what Ma Yi did was so shocking. Guo Jia's sanguan has not been shattered, but his nerves are hard enough!

(End of this chapter)

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