I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 261, The Difficulties of the Rattan Armor Army

Chapter 261, The Difficulties of the Rattan Armor Army

Just when Zhang Baiqi and the others were discussing to expand the black powder workshop, the attendant reported that it was Zhen An's visit!Zhang Baiqi asked Zhen An to enter!
Zhen An looked at Zhang Baiqi and took out something like a roster and said, "Commander Zhang, those of us merchants who live in Bingzhou know that the Tengjia Army has consumed a lot of supplies because of the war with the Han Army, so I express my heart and hope that Lei Gong Qu Shuai can win big!"

Zhang Baiqi took Zhen An's roster and found that it was full of cloth, money and food. Zhang Baiqi casually calculated that these materials were worth about 5 million yuan. This is a huge amount of wealth. You must know that now Dong Zhuo can only receive 10 billion money!
Zhang Baiqi said with a smile: "I have received your wish, and I will pass it on to Qu Shuai, and you can rest assured that our Tengjia Army never takes anyone's things for nothing. I will count all your supplies, and the war is over." You must be exempted from tax according to double, and you will not suffer any disadvantages!"

Zhen An couldn't open his eyes from laughing when he heard this, but he still said: "There is no need for tax exemption, this is our donation after all!"

But Zhang Baiqi said: "The Rattan Armor Army has rules. They don't take needles and threads from the common people. If we don't give you tax exemptions, we can't accept these things! It's better to benefit each other now!"

Zhen An was so excited that some of them wanted to cry when he thought of the big men massacring merchants like them, but the Tengjia Army didn't take a single needle.I don't think it's a big deal without the comparison of the big man, but after the comparison with the big man, I realize how precious the fair trading environment of the Tengjia Army is.

He said with red eyes: "Commander Zhang already knows what happened to the big man!"

Zhang Baiqi said, "Report the order?"

This incident was a sensation all over the world, and Zhang Baiqi had also heard about it, but it was too appalling, Zhang Baiqi didn't know how much of it was true or false.But in his opinion, as long as Dong Zhuo is not crazy, he shouldn't suddenly kill all the merchants!In addition, Zhang Baiqi was busy with a lot of things every day, so he didn't pay too much attention to it!
Zhen An excitedly said: "What kind of decree is this? It's simply a robbery and massacre aimed at our merchants. Dong Zhuo, a butcher, doesn't care whether we violated the law or not, and led an army to directly surround the market! Then he slaughtered us merchants." , It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a butcher! The businessman of the big man is really miserable, the whole Central Plains is bleeding our blood!"

Wang Ge sneered and said, "No wonder Dong Zhuo has been able to support Huangfusong's army until now. We and Qu Shuai calculated that with the financial resources of the big man, we can at most maintain the logistics of Huangfusong's 20 army for three months, but now the whole big man has mobilized more than 3 soldiers. Thousands of people can still fight, it seems that Dong Zhuo has taken a lot of property from you merchants!"

Zhen An said with jealousy: "So now the whole big man has no place for us, now Qu Shuai has become our only support, we also want to help Lei Gong Qu Shuai to do something! Help Qu Shuai defeat the big man! "

Zhang Baiqi asked strangely: "How do you want to help us? Do you want to continue donating a sum of money?"

Zhen An said: "The reason why the butcher Dong Zhuo slaughtered us was because the treasury of the big man was empty. He wanted to use this method to raise supplies to fight this battle, and many of us have a lot of money. What do we think? It is to use the money in our hands to buy food, steel, leather, wood and other materials in the Han territory as much as possible, and push up the prices in the Han territory, so that Dong Zhuo, an old thief, does not have enough supplies to maintain his army!"

"However, businessmen like us are still being slaughtered in the territory of the Han Dynasty, so if we want to implement this strategy, we still need the help of Commander Zhang!"

Zhen An's method made Zhang Baiqi really dumbfounded, and there is such a method, which sounds feasible!
After thinking carefully for a long time, Zhang Baiqi replied: "You just do what you want. I can send a large army to protect you, but I can't do anything about the rest. I don't know too much about business matters. If you lose money There are too many, I can report to Qu Shuai and help you bear part of the loss!"

But Zhen An said with a smile: "Buying high and selling high is the unique skill of us businessmen. How could we lose money? However, doing such a thing is still dangerous. If that villain Dong Zhuo finds out, he will definitely not We will let us merchants in Dahan territory be spared!"

Zhang Baiqi nodded, these are really good businessmen, he was thinking too much, how could Zhen An and the others lose money!
Thinking of this, Zhen An said: "Commander Zhang, I know a businessman named Wei Chang from Hedong. He was ruined by Dong Zhuo and now he is trying to get revenge on Dong Zhuo. Commander Zhang can let him go to Dahan to engage in these acts of destroying the Dahan market!"

Zhang Baiqi nodded and said that he would look for this person!

After Zhen An left, Zhang Baiqi asked Wang Ge, "Do you think Zhen An's plan can succeed?"

Wang Ge said inexplicably: "I don't know about this, but I know that the most important thing in war is all kinds of materials. Money is basically useless now. If we can use money to buy materials in the territory of Dahan, we will earn money." , It’s not mentioned in the art of war that if you eat an enemy for one hour, you will be worth twenty minutes. Now that we buy one stone of grain from a big man, it is equivalent to Dong Zhuo’s lack of grain by 20 stones. From this point of view, it should be beneficial to us!”

But Zhang Baiqi rolled his eyes and said: "Copper coins are also a precious strategic material. Don't forget that Qu Shuai is asking us to make bronze cannons. He said that they are more powerful than trebuchets. This cannon will consume 7-8 Ten thousand copper coins, we don't even have the copper coins to buy Dong Zhuo's supplies!"

But Wang Ge said excitedly: "The cannon is the most powerful weapon of our rattan armor army. It is more than ten times more powerful than the trebuchet. Even if we don't have five baht to use it, we still have to forge the cannon, because as long as we have the cannon, we can't use it up." money!"

Dozens of cannons have been cast now, but as Wang Ge said, it is too expensive, and their Tengjia Army also bought a lot of supplies because of this war, and they don’t have a lot of copper coins in their hands. There is no way. Since coming to Mayi, the exchange of commodities between the Tengjia Army and the outside world is mainly through barter, and copper coins really don't have much effect in Mayi!Wool cloth in Mayi is more useful than copper coins!

When it was used, it was gone. Wang Ge said regretfully: "Why use bronze as money? Isn't it not good for white paper? Aren't all the passbooks in our money shop made of white paper! Why waste bronze like this!"

Zhang Baiqi laughed and said, "You're thinking about money like crazy now! You actually want to use it as money!"

After that, Zhang Baiqi didn't care about Wang Ge, but reported Zhen An's donation and the disruption of Dahan's economy to Xu Wei. At the same time, he also reported the current plight of the Tengjia Army. It was almost exhausted, so he asked Xu Wei to end the war quickly, or the Tengjia Army would be seriously injured.

Youzhou, Guangyang County!

After experiencing the big battle in the autumn, in the cold wind, the fighting between the two sides finally stopped slowly, and they hid in their own camps!

Xu Wei took a team of cavalry to observe Huangfusong's camp!
Xu Wei stared intently at the camp of Huangfusong's army not far away, and found that the camp had expanded again, and the sky above the camp was densely covered with various flags flying.

The military units above Sima and above in the Han army will have their own banners, and most of the banners are the surnames of their chief officers, so these banners are all written with the words "Zhao Qian Sun Li" and so on. Generally, the flags of the Han army are counted. You can probably know how many troops they have, and now Xu Wei counts hundreds of flags casually. Xu Wei estimates that the current Huangfusong army has 20 troops blocking him!
Xu Wei was surprised and said: "Huangfu Song increased his troops so quickly, how long has it been, and he has increased by almost 10 troops?"

You must know that not long ago, Xu Wei defeated Huangfusong once, wiped out Huangfusong's 3 army, directly pushed Huangfusong back 30 miles, and re-camped in Changping County!Now Huangfusong's army not only did not decrease, but increased instead!

Duan Yun, who was following Xu Wei, said: "Huangfusong is a coward at all. If he dared to fight us head-on, this war would have ended long ago. Why should we delay for so long!"

When Huangfusong confronted Xu Wei just now, he still wanted to dare Xu Wei out of Juyongguan, but the heavy cavalry around Xu Wei immediately became Pope Fusong. As long as the heavy cavalry charged, it would be difficult for any battalion of Huangfusong to hold on During the burning time, many of them were defeated by Duan Yun's charge, so that now the soldiers of the big man would turn around and run away when they saw the heavy cavalry of the rattan armor army!Suffering from cavalry phobia!
Even Ju Yi, his confidant at the back, shook his head after watching the heavy cavalry charge: "This kind of iron cavalry can only be defeated in swamps and other places, with long halberd soldiers, killing soldiers up and cutting horses' legs down! As for my shield-knife battalion, the shields can't withstand the charge of the heavy cavalry cavalry, and the long swords are too short to kill the rattan armor army!"

Ju Yi's Shield Knife Battalion is basically built according to the mountain soldiers, suitable for fighting in the mountains, facing the unparalleled heavy cavalry, fighting in the plains can only cost the lives of soldiers in vain!

But Huangfusong knew that if he could not defeat Lei Gong in the field battle, it would be impossible to drive the rattan armor army out of Youzhou, so in the later field battle, he helped Ju Yi's shield knife battalion replace the iron armor, and wanted Ju Yi to fight in the field Defeat Thunder with an ace.

The attributes of the heavy cavalry and the Shield Sword Battalion were incompatible. Huangfusong took a chance to fight Xu Wei's trump card, the Modao Battalion. In the end, both sides suffered losses, and the casualties on both sides exceeded 3%. He lost his combat effectiveness in the battle and could only cultivate in the rear.But Ju Yi's Shield Sword Battalion hadn't been repaired yet, but Lei Gong's Mo Dao Battalion soon appeared on the battlefield. Obviously, Lei Gong's elite was far superior to Huangfu Song's army compared to the reserve forces!
And it was the heavy cavalry and the Modao battalion around Xu Wei that made Huangfusong understand that it was basically impossible for them to win in the field.

So after Ju Yi was injured, Huangfusong kept recruiting the peasants of Youzhou, digging deep, and building camps, trying to block Xu Wei in front of Juyongguan!

It's not that Xu Wei didn't think about defeating Huangfusong in a battle. He used all the remaining black powder in his hands to make a 10-jin grenade. The 10-jin pottery bomb outside could hold a catty of black powder, and he leaned on the trebuchet Launch at 300 paces away.

Then, thousands of pieces of such black powder were thrown into the entire Huangfusong camp, directly blowing up several camps of Huangfusong, sending the Han army flying around, and Xu Wei took this opportunity to attack Huangfusong's camp. among.

But Huangfusong seems to have thought about it a long time ago, how to deal with the black powder in Xu Wei's hands. His big camp is very large. The range of damage was limited. After penetrating Huangfusong's camp, Huangfusong personally led the personal guards to break through, and then ordered the respective commanders to lead all kinds of soldiers to retreat slowly.

And Xu Wei originally wanted to lead the cavalry to attack Huangfusong's army, but the entire army capital was tens of miles away from the ravines dug by Huangfusong, and the plain land became unsuitable for cavalry combat!

So Xu Wei had only a few thousand catties of black powder in his hands, and the result of the battle was to wipe out 3 Han troops, repel Huangfusong's army for more than 30 miles, and let Huangfusong lead the army back to Changping County.

But after Huangfusong gained a firm foothold, he continued to dig deep, and continued to recruit troops from all sides, intending to fight Xu Wei to the end!Facing Huangfusong's brown sugar-style defense, it's not that Xu Wei didn't think about attacking Youzhou from other directions. After all, after passing Juyongguan, the surrounding plains are very suitable for cavalry attacks!

But Xu Wei's army was in the plain between Sanggan River and Gushui. Huangfusong had built a beacon tower between Sanggan River and Gushui long ago, and arranged 2 troops to garrison these two rivers. There is no ferry around Wei. If he wants to cross the river, he has to face the harassment of these two armies. It is difficult to cross the two rivers. Xu Wei is also worried that Huangfusong will attack him halfway across the river, so now the two sides are at a stalemate here , unless Xu Wei can defeat Huangfusong's main force, it will be difficult for Xu Wei to attack other areas of Youzhou!

And after Xu Wei defeated Huangfusong's army in the military capital, the weather became cold, so Xu Wei could only stop attacking, planning to spend the winter here in the military capital!

After investigating Huangfusong's camp, Xu Wei returned to the camp, and the flying pigeons of the Tengjia Army soon brought Zhang Baiqi's letter.

The above are all about the difficulties that the Fujiko Army is facing now, especially the financial crisis!
The consumption of this battle has far exceeded that of Xu Wei and Zhang Baiqi. The high-level officials of the Tengjia Army expected it. Don’t look at the 10-strong battle of the Tengjia Army that is fought almost every year, but when these battles end But soon, basically it will not exceed a month, and the consumption will naturally not be high, and now this war has been fought for 4 months, and now both sides have to repair, it seems that it will be fought until spring, that is to say It will take more than half a year to fight, and now Zhang Baiqi is worried that the Tengjia Army's finances will not be able to support this war!

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(End of this chapter)

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