I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 270, attacking from the left and defending from the right

Chapter 270, attacking from the left and defending from the right

After the Chinese army fought, the left and right armies of the two sides were not to be outdone. Duan Peng on the right led the cavalry to attack Yuan Shao's army opposite him!

Seeing tens of thousands of cavalry rushing towards him like a tsunami, Yuan Shao shouted: "The whole army forms a formation, arrange a Xuanwu formation, and Wugang's chariots are arranged in a formation of chariots on the periphery of the army!"

Yuan Shao is the commander of the army on the left wing. The 5 Han troops must obey Yuan Shao's orders. The Han army began to assemble in a square formation of 5000 people. The outer layers of these troops are all WISCO chariots, chariots, spearmen, and halberd soldiers. Put the giant shield in your hand behind the chariot to form the second line of defense, and stab the spears and halberds at the outermost edge of the army formation. The entire army formation is like a giant hedgehog. At the innermost part of the army formation are [-] bows and arrows. Responsible for long-range strikes, thus forming an offensive and defensive army formation.

This formation was specially designed by Huangfusong this winter to deal with the cavalry of the Rattan Armored Army. An excellent general may not be able to achieve a record of 5000 against [-] like Li Ling.And Yuan Shao can't be called a famous general, but he can't be called a mediocre general either. He can only be said to be a qualified general. The power of these army formations depends on how he exerts his power.

The cavalry of the Tengjia Army continued to accelerate slowly, and the horses were like thunder. The distance between the two sides quickly approached. The distance between the two sides was [-] steps. The Han army had stabilized the formation at this time.

Yuan Shao watched the cavalry of the Tengjia Army getting closer and shouted: "Archers prepare!"

The 5000 hands in the Xuanwu formation are all ready to shoot!

But after the cavalry of the Rattan Armor Army entered the shooting range of 100 arrows!
Yuan Shao shouted, "Shoot!"


A shower of arrows shot out, and 5000 long arrows flew into the sky with a piercing howling sound. The long arrows all over the sky gathered into a huge black cloud, covering the sky and the sun, and roaring down.Then it all fell on Duan Peng and his cavalry.

"Ding ding ding!" But it didn't have much effect. Almost all the long arrows were bounced off. Although Duan Peng's cavalry can only be regarded as second-class cavalry in the rattan armor army, they are still equipped with ceramic armor and ceramic horse armor. The armor's defense is far superior to ordinary leather armor, especially when equipped with horse armor, these cavalry have both the powerful charge ability of heavy cavalry and the powerful mobility of light cavalry!
As long as there are no cavalry on the opposite side, then these ceramic armored cavalry of the Rattan Armored Army are magic weapons for cruelty, which can be said to be a unit with natural power to deal with the appearance of enemy infantry!
The manufacture of ceramic armor is simple, tens of thousands of armor can be fired in one kiln, and hundreds of sets of armor can be produced. Moreover, the price of ceramic armor produced in this way is not only 10 times lower than that of iron armor, but its defense is not as good as that of iron armor, but it is worse than leather armor. The armor is more than 3 times stronger, which can be said to be the most cost-effective armor in the entire Han Dynasty. There is such an armor assembly line in Mayi, and tens of thousands of such armors can be manufactured every month. Ceramic armor has become standard equipment.

These armors cannot be said to be invincible, but they are enough to resist [-]% of Yuan Shao's long arrows. Even if the remaining [-]% breaks the ceramic armor, it is still enough to consume the kinetic energy of the long arrows, so Yuan Shao's arrow rain is terrible. , but it did not cause many casualties to the Rattan Armor Army, except for a few unlucky ones who were shot by long arrows on the horses or fell off the horses through the gaps in the armor!

After crossing the rain of arrows from the Han army, the cavalry of the Tengjia army had already approached the Han army for eighty steps, and the cavalry bows of the Tengjia army could fight back!
I saw Duan Peng and the others took out their riding bows one by one and started to fight back against the Han army formation!The arrows of the Rattan Armored Army were dense and fierce. The cavalry in Duan Peng's hands were basically Xianbei and Karasuma cavalry. They grew up on horseback and were born with superb riding skills. Xu Wei equipped them with three pieces of cavalry After the set, the combat effectiveness is even more improved.

After liberating their hands, the cavalry's riding and shooting immediately increased by 2 levels, and their shooting speed on horseback was not much worse than Yuan Shao's archers standing on the ground. Shoots several rounds of long arrows.

Countless long arrows rushed into the sky, except for a few of them colliding with each other, all of them fell on their respective enemies. These long arrows shot at each other's enemies like a storm!
"Ding ding ding!" Duan Peng and the others have ceramic armor for defense, and Yuan Shao is rich and powerful. The entire army is equipped with iron armor, and they also have WISCO vehicles, chariots and giant shields for defense. They have fewer long arrows, Duan Peng Their long arrows can't be said to have done useless work, but they did not kill Yuan Shao's army too much!

But this is only the good luck of the 1 troops in Yuan Shao's hands. The 4 people in the other four phalanxes did not have such luck. Most of them were equipped with leather armor, and many of them were even equipped with leather armor. Can't get up.

Such soldiers were temporarily recruited by Huangfusong in Youzhou. Huangfusong gave them simple training. Fortunately, the great Han Dynasty has abundant martial arts, and the common people in frontier places like Youzhou have retained the things of the former Han Dynasty. The winter training system, so most of the people here have first mastered military skills, and a little training is a qualified soldier. Huang Fusong distributed a bow and arrow to these people, and then let them become archers.

And now it is these soldiers who are unlucky. Although they stand at the end of the army formation, they basically don't have much defensive equipment, not even a leather armor. Facing the bows and arrows shot by the rattan armor army, they can only use own body to resist.Every time the rattan armor army shoots a burst of long arrows, it will harvest a lot of life.

After the cavalry of the Rattan Armor Army approached these solidly defended tortoise shells, they did not directly use cavalry to break through these well-defended military formations, but let the cavalry continue to shoot around these military formations, with the riding and shooting tactics like the Mongols!
As a result, the archers who did not have much defensive power suffered. The bows and arrows they shot at the Tengjia army could only cause a small amount of casualties to the Tengjia army, but the bows and arrows shot by the Tengjia army could harvest a large number of Han soldiers every time. Some of them were pierced by long arrows and flew upside down, and their life and death were unknown. Some of them were nailed to the ground viciously by long arrows and kept crying, but more people fell to the ground after being shot, and soon these archers Things fell apart.They no longer fought back against the Rattan Army, but one by one found a place they thought was safe, and some people hid behind the body of WISCO.

But the consequences of doing so were even more serious. Without the counterattack of the archers, these defensive formations lost the ability to attack the Tengjia army, which made Duan Peng and the others shoot at the Han army in the formation even more recklessly.

The shields and WISCO vehicles of the Han army can only defend one side, and Duan Peng led the cavalry to circle around these turtle shells, specifically attacking their hard-to-defend side. This time, not only the archers suffered, but even the soldiers holding the shields followed Unfortunately, they became the targets of Duan Peng and the others one by one!

It can be said that the left wing of the Han army suffered heavy casualties under Duan Peng's tactics. Only Yuan Shao's army was barely able to defend, and even counterattacked.

At this time, Gao Lan and other generals immediately passed on their situation to Huangfusong, asking for Huangfusong's support!

After learning about the situation Gao Lan and Yuan Shao were facing, Huangfusong thought for a moment and said, "Let them change their strategy, use WISCO chariots and chariots to divide the cavalry of the Tengjia Army, delay their speed, and engage in hand-to-hand combat with them!"

At the same time, he also said: "Zhang He comes out!"

Zhang He came out and said, "The last general is here!"

Huangfusong said solemnly: "You lead 1 cavalry to support Yuan Shao and the others, and use your soldiers to contain the cavalry of the Tengjia Army! Buy time for Yuan Shao and the others to change formation!"

Zhang He said, "No!"

Then he galloped on his horse and said to his subordinates, "Brothers attack!"

"Kill!" Tens of thousands of cavalry followed Zhang He and rushed to the left-wing battlefield of the Han army!

at the same time
The commander of the right wing of the Han army is Ju Yi. He doesn't like to be beaten passively in the tortoise shell formation, so he created a plum blossom formation.

He scattered the Wugang vehicles and chariots used to defend against the cavalry charge, like plum blossoms falling on the ground, over the entire battlefield, and arranged a battlefield with a length and width exceeding the limit of 3 miles for cavalry. These Wugang vehicles and chariots became After Ju Yi's refusal, he led the 5 Han army headed by Deng Dengying, and divided them into thousands of shares. Basically, they all hid around these chariots in units of teams!
Sun Qingbing didn't care, he didn't think these WISCO vehicles and chariots could withstand his powerful cavalry, he led the cavalry to attack with unprecedented momentum.

After approaching the Han army for 80 steps, a rain of arrows shot at the Han army!

Long arrows rained into WISCO vehicles and chariots!
Ju Yi shouted: "Raise the shield!"

Going to the camp first, holding up their shields and even shouting loudly, they even want to attract the attention of the rattan cavalry!
Sun Qing naturally found these active soldiers, and several rounds of long arrows shot at them.

"Ding ding ding!" But it didn't have much effect. These soldiers who boarded the camp first not only held shields in their hands, but also equipped with iron armor, which can almost be said to be invulnerable!
After a few rounds of long arrows came down, Sun Qing led 3 cavalry into the battlefield prepared by Ju Yi. Facing the WISCO vehicles and chariots that hindered their progress, Sun Qing led the cavalry into the gap between these WISCO vehicles!But these gaps are all narrow and winding roads, which restrict the mobility of the cavalry. Even if Sun Qing's cavalry broke through a few WISCO vehicles and the battlefield, they could not change the trend of the cavalry slowing down.

But when the cavalry of the Tengjia Army came to a standstill, Ju Yi rushed out. He had a shield in one hand and a 20-weight battle ax in the other. When he saw the cavalry of the Tengjia Army, he chopped it with an axe. A soldier of the Tengjia Army was knocked off his horse by him. Down.

Then he used a shield to attack the Iron Armored Warrior on the horse, and then an axe. The heavy weapon in Ju Yi's hand was hard to resist even the iron armor, let alone a soldier wearing ceramic armor. Ju Yi was like a Like the barbarian warriors, there are basically no warriors in the Iron Armored Army around him who can resist his axe!

The same is true for other warriors who boarded the camp first. They did not use heavy weapons such as iron axes, iron hammers, and maces. The ceramic cavalry facing the rattan armored army either chopped off the horse's legs, hit the horse's head, or knocked at the rattan armored army. Facing these armor-piercing weapons that entered the camp first, the ceramic armor of the Rattan Armor Army is not much more effective than leather armor!

Of course, going to the camp first and even the Han army also felt uncomfortable. Even if the cavalry of the Rattan Armored Army slowed down, their combat effectiveness was still not weak. into meat paste.

After a period of panic, the cavalry of the Tengjia Army quickly calmed down. They took up their swords and fought with the Han army. The Han army!

The sharp and strong swords can often split the enemy in front of them in half. Only when facing the first camp, Sun Qing and the others will be weak. This is not only the difference in combat power, but also the difference in equipment. Ju Yi and the others The armor-piercing weapons can kill the soldiers of the Rattan Armored Army, but the swords in the hands of the Rattan Armored Army soldiers can hardly kill the first camp soldiers equipped with iron armor.

Under the leadership of Sun Qing, the soldiers of the Tengjia Army really kept fighting, but the casualties of the cavalry of the Tengjia Army became more and more heavy. Under the command of Ju Yi, the Han army gathered WISCO vehicles in small groups of ten people. And around the chariot, they used WISCO chariots and chariots as mutual cover to delay the cavalry of the Tengjia Army, cooperated with each other to chop off the horse's legs, hit the horse's head, and smash the internal organs of the Tengjia Army soldiers with their battle axes.

On such a narrow battlefield, the cavalry was in a weak position and was attacked by the Han army everywhere. The soldiers of the Tengjia Army felt that they were surrounded by enemies in this large formation, and nowhere was safe.

Ju Yi took the lead in boarding the camp and commanded superior forces to attack and kill. Sun Qing, who was caught off guard, suffered heavy losses.

Only when he realized that he had suffered more casualties than the Han army did he realize that he had been fooled by Ju Yi, and he shouted loudly: "Everyone, go out, don't get entangled with the Han army in such a small place! Go out and talk!"

Sun Qingzhan yelled in a hurry, he waved his spear indiscriminately to push away the surrounding Wugang vehicles and chariots, and at the same time, the surrounding soldiers were also helping him to clear these obstacles, dismantling them with the fastest and easiest way of destruction. These WISCO vehicles and battlefields, clearing roadblocks, want to create passages for cavalry to enter and exit!

The cavalry of the Tengjia Army began to flee from the battlefield like a tide, but Ju Yi let Sun Qing and the others leave so easily, he cut people and shouted: "Don't let the thieves of the Tengjia Army escape! Kill them all!"

Then he slammed down a cavalryman of the Tengjia Army, and then he finished with another axe!

The other soldiers who entered the camp first, the soldiers of the Han army also beat the dog in the water, learned Ju Yi's method, and made up for the cavalry of the Tengjia Army.The soldiers of the Han army marched bravely, and the soldiers of the Rattan Armored Army who did not run out were unlucky. They were either thrown off their horses by the Han army, or their horses were chopped down by the soldiers of the Han army, especially the soldiers who entered the camp first were the most wicked. Whether beheading the horse's head or cutting off the horse's legs, the warriors of the Rattan Armored Army on the horse naturally also fell off the horse.

After a large number of casualties, Sun Qing finally led his cavalry out!Then he looked at the simple horse-repelling formation of the Han army and was frightened for a while, he never dared to rush in again!
(End of this chapter)

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