Chapter 282, food crisis

When Yuan Shao heard Zhang He's words, he immediately understood what he meant, and said in surprise: "You want to leave all these food and grass to the Tengjia Army, this is not seeking skin from a tiger!"

Zhang He smiled wryly and said, "Right now, the Tengjia Army is short of food. The 500 million shi of food is enough to feed 50 people for a year. Judging from the current situation of the Tengjia Army, Lei Gong must be reluctant to let this batch of food be burned. Instead of fleeing back to Jizhou under the pursuit of the Tengjia Army, we might as well use this batch of food as a threat to let the Tengjia Army let us go back to Jizhou!"

If this batch of food can really make the Tengjia army give up chasing and killing them, Yuan Shao is definitely willing to exchange it, but he is still worried: "I'm afraid that Lei Gong will not agree, as long as we wipe out our hundreds of thousands of troops, the whole Jizhou will be the Tengjia army." It's in his pocket, Lei Gong will definitely not lose the big because of small things!"

However, Yuan Shao felt that this was the only way for them to reach Jizhou safely, so Yuan Shao called together officers above the rank of lieutenant and told them Zhang He's thoughts, and then asked, "Would Mr. Lei be willing to make such a deal?" ?”

At this time, Yan Rou said: "It depends on our strength. General Zhang is right. It is already the season of spring plowing. If this war continues, not only the grain production in Youzhou will be reduced, but even the grain in Bingzhou will be reduced." We also need to reduce production. Judging from Lei Gong's past experience, he would not want to see the members of the Fujia Army starve to death, but the premise is that we can resist the attack of the Fujia Army. If we are easily defeated by the Fujia Army Annihilation, Lei Gong will never let go of the opportunity to capture Jizhou!"

Tian Kai shook his head and said: "Even the Great General of Zhenbei is no match for Lei Gong, and our army that has lost its armor and armor is even less of a match for Lei Gong! Don't look at our small number, I'm afraid we will fight with the Tengjia army for 5 days in a row I can't bear it! If Lei Gong wants to stop the food in Jixian County, I will wipe out all of us, so that Lei Gong can get the whole of Youzhou and Jizhou!"

Pan Fengdao: "We don't need to fight against the Tengjia Army. There are many rivers in Zhuojun County. We have hundreds of thousands of people. We are defending every day. Even if a river can hold the Tengjia Army for 1-2 days, we can still fight in Zhuojun County. Holding the Tengjia Army for a month, we can do it, Lei Gong can't do it!"

Yan Rou thought for a while and said, "We can't let the Tengjia Army see our weakness now, and the food in Ji County is the key. If the food is taken by Lei Gong, not only will we not be able to return to Jizhou safely, but even the Tengjia Army will get it. This batch of food can also be used to attack Jizhou, and then we will die without redemption!"

Xu You said coldly: "Thinking to use these grains to contain Lei Gong is just a dream. Even though Lei Gong followed everyone's ideas and wanted to get this batch of grain and let us go back to Jizhou, but Lei Gong got the 500 million shi of grain. The food shortage crisis of the Jia Army will not be resolved. This batch of food is enough for the 20 Rattan Army to fight for a year. When we return to Jizhou, we are not going to fight Lei Gong. There is enough time for the Tengjia Army to capture the entire Jizhou!"

Xu You's words made everyone break out in cold sweat. They were so self-righteous, they never thought about it, what if Lei Gong would continue to attack them after getting the food?
Yuan Shao immediately asked: "Then what should we do? Burn all the grain and leave no grain for Lei Gong?"

It was a pity for all the generals present, the current big man is very short of food, but now they have to burn millions of stones of food!
Xu You thought for a while and said: "The best way is to leave some soldiers to guard the grain, use this grain to negotiate with Lei Gong, so that we can safely exit Youzhou, and then burn all the grain, so that Lei Gong You will not be able to continue attacking Jizhou!"

Everyone looked at Xu You in surprise, with such a poisonous plan, Lei Gong could still let the people behind him go, this is not to kill the remaining soldiers!
Yuan Shao heard Xu You's strategy, but found that this is the best way to change their status quo!But the only trouble is arranging the soldiers and generals who are behind. This task can only be done by dead soldiers. After all, if the 500 million shi grains are burned, it will definitely make Lei Gong furious. The fate of the remaining soldiers and generals can be imagined of!
As long as you are not an idiot, you can't really follow Xu You's plan. Soldiers with a conscience don't burn this batch of food for their own lives. The worst case is that the soldiers who stay behind sell them. In this way, not only Lei Gong will get the food, Even they couldn't escape Lei Gong's pursuit!

Yuan Shao looked at the generals around him, but it was a pity that the army avoided Yuan Shao's gaze, and everyone was unwilling to stay!And Yuan Shao's prestige was not as high as Huangfu Song's, so it would be very difficult for him to let these generals follow suit!
Finally, Xian Yuyin thought for a while and said: "I can bring people to stay, but this batch of food cannot be burned. If it is burned, the lives of those we stay will not be saved, but I also have a way to prevent the Tengjia Army from getting this batch food!"

Yuan Shao asked pleasantly, "What way?"

Yuan Shao knew that Xu You's strategy was too unfeasible and too dangerous. Even if someone really wanted to stay and live with Ji County, Yuan Shao still had to worry about whether the person who said this wanted to betray him!

Xian Yuyin said: "We can use food to keep Lei Gong's army under the city of Ji County for 10 days, and this time is enough for everyone to escape to Jizhou. And we will distribute these grains to the people of Ji County. There are 20 people in Ji County. For more than ten thousand people, the 500 million shi of grain is only more than 20 shi for each person, and it can be divided quickly!"

"Lei Gong is the most famous person. The Rattan Armor Army claims to do justice for the sky, and they use strict military discipline to prevent the Rattan Armor Army from harming the people. They say they don't take the people's stitches! But we only need to disperse these grains in the hands of the people. Judging from his previous actions, it is definitely impossible for him to confiscate it from the people again! In this way, Lei Gong will not have enough food to continue attacking Jizhou!"

Xian Yuyin's family is a powerful family in Youzhou, and it can be regarded as deeply rooted in Youzhou, so Xian Yuyin doesn't want to escape, because even if he can escape, his family cannot escape, and his family has long been connected with the Tengjia Army Yes, because his family is from a barbarian, even in Youzhou they don’t have much land, only some pastures and caravans. The Jia army occupied Youzhou. Although it had a great impact on his family, it would not cause his family to completely decline. He hoped to rely on his relationship with the Tengjia army to stay in Youzhou.

It can even be said that the generals in Youzhou are not limited to Xianyuyin alone. After all, the Tengjia Army attacked Youzhou, and the noble families in Youzhou also contributed their strength, but these families are all powerful Han people, occupying a lot of land , although they were doing business with the Tengjia Army, they didn't want the Tengjia Army to divide their family's land, so these generals didn't want to stay like Xian Yuyin, but wanted to stay on the side of the big man. See See if there is any hope of defeating the Rattan Army!

Xu You asked: "What if Lei Gong really confiscated these grains and used them to attack us? This is an opportunity to annihilate our hundreds of thousands of troops, and let Lei Gong occupy the rich Jizhou. Lei Gong may not be flexible!"

Xu You obviously couldn't trust Xianyu Yin, a powerful Youzhou man, and was worried that he would sell everyone when he turned around!

Xian Yuyin also knew Xu You's worries, so he had no choice but to say: "Actually, we don't want Lei Gong to occupy Youzhou even more than you do. If the big man is really likely to attack again, the whole Youzhou will definitely win. I hope that my family's fields will be divided!"

Only then did Xu You nod his head, as he recognized Xian Yuyin's words!

Yan Rou smiled wryly and said: "I really hope that Lei Gong will be flexible. If he really can be flexible, the Tengjia Army will not be so scary. You don't know, because the Tengjia Army that has rescued millions of refugees lacks food, Lei Gong thought of a solution Instead of reducing the recruitment of refugees, the people of the entire Bingzhou were asked to hand in their food, and the people of the Tengjia Army really handed in.

Lei Gong set a quota for everyone's food consumption, and he himself set an example by setting himself at the lowest level. After being hungry for more than two years, the entire Fuji armor army did not disobey the food quota system, so Fuji Even though the Jia army was short of food, there was no starvation to death!Such a scene of people uniting as one is too terrible for the court! "

"If Lei Gong really robbed the people of food in Youzhou, it would be a good thing for the court. From then on, the people of the Tengjia Army will not trust Lei Gong as much as they do now, and it will be difficult for them to be united as one!"

Xian Yuyin said firmly: "For Lei Gong, he would rather lose the 500 million shi grains than lose the hearts of the people, so it is impossible for Lei Gong to confiscate these grains!"

Xu You said: "I'm not afraid of [-], just in case. The harm of Lei Gong's loss of credit will not be revealed until a long time later, but we may lose our lives!"

Xian Yuyin said: "Even if there is an emergency, we have distributed all the food to the people. If Lei Gong wants to collect the food, it will not be able to collect it in a short time. With such a long time, I am afraid that Jizhou will have already done it. It is much better to be prepared to deal with Lei Gong than to be wiped out by the Rattan Armor Army at any time like we are now!"

After thinking for a long time, Yuan Shao said, "How many troops do you need to garrison Ji County?"

Xian Yuyin thought for a while and said, "Ten thousand is enough. I will find a way to hold Lei Gong for ten days. After ten days, I will surrender to Lei Gong. I hope the general will arrive in Jizhou as soon as possible!"

Yuan Shao cupped his hands and saluted, "I will entrust the general with my safety!"

The other generals also saluted and said: "Thank you General Xianyu for helping me wait for the end, and we will definitely repay each other in the future!"

Yan Rou thought for a while and said, "I'll stay and help General Xianyu!"

Although Yan Rou is a school lieutenant, his background is very humble. He was captured by Xianbei since he was a child and became their slave. Later, he tried his best to escape from the Xianbei tribe and return to the great Han.Because he was familiar with Xianbei people, he was appreciated by Liu Yu and became the captain of Youzhou. Among the cannon fodder, Yan Rou felt that it would be better to take this opportunity to stay in Youzhou than to be angry with the nobles of the big Han family!

Yuan Shao thought for a while and said, "Since Xiaowei Yan wants to come and stay, he will assist General Xianyu to defend Ji County!"

After they negotiated, Yuan Shao continued to lead the soldiers to retreat towards Zhuojun!

However, Xian Yuyin asked the soldiers to throw a whole 1000 shi of grain from under the city of Ji County!

Seeing this scene, Sun Qing felt baffled!
Xian Yuyin stood on the city wall and called out to Sun Qing: "Please ask Commander Qu from the Tengjia Army to go up and talk to him!"

Sun Qing went up and said: "Xian Yuyin, you are at the end of the road, if you want to survive, surrender is your only way out!"

Xian Yuyin smiled and said: "Ji County is where the army's granary is located. There are nearly several million stones of grain in Ji County. I want to use this grain to make a deal with Lei Gong Qushuai. You stay in Ji County for 10 days so that our army can return When we arrive in Jizhou, as long as Lei Gong Qu Shuai agrees, Xian Yu Yin is willing to offer these grains with both hands!"

Sun Qing was extremely excited when he heard the several million stones of grain, just as Yuan Shao and the others expected, the current Tengjia Army is extremely short of food, Zhang Baiqi has been urging Xu Wei to end the war, because the Tengjia Army's granary really can't carry it Now, the food in the hands of the Tengjia army is only enough for the Tengjia army to eat for 3 months, and it can barely survive until the summer harvest, but because the struvite is cut off, Zhang Baiqi is not sure how much winter wheat will be produced this year?
If it falls to one stone per mu before the struvite is applied, then even if the members of the Tengjia Army will not starve to death this year, they will not be able to survive next year. If there is another natural disaster, hundreds of thousands of people in Bingzhou will starve to death , but potentially millions of people will starve to death.

Now Zhang Baiqi is having nightmares every day, dreaming that there is a natural disaster in Bingzhou, and the entire Tengjia army has become disaster victims, eating up everything in Bingzhou.

For Zhang Baiqi, the most important thing now is not to fight the Han army, but to get through the Sanggan River as soon as possible, and import struvite from Youzhou overseas to solve the food crisis!Nothing else matters!
Zhang Baiqi's sense of crisis has been transmitted to the generals on the front line, and all Sun Qing also know the food crisis of the Tengjia Army now, and now there are really several million stones of food, which can solve the big problem of the Tengjia Army !
Sun Qing stopped smiling and said: "You are at the end of the road, surrender is your only way out, but for the sake of the millions of stones you left behind, I can plead with Qu Shuai to exempt you from punishment. Let you live in Youzhou as a normal person, so that you don't have to leave your hometown!"

But Xian Yuyin shook his head and said: "The conditions given by Shuai Qu are too poor. I never thought that the food in our hands would be so worthless! Then what's the use of keeping it, we might as well burn it!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the soldiers on the city wall kept throwing torches on the pile of grain, and soon the thousands of stones of grain ignited a raging fire, and the whole air was filled with the smell of this grain, making the soldiers of the rattan armor army swallow , and then looked distressed at the burned food!

(End of this chapter)

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