Chapter 29, Argument

Chu Feiyan thought for a while and said: "Fighting with the cavalry on the plain is asking for death, but we have to bring the Youzhou army to Jizhou. , and we are familiar with the geography of Jizhou, occupying a favorable location, we can find suitable battlefields and cavalry decisive battles, as long as the cavalry in Youzhou is eliminated, occupying Youzhou will be a piece of cake!"

Zhang Niujiao pondered: "How to get the border troops from Youzhou to come to Jizhou?"

Zhang Niujiao never doubted the strength of the Youzhou frontier army, and the Yellow Turban Uprising was overwhelming.However, when the Yellow Turban Army entered Youzhou, it was quickly wiped out by the Youzhou Army. It can be said that it was the fastest destroyed among the Yellow Turban Army.

Chu Feiyan said: "It's simple, as long as we occupy all of Jizhou, the Luoyang court must be anxious. They will send the frontier troops from Youzhou to Jizhou! As long as we mainly occupy the frontier troops from Bingzhou."

After discussing the countermeasures, Zhang Niujiao and the others made a plan to defend on three sides and mainly encircle and suppress the Youzhou Army.

Zhang Niujiao dispatched four commanders, Huanglong, Baibo, Zuoxiao, and Guo Daxian, each of whom brought 2 Yellow Turbans to attack the remaining four unoccupied counties in Jizhou.

However, the main force of the Jizhou army was wiped out, and the remaining four counties did not have many troops at all, and they did not have the strength to resist the Yellow Turban Army, so they were easily occupied by the Yellow Turban Army.

Then Huanglong and others began to recruit refugees, incorporated them into their own army, and began to besiege Wubao in the four counties. They wanted to eradicate all these Wubao.

The Yellow Turban Army killed Jizhou Mu Guodian, and the news of the annihilation of Jizhou County spread to Luoyang City, and Emperor Ling finally became anxious.

He immediately summoned all civil and military officials and asked: "My dear friends, the Yellow Turban Army has grown bigger, and the entire Jizhou Capital Army has been defeated by the Yellow Turban Bandits. How to deal with this matter?"

Situ Cui Lie said anxiously: "Your Majesty, we must send reinforcements immediately, or the whole Jizhou will be over!"

Cui Lie couldn't help being anxious, his family was in Qinghe County, Jizhou, and now the Yellow Turban Army had passed towards his hometown. Judging from the realization of this group of Yellow Turban Army, his family's wealth accumulated for hundreds of years could not be kept.Even his family was in danger, how could he not be in a hurry, wishing he could lead tens of thousands of troops to Qinghe County right now.

General He Jun looked at the battle report and shook his head helplessly and said: "It's over. Now the whole Jizhou has no troops except for the thousands of county soldiers who fled to Youzhou. No one thought that the combat effectiveness of the Yellow Turban Army would increase so much this time." , 5 county soldiers can't suppress it, and the main force of the imperial court is in Liangzhou, so it's too late to support it."

Cui Lie said: "Jizhou is the food and grass of the imperial court, and it is a big state with millions of households. If the Yellow Turban Army really occupies Jizhou, when they recruit enough refugees, the Central Plains will be lost. At that time, it will be another Zhangzhou. The horns are in chaos."

What Cui Lie said was so serious that even Emperor Ling was frightened. During the Yellow Turban Uprising last year, he really thought that his throne would be lost, so he agreed to He Jin as the general and released the imprisoned party members. But now it seems that Zhang Niujiao's ability is no longer inferior to that of Zhang Jiao back then, so Emperor Ling is not afraid.

He said anxiously: "Where the imperial court still has troops, they must be dispatched to Jizhou immediately to wipe out Zhang Niujiao's band of yellow scarf thieves!"

Doctor Guanglu Zhu Jun said: "The frontier troops in Youzhou and Bingzhou are powerful. As long as there is a good general, it is enough to deal with this group of Yellow Turbans."

Hearing this, Emperor Ling was overjoyed and said: "Okay, let's issue an order immediately to ask Youzhou Border County to send 3 cavalry, and Bingzhou Border Army to also send 3 cavalry to encircle and suppress the Yellow Turban Bandits together!"

The Emperor Ling was still worried about whether the 6 cavalry could wipe out the million Yellow Turbans and said: "There are millions of Yellow Turbans. Can these [-] cavalry defeat the Yellow Turbans?"

Zhu Jun coughed twice and said: "Your Majesty, although the Yellow Turban Army said that there are millions, it is only an exaggeration. It is an overestimation that there are 30 young and strong among the million Yellow Turban thieves. The rest are just old and weak. Women and children have no fighting power at all."

Seeing Zhu Junxi, Emperor Ling said: "Aiqing has fought against the Yellow Turban Army and knows the inside story. Can you tell me that these 6 cavalry can't help defeating the Yellow Turban Bandits?"

Zhu Jun affirmed: "Yes!"

"It's just that I'm not sure if Youzhou and Bingzhou can take out the 6 cavalry. The imperial court has recruited a lot of frontier troops from Bingzhou and Youzhou to deal with the rebels in Xiliang last year! There are some frontier troops in Youzhou and Bingzhou. Rare is not as good as Liangzhou."

Emperor Ling was annoyed: "Why don't you recruit some soldiers? The imperial court has been rebelling all these years. Are these county guards stupid? They don't know how to recruit more soldiers. They always have no troops at critical moments. What's wrong with this big man? There are hundreds of thousands of rebels at every turn, but I can't recruit tens of thousands of soldiers! Is this world still owned by the imperial court?"

It's hard for Emperor Ling not to be annoyed. Known as the Lord of the World, it is extremely difficult to build an army of 10 people with hundreds of millions of Li people, but these rebels can easily be hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

Da Sinonong Wang Han hesitated to speak. After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't hold back. He cupped his hands and played: "Your Majesty, it's all because the states and counties are short of money. An ordinary county soldier's monthly salary is three hugu, and the money is three cents. One hundred, [-] soldiers are three million dollars, and one year is thirty-six million dollars. In addition to the rations, clothing, salt, and weapons of the ten thousand soldiers, an army of ten thousand soldiers will cost about Fifty million yuan. For a medium-sized county with a household of [-] yuan and a population of more than [-] yuan, the annual tax payment should be no more than hundreds of millions of yuan. It is very good if it can support [-] soldiers. In recent years, wars have been fought everywhere. The states and counties that don’t fight pay more taxes, so all the states and counties are short of money to support soldiers.”

"Your Majesty, let me take Youzhou as an example. Because of poverty, Youzhou can barely make ends meet by raising only 3 frontier troops. It is still relying on the imperial court to fill Youzhou with taxes from Hebei and Qingzhou. Now the entire Jizhou is covered by the Yellow Turban The thieves have taken over, the frontier army in Youzhou has no food, and the treasury is empty. Your Majesty, whether you like it or not, how many soldiers will be recruited to Jizhou this time, the court will not be able to pay. If your majesty does not replenish the treasury, it will not I want to crusade against the Yellow Turban Thieves."

Emperor Ling also knew that the situation was critical now, so he said helplessly: "Okay, I will transfer 10 billion yuan!"

Da Sinonong Wang Han said with a smile: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Emperor Ling said helplessly: "Each of them is useless, I can only rely on my strength."

The officials saw the angry Emperor Ling slanderingly, if Emperor Ling hadn't taken the money from the treasury into his own small treasury, how could the treasury of the imperial court be empty, and how could it be impossible to support soldiers!

Cui Lie immediately said: "Your Majesty, Bingzhou can recruit soldiers from the Huns, and Youzhou can also recruit soldiers from Karasuma. Sixty thousand troops can be obtained!"

Yilang Fu Bian said angrily: "Your Majesty, Situ Cui Lie has set up a plan to make trouble, please kill Situ to reassure the people!"

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(End of this chapter)

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