I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 292, Cement Fishing Boat

Chapter 292, Cement Fishing Boat

In May of the second year of Chuping (191)!

It has been more than two months since the Tengjia Army captured Youzhou. The whole of Youzhou except the four counties in Liaodong was conquered by Xu Wei, and even Xu Wei in the four counties of Liaodong was trying to eat away. Huanglong kept using The method of beating local tyrants to divide the land is now expanding the four counties of Liaodong a little bit!Without the support of the big Han, the Han army in the four counties of Liaodong is a tree without roots, and they can't last long!
After Zhang Baiqi repelled Dong Zhuo's attack, he led thousands of experienced officials of the Tengjia Army to take over the entire Youzhou and take over the government affairs of the entire Youzhou, but even so, the entire Tengjia Army was still short of people everywhere!

In order to solve the problem of officials, Xu Wei established a government affairs school in Jixian County. At the same time, Xu Wei concentrated all the more than 5000 wounded soldiers who fought against the Han army in Jixian County. Chiefs, township chiefs, these grassroots officials.

For the members of the Tengjia Army, Xu Wei has always insisted on letting them read and write. Especially in the army, if you want to be promoted, in addition to making military exploits, reading and writing is also one of the conditions. Therefore, compared with ordinary members, soldiers in the army The enthusiasm for learning is higher, most of them can write 300 commonly used characters, know about 3000 commonly used characters, and barely break away from the level of illiteracy!So they are one of the best backup candidates to become officials.

In order to speed up the training of them, Xu Wei called together experienced officials, through their own experience, collected the problems that the villages would encounter, the solutions to these problems, wrote all their experiences into lesson plans, and then taught them to these veterans Let them know what problems will happen at the grassroots level, and how to deal with these problems after they happen!

Xu Wei has always felt that to become an official, one must learn how to collect taxes, reconcile the contradictions of the people, and lead the people to labor and production. Reading the Six Classics of Confucianism is useful!It's better to let them become the most basic village chiefs and learn experience on the job!
This group of village chiefs started to work after a month of simple training. Five thousand veterans spread all over the countryside of Youzhou. root!Although they are still very naive to manage the villages in Youzhou, sooner or later there will be elites belonging to the Tengjia Army who will stand out from them and become the pillars of the Tengjia Army. This is why Xu Wei does not recruit any famous officials. Instead of recruiting celebrities who are half-hearted, it is better to cultivate your own confidantes!

In the past two months in Youzhou, the government affairs school was not the most important thing for Xu Wei. After Xu Wei built the shelf of the government affairs school, he handed over everything in Ji County to Zhang Baiqi!
But he himself came to Quanzhou County under Guangyang County!
right!The current Quanzhou is not in the south, but in the north of the Han Dynasty, and the area of ​​Tianjin in later generations. According to Xu Wei's own guess, most of Tianjin in later generations is still in the sea!

The first time I heard this name, Xu Wei was surprised. How did Quanzhou come to the north? After listening to someone explain it, I learned that there are a lot of swampy areas around Quanzhou County, and springs are everywhere, so it is called It is called Quanzhou County!

Because there are many swamps, and it is also located by the sea, there are many saline-alkali lands, and there is not much arable land, so the people in the county are only a few thousand households, and the population is about 1 to 2. Desolate and barren small county town!Of course, for Youzhou, this is already a relatively large county.

The reason why Quanzhou has such a scale is that it is the estuary of the Sanggan River. It can be said that the transport ships for digging struvite in the whole Youzhou have to pass through this river, and the specialty of struvite has not yet appeared. At that time, there were not even thousands of households in Quanzhou. It was precisely because a large number of ships transporting struvite passed through Quanzhou that the population of Quanzhou more than doubled in recent years!
But Xu Wei knew that the potential of Quanzhou County has not been fully tapped by just a single struvite. The Yishui River and the Yishui River all flow to the sea through here. The rich river water brings a lot of organic matter and attracts a lot of plankton.

Xu Wei knows that when a big river enters the sea, after mixing with seawater near the estuary, the organic matter from the river becomes bait for a large number of fish, attracting fish to gather near the estuary where the bait is abundant, so that a fishing ground can be formed. Zhoushan Fishing Ground is not It is formed because of the nutrients brought by the Yangtze River!The unlimited food and grass that Xu Wei wants depends on the fishery resources off the coast of Quanzhou!
When Xu Wei inspected Quanzhou, he took a boat to the sea outside Quanzhou and saw a large number of fish swimming above Tianjin!

When Xu Wei saw these schools of fish, he seemed to see the pattern of wheat representing grain and grass on his own land constantly soaring, and soon his number of grain and grass rose to infinity!The famine of the Rattan Armor Army finally has a way to alleviate it!

As long as there is no overfishing, this fishing ground is an inexhaustible granary.Xu Wei is not greedy. This year is the first year. He is satisfied with catching 30 tons of sea fish. As long as these sea fish are transported back to the territory of the Tengjia Army, the troops of the Tengjia Army can benefit infinitely. Ten thousand tons of sea fish is equivalent to [-] shi, according to the fact that one catty of fish meat is equivalent to three catties of grain, which is equivalent to an extra million shi of grain.

With this calculation, Xu Wei found that [-] tons is far from meeting the food demand of the Tengjia Army!
No, the shipyard needs to be built, and the fishing boats also need to build large-scale fishing boats. They use trawling nets to catch fish to increase production, and they also need to build ocean-going fishing boats. It seems that there are whales in the north. This thing can be enough to feed tens of thousands of people. Yes, only 300 million shi of sea fish can be caught a year to meet the needs of the Fujiko army!
So Xu Wei established a small town called Tianjin on the coast of Quanzhou. At the same time, he continued to invite the Fujika Army to start building an industrial zone here. At first, a cement factory was built here, and then a shipyard, a carpenter workshop, and even a A small steel factory, a textile factory, and even for fishing, Xu Wei also built a fishing net factory, which specially designed the trawl net of Xu Wei's previous life for fishing!Ordinary fishing nets can't meet Xu Wei's needs!
At the same time, in order to solve the problem of sea fish corruption, Xu Wei also built a 100-acre large sun-dried salt field in Quanzhou with cement. The sea salt produced here is not only supplied to the Tengjia Army, but the rest is used to pickle sea fish. The dried salted fish can be eaten Ninjutsu can also eat salt. In the eyes of ordinary people in the big man, this is the best food!It can be said that the small town of Tianjin is built according to the fishery industry chain!
In this way, under Xu Wei's continuous construction, after the Tengjia Army came to Quanzhou, in just two months, a brand new urban industrial town has stood on the coast, and the population of this industrial town has exceeded that of Quanzhou County. , there are more than 2 workers in the town!
At the same time as the town was being built, Xu Wei had already started fishing with small fishing boats. When these fishing boats came to the top of the fishing ground and cast the fishing nets, basically dozens of big fish with arm length were caught. The big fish weighed about tens of catties, and the few small fishing boats in Xu Wei's hands could harvest at least hundreds of sea fish in one day.
Are the fish in this sea all fools?How easy it is to be captured!

This kind of harvest also made the people of the Fujika Army overjoyed. Because of this war, the entire Fujiko Army's people were pale and emaciated. Now they finally found a place that is not bad for food. A few small fishing boats have such a big harvest , if they come with large fishing boats, or even pull Fan Xian and his transport boats to Quanzhou to fish, will their harvest be even more?

It's a pity that Fan Xian's task is not light. They not only want to exile the family members of the big man's ransacked family to the island with guano stones, but also transport the guo stones back to Mayi, and pass them through Mayi. The struvite spread to the entire territory of the Rattan Army. After all, the struvite has been cut off on the territory of the Rattan Army for more than half a year. The entire Rattan Army’s territory lacks guano stones everywhere, so they don’t have much transportation capacity. Come and help Xu Wei catch fish!

If Xu Wei wants to fish, he can only rely on his newly built shipyard to build it!

And Xu Wei approached Wang Bo, the manager of the shipyard, and asked: "How long will it take to build a large fishing boat of more than 3000 shi, I will use it urgently!"

Wang Bo was dumbfounded and said: "Shuai Qu, are you kidding me? We have never built large ships over 3000 shi, and our shipyard in Mayi can only build transport ships with a few hundred shi. It has just been established, it is not as good as Mayi Shipyard, and it is very good to be able to build some small fishing boats with a hundred stones!"

I really can’t blame Wang Bo for this. After all, the Sanggan River is not the Yangtze River, not even the Yellow River. It is difficult to move a transport ship with a weight of more than a thousand stones. The entire Sanggan River is basically a transport ship with a few hundred stones. Wei asked for 3000 shi, Wang Bo really couldn't do it! "

Thinking about it, Xu Wei felt that Wang Bo was embarrassed, but the small Baishi fishing boat was too small!So he said, "Just build the largest fishing boat you can. I want 100. How long will it take?"

The quality is not enough Xu Wei can only find a way to increase the quantity!

Wang Bo smiled wryly and said, "At least it will take two or three years. Even a small fishing boat of 1 stones will take 2-5 months, and our shipyard is so big that we can barely manufacture [-] boats at the same time. The time is only available to you, Qu Shuai, to expand the shipyard, if you don’t expand it according to the current scale, it will take several times more time!”

Xu Wei frowned and said, "It took too long!"

Wang Bo smiled wryly and said: "Qu Shuai's large ships are not so easy to manufacture. In the past, it took three years to dry wood. We have a kiln for drying wood in Mayi, which solved the problem of wood. Otherwise, we would not be able to manufacture a 3000 shi ship without ten years of experience!"

Xu Wei was speechless now, I was ready for everything, but you told me that I have no experience in building a large fishing boat, and it will take 10 years to accumulate experience.What's the use of your infinite granary here at this time!

Xu Wei returned disappointed, but he quickly thought of the cement boats he saw in the countryside when he was a child. The quality of the cement made by Tengjiajun is good. He can use cement to make boats, and it doesn't matter how big he wants to make them!

Thinking of this, Xu Wei excitedly found Zhang Yi, the steward of the cement plant, and Wu Shao, the steward of the steel plant, and said to them, "Our Tengjia Army needs food!"

Then he pointed to the fishing ground not far from Tianjin and said: "And those grains are not far from us, waiting for us to catch them. If we catch 100 shi, we can get 300 shi of grain; Get 1000 shi of grain, and if you can catch 3000 shi, you can get 1 shi of grain, it depends on how many fishing boats we have, the sooner we catch these sea fish, the sooner we can save the people of our Rattan Armor Army from starvation!"

Zhang Yi said strangely: "Shuai Qu, you need to contact Wang Bo for catching sea fish, he is the manager of the shipyard, and we can't get along with shipbuilding!"

Xu Wei said with a smile: "Who said that cement can be used to make houses, why can't it be used to make boats, as long as the cement is made into the shape of a boat and then dried, it's a boat!"

Zhang Yi was surprised: "How could Shuai Qu have such an idea? How could the cement float on the water? Even if it could float on the water, the cement would shatter when hit. Who dares to drive in the water? This is not a suicide attempt." !"

Xu Wei smiled and said: "I can tell you clearly that the cement boat can float on the water, and the cement is fragile. We can use iron wire as the skeleton of the fishing boat, and then irrigate the cement. A fishing boat was built, which is even stronger than a fishing boat made of wood, and the construction time is more than 10 times shorter!"

The advantage of a cement ship is that the cost of the cement ship is low, the materials are easy to obtain, and the construction process is simple. As long as there is a ship model, it can be built. It takes a few days at most to build a cement ship, and you can build as big as you want. It is said that Later generations of powerful countries also thought about using cement to build aircraft carriers. Xu Wei naturally knew that he did not have this ability, but building a cement fishing boat with tens of thousands of stones is not too much!
And because the fishing boat is made of cement, the maintenance cost is low, and there is no need to sew and mend it. If there is a missing piece, it can be covered with cement. You can even smash the cement boat and use the steel bars inside to recast a new cement boat!It can be said that building a cement ship can save both wood and time!

Of course, the disadvantages of cement boats are also very obvious. First, it is heavy, which is 2-3 times heavier than wooden boats. In this way, under the same volume, the transportation volume of cement boats is much smaller, and because it is made of cement, its impact resistance is poor. Can only be used within a certain range!

But in Xu Wei’s opinion, cement boats can explode quickly, which is the advantage he values ​​most. Wooden boats will be used when developing maritime trade in the future. Cement boats can be used in coastal waters and rivers, so that even if they sink, the crew can escape !
Xu Wei is a man of action, and he did what he said. He asked Wu Shao to use iron wire to make a boat model, and then Zhang Yi used clay to make a boat model, and then poured cement. Three days later, the world's first cement boat was successfully manufactured. up!

(End of this chapter)

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